24,394 research outputs found

    The Canadian Role in Operation “Charnwood,” 8 July 1944: A Case Study in Tank/Infantry Doctrine and Practice

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    On the morning of 8 July 1944, soldiers of the 9th Canadian Infantry Brigade (9 CIB) left their startlines near the Norman village of Vieux Cairon heading for Buron and Gruchy; two villages nearly 2,000 yards across open ground to the south. Their advance was part of Operation “Charnwood,” British I Corps’ final assault on Caen. By the end of the day most objectives were secured, and on 9 July Caen north of the Orne River and Canal was captured. General Dempsey, General Officer Commanding (GOC) British 2nd Army expressed his satisfaction, saying that the operations of 8 and 9 July were “well and cleanly carried out.” Troops of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division (3 CID) and the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade (2 CAB) shared in the victory no less than the British divisions that took part. “Charnwood” stands apart from other Canadian operations in Normandy because it was the only operation of its type undertaken by 3 CID and 2 CAB as complete formations. After “Charnwood” II Canadian Corps became operational, and the scale, tempo and expectations of operations altered considerably. The capture of Caen, therefore, affords insights into tactical doctrine that are obscured by later large-scale operations with more ambitious objectives. In particular, in this operation the Canadian armour and infantry defeated the Germans by employing tanks as direct-fire closesupport weapons. In fact, such intimate support had not been a part of Canadian tank/infantry doctrine since the introduction of the Sherman tank in 1943. Instead, since the fall of 1943 armoured units were told specifically to work to the enemy’s flanks and support by fire, not by participating in the close infantry battle. The fighting on 8 July indicates that in this instance at least, Canadian troops won in spite of the prevailing doctrine and not because of it

    Embeddings of Sz(32) in E_8(5)

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    We show that the Suzuki group Sz(32) is a subgroup of E_8(5), and so is its automorphism group. Both are unique up to conjugacy in E_8(F) for any field F of characteristic 5, and the automorphism group Sz(32):5 is maximal in E_8(5)

    Price Relationships between Hard Red Spring and Hard Red Winter Wheats in the United States

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    Price differentials for Hard Red Spring and Hard Red Winter wheat of different protein levels are examined in this study.Demand and Price Analysis, Marketing,

    A Genetic Locus Regulates the Expression of Tissue-Specific mRNAs from Multiple Transcription Units

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    129 GIX- mice, unlike animals of the congeneic partner strain GIX+, do not express significant amounts of the retroviral antigens gp70 and p30. Evidence is presented indicating that the GIX phenotype is specified by a distinct regulatory gene acting on multiple transcription units to control the levels of accumulation of specific mRNA species. The steady-state levels of retroviral-homologous mRNA from the tissues of GIX+ and GIX- mice were examined by blot hybridization using as probes DNA fragments from cloned murine leukemia viruses. RNA potentially encoding viral antigens was reduced or absent in GIX- mice, even though no differences in integrated viral genomes were detected between these congeneic strains by DNA blotting. Tissue-specific patterns of accumulation of these RNA species were detected in brain, epididymis, liver, spleen, and thymus, and several distinct RNA species were found to be coordinately regulated with the GIX phenotype. Measurements of RNA synthesis suggest a major role for transcriptional control in the regulation of some retroviral messages

    Connecting physical resonant amplitudes and lattice QCD

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    We present a determination of the isovector, PP-wave ππ\pi\pi scattering phase shift obtained by extrapolating recent lattice QCD results from the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration using mπ=236m_\pi =236 MeV. The finite volume spectra are described using extensions of L\"uscher's method to determine the infinite volume Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory scattering amplitude. We exploit the pion mass dependence of this effective theory to obtain the scattering amplitude at mπ=140m_\pi= 140 MeV. The scattering phase shift is found to be in good agreement with experiment up to center of mass energies of 1.2 GeV. The analytic continuation of the scattering amplitude to the complex plane yields a ρ\rho-resonance pole at Eρ=[755(2)(1)(0220)−i2 129(3)(1)(17)] MeVE_\rho= \left[755(2)(1)(^{20}_{02})-\frac{i}{2}\,129(3)(1)(^{7}_{1})\right]~{\rm MeV}. The techniques presented illustrate a possible pathway towards connecting lattice QCD observables of few-body, strongly interacting systems to experimentally accessible quantities.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, equivalent to published version, added two appendices and a figur

    The Ambivalent Loyalists

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