8 research outputs found

    What drives foreign direct investment: the role of language, geographical distance, information flows and technological similarity

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    This paper sheds new light on the impact of linguistic and technological similarities between countries on foreign direct investment (FDI), using an extended gravity model. The model includes technological commonality, as measured by the aggregate production of intellectual property, at the country level. An analysis of 71,309 pairs of FDI relationships, from 2000 to 2012, showed that language is positively associated with a high level of FDI. Technological differences do impede the flow of FDI between countries, and information flow is crucial for large flows of FDI. Information flow diminishes the negative impact of distance.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Interactive impact of ethnic distance and cultural familiarity on the perceived effects of free trade agreements

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    Past research on free trade agreements (FTAs) mostly uses an economic perspective to assess their impact on the level of trade and investments between nations. As a result, there is a distinct paucity of research on the perceptions of employees and managers in organizations affected by FTAs, towards the likely outcomes of those FTAs. We address this gap by using the context of recently signed China-Australia free trade agreement (ChAFTA) to develop a multidimensional scale for the perceived advantages and disadvantages of FTAs. Drawing on social identity theory and the similarly-attraction paradigm we also show direct and interactive effects of perceived ethnic distance (between home and partner country) and cultural familiarity (with the FTA partner country) on these perceived outcomes of FTAs. Our findings highlight the need to look beyond the economic perspective and consider a much broader range of perceived outcomes of FTAs

    Towards the development of an agile marketing capability

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    This study aims to explore the key theoretical foundations for the development of an Agile Marketing Capability (AMC) framework, through the performance of an in-depth literature review on IT and dynamic marketing capabilities. Our framework enables us to (1) advance the understanding of how IT and dynamic marketing capabilities evolve into agile marketing capabilities (2) unpack the distinctive and ongoing processes and features through which the Agile Marketing capabilities are accomplished (3) define the key propositions for a new marketing capability: the Agile Marketing Capability. This work may represent a useful framework for managers and decision makers to better understand the competitive advantages which could derive from the employment of agile marketing capabilities in order to improve their skills in challenging the continuous changes in market and customers’ needs

    Estrutura organizacional, capacidade dos serviços e impacto sobre o desempenho de fornecedores logísticos no contexto B2B

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo é verificar quais aspectos associados à estrutura organizacional e à capacidade de prestação de serviços contribuem para o desempenho de fornecedores logísticos no contexto de relações B2B (business to business) com empresas cliente, configuradas em cadeias de suprimentos (CS). Uma amostra, incluindo 80 empresas fornecedoras de serviços logísticos no sul do Brasil, foi obtida através de uma survey num universo de empresas que desenvolvem atividades logísticas de armazenagem, controle de estoque, transporte, entregas programadas, operações portuárias e desembaraço aduaneiro. O questionário utilizado continha escalas múltiplas para representar as variáveis dos constructos relacionados à estrutura organizacional, capacidade dos serviços e desempenho. As respostas refletiram a percepção que os fornecedores de serviços logísticos tinham de suas atividades em relação ao seu principal cliente na cadeia de suprimentos. Utilizando análise estatística multivariada baseada em modelagem de equações estruturais, LV-PLS (Latent Variable – Partial Least Squares) com procedimento bootstrapping, verificou-se que o único atributo que provoca impacto sobre a obtenção de melhor desempenho do fornecedor de serviço logístico é a sua capacidade de cumprir técnica e operacionalmente o serviço contratado pelo cliente. A capacidade de fornecer serviços logísticos recebe influência positiva e significante tanto de uma estrutura organizacional dotada de autonomia quanto de formalização

    Sustainability countenance in brand equity: a critical review and future research directions

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