16 research outputs found

    Room-temperature Polymerisation Of Ethylene On A Tio2 (anatase) Surface; Infrared Spectroscopic Evidence For An Alkylidene-ti4+ Polymer End-group And For A 'hydrogen-bonding' Type Of Interaction Of Ch Bonds Of The Polymer Chain With The Oxide Surface

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    An infrared spectroscopic study of the spontaneous polymerisation of ethylene on a sulphate-containing TiO2 (anatase) sample shows evidence for an alkylidene surface end-group of the polymer and for substantial perturbation of CH2 groups of the polymer chain by interaction with the oxide surface.2112581259DARPA; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency; NSF; Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenc

    Antimony(v) Oxide Grafted Onto A Silica Gel Surface: Acidic Properties And Thermal Stability

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    Antimony(v) oxide grafted onto a silica gel surface was obtained in highly dispersed form, with antimony density of 0.65 atoms nm-2. The material presents Brønsted and Lewis acid properties different from pyrochlore, Sb2O5. These sites disappear upon thermal treatment at 500°C owing to reaction of antimony oxide with the silica surface.88213193319

    Incorporation Of Oxygen In Crystalline Zeolitic Chromosilicates: Optical Identification Of Chromium(vi) By Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

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    Incorporation of oxygen to crystalline zeolitic chromosilicates, with oxidation of anchored CrIII to non-interacting CrVI species, has been confirmed by photoacoustic spectroscopy; the dichromate anion being extracted from the chromosilicate with water and identified by precipitation of AgCrO4 and oxidation to CrO5.1492292

    An Infrared Spectroscopy Study Of Metal-support Interaction On Pt/tio 2. The Influence Of Hydrogen Adsorption [estudo Por Espectroscopia No Infravermelho Da Interação Metal-suporte Em Pt/tio 2. A Influência Da Adsorção De Hidrogênio]

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    The influence of the presence of hydrogen on Pt/TiO 2 catalysts submitted to reduction treatment has been studied by FT-IR at room temperature. After submitting to LTR treatment, the hydrogen spillover has been detected and the presence of hydrogen at the bulk is shown to produce a strong absorption in the infrared spectral region. After HTR treatment, the hydrogen is strongly chemissorbed.225674676Tauster, S.J., Fung, S.C., Garten, R.L., (1978) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100, p. 170Vannice, M.A., Wang, S., Moon, S.H., (1981) J. Catal., 71, p. 152Bonneviot, L., Haller, G.L., (1991) J. Catal., 130, p. 359Krishna, K.R., Bell, A.T., (1997) J. Catal., 130, p. 597Ebitani, K., Salama, T.M., Hattori, H., (1992) J. Catal., 134, p. 751Vaarkamp, M., Miller, J.T., Modica, F.S., Koningsberger, D.C., (1996) J. Catal., 163, p. 294Van De Loosdrecht, J., Van Der Kraan, A.M., Van Dillen, A.J., Geus, J.W., (1997) J. Catal., 170, p. 217Vannice, M.A., Twu, C.C., (1983) J. Catal., 82, p. 213Waghray, A., Wang, J., Oukaci, R., Blackmond, D.G., (1992) J. Phys.Chem., 96, p. 5954Englisch, M., Jentys, A., Lercher, J.A., (1997) J. Catal., 166, p. 25Blackmond, D.G., Ko, I., (1985) J. Catal., 94, p. 343Tauster, S.J., (1987) Acc. Chem. Res., 20, p. 389Baydal, J.P.S., Lambert, R.M., Harrison, K., Riley, C.C.A., Frost, J.C., (1991) J. Catal., 129, p. 486Benneviot, L., Haller, L., (1988) J. Catal., 113, p. 96Binet, C., Jadi, A., Lavalley, J.C., Kiziling, M.B., (1992) J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans., 88, p. 2079Haller, G.L., Resasco, D.E., (1989) Advances in Catalysis, p. 173. , D. D. Eley, H. Pires and P. B. Weisz, Eds., Metal-Support Interaction: Group VIII Metals and Reducible Oxides, Academic Press, San DiegoChen, K., Fan, Y., Yan, Q., (1997) J. Catal., 167, p. 573Yoshitake, H., Iwasawa, Y., (1992) J. Phys. Chem., 96, p. 1329Belton, D.N., White, J.M., (1984) J. Phys. Chem., 88, p. 1690Spencer, M.S., (1985) J. Catal., 93, p. 216Santos, J., Phillips, J., Dumesic, J.A., (1983) J. Catal., 81, p. 147Resasco, D.E., Haller, G.L., (1983) J. Catal., 82, p. 279Clewley, J.D., Lynch, J.F., Flanagan, T.B., (1975) J. Catal., 36, p. 291Vannice, M.A., Odier, P., Bujor, M., Fripiat, F.F., Catalyst Characterization Science: Surface and Solid State Chemistry (1985) ACS Symposium Series 288, p. 98. , (Deviney and Gland, Eds) Titanium Dioxide Single-Crystal and Power Surface in the Presence and Absence of Platinum. Washington, D.CElipe, A.R.G., Fernandez, A., Espinos, J.P., Munuera, G., (1991) J. Catal., 132, p. 51Boccuzi, F., Morterra, C., Scala, R., Zecchina, A., (1981) J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. II, 77, p. 2059Ioannides, T., Verykios, X.E., (1996) J. Catal., 167, p. 560Tauster, S.J., Fung, S.C., Baker, T.K., Horsley, J.A., (1981) Science, 211, p. 112

    Introduction To The Specular Reflection And Reflection-absorption Techniques In The Infrared: (1) Reflection-absorption [às Técnicas De Reflexão Especular E De Reflexão-absorção No Infravermelho: (2) Reflexão-absorção]

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    This paper is the second part of an article aimed to present theoretical basis as well as some applications of two infrared reflection techniques: specular reflection and reflection-absorption. It is emphasyzcd how much spectral simulation can aid spectral analysis. The usefulness of reflection-absorption spectroscopy as a thin film caracterization technique is stressed. Optical effects such as LO-TO splittings and their observation as Berreman effect are also addressed.24199104Trasferetti, B.C., Davanzo, C.U., (2001) Quim. Nova, 24, p. 99Swalen, J.D., Allara, D.L., Andrade, J.D., Chandross, E.A., Garoff, S., Israelachvilli, J., McCarthy, T.J., Yu, H., (1987) Langmuir, 3, p. 932Parikh, A.N., Allara, D.L., (1992) J. Chem. Phys., 96, p. 927Golden, W.G., (1985) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, 4, p. 315. , Ferraro, J. R., Ed.Academic PressSwalen, J.D., Rabolt, J.F., (1985) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, 4, p. 283. , Ferraro, J. R., Ed.Academic PressGrosse, P., (1991) Mikrochim. Acta, 11, p. 309Yamamoto, K., Ishida, H., (1997) Vib. Spectrosc., 15, p. 27Yamamoto, K., Ishida, H., (1994) Vib. Spectrosc., 8, p. 1Wendlandt, W.W., Hecht, H.G., (1966) Reflectance Spectroscopy, , Interscience Publishers, New York, cap. 1Born, M., Wolf, E., (1980) Principles of Optics, Sixth (Corrected) Edition, , Cambridge University Press, CambridgeHuang, K., (1951) Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 208, p. 352Durman, R., Fauvre, P., Jayasooriya, U.A., Kettle, F.A., (1987) J. Cryst. and Spectrosc. Research, 17, p. 431Harbecke, B., Heinz, B., Grosse, P., (1985) Appl. Phys. A, 38, p. 263Berreman, D.W., (1963) Phys. Rev., 132, p. 2193Smith, D.Y., Shiles, E., Inokuti, M., (1985) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, p. 369. , Palik, E. D., Ed.Academic Press, Inc.OrlandoAllara, D.L., Swalen, J.D., (1982) J. Phys. Chem., 86, p. 2700Allara, D.L., Swalen, J.D., (1985) Langmuir, 1, p. 52Nuzzo, R.G., Dubois, L.H., Allara, D.L., (1990) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 112, p. 558Touwslager, F.J., Sondag, H.M., (1994) Langmuir, 10, p. 1028Tao, Y.-T., Lin, W.-L., Hietpas, G.D., Allara, D.L., (1997) J. Phys. Chem. B, 101, p. 9732Chollet, P.-A., Messier, J., Rosilio, C., (1976) J. Chem. Phys., 64, p. 1042Rabolt, J.F., Burns, F.C., Schlotter, N.E., Swalen, J.D., (1983) J. Chem. Phys., 78, p. 946Ishino, Y., Ishida, H., (1988) Langmuir, 4, p. 1341Chesters, M.A., Cook, M.J., Gallivan, S.L., Simmons, J.M., Slater, D.A., (1992) Thin Solid Films, 210, p. 538Poynter, R.H., Cook, M.J., Chesters, M.A., Slater, D.A., McMurdo, J., Welford, K., (1994) Thin Solid Films, 243, p. 346Suga, K., Rusling, J.F., (1993) Langmuir, 9, p. 3549Sakata, Y., Domen, K., Onishi, T., (1994) Langmuir, 10, p. 2847Lefez, B., Souchet, R., Kartouni, K., Lenglet, M., (1995) Thin Solid Films, 268, p. 45Guillamet, R., Lenglet, M., Adam, F., (1992) Sol. State. Comm., 81, p. 633Tayeb Anki, M.M., Lefez, B., (1996) Appl. Opt., 35, p. 1399Scherübl, Th., Thomas, L.K., (1997) Appl. Spectrosc., 51, p. 844Scherübl, Th., Thomas, L.K., (1994) Fresenius J. Anal. Chem., 349, p. 216Trasferetti, B.C., Davanzo, C.U., Da Cruz, N.C., De Moraes, M.A.B., (2000) Appl. Spectrosc., 54, p. 687Trasferetti, B.C., Davanzo, C.U., Zoppi, R.A., Dados ainda não publicadosGreenler, R.G., (1966) J. Chem. Phys., 44, p. 310Wong, J.S., Yen, Y.S., (1988) Appl. Spectrosc., 42, p. 598Urai, Y., Ohe, C., Itoh, K., (1998) Langmuir, 14, p. 4559Phillip, H.R., (1979) J. Appl. Phys., 50, p. 1053Porter, M.D., Bright, T.B., Allara, D.L., (1986) Anal. Chem., 58, p. 2461Grosse, P., Harbecke, B., Heinz, B., Meyer, R., (1986) Appl. Phys. A, 39, p. 257Udagawa, A., Matsui, T., Tanaka, S., (1986) Appl. Spectrosc., 40, p. 794Yamamoto, K., Masui, A., (1996) Appl. Spectrosc., 50, p. 759Yen, Y.-S., Wong, J.S., (1989) J. Chem. Phys., 93, p. 720

    Controlled Fluorination Of A-c:f:h Films By Pecvd Of Ethylene-hexafluorobenzene Mixtures

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    Highly fluorinated plasma polymers are chemically inert, acid resistant and have low friction coefficients, thereby being useful in chemical laboratories and for tribological applications. Here we report the plasma polymerization of ethylene-hexafluorobenzene mixtures by PECVD. The principal parameter of interest is the proportion of C6F6 in the feed, RF. Films were analyzed using near-normal and grazing-angle Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (IRRAS), the latter being particularly useful for detecting modes not usually observed at near-normal incidence. The presence of CH and CFx (x = 1 to 2) groups was thus confirmed in films deposited with RF ≥ 40%. Depending on RF, IRRAS also revealed the presence of -CHx (x = 1 to 3) -C{double bond, short}C, -C{double bond, short}O and phenyl rings. Deconvolution of C 1s spectra obtained by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed the presence of CH, CF and CF2 groups in films deposited with RF ≥ 40%. Atomic ratios of F:C calculated from the XPS spectral data show that the degree of fluorination rises with increasing RF. Some unbound fluorine is present in the films. Post-deposition reactions account for the presence of oxygen (~ 5%) in the films. Surface energies, determined from contact angle measurements, fall with increasing RF. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.2035-7526529Durrant, S.F., Mota, R.P., de Moraes, M.A.B., (1992) J. Appl. Phys., 71, p. 448Iriyama, Y., Yasuda, T., Cho, D.L., Yasuda, H., (1990) J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 39, p. 249Jaszewski, R.W., Schift, H., Schnyder, B., Schneuwly, A., Gröning, P., (1999) Appl. Surf. Sci., 143, p. 301Yi, J.W., Lee, Y.H., Farouk, B., (2000) Thin Solid Films, 374, p. 103Maier, G., Haussmann, J., Dietlmeier, M., Banerjee, S., (1999) Macromol. Symp., 142, p. 85Hynes, A.M., Shenton, M.J., Badyal, J.P.S., (1996) Macromolecules, 29, p. 18Sandrin, L., Siverstein, M.S., Sacher, E., (2001) Polymer, 42, p. 3761Jiang, H., Johnson, W.E., Grant, J.T., Eyink, K., Johnson, E.M., Tomlin, D.W., Bunning, T.J., (2003) Chem. Mater., 15, p. 340Yu, G.Q., Tay, B.K., Sun, Z., Pan, L.K., (2003) Appl. Surf. Sci., 219, p. 228Durrant, S.F., Baranuskas, V., Peterlevitz, A.C., Castro, S.G., Landers, R., de Moraes, M.A.B., (2001) Diamond Relat. Mater., 10, p. 490Korotkov, R.Y., Goff, T., Ricou, P., (2007) Surf. Coat. Technol., 201, p. 7207Clark, D.T., Shuttleworth, D.J., (1980) J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 18, p. 27Clark, D.T., Abrahman, M.Z., (1982) J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 20, p. 1729Clark, D.T., Abraham, M.Z., (1982) J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 20, p. 1717Durrant, S.F., Mota, R.P., RP, de Moraes, M.A.B., (1992) Thin Solid Films, 220, p. 295D Agostino, R., Cramarossa, F., Caloprico, V., d'Ettole, R., (1983) J. Appl. Phys., 54, p. 1284Tressaud, A., Durand, E., Labrugère, C., Kharitonov, A.P., Kharitonova, L.N., (2007) J. Fluorine Chem., 128, p. 378Rangel, E.C., Durrant, S.F., Rangel, R.C.C., Kayama, M.E., Landers, R., da Cruz, N.C., (2006) Thin Solid Films, 515, p. 1561Durrant, S.F., Rangel, E.C., da Cruz, N.C., Castro, S.G.C., de Moraes, M.A.B., (1996) Surf. Coat. Technol., 86, p. 443Sverdlov, L.M., Kovner, M.A., Krainov, E.P., (1974) Vibrational Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules, , Halsted Press, New YorkVarsanyi, G., (1974) Assignments for Vibrational Spectra of Seven Hundred Benzene Derivatives, 1. , Wiley, New YorkYasuda, H., Bumgarner, M.O., Marsh, H.C., Morosoff, N., (1976) J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 14, p. 195Durrant, S.F., Castro, S.G., Cisneros, J.I., da Cruz, N.C., de Moraes, M.A.B., (1996) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A, Vac. Surf. Films, 14, p. 118Durrant, S.F., de Moraes, M.A.B., (1996) Thin Solid Films, 277, p. 115Yasuda, H., Hsu, T., (1977) J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 15, p. 81Mackie, N.M., Castner, D.G., Fisher, E.R., (1998) Langmuir, 14, p. 1227Yang, G.H., Oh, S.W., Kang, E.T., Neoh, K.G., (2002) J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A, Vac. surf. Films, 20, p. 1955Tran, N.D., Dutta, N.K., Choudhury, N.R., (2005) Thin Solid Films, 491, p. 12

    Effects Of Helium Ion Irradiation On Fluorinated Plasma Polymers

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    The effects of ion irradiation on fluorinated plasma polymer films are investigated using profilometry, surface contact-angle measurements, infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Remarkably, helium plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) of several amorphous hydrogenated fluorinated plasma polymers deposited from C2H2-SF6, C6H6-SF6 or C6F6 produces film compactions of up to 40%, and modifies the surface energy in the 35 to 65dyn cm-1 range. As revealed by IRRAS and XPS, the films contain C-H, C-C, C=C, C=O, O-H and C-F groups. XPS spectra confirm the presence of N (typically ~5%). The films produced from SF6-containing plasmas also contain S. For irradiation times of 80min, the film carbon content is increased, and the fluorine content is greatly reduced, by factors of about 3 to 15, depending on the initial film composition. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.20418-1930593063Inagaki, N., Tasaka, S., Imai, M., (1993) J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 48, p. 1963Inagaki, N., Tasaka, S., Suzuki, Y., (1994) J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 51, p. 2131Csernica, J., Rhodes, D.B., (1999) J. Polym. Eng., 19, p. 1Durrant, S.F., Mota, R.P., de Moraes, M.A.B., (1992) J. Appl. Phys., 71, p. 448Silverstein, M.S., Chen, R., Kesler, O., (1996) Polym. Eng. Sci., 36, p. 2542Durrant, S.F., Mota, R.P., de Moraes, M.A.B., (1992) Thin Solid Films, 220, p. 295D'Agostino, R., Cramarossa, F., Caloprico, V., d'Ettole, R., (1983) J. Appl. Phys., 54, p. 1284d'Agostino, R., Cramarossa, F., Iluzzi, F., (1987) J. Appl. Phys., 61, p. 2754Mogab, C.J., Adams, A.C., Flamm, D.L., (1978) J. Appl. Phys., 49, p. 3796Lopes, B.B., Davanzo, C.U., Schreiner, W., Durrant, S.F., (2008) Surf. Coat. Technol., 203, p. 526d'Agostino, R., Cramarossa, F., Fracassi, F., Desimoni, E., Sabbatini, L., Zamboni, R.G., Caporiccio, G., (1986) Thin Solid Films, 143, p. 163Rubio-Roy, M., Bertran, E., Pascual, E., Polo, M.C., Andujar, J.L., (2008) Diamond Relat. Mater., 17, p. 1728Schvarzman, M., Mathur, A., Hone, J., Jahnes, C., Wind, S.J., (2008) Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, p. 153105Guerrouani, N., Baldo, A., Maarouf, T., Belu, A.M., Kassis, C.M., Mas, A., (2007) J. Fluorine Chem., 18, p. 925Torrisi, L., Percolla, R., (1996) Nucl. Instrum. Methods B, 117, p. 387da Cruz, N.C., Lopes, B.B., Rangel, E.C., Bica de Moraes, M.A., Durrant, S.F., (2008) Surf. Coat. Technol., 203, p. 534da Cruz, N.C., Rangel, E.C., Tabacknics, M.H., Trasferetti, B.C., Davanzo, C.U., (2001) Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 175, p. 721Gelamo, R.V., Landers, R., Rouxinol, F.P.M., Trasferetti, B.C., Bica de Moraes, M.A., Davanzo, C.U., Durrant, S.F., (2007) Plasma Process. Polym., 4, p. 482Gelamo, R.V., Durrant, S.F., Trasferetti, B.C., Davanzo, C.U., Rouxinol, F.P.M., Bica de Moraes, M.A., (2007) Plasma Process. Polym., 4, p. 489Bellamy, L.J., (1975) The Infrared Spectra of Complex Molecules, 1. , Chapman and Hall, LondonBuijnsters, J.G., Gago, R., Jiménez, I., Camero, M., Agulló-Rueda, F., Gómez-Aleixandre, C., (2009) J. Appl. Phys., 105, p. 093510Ghimire, D.C., Adhikari, S., Aryal, H.R., Kalita, G., Umeno, M., (2009) Diamond Relat. Mater., 18, p. 465Yao, Z.Q., Yang, P., Huang, N., Sun, H., Wang, J., (2004) Surf. Coat. Technol., 186, p. 131Hakovirta, M., Lee, D.H., He, X.M., Nastasi, M., (2001) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 19, p. 782Yasuda, H., Bumgarner, M.O., Marsh, H.C., Morosoff, N., (1976) J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 14, p. 195Nelea, V., Holvoet, S., Turgeon, S., Mantovani, D., (2009) J. Appl. Phys. D, 42, p. 22520

    Preparation And Characterization Of The Cobaloxime Complex And Its Use In Fabrication Of A Modified Electrode. An Electrochemical Experiment For Undergraduate Course [preparação E Caracterização Do Complexo Cobaloxima E Sua Utilização Na Construção De Um Eletrodo Modificado. Um Experimento Eletroquímico No Curso De Graduação]

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    The present experiment describes the preparation, characterization of n-butyl(pyridil)cobaloxime complex and its electrochemical property. The infrared and uv-visible absorption spectra were used to characterize the complex obtained. The infrared spectrum of the compound showed characteristics bands that indicated the formation of the Co-C chemical bond formation. The electronic absorption spectrum in acetonitrile showed transition bands attributed to π-π*, metal-to-ligand charge transfer, d-d transitions and charge transfer Co-C. The electrochemical property was investigated by the pulse differential voltammetry technique. Two oxidation processes: Co(I)/Co(II) at -423 mV and Co(II)/Co(III) at 752 mV were observed.266943947Brown, T.M., Cooksey, C.J., Crich, D., (1990) J. Chem. Educ., 11, p. 67Brown, T.M., Cooksey, C.J., Crich, D., Dronsfield, A.T., (1990) J. Chem. Educ., 67, p. 434Brown, T.M., (1973) Prog. Inorg. Chem., 18, p. 235Schrauzer, G.N., (1968) Inorg. Syn., 11, p. 61Brown, T.M., Cooksey, C.J., (1987) J. Chem. Educ., 24, p. 77Gannotti, G., Fontaine, C., Septe, B., (1974) J. Organomet. Chem., 71, p. 107Schrauzer, G.N., Lee, L.P., (1970) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, p. 2997Ngameni, E., Ngioume, J., Nasi, A., Belombe, M.M., Roux, R., (1996) Electrochim. Acta, 41, p. 2571Hisaieda, Y., Nishioka, T., Inoue, Y., Asada, K., Hayashi, T., (2000) Coord. Chem. Rev., 198, p. 21Kissinger, P.T., Heineman, R.W., (1983) J. Chem. Educ., 60, p. 702Mabbot, G.A., (1983) J. Chem. Educ., 60, p. 697Evans, D.H., O'Connel, K.M., Petersen, R.A., Kelly, M.J., (1983) J. Chem. Educ., 60, p. 290Randaccio, L., Bresciani Pahor, N., Zangrando, E., Marzilli, L.G., (1989) Chem. Soc. Rev., 18, p. 225Brown, D.G., (1973) Prog. Inorg. Chem., 18, p. 235Shirotani, I., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, T., Yagi, T., Tanaka, M., (1992) Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 65, p. 1078Ochiai, E., Long, K.M., Sperati, R., Busch, D.H., (1969) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 44, p. 1581Brett, A.M.O., Brett, C., (1996) Eletroquímica-Princípios, Métodos e Aplicações, , Livraria Almedina: CoimbraHuang, X., Kok, W.T., (1993) Anal. Chim. Acta, 273, p. 245Zagal, J.H., Sem, R.K., Yeger, E., (1977) J. Electroanal. Chem., 83, p. 207Zecevis, S., Glavaski, B.S., Yeager, E., (1985) J. Electroanal. Chem., 196, p. 339Shamsipur, M., Salimi, A., Haddadzadeh, H., Mousavi, M.F., (2001) J. Electroanal. Chem., 517, p. 3