382 research outputs found

    Village Private Vocational Agency as Economic Empowerment (Islamic) Through Religious Organization (Islam)

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    This study aims to examine and provide new concepts in the development of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) through religious organizations, especially Islam. BUMDes is one of the economic institutions operating in rural areas that must have differences with economic institutions in general. This is intended so that the existence and performance of BUMDes can contribute significantly to improving the welfare and economic prosperity of the community, the majority of the population of Indonesia are Muslims, so that BUMDes are in accordance with Islamic contracts. The problems that will be discussed in this study are 1. What is the development of Village-Owned Enterprises as Economic Empowerment (sharia) through the current Religious Based Organization (Islam). 2. What is the concept in the development of Village-Owned Business Entities Through Religious (Islamic) Based Organizations. This research method uses a normative juridical system by studying library materials and documents related to the development of BUMDes. This study shows that existing contracts in Islamic economics can be implemented on BUMDes in accordance with laws and regulations. In addition to having strengths and opportunities, this concept also has disadvantages and threats. To realize Islamic economy-based BUMDes this requires an active role and joint commitment from the village government, the community, Fatayat Nahdatul Ulama (NU), Muslimat, and other Islamic organizations that will develop Islamic economics, so that the needs of al-dharuriyah (primary), al-hajiyyah ( secondary), al-thsaniyyah (complementary) in the village


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    This study aims to examine the legal protection of creditors against standard savingsbookkeeping agreements at the Bank. With the enactment of Law Number 8 of 1999concerning Consumer Protection, the customer or customer gets legal protection. To bea customer at a bank, the community must first be bound in a legal relationship with thebank. The legal relationship between the customer and the bank occurs after bothparties sign an account opening form as proof that the customer has agreed and iswilling to fulfill the terms and conditions proposed by the bank. Customers who deposittheir money in the bank expect profit, security and convenience, therefore there must beprotection provided by the bank to depositors. The problem that will be discussed in thisresearch is how the form of legal protection for creditors against the standardagreement to open a savings account at a bank. The method used in this study is a typeof normative juridical research or literature review or documents related to theproblem. Based on the results of the study the authors found that the form of legalprotection for deposit customers against the exoneration clause in the form of opening a savings account at a commercial bank is one of the government's efforts to protect consumers against businesses in the financial services sector. Financial ServicesAuthority Regulation Number:1/POJK.07/2013 concerning Consumer Protection TheFinancial Services Sector is able to put the position of consumers of financial servicesin balance with financial service players, but in practice banks still apply theexoneration clause

    Multicultural Overnight Program

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    The declining population of the North East has created a corresponding problem of reduced enrollment for Keene State College. For an educational institution to become successful in a competitive market, new and innovative programs must be created to attract students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The Multicultural Overnight Program will allow students to learn more about what Keene State College offers while simultaneously experiencing various opportunities available to them on and off campus. The program allows students to experience an on campus overnight stay with Keene State students coupled with various workshops presented by faculty from the college. The goal of this program is to increase overall enrollment at the college by attracting higher numbers of students from different cultural backgrounds

    Akibat Hukum Terhadap Penerapan Klausula Eksonerasi Dalam Perjanjian Baku

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti dampak atau akibat hukum dalam penerapan klausula eksonerasi dalam perjanjian baku pada pembukaan rekening tabungan yang dilakukan oleh Bank. Dalam hal ini yang merasakan akibat atas perjanian pembukaan rekeing Bank adalah konsumen atau nasabah. Bentuk atau model perjanjian pembukaan rekening tabungan pada Bank telah dibuat secara tercetak berupa formulir aplikasi pembukaan rekening yang berisi berbagai ketentuan tentang identitas calon nasabah dan syarat-syarat menjadi nasabah Bank. Permasalahan yang akan diabahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah akibat hukum dalam penerapan klausula eksonerasi terhadap perjanjian baku pembukaan rekening tabungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normati, yaitu dengan memperlajari bahan pustaka dan dokumen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis melihat adanya klausula eksonerasi pada perjanjian baku dalam bentuk aplikasi formulir pembukaan rekening tabungan ini, bertentangan dengan peraturan yang sudah ada, namun jika dilihat dari persfektif Bank, adanya kalusula eksonerasi pada perjanjian baku dalam bentuk aplikasi formulir pembukaan rekening tabungan pada Bank ini dimaksudkan untuk keamanan Bank. Perjanjian baku yang mengandung klausula eksonerasi pada aplikasi formulir pembukaan rekening tabungan di Bank secara yuridis dapat berakibat batal demi hukum karena bertentangan dengan UUPK dan POJK, oleh sebab itu agar bank terhindar dari risiko hukum, maka terhadap formulir pembukaan rekening tabungan yang dibuat dalam bentuk perjanjian baku yang didalamnya mengandung klausula eksonerasi harus diberikan penjelasan kepada nasabah tentang klausula eksonerasi tersebut dan tidak sekedar menyodorkan perjanjian baku untuk dibaca dan ditandatangani


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    Dikehidupan ini kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis semua kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis korupsi merupakan kejahatan luar biasa di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Adapun kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis semua kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis korporasi namun masih jarang diangakat ke Pengadilan. Dalam praktiknya hanya pidana denda yang dikenakan kepada korporasi kurang memiliki efek jera. Dan banyak terdapat perbedaan para ahli hukum terhadap yang memiliki culpa adalah person kemudian sedikit yang mengatakan bahwa korporasi juga. Pada hubugan pekerjaan dalam perusahaan dan lainnya tidak diatur pemberataan pidana korporasi dimana diatur dalam pasal 2 ayat 2 UUPTK. Oleh karena itu penulis ingin mengangkat masalah pertanggungjawaban korporasi dalam pelaku kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis semua kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis korupsi serta Variabel penghambat dalam pertanggungjawaban kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis semua kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis korporasi tersebut. Metodelogi yang dipakai Tipe penulisan ini bersifat deskriptif analitis, dalam kaitan dengan pendekatan normatif yang digunakan (a) pendekatan Per kaidah hukum tertulis itu sendirian (statute approach) yaitu pendekatan beberapa aturan hukum bersangkutan (b) pendekatan Konsep (Conceptual approach) untuk memahami konsep pertanggungjawaban pidana dalam tindakan korupsi korporasi. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Dalam hal ini mekanisme subjek hukum dalam bertanggungjawab atas kejahatan korporasi mematuhi metode pertanggungjawaban hukum yang mengatur tentang kejahatan dalam kaidah hukum tertulis pada standar yang berlaku atas culpa. Akan tetapi akibat korporasi ialah subyek hukum tidak cakap atas culpa oleh karenanya menggunakan metode pertanggungjawaban yang tidak hakiki dalam culpa sebagai mutlak. Metode subjek hukum  dalam tanggugjawab kejahatan kiranya adalah Strict Liabilty, Vicorious Liability, Sucsessive Liability, Teori Identifikasi, dan Teori delegasi. Variabel penghambat antara lain penggunaan metode pertanggungjawaban berupa individual, direct, dan based on schuld (sistem pertangungjawaban pidana konvensional), verivikasi culpa korporasi sukar dilakukan, belum ada peraturan korporasi yang menyatakan bahwa subyek kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis semua kejahatan yang diatur kaidah hukum tertulis formil maupun materiil

    Problematika Hukum dalam Pengelolaan Dana Desa berdasarkan Perspektif Otonomi Desa di Lampung (Studi Desa Paku Negara Kabupaten Pesisir Barat)

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    The birth of village autonomy has made the village more independent in taking care of the household in the village. With the promulgation of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, the Domestic Metric Regulation Number 20 of 2018 concerning Village Financial Management makes village governments have their own autonomous bodies to manage village finances. Roles and responsibilities received by villages have not been matched with adequate Human Resources (HR) in terms of both quantity and quality. Even though the funds owned by a village are very large, but if they are not properly regulated in their planning and users, it will result in these funds being wasted or unable to provide maximum results in the use of these village funds. At present Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) many Village Officers, especially the Village Head, are affected by Hand Tagging Operations (OTT) by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The problem that will be discussed in this study is how the legal problems in the preparation of the Village Budget (APBDes) for village development and what are the inhibiting factors in implementing the APBDes preparation. The method used is normative legal research and empirical legal research. The results showed that, the legal problems in the preparation of APBDes went through 3 (three) stages, namely the preparation, evaluation and determination stages. However, in the preparation stage of the APBDes preparation process, it did not directly involve the community as stipulated in the legislation related to village financial management. the inhibiting factors of the Village apparatus and Village Association Institutions lack understanding of the Village Law and its implementing regulations, weak planning ability


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    Transaksi bisnis antara pelaku usaha dan konsumen akan selalu dipertemukan dengan suatu perjanjian atau perjanjian yang mengikat para pihak. Khususnya dalam perjanjian kredit perbankan, pihak bank mencetak formulir perjanjian kredit secara massal dan kolektif yang klausulanya disusun sepihak oleh kreditur tanpa keterlibatan debitur. Fenomena ini memberikan pandangan seolah kreditur menggunakan kekuasaannya dengan memanfaatkan ketidakberdayaan debitur untuk kepentingan sepihak sebagai bentuk penyalahgunaan keadaan. Penelitian ini membahas tentangparadigma interpretif penyalahgunaan keadaan pada perjanjian kredit perbankan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui paradigma konsep penyalahgunaan keadaan kreditur terhadap debitur dalam perjanjian kredit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian normatif dengan pendekatan konseptual sebagai terobosan atas permasalahan yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini menyajikan paparan interpretasi penyalahgunaan keadaan yang seharusnya pada perjanjian kredit perbankan dan harus terkait dengan tindakan nyata yang merugikan debitur baik pada saat melaksanakan perjanjian.Abstract A binding agreement or contract will always confront business transactions between businesses and consumers. Especially in banking credit agreements, banks make multiple and collective loan agreement forms whose clauses are unilaterally prepared by creditors without debtor involvement. This phenomenon gives perception as if the creditor is using his power by exploiting the power of the debtor for unilateral interests as a form of Undue influence. This study discusses the interpretive paradigm of undue influence in banking credit agreements. The purpose of this research is to find out the paradigm of the undue influence concept of creditors towards debtors in credit agreements. The research method used is normative research with a conceptual approach as a breakthrough for the problems that occur. The results of this study present the exposure to interpretations of the undue influence that should be in banking credit agreements and must be related to concrete actions that harm the debtor both when implementing the agreement
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