9 research outputs found

    Dandruff - Ayurveda management for better hair care

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    According to Ayurveda, hair and nails are the Upadhatu of bone metabolism. In some individuals, the skin are very sensitive to seasonal changes and factors like cold, heat, cosmetics and shampoo etc., that’s why these peoples are on high risk of getting suffered from the condition like Dandruff. Dandruff can be considered as Darunaka in Ayurveda and refer as minor diseases (Kshudra Rogas). Dandruff is caused due to imbalance due to Doshas. The primary doshas involved are Pitta and Vata. The condition like dandruff can be managed with comprehensive approach like diet, Panchakarma along with some internal medicine


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    Nowadays Tvachavikar is most common skin disease, and it has social impact. It is a skin problem mentioned in Ayurvedic literature with Kapha and Pitta morbidly or pathology. In classical different text of Ayurveda and Acharyas emphasize the Shodhana therapy as the line of treatment at various places. In Shodhana treatment Raktamokshan is highlight specially because in Samprapti Ghataka Rakta is mainly involved as Dushya. In the present topic, Raktamokshana Acharya Sushruta propounds practical guidelines for bloodletting and claims it as most effective therapy in half of the body ailments. In all different methods for bloodletting such as Jalaukavacharana Karma, Prachhanna Karma and Siravedhana Karma, Jalaukaavacharna Karma (leech therapy) is considered as the ideal method to expel out the vitiated blood safely, quickly, and effectively. The vitiated external environment undoubtedly affects the body’s internal ailments. Large community prevalence studies have demonstrated that about 20-30% of the world population have various skin problems requiring attention. So Raktamokshan is one of the important Panckarma treatments to cure various type of Tvacha vikar highlighting in this topic

    Hazards effect of pesticides on raw materials, food and fruits and adverse effects on human health

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    Acharya Sushruta has described Agadtantra as the branch of Ayurveda, which deals with bites of poisonous animals such as snakes, insects, spiders, rats, etc and their treatment and symptoms of different poisons, their combinations and their treatment.Increased popularity of herbal medicines has also brought concerns and fears over the quality, efficacy and safety of the raw materials including food and fruits. Now a days that some of the people but most of the foods contain highly contaminated pesticides residue on them., it may be due to inorganic cultivation of food and crops. Most of the fruits and vegetables bought from local market are loaded with chemicals and pesticides. These are primarily used by the farmers during the farming to save the fruits and vegetables from pests and harmful insects. Toxic residues of agricultural chemicals entering the human diet are of major concern today. Pesticides are very harmful to human health and it can cause serious illnesses and death in humans


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    Experiencing challenges of modern medicine, globe is shifting towards the Ayurvedic theory of health management. In the treatment of disease use of medicine is practiced rampantly. This increased the demand of raw material exponentially. But, growth in production is still linear in nature. Fast depletion of resources is creating the major trouble. To meet the deficit, practices of adulteration and substitution are going on wildly. This adulteration and substitution became burning problem in industry threatening the integrity of Ayurveda. The deforestation, extinction or evolution of many species, insufficient knowledge, unauthenticated practices about identification, collection, storage and transport of raw material collectively resulted in adulteration. Strategic planning and integrated approach towards mass production, supply chain management, IEC, proper advocacy and knowledge sharing is needed to trim down the gravity of adulteration. “Prevention of Food Adulteration act 1954” describes technical definitions and guidelines for quality maintenance. Government is enforcing quality maintenance by implementation of “The Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940” For quality assurance, proper pharmacovigillance monitoring of raw materials and processes is very necessary. The concept of substitution is known in Ayurveda as it is enlightened prominently in Bhavprakash and Yogratnakar. However in scenario of crises, selection of substitute drugs may have upper edge over adulteration of the raw material. Scope of this article advocates that how adulteration and substitution are creating problems with respect to production of inferior quality medicines


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    Ayurveda is the science of health and diseases free life. It is the knowledge that is abundantly supplied with guidelines which, if followed scrupulously and regularly, would spare the agony of diseases. Ayurveda is based on sound of principles of diagnosis. It is not requires clinical or costly investigations. Which are beyond reach of common and less privileged person.Asthavidha Pariksha (eight fold examination) in Ayurveda is one of the important examinations to find the various causes behind the diseases. In Ashtavidha Pariksha there are eight factors which are taken into consideration during the examination and tests carried out with the patients. Also, Nadi Pariskha is one the most important examination part for diagnosis the diseases of patients.Ashtavidha pariksha: Nadi (Pulse), Mootra (Urine), Malam (Fecal matter), Jihwa (Tongue), Sabdam (Voice of patients), Sparsham (Touch), Druk (Eyes & Vision), Akriti (General body build). Nadi Pariksha plays very important role in diagnosis of the disease. According to Ayurveda, the presence of disease in our system indicates an imbalance in our “Doshas†bringing our system back into balance is the key to the cure & with the help of Nadi Pariksha & Ayurveda doctor can detect the imbalance in the body & prescribe an effective treatment. In this article an attempt has been made to focus on Ashtavidha Pariksha with special reference to Nadi Pariksha. Hence Ahstavidha Pariskha with Nadi Pariksha plays an unique role in Ayurvedic Chikitsa