1,491 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic cascades in pulsars

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    The development of pair photon cascades initiated by high energy electrons above a pulsar polar cap is simulated numerically. The calculation uses the energy of the primary electron, the magnetic field strength, and the period of rotation as parameters and follows the curvature radiation emitted by the primary, the conversion of this radiation e(+) - e(-) pairs in the intense fields, and the quantized synchrotron radiation by the secondary pairs. A recursive technique allows the tracing of an indefinite number of generations using a Monte Carlo method. Gamma ray and pair spectra are calculated for cascades in different parts of the polar cap and with different acceleration models. It is found that synchrotron radiation from secondary pairs makes an important contribution to the gamma ray spectrum above 25 MeV, and that the final gamma ray and pair spectra are insensitive to the height of the accelerating region, as long as the acceleration of the primary electrons is not limited by radiation reaction

    Pair production in superstrong magnetic fields

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    The production of electron-positron pairs by single photons in magnetic fields 10 to the twelth power G was investigated in detail for photon energies near threshold as well as for the asymptotic limit of high photon energy. The exact attenuation coefficient, which is derived and then evaluated numerically, is strongly influenced by the discrete energy states of the electron and positron. Near threshold, it exhibits a sawtooth pattern as a function of photon energy, and its value is significantly below that predicted by the asymptotic expression for the attenuation coefficient. The energy distributions of the created pair are computed numerically near threshold and analytic expressions are derived in the asymptotic limit. These results indicate that as field strength and photon energy increase, it becomes increasingly probable for the pair to divide the photon energy unequally. This effect, as well as the threshold behavior of the attenuation coefficient, could have important consequences for pulsar models

    Cascade model of gamma-ray bursts: Power-law and annihilation-line components

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    If, in a neutron star magnetosphere, an electron is accelerated to an energy of 10 to the 11th or 12th power eV by an electric field parallel to the magnetic field, motion of the electron along the curved field line leads to a cascade of gamma rays and electron-positron pairs. This process is believed to occur in radio pulsars and gamma ray burst sources. Results are presented from numerical simulations of the radiation and photon annihilation pair production processes, using a computer code previously developed for the study of radio pulsars. A range of values of initial energy of a primary electron was considered along with initial injection position, and magnetic dipole moment of the neutron star. The resulting spectra was found to exhibit complex forms that are typically power law over a substantial range of photon energy, and typically include a dip in the spectrum near the electron gyro-frequency at the injection point. The results of a number of models are compared with data for the 5 Mar., 1979 gamma ray burst. A good fit was found to the gamma ray part of the spectrum, including the equivalent width of the annihilation line

    Measurement of cosmic ray positron and negatron spectra between 50 and 800 MeV

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    A balloon-borne magnetic spectrometer was used to measure the spectra of cosmic ray positrons and negatrons at energies between 50 and 800 MeV. Comparisons of the separate positron and negatron spectra observed near the earth with their expected intensities in interstellar space can be used to investigate the complex (and variable) interaction of galactic cosmic rays with the expanding solar wind. The present measurements, which have established finite values or upper limits for the positron and negatron spectral between 50 and 800 MeV, have confirmed earlier evidence for the existence of a dominant component of negatrons from primary sources in the galaxy. The present results are shown to be consistent with the hypothesis that the positron component is in fact mainly attributable to collisions between cosmic ray nuclei and the interstellar gas. The estimate of the absolute intensities confirm the indications from neutron monitors that in 1972 the interplanetary cosmic ray intensities were already recovering toward their high levels observed in 1965

    Magnetospheric eclipses in the double pulsar system J0737-3039

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    We argue that eclipses of radio emission from the millisecond pulsar A in the double pulsar system J0737-3039 are due to synchrotron absorption by plasma in the closed field line region of the magnetosphere of its normal pulsar companion B. A's radio beam only illuminates B's magnetosphere for about 10 minutes surrounding the time of eclipse. During this time it heats particles at r\gtrsim 10^9 cm to relativistic energies and enables extra plasma to be trapped by magnetic mirroring. An enhancement of the plasma density by a factor \sim 10^2 is required to match the duration and optical depth of the observed eclipses. The extra plasma might be supplied by a source near B through B\gamma pair creation by energetic photons produced in B's outer gap. Excitation of pairs' gyrational motions by cyclotron absorption of A's radio beam can result in their becoming trapped between conjugate mirror points in B's magnetosphere. Because the trapping efficiency decreases with increasing optical depth, the plasma density enhancement saturates even under steady state illumination. The result is an eclipse with finite, frequency dependent, optical depth. After illumination by A's radio beam ceases, the trapped particles cool and are lost. The entire cycle repeats every orbital period. We speculate that the asymmetries between eclipse ingress and egress result in part from the magnetosphere's evolution toward a steady state when illuminated by A's radio beam. We predict that A's linear polarization will vary with both eclipse phase and B's rotational phase.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ, references corrected, detectability of reprocessed emission revised, major conclusions unchange

    Very-high-energy gamma radiation associated with the unshocked wind of the Crab pulsar

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    We show that the relativistic wind in the Crab pulsar, which is commonly thought to be invisible in the region upstream of the termination shock at R < 0.1 pc, in fact could be directly observed through its inverse Compton gamm-ray emission. The search for such specific component of radiation in the gamma-ray spectrum of the Crab can provide unique information about the unshocked pulsar wind that is not accessible at other wavelengths.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, to appear in one of the April issues of MNRA

    TATA-Binding Protein Recognition and Bending of a Consensus Promoter Are Protein Species Dependent

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    The structure and behavior of full-length human TBP binding the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) have been characterized using biophysical methods. The human protein induces a 97° bend in DNAAdMLP. The high-resolution functional data provide a quantitative energetic and kinetic description of the partial reaction sequence as native human TBP binds rapidly to a consensus promoter with high affinity. The reaction proceeds with successive formation of three bound species, all having strongly bent DNA, with the concurrence of binding and bending demonstrated by both fluorescence and anisotropy stopped flow. These results establish the protein species dependence of the TBP−DNAAdMLP structure and recognition mechanism. Additionally, the strong correlation between the DNA bend angle and transcription efficiency demonstrated previously for yeast TBP is shown to extend to human TBP. The heterologous NH2-terminal domains are the apparent source of the species-specific differences. Together with previous studies the present work establishes that TBPwt−DNATATA function and structure depend both on the TATA box sequence and on the TBP species

    Identification of the intermediate allosteric species in human hemoglobin reveals a molecular code for cooperative switching

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    The 10 ligation species of human cyanomethemoglobin were previously found to distribute into three discrete cooperative free energy levels according to a combinatorial code (i.e., dependent on both the number and configuration of ligated subunits). Analysis of this distribution showed that the hemoglobin tetramer occupies a third allosteric state in addition to those of the unligated (T) and fully ligated (R) species. To determine the nature of the intermediate allosteric state, we have studied the effects of pH, temperature, and single-site mutations on its free energy of quaternary assembly, in parallel with corresponding data on the deoxy (T) and fully ligated (R) species. Results indicate that the intermediate allosteric tetramer has the deoxy (T) quaternary structure. This finding, together with the resolved energetic distribution of the 10 microstates reveals a symmetry rule for quaternary switching - i.e., switching from T to R occurs whenever a binding step creates a tetramer with one or more ligated subunits on each side of the α1β2 intersubunit contact. These studies also reveal significant cooperativity within each α1β2 dimer of the T-state tetramer. The ligand-induced tertiary free energy alters binding affinity within the T structure by 170-fold prior to quaternary switching

    TATA-Binding Protein Recognition and Bending of a Consensus Promoter Are Protein Species Dependent

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    The structure and behavior of full-length human TBP binding the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP) have been characterized using biophysical methods. The human protein induces a 97° bend in DNAAdMLP. The high-resolution functional data provide a quantitative energetic and kinetic description of the partial reaction sequence as native human TBP binds rapidly to a consensus promoter with high affinity. The reaction proceeds with successive formation of three bound species, all having strongly bent DNA, with the concurrence of binding and bending demonstrated by both fluorescence and anisotropy stopped flow. These results establish the protein species dependence of the TBP−DNAAdMLP structure and recognition mechanism. Additionally, the strong correlation between the DNA bend angle and transcription efficiency demonstrated previously for yeast TBP is shown to extend to human TBP. The heterologous NH2-terminal domains are the apparent source of the species-specific differences. Together with previous studies the present work establishes that TBPwt−DNATATA function and structure depend both on the TATA box sequence and on the TBP species

    Electron-Positron Jets from a Critically Magnetized Black Hole

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    The curved spacetime surrounding a rotating black hole dramatically alters the structure of nearby electromagnetic fields. The Wald field which is an asymptotically uniform magnetic field aligned with the angular momentum of the hole provides a convenient starting point to analyze the effects of radiative corrections on electrodynamics in curved spacetime. Since the curvature of the spacetime is small on the scale of the electron's Compton wavelength, the tools of quantum field theory in flat spacetime are reliable and show that a rotating black hole immersed in a magnetic field approaching the quantum critical value of Bk=m2c3/(e)4.4×1013B_k=m^2 c^3/(e\hbar) \approx 4.4 \times 10^{13}~G 1.3×1011\approx 1.3\times10^{-11} cm1^{-1} is unstable. Specifically, a maximally rotating three-solar-mass black hole immersed in a magnetic field of 2.3×10122.3 \times 10^{12}~G would be a copious producer of electron-positron pairs with a luminosity of 3×10523 \times 10^{52} erg s1^{-1}.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.