114 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Pengembangan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Tengah dilakukan pada semua kabupaten/kota dan termasuk sebagai produk unggulan daerah Kalimantan Tengah prioritas kedua setelah karet, karena terdapat sepuluh dari 14 kabupaten/kota menempatkan kelapa sawit sebagai produk unggulan prioritas pertama sampai keempat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui tingkat kemiskinan dan tingkat pengangguran di desa sawit dan desa non sawit, (2) mengetahui masalah sosial yang terjadi di desa sawit dan desa non sawit, (3) menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat kemiskinan dan tingkat pengangguran dengan masalah sosial yang terjadi di desa sawit dan desa non sawit di Kalimantan Tengah. Menggunakan metode penelitian campuran (mixed research), yaitu menggabungkan antara penelitian kuantitatif dengan penelitian kuantitatif. Sedangkan pelaksanaan penelitian ini dilakukan selama 3 (tiga) bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) rumah tangga miskin dan pengangguran mutlak sebenarnya tidak terdapat di desa sawit dan non sawit. Adanya rumah tangga penerima BLT disebabkan karena adanya anjuran pemerintah daerah untuk menyediakan 20 % dari dana desa disalurkan sebagai BLT. Rumah tangga miskin sebagian besar adalah penduduk pendatang yang masih belum memiliki pekerjaan menetap, (2) masalah sosial yang terjadi di desa non sawit terdiri dari kemiskinan, dampak negatif modernisasi IT, pengangguran tersebunyi, pencurian dan perkelahian, sedangkan masalah sosial yang terjadi di desa sawit terdiri dari kemiskinan, dampak negatif modernisasi IT, pengangguran tersebunyi, kesenjangan hukum, peralihan penguasaan lahan, pencurian, dan disinyalir terdapat kelompok aliran sesat (3) keberadaan perkebunan kelapa sawit tidak secara langsung berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan tingkat kemiskinan dan tingkat pengangguran. Tingkat kemiskinan dan tingkat pengangguran di desa sawit dan desa non sawit ditentukan oleh potensi wilayah sebagai variabel antara

    The Sustainability Status of Partnership of Palm Oil Plantations

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    One of existence determining factor of PBS palm oil is a harmonious relation with communities surroundings, thus the partnership between the palm oil plantation with the farmers surroundings is one of effort which has created the harmonization in palm oil plantation. The objective of the article is to express the sustainability of each pattern of palm oil PBS partnership, and this partnership form gives the sustainability advantages for the farmer and palm oil PBS in Central Kalimantan. The article used quantitative method through the survey approach, primary data and secondary data. The article result there are three main patterns of palm oil plantation partnership in Central Kalimantan, they are MSA, KKPA, and IGA. IGA has value as a form which has degree of continuing that higher than MSA and KKPA, thus make IGA can be the reference in frame of PBS palm oil partnership in Central Kalimantan with keeping the superiority and improving the weaknesses


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    There is still a conflict of interest in land use, causing land used by farmers for food development to be included as HGU PT. SMART. The research aims to (1) find out the food development practices carried out by PT. SMART, (2) knowing the advantages and weaknesses of food development, (3) knowing the response of stakeholders to food development, (4) analyzing the formulation of CSR models for oil palm plantations based on food agribusiness. The results showed that agribusiness-based PET practices since planning, implementation, and marketing are entirely carried out by farmers. Farmers also individually and in groups conduct monitoring and evaluation, both on farming technicalities, group management, and the implementation of PET as a whole. The advantages and disadvantages of PET are the advantages of implementing PET PT. SMART mainly comes from the direct involvement of farmers in all work and management of farms, weaknesses in the implementation of PET PT. SMART consists of basic work of PET participants, difficulties in procuring saprodi after the crop starts to produce, the inability of farmers because while doing other work, productivity is quite low compared to pilot companies, management of farmer groups, and related government agencies have not been involved sustainably. Stakeholder response to PET practices has generally been good, but it is recognized that increasing the income of PET farmers is not accompanied by the ability of communities to manage their incomes. The formulation of the CSR model of PT. SMART based agribusiness food is (1) CSR of PT. SMART based on food agribusiness uses a model of partnering with other parties, namely partnering with farmers, government and universities, (2) empowering farmers in the CSR model of PT. SMART based on food agribusiness uses a collective farming group approach, while farming uses an integrated farming system.&nbsp

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Bagi Pengurus BUMDES di Desa Anjir Pulang Pisau

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    Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) merupakan salah satu usaha desa berbasis potensi milik masyarakat sebagai upaya memperkuat perekonomian desa. Kabupaten Pulang Pisau telah secara konsisten memberikan peluang kepada desa untuk membangun diri sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat terutama terkait dengan BUMDes. Tujuan pengabdian memberikan pengetahuan, solusi dan pendampingan dari permasalahan tentang regulasi BUMDes dan kewirausahaan, serta manajemen produksi, manajemen sumber daya manusia, manajemen keuangan, manajemen pemasaran, serta manajemen resiko usaha kepada pengurus BUMDes. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan mendapat respon yang baik dari peserta terhadap materi yang disampaikan dan sangat membantu pengurus lebih fokus mengelola BUMDes. Ada beragam kendala yang dihadapi BUMDes Hinje Atei terkait struktur organisasi, sumberdaya manusia atau skill, masih lemahnya unit usaha yang dijalankan, serta kapasitas kelembagaan. Solusi yaitu penataan administrasi bidang manajemen BUMDes. Pembaharuan terkait struktur organisasi, menambah wawasan keterampilan dalam memanajemen BUMDes, upaya untuk melakukan kerjasama dengan stakeholder dalam pengembangan usaha, dan dukungan dari pemerintah desa


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    Pola usaha ternak babi yang dilakukan masyarakat Kecamatan Jekan Raya masih menggunakan jenis usaha peternakan rakyat, dimana sistem yang digunakan masih sistem peternakan tradisional, maka perlu untuk memahami besarnya jumlah penerimaan, keuntungan dan biaya yang dikeluarkan pada usaha ternak babi agar diketahui oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui gambaran umum usaha ternak babi di Kecamatan Jekan Raya Kota Palangka Raya; dan (2) Menganalisis biaya, pendapatan, penerimaan, dan tingkat efisiensi ternak babi di Kecamatan Jekan Raya Kota Palangka Raya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode saturation atau sampling jenuh. Total responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 14 orang peternak babi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil analisis menunjukan rata-rata penerimaan dari usaha ternak babi adalah sebesar Rp. 76.500.000, dengan rata-rata biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp. 25.449.446 dan rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp. 51.050.554 dalam satu periode. Sehingga diperoleh tingkat efisiensi dari usaha ternak babi sebesar 3,00 artinya usaha ternak babi di Kecamatan Jekan Raya telah efisien dan menguntungkan Pig livestock business carried out by the people of Jekan Raya District still uses the type of people’s livestock business, where the system used is still a traditional livestock system, it is necessary to understand the amount of revenue, profits, and costs incurred in pig livestock so that the public knows. This study aims to (1) Determine the general description of the pig business in Jekan Raya District, Palangka Raya City, and (2) Analyze the production costs, income, revenues, and efficiency level of pigs livestock in Jekan Raya District Palangka Raya City. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research. Determination of the sample is done by using the saturation method or saturated sampling. The total respondents in this study amounted to 14 pig farmers. Data the collection methods used are primary data and secondary data. The results of the analysis showed that the average revenue from the pig business was Rp. 76,500,000, with an average cost of Rp. 25.449.446 and an average income of Rp. 51.050.554 in one period. So that the efficiency level of the pig business is 3.00, meaning that the pig business in Jekan Raya District has been efficient and profitable


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengelolaan usahatani padi sawah di Desa Belanti Siam, Kecamatan Pandih Batu, Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Mengetahui faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi dalam pengembangan usahatani padi sawah di Desa Belanti Siam, Kecamatan Pandih Batu, Kabupaten Pulang Pisau dan merumuskan alternatif strategi peningkatan usahatani padi sawah di Desa Belanti Siam, Kecamatan Pandih Batu, Kabupaten Pulang Pisau yang merupakan sentra atau pusat produksi usahatani padi di Kabupaten Pulang Pisau dan sebagian besar masyarakatnya melakukan usahatani untuk pemenuhan kebutuhannya. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode proportional sampling atau sampel berimbang, yaitu dalam penentuan sampel penelitian mengambil wakil-wakil dari tiap-tiap kelompok tani yang ada dalam populasi yang jumlahnya sudah disesuaikan dengan jumlah anggota subjek yang ada dalam masing-masing kelompok tersebut. Pengambilan sempel ini meliputi kelompok tani yang ada di Desa Belanti Siam Kecamatan Pandih Batu Kabupaten Pulang Pisau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pengembangan usahatani padi sawah yaitu hasil skoring yang berupa fakor internal kekuatan 1,86 dan kelemahannya 0,85. Kemudian dikurangi dengan kriteria kekuatan dan kelemahan sehingga mendapatkan hasil koordinat 1,01 pada garis horizontal dan positif kekuatan lebih besar dari pada kelemahan. Sedangkan hasil skoring berupa eksternal didapat peluang sebesar 1,91 dan ancamannya 1,05 kemudian dikurangi kriteria peluang dan ancaman sehingga didapat hasil koordinat 0,86 pada garis vertikan dan positif, peluang lebih besar dari pada ancaman. Berdasarkan rumusan alternatif strategi pengembangan usahatani padi sawah dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT strategi yang dapat diterapkan adalah strategi SO yaitu (a) mengembangkan dan mengoptimalkan kemampuan petani dengan pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam yang tersedia untuk meningkatkan skala usaha pertanian lebih maju; (b) meningkatkan produktivitas dengan memanfaatkan lahan yang tersedia dengan bantuan dan dukungan pemerintah pusat dan daerah. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the management of lowland rice farming in Belanti Siam Village, Pandih Batu District, Pulang Pisau Regency and to formulate alternative strategies for improvement lowland rice farming in Belanti Siam Village, Pandih Batu District, Pulang Pisau Regency which is the center or center of rice farming production. in Pulang Pisau Regency and most of the people do farming to fulfill their needs. Sampling in this study was carried out using the proportional sampling method or balanced sample, namely in determining the research sample taking representatives from each farmer group in the population whose number has been adjusted to the number of subject members in each group. . This sampling includes farmer groups in Belanti Siam Village, Pandih Batu District, Pulang Pisau Regency. The results showed that the internal and external factors that influenced the development of lowland rice farming were the results of the scoring in the form of an internal factor of 1,86 strengths and 0,85 weaknesses. Then it is reduced by the criteria of strengths and weaknesses so as to get the coordinates of 1,01 on the horizontal and positive lines, the strength is greater than the weakness. While the results of scoring in the form of external obtained opportunities of 1,91 and threats of 1,05 then reduced the criteria for opportunities and threats so that the coordinates of 0.86 on the vertical and positive lines are obtained, opportunities are greater than threats. Based onformulation of alternative strategies for developing lowland rice farmingby using SWOT analysis the strategy that can be applied is the SO strategy, namely (a) developing and optimizing the ability of farmers through extension programs, this aims to increase farmers' knowledge and insight; (b) Increase productivity by utilizing land, using regular irrigation/irrigation, selecting superior seeds, fertilizing on time, controlling pests and diseases in an integrated manner, post-harvest handling

    Genetic diversity and structure of potamodromous Opsaridium microlepis (GĂĽnther) populations in the inlet rivers of Lake Malawi

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    Studies were carried out to determine the genetic diversity and structure of endangered Opsaridium microlepis (Mpasa) populations in the affluent rivers of Lake Malawi; Linthipe, Bua, Dwangwa and North Rukuru. A total of 200 DNA samples of O. microlepis from four river populations were analyzed at 20 microsatellite loci. The primers’ discriminating power was high (mean PIC, 0.76) yielding a total of 295 alleles with a range of 10-22 and an average of 15 alleles per locus. All the populations were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium probably due to outbreeding that leads to heterozygosity excess. This observation was further supported by heterozygosity excess exhibited by 100% of the population-locus combinations (mean FIS, -0.30) and lack of  evidence for genetic bottleneck. The populations exhibited high genetic diversity as evidenced by high mean Shannon information Index (I=1.64) and high observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.98). Genetic relationships among the populations appear to be less  influenced by geographical distance (Mantel’s statistics Z, 0.18; p = 0.6369) implying that the populations do not fit into the  isolation by distance model. Nevertheless, the populations are highly differentiated (FST = 0.17; AMOVA among populations = 16%). This is supported by inter-deme migration of less than one individual per generation (Nm=0.91) as determined by Slatkin’ private allele method. Therefore, these populations are probably still large and distinct requiring separate monitoring  and management due to inferred restricted gene flow and considerable population differentiation.Keywords: Mpasa, Lake Malawi, population structure, genetic diversity, microsatellites, threatened species, conservation

    Transformative sharing services at the base of the pyramid segment

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    This research aims to explore the phenomena of transformative sharing services (TSS) at the base of the pyramid segment (BoP). To attain this, a model was developed which examined the process of involvement in TSS engendering the flourishing (well-being) of service providers in the BoP segment. Grounded in the review of literature, in a single model, this study empirically investigates: (1) the effect of trust in TSS on the flourishing of service providers; (2) the effect of trust in TSS on the flourishing of service providers through attitude towards TSS and job satisfaction in succession; and (3) the effect of Big Five personality traits on the flourishing of service providers. As a consequence, adopting a pragmatic philosophical underpinning, a sequential mixed methods approach was employed. Owing to the paucity of research within the context of transformative services in the BoP segment, an initial exploratory qualitative element, consisting of 20 in-depth interviews, was conducted in order to refine the proposed theoretical framework of the study. Later followed by a quantitative research phase consisting of electronic survey research, a total of 272 questionnaires, approached via convenience and snowball sampling, were processed for analysis

    Transformative impact of platform-mediated trust in the base of the pyramid segment

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    Background Trust mediated by the platform is the most integral condition of participation in platform-based sharing services (PBSS) (Möhlmann and Geissinger, 2018; Hawlitschek et al., 2016), and is even referred to as the currency of the sharing economy (Ufford, 2015; Botsman and Rogers, 2010), specifically in the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) segment that is historically challenged with high crime rate and poor judicial system (Bharadwaj, 2014; Khan, 2006). The literature on the sharing economy has focused largely on examining the consequences of trust in relation to firm profitability through customer retention and satisfaction (Halilovic and Ur Rehman, 2020; Luo et al., 2021; Santoso and Nelloh, 2017). However, research to date, is devoid of studies that shift the focus of traditional service research within the sharing economy to transformative service research (TSR), emphasizing particularly on the well-being outcomes of platform-mediated trust in communities that are challenged with multiple transaction constraints in their daily lives. Research Aim Given the gaps in research, this study adopts Social Exchange Theory (SET) to comprehensively investigate the role of platform-mediated trust in facilitating sharing based social exchange, and the transformative outcomes of these social exchanges in the BoP segment, specifically from a service provider’s viewpoint. Research Design An electronic survey consisting of 277 responses from the bike ride-sharing service providers belonging to the BoP segment of Pakistan was conducted to test the proposed model through a structural equation modelling technique. Findings The results offered a validated model depicting that platform-mediated trust acts as a key contributor towards the flourishing of service providers, where they experience emotional, psychological, and social dimensions of well-being. The results also depicted that such an outcome is sequentially mediated by the service provider’s positive attitude towards collaborative consumption (CC) and their job satisfaction with PBSS. In particular, the mechanism-based model depicted that trust positively influences the attitude of service providers towards CC. Successively, this positive attitude inculcates positive emotions during the sharing experiences, thereby increasing the service provider’s satisfaction levels with their job. Eventually, this job satisfaction spills over to various aspects of their life, consequently impacting their emotional, psychological, and social dimensions of well-being, hence leading the service providers to flourish. Contributions This study identifies the transformative impact of platform-mediated trust in the BoP segment, a topic of both theoretical and practical importance, nonetheless, remaining under-researched (Ostrom et al., 2021; Ostrom et al., 2015). The findings add to the emerging literature of TSR by advancing the theoretical understanding on the nature of transformation brought upon by PBSS, depicting that PBSS has the capability to offer both hedonic and eudaimonic well-being outcomes. Moreover, the findings also add to the BoP research stream, providing a solution to transform the lives of the poor (Fisk et al., 2016; Ostrom et al 2021), by suggesting PBSS as a beneficial service model for the flourishing of service providers that addresses the challenges caused by a high crime rate and the poor judicial system in the BoP segment, which hinders their entrepreneurial ability. Managerially, the findings inform the marketing managers and policy makers of PBSS to rigorously exhibit trustworthiness and establish methods to boost transaction-based and experience-based contentment to foster interpersonal and institutional trust, which eventually develops their employees’ positive attitudes, ensures on-going satisfaction, and ultimately uplifts their livelihood
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