29 research outputs found
Penyisihan Warna dan Zat Organik Pada Air Gambut Secara Koagulasi-Flokulasi dengan Koagulan Belimbing Wuluh
Peat water has potential as a source of clean water because of its ample availability but qualitatively it still does not meet the standards according to Permenkes No.32 Tahun 2017 quality of clean water, such as organic substances and colors that are still high. This study uses a coagulation-flocculation methods using a Averrhoa bilimbi juice and alum. The variation are dosage averrhoa bilimbi juice (22,5 ml, 25 ml, 27,5 ml) with alum 0,25 gr and pH 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 in setting aside color and organic matter. The results showed that the treatment of peat water in the treatment variation 27,5 ml, alum 0,25 gr and pH condition 4 is already the best result for water quality requirements. Decreasing the colour with value 95,61% and organic substances is about 71,18%
The pandemic of Covid-19 has massively switched education delivery in the world from face-to-face learning to online learning. This qualitative study aimed to investigate students’ voices of the implementation of online learning during the pandemic of Covid-19 in higher education context. There were eight students of English Study Program Universitas Riau involved in this study selected using the purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and documentation. The participants’ voices were thematically analysed in terms of their learning participation, accessibility, material and assignment delivery of the online learning. This study found that the students view online learning as learning experiences that bring both benefits and challenges. Students perceive online learning is a good choice to prevent the spread of coronavirus and a good time to improve their digital skills, but they were not really enthusiastic about its implementation. There are four major obstacles they faced, such as internet access, monotonous teaching method, limited interaction, and ineffective material and assignment delivery. The findings imply that online learning delivery in Indonesia still needs more improvement for better performance in the future
Pengaruh Massa Adsorben Batang Pisang dan Waktu Kontak Adsorpsi terhadap Efisiensi Penyisihan Fe dan Kapasitas Adsorpsi pada Pengolahan Air Gambut
Air peat surface water that has a dark brown, is acid, levels of iron and manganese is high and has a high organic content. There are negative effects if used directly and continuously without treatment. The aim of this study is to calculate the removal efficiency of metal Fe on the peat water and calculate the adsorption capacity adsorbent of banana stems. Variables used in this study is a variation of the mass of adsorbent 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5 grams and a contact time of 15, 30, 60 and 90 minutes. The maximum removal for Fe metals occur in a mass of 2,5 grams and a contact time of 30 minutes with the adsorption efficiency of 80,31%. The adsorption capacity is 0,027 mg Fe / g on the mass of 1 gram with a contact time of 30 minutes. Type adsorbent banana stem adsorption Fe is Freundlich isotherm assumed coating formed multilayer by R2 of 0,989
Pengomposan limbah lumpur dan serat buah kelapa sawit pada kondisi steril dan tidak steril menggunakan Mikroorganisme Lokal (MOL)
Produksi minyak sawit yang tinggi berbanding lurus dengan produksi limbahnya. Lumpur kelapa sawit merupakan larutan buangan yang dihasilkan selama prosespemerasan dan ekstraksi minyak.Limbah lumpur kelapa sawit disamping sebagaisumber hara makro dan mikro yang penting bagi tanaman, juga sebagai sumberbahan organik dan berperan pada perbaikan sifat fisik dan kima tanah. Limbahpadat lainnya yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal adalah serat buahkelapa sawit yang juga mengandung unsur hara. Dari kedua potensi limbahpadat kelapa sawit menunjukkan bahwa sangat perlu dilakukan pengolahankhususnya pada limbah lumpur dan serat buah dimana berdasarkan hasil analisalaboratorium mengandung unsur hara yang baik untuk dikonversi menjadi pupukkompos. Mikroorganisme lokal (MOL) adalah mikroorganisme yangdimanfaatkan sebagai starter atau aktivator dalam pembuatan pupuk organikpadat maupun pupuk cair. Bahan utama MOL terdiri dari beberapa komponenyaitu karbohidrat, glukosa, dan sumber mikroorganisme. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah mengetahui kemampuan MOL sebagai aktivator dalam prosespengomposan limbah lumpur dan serat buah kelapa sawit yang disterilkan dantidak disterilkan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwamikroorganisme pada MOL yang berperan sebagai pendegradasi pada prosespengomposan lumpur dan serat buah kelapa sawit. Hal ini berdasarkan hasilanalisa proses fermentasi tapai singkong menjadi MOL dimana jumlahmikroorganisme pada hari pertama sebesar 403,45mg/l dan pada hari kelimajumlah mikroba meningkat menjadi 456,10 mg/l. Selain itu dapat dilihat jugabahwa bahan baku yang disterilkan untuk parameter kualitas kompos antara lain: N, P, K, C, C/N,Mg, Ca, temperatur, pH, dan kadar air, mempunyai nilai yangmendekati SNI berbanding bahan baku yang tidak steril. Penggunaan MOLsebagai sumber mikroorganisme dalam proses pengomposan dapat dijadikanalternatif sebagai bioaktivator yang ekonomis dan ramah lingkungan
Pengaruh Pencucian Membran Ultrafiltrasi Menggunakan Surfactan dan NaOH pada Proses Penyaringan Air Terproduksi
One of water treatment technology that can be used for treat produced water is membrane technology. The most of challenging in membrane technology is fouling. The objective of this research are to study influence of ultrafiltration membrane washing to flux recovery and removal resistance by using surfactant and NaOH for treat produced water. Membrane that to be used on this research is membrane ultrafiltration with pore size between 0.1500 until 0.0014 micron and using capillary module configuration. The method that to be used is current-cross flow for filtration proses with filtration time 180 minutes with pressure in 0.2 bar, 0.4 bar, 0.6 bar and concentration of cleaning agent surfactant and NaOH in 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5% by using counter-cross flow with pressure 0.8 bar and time for washing in 30 minutes. The highest washing effectiveness rate of 69.53% obtained by using surfactant 2.5% and filtration pressure 0.6 bar, the highest leaching efficiency based on flux recovery value is 99.32% and 99.65% for removal resistance obtained by using surfactant 2.5% and filtration pressure 0.2 bar
Adsorpsi Zat Warna Methylene Blue Menggunakan Spent Bleaching Earth sebagai Adsorben
The industrial waste especiallytextile waste is one of the causes of environmental problems that require effective and efficient processing. Adsorption is a separation method that is simple, easy to operate, flexible, affordable cost and does not produce toxic products. The purpose of this study calculates the efficiency of decreasing the concentration of the colors contained in metyhlene blue dye and studying the adsorption capacity to variations in pH, adsorbent mass and stirring time. The maximum wavelength of the dye methylene blue 660 nm. The efficiency of 99.973 % decline in the highest concentration. Isotherm corresponding to methylene blue dye adsorption by spent bleaching earth is Langmuir isotherm with adsorption capacity to variations in pH of 0.5035 mg/g, the adsorbent mass variation of 0.3816 mg/g, the stirring time variation of 0.5012 mg/g