198 research outputs found

    Multidimensional risk assessment for vehicle trajectories by using copulas

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    Fight against road unsafety is a French government priority. The policy conducted since 2002 allowed to obtain undeniable success. Despite this improvement, road accidents have very serious consequences on human level for road users. The proposed methods to reduce these accidents involve independence between criteria of accident risk. The objective of this study is to estimate the multidimensional risk of failure trajectory. It consists to investigate a new method of risk assessment in order to better characterize the dependence structure between the vehicle criteria for safety acceptance. This requires the use of simulation techniques such as copulas methods. This function connects the joint probability distribution to the marginal distribution. Thus, it contains all information on the dependence structure of models. However, the difficulty of multidimensional risk is to choose the copula which capture the better dependence between criteria. To select an adequate copula must be based on a statistical test. The khi2 test used in the framework of the adjustment of a parametric distribution to an empirical distribution is in this regard an interesting tool for the choice of copula. The experiments have shown the relevance and effectiveness of this method. The results will help to better assess the risk of failure trajectory for vehicles

    Zum Legitimationsproblem der ästhetischen Erziehung

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    Ästhetische Erziehung hat es in einer Zeit, in der wirtschaftliche und technische Interessen im Vordergrund stehen, schwer, sich zu legitimieren. Die Ansicht, daß das Schöne und die Kunst mit dem Nützlichen nichts zu tun haben, entstammt schließlich einer langen philosophischen Tradition. In einem straff durchorganisierten Schulsystem, in dem jedes einzelne Fach um Stundenzahlen feilscht und seine Wichtigkeit zu begründen sucht, geraten die künstlerischen Fächer in Legitimationsnot. In der Kunsterziehung sind die Auswirkungen besonders heftig. (DIPF/Orig.

    Kriegszeitungen der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg: Überlegungen zu Erschließung, Erhaltung und Präsentation des Bestandes

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    In der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg befinden sich zahlreiche Kriegszeitungen aus dem 1. und 2. Weltkrieg. In dieser Arbeit werden zunächst die verschiedenen Kriegszeitungstypen vorgestellt. Da der Bestand an Feld-, bzw. Frontzeitungen am umfangreichsten ist, wird auf deren Entstehungshintergrund näher eingegangen. Anschließend werden die Kriegszeitungstitel durch ein Schema erschlossen, und der Bestand der UB Heidelberg mit anderen Institutionen verglichen. Da sich die Kriegszeitungen in einem schlechten Zustand befinden, werden die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Bestandserhaltung geschildert- von der Konservierung bis zur Konversion. Um das Benutzerinteresse für die Kriegszeitungen zu wecken, wird anschließend eine mögliche Internet- Präsentation vorgestellt

    Camera calibration from spheres and grid images

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    From spheres images we have developed a new method for camera calibration in order to calculate its intrinsic parameters . We prove an interesting geometric propriety about ellipses extracted from images . Using the Cens geometrical distortion introduced by the optical system and searching a precise points detection for spheres images, allow us to obtain satisfactory results .A partir d'images de sphères, nous avons developpé une nouvelle méthode d'étalonnage de caméra permettant de déterminer ses paramètres intrinsèques. Nous mettons en évidence une propriété géométrique intéressante concernant les primitives images utilisées. La prise en compte de la distorsion géométrique du système optique et une recherche au niveau de la détection des points de contour associés à une image de sphère nous ont permis d'arriver à de bons résultat

    Implicit reconstruction by zooming

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    This paper presents a new method to infer 3D information using a static camera equipped with a zoom-lens. The modelling algorithm does not required any explicit calibration model and the computations involved are straightforward. This approach uses several images of accurate regular grids placed on a micrometric table, as calibration process . The basic idea is to compute a local transformation that allows to establish a relationship between a distorted grid detected on the CCD matrix and the real one located in front of the camera . This relationship takes automatically into account all distortion phenomena and allows to obtain reconstruction results much more accurate than previous works in the same field . A complete experiment on real data is provided and shows that it is possible to compute 3D information from a zooming image set even if data are close to the optical axis .Cet article présente une nouvelle méthode permettant d'inférer des informations tridimensionnelles à l'aide d'une caméra statique munie d'un zoom. L'algorithme de modélisation ne nécessite aucun modèle explicite de calibrage et met en oeuvre plusieurs images de grilles régulières et précises formant un espace métrique particulier. Une transformation locale permet d'établir une relation entre l'image distordue d'une grille détectée sur la matrice CCD et une grille réelle située devant la caméra. Cette relation prend automatiquement en compte les phénomènes de distorsion optique et permet d'obtenir des résultats de reconstruction bien meilleurs que ceux obtenus jusqu'à présent en reconstruction axiale par zoom. De plus, la méthode présentée permet de calibrer l'objectif sur une gamme importante de distances focales sans changer d'objet de calibrage. Une expérimentation complète sur des données réelles est présentée et montre qu'il est possible de reconstruire des objets 3D à partir d'une séquence d'images de zoom même si ces données sont proches de l'axe optique

    Monitoring DNA replication in fission yeast by incorporation of 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine

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    We report procedures to allow incorporation and detection of 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (EdU) in fission yeast, a thymidine analogue which has some technical advantages over use of bromodeoxyuridine. Low concentrations of EdU (1 µM) are sufficient to allow detection of incorporation in cells expressing thymidine kinase and human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (hENT1). However EdU is toxic and activates the rad3-dependent checkpoint, resulting in cell cycle arrest, potentially limiting its applications for procedures which require labelling over more than one cell cycle. Limited DNA synthesis, when elongation is largely blocked by hydroxyurea, can be readily detected by EdU incorporation using fluorescence microscopy. Thus EdU should be useful for detecting early stages of S phase, or DNA synthesis associated with DNA repair and recombination

    CD25+CD4+ Regulatory T Cells from the Peripheral Blood of Asymptomatic HIV-infected Individuals Regulate CD4+ and CD8+ HIV-specific T Cell Immune Responses In Vitro and Are Associated with Favorable Clinical Markers of Disease Status

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease is associated with loss of CD4+ T cells, chronic immune activation, and progressive immune dysfunction. HIV-specific responses, particularly those of CD4+ T cells, become impaired early after infection, before the loss of responses directed against other antigens; the basis for this diminution has not been elucidated fully. The potential role of CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cells (T reg cells), previously shown to inhibit immune responses directed against numerous pathogens, as suppressors of HIV-specific T cell responses was investigated. In the majority of healthy HIV-infected individuals, CD25+CD4+ T cells significantly suppressed cellular proliferation and cytokine production by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in response to HIV antigens/peptides in vitro; these effects were cell contact dependent and IL-10 and TGF-β independent. Individuals with strong HIV-specific CD25+ T reg cell function in vitro had significantly lower levels of plasma viremia and higher CD4+: CD8+ T cell ratios than did those individuals in whom this activity could not be detected. These in vitro data suggest that CD25+CD4+ T reg cells may contribute to the diminution of HIV-specific T cell immune responses in vivo in the early stages of HIV disease