140 research outputs found

    Gluino mass limits with sbottom NLSP in coannihilation scenarios

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    In view of the recent interest in the pMSSM with light third generation squarks, we consider a hitherto neglected scenario where the lighter bottom squark (b~1\widetilde{b}_1) is the next lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) which co-annihilates with the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), the dark matter (DM) candidate. Since the co-annihilation cross section receives contributions from both electroweak and strong vertices, it is relatively large. As a result relatively large NLSP-LSP mass difference (25 - 35 GeV) is consistent with the PLANCK data. This facilitates the LHC signatures of this scenario. We consider several variants of the sbottom NLSP scenario with and without light stops and delineate the parameter space allowed by the PLANCK data. We point out several novel signal (e.g., t~1b~1W\widetilde{t}_1 \rightarrow \widetilde{b}_1 W) which are not viable in the stop NLSP scenario of DM production. Finally, we consider gluino (g~\widetilde g) decays in this scenario and using the current ATLAS data in the jets (with or without b-tagging) + ̸ ⁣ ⁣ET\not \!\! E_T channel, obtain new limits in the mb~1mg~m_{\widetilde{b}_1} - m_{\widetilde g} mass plane. We find that for mb~1m_{\widetilde{b}_1} upto 500 GeV, mg~m_{\widetilde g} \geq 1.1 - 1.2 TeV in this scenario.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, few references added; published in JHE

    New Insights Into DNA Helicases as Druggable Targets for Cancer Therapy

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    Small molecules that deter the functions of DNA damage response machinery are postulated to be useful for enhancing the DNA damaging effects of chemotherapy or ionizing radiation treatments to combat cancer by impairing the proliferative capacity of rapidly dividing cells that accumulate replicative lesions. Chemically induced or genetic synthetic lethality is a promising area in personalized medicine, but it remains to be optimized. A new target in cancer therapy is DNA unwinding enzymes known as helicases. Helicases play critical roles in all aspects of nucleic acid metabolism. We and others have investigated small molecule targeted inhibition of helicase function by compound screens using biochemical and cell-based approaches. Small molecule-induced trapping of DNA helicases may represent a generalized mechanism exemplified by certain topoisomerase and PARP inhibitors that exert poisonous consequences, especially in rapidly dividing cancer cells. Taking the lead from the broader field of DNA repair inhibitors and new information gleaned from structural and biochemical studies of DNA helicases, we predict that an emerging strategy to identify useful helicase-interacting compounds will be structure-based molecular docking interfaced with a computational approach. Potency, specificity, drug resistance, and bioavailability of helicase inhibitor drugs and targeting such compounds to subcellular compartments where the respective helicases operate must be addressed. Beyond cancer therapy, continued and new developments in this area may lead to the discovery of helicase-interacting compounds that chemically rescue clinically relevant helicase missense mutant proteins or activate the catalytic function of wild-type DNA helicases, which may have novel therapeutic application

    Preparation, Characterization and electronic structure of Ti-doped Bi2_2Se3_3

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    We report the preparation of high-quality single crystal of Bi2_2Se3_3, a well-known topological insulator and its Ti-doped compositions using Bridgeman technique. Prepared single crystals were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD) to check the crystalline structure and energy dispersive analysis of x-rays for composition analysis. The XRD data of Ti-doped compounds show a small shift with respect to normal Bi2_2Se3_3 indicating changes in the lattice parameters while the structure type remained unchanged; this also establishes that Ti goes to the intended substitution sites. All the above analysis establishes successful preparation of these crystals with high quality using Bridgman technique. We carried out x-ray photo-emission spectroscopy to study the composition via investigating the core level spectra. Bi2_2Se3_3 spectra exhibit sharp and distinct features for the core levels and absence of impurity features. The core level spectra of the Ti-doped sample exhibit distinct signal due to Ti core levels. The analysis of the spectral features reveal signature of plasmon excitation and final state satellites; a signature of finite electron correlation effect in the electronic structure.Comment: Proceedings of DAE SSPS 201

    Spin-orbit coupling-enhanced valley ordering of malleable bands in twisted bilayer graphene on WSe2

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    New phases of matter can be stabilized by a combination of diverging electronic density of states, strong interactions, and spin-orbit coupling. Recent experiments in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) have uncovered a wealth of novel phases as a result of interaction-driven spin-valley flavour polarization. In this work, we explore correlated phases appearing due to the combined effect of spin-orbit coupling-enhanced valley polarization and large density of states below half filling (ν2\nu \lesssim 2) of the moir\'e band in a TBG coupled to tungsten diselenide. We observe anomalous Hall effect, accompanied by a series of Lifshitz transitions, that are highly tunable with carrier density and magnetic field. Strikingly, the magnetization shows an abrupt sign change in the vicinity of half-filling, confirming its orbital nature. The coercive fields reported are about an order of magnitude higher than previous studies in graphene-based moir\'e systems, presumably aided by a Stoner instability favoured by the van Hove singularities in the malleable bands. While the Hall resistance is not quantized at zero magnetic fields, indicative of a ground state with partial valley polarization, perfect quantization and complete valley polarization are observed at finite fields. Our findings illustrate that singularities in the flat bands in the presence of spin-orbit coupling can stabilize ordered phases even at non-integer moir\'e band fillings.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    A Rare HBV Subgenotype D4 with Unique Genomic Signatures Identified in North-Eastern India –An Emerging Clinical Challenge?

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: HBV has been classified into ten genotypes (A-J) and multiple subgenotypes, some of which strongly influence disease outcome and their distribution also correlate with human migration. HBV infection is highly prevalent in India and its diverse population provides an excellent opportunity to study the distinctiveness of HBV, its evolution and disease biology in variegated ethnic groups. The North-East India, having international frontiers on three sides, is one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse region of the country. Given the paucity of information on molecular epidemiology of HBV in this region, the study aimed to carry out an in-depth genetic characterization of HBV prevailing in North-East state of Tripura. METHODS: From sera of chronically HBV infected patients biochemical/serological tests, HBV DNA quantification, PCR-amplification, sequencing of PreS/S or full-length HBV genomes were done. HBV genotype/subgenotype determination and sequence variability were assessed by MEGA5-software. The evolutionary divergence times of different HBV subgenotypes were estimated by DNAMLK/PHYLIP program while jpHMM method was used to detect any recombination event in HBV genomes. RESULTS: HBV genotypes D (89.5%), C (6.6%) and A (3.9%) were detected among chronic carriers. While all HBV/A and HBV/C isolates belonged to subgenotype-A1 and C1 respectively, five subgenotypes of HBV/D (D1-D5) were identified including the first detection of rare D4. These non-recombinant Indian D4 (IndD4) formed a distinct phylogenetic clade, had 2.7% nucleotide divergence and recent evolutionary radiation than other global D4. Ten unique amino acids and 9 novel nucleotide substitutions were identified as IndD4 signatures. All IndD4 carried T120 and R129 in ORF-S that may cause immune/vaccine/diagnostic escape and N128 in ORF-P, implicated as compensatory Lamivudine resistance mutation. CONCLUSIONS: IndD4 has potential to undermine vaccination programs or anti-viral therapy and its introduction to North-East India is believed to be linked with the settlement of ancient Tibeto-Burman migrants from East-Asia

    Updated respiration routines alter spatio-temporal patterns of carbon cycling in a global land surface model

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    We updated the routines used to estimate leaf maintenance respiration (MR) in the Energy Land Model (ELM) using a comprehensive global respiration data base. The updated algorithm includes a temperature acclimating base rate, an updated instantaneous temperature response, and new plant functional type specific parameters. The updated MR algorithm resulted in a very large increase in global MR of 16.1 Pg (38%), but the signal was not geographically uniform. The increase was concentrated in the tropics and humid warm-temperate forests. The increase in MR led to large but proportionally smaller decreases in global net primary production (19%) and in average global leaf area index (15%). The effect on global gross primary production (GPP) was a more modest 5.7 Pg (4%). A detailed site level analysis also demonstrated a wide range of effects the updated algorithm can have on the seasonal cycle of GPP. Output from the updated and old models did not differ markedly in how closely they matched a suite of benchmarks. Given the substantial impact on the land surface carbon cycle, a neutral influence on model benchmarks, and better alignment with empirical evidence, an MR algorithm similar to the one presented here should be adopted into ELM