138 research outputs found

    Archaeological excavations at Gua Sireh (Serian) and Lubang Angin (Gunung Mulu National Park), Sarawak, Malaysia

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    The initial aim of this research was to excavate only the cave of Gua Sireh in an attempt to gather data for the prehistory of western Sarawak, for which region mostly protohistoric sites have been examined so far. Though Gua Sireh was excavated by Harrisson and Solheim in 1959, their materials still await further analysis. The excavation methods, finds and tentative interpretations of the 1989 excavation are presented in this thesis. Gua Sireh appeared to have been ephemerally used about 20,000 years ago when the site would have been about 500 kilometres inland. However, evidence for Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene occupation is limited to a few amorphous stones of quartz and chert and some freshwater shells. Pottery (some with rice temper) which appeared at Gua Sireh about 4000 BP is found to have affinities with the paddle-impressed pottery assemblages from Tanjong Kubor, Gua Bungoh and Kupang (Brunei). Some of the sherds with rice chaff temper have been submitted for AMS dating to determine when rice first appeared in the region. Human and animal bones were found throughout the pottery phase. Iron artefacts and glass beads were recovered in the upper levels, presumably deposited after 2000 years ago. Before leaving Australia to commence my fieldwork in July 1989 it was decided that a second site, Lubang Angin, be investigated as well. Lubang Angin is a limestone cave, about 610 kilometres NE of Gua Sireh, located in the Gunung Mulu National Park about 90 kilometres (as the crow flies) inland from the coast. The 1989 excavation at Lubang Angin was the first carried out in the Mulu region. The cave produced extended burials with associated burial items, similar to those found in the Niah caves which are about 160 kilometres to the southwest. These grave goods include "three-colour ware", double-spouted vessels, predominantly cord-marked earthenwares, marine bivalve shells, iron artefacts and glass beads. A c 3000 BP date on a marine shell suggests that the Lubang Angin burials, like those of the Niah caves, were probably placed between 1000 BC and AD 500. The three-colour ware and double-spouted vessels at Lubang Angin and the Niah caves were determined by neutron activation analysis to have been manufactured from more than one source of raw materials. Both sites have yielded interesting finds. Gua Sireh deserves further excavation while other caves in the Mulu reserve should be investigated

    Corrigendum to “Femur associated with the Deep Skull from the West Mouth of the Niah Caves (Sarawak, Malaysia)” [Journal of Human Evolution 127 (2019) 133–148](S0047248418301520)(10.1016/j.jhevol.2018.12.008)

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    In the original analyses of the Deep Skull femoral midshaft section, anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) orientations were transposed, that is, AP and ML second moments of area, as well as linear external breadths, were reversed. Cross-sectional properties were also calculated using an approximate method employing radiographic breadths, while a more accurate method using actual periosteal and endosteal contours is possible given that a complete section is available (MomentMacro; https://fae.johnshopkins.edu/chris-ruff/). When this method is applied and orientations are corrected, the following properties are obtained. C.B. Ruff has been added to the author list of this article as he carried out the analyses that resulted in the new cross-sectional properties. [Table presented] The authors apologize for the original error

    Sherds as archaeobotanical assemblages: Gua Sireh reconsidered

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    The earliest claim for domesticated rice in Island Southeast Asia (4960–3565 cal BP) derives from a single grain embedded in a ceramic sherd from Gua Sireh Cave, Borneo. In a first assessment of spikelet-base assemblages within pottery sherds using quantitative microCT analysis, the authors found no additional rice remains within this sherd to support the early date of rice farming; analysis of a more recent Gua Sireh sherd (1990–830 cal BP), however, indicates that 70 per cent of spikelet bases are from domesticated rice. This technique offers a high degree of contextual and temporal resolution for approaching organic-tempered ceramics as well-preserved archaeobotanical assemblages


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    Currently, the world lives in a time of high level of communication, in which all the news circulates quickly, generating, more and more, information and, thus, the need for fragile answers. Information of all kinds is available at a simple click on a smartphone or any device with a responsive system. The internet is present in almost every device, providing its users with feedback on their actions and optimizing their lives, thus being able to be observed in their private lives and/or in their work environment. This article consists of a systematic literature review, which aims to deepen knowledge about natural language and Natural Language Processing, with its tools and ontologies, solving all existing doubts about the software, in addition to understanding its purpose, its structures and its limitations. The structure of this research took place, as the main focus of the search, on the Google Scholar website, in the areas of information sciences and other associations. 55 documents were selected and classified into journal articles, monographs, course conclusion works, master's dissertations, doctoral theses, among other national and international publications. Regarding the state of the art, the main analysis was the work of Almeida and Dias (2019), who made a brilliant approach to domain analysis in the field of Brazilian information science. He presents the question about what is a domain, which, according to his research, are the constructions of information organization systems that share knowledge, taking advantage, then, to emphasize the need to understand how a certain domain, called PLN, helped several areas of knowledge to achieve a result, on these researches, in particular, those that used some tool of Artificial Intelligence. In short, it is possible to conclude that NLP is a branch of AI, in which it helps computers to understand, interpret and manipulate human language, thus resulting from several disciplines, including computer science and computational linguistics, which seek to fill the gap between human communication and computer understanding.Atualmente, o mundo vive uma época de alto nível de comunicação, no qual todas as notícias circulam de forma rápida, gerando, cada vez mais, informação e surgindo, assim, a necessidade de respostas frágeis. Informações de todo o tipo estão disponíveis a um simples click em um smartphone ou qualquer dispositivo com um sistema responsivo. A internet está presente em quase todo aparelho fornecendo aos seus usuários um feedback de suas ações e otimizando suas vidas, podendo, assim, ser observada na sua vida particular e/ou no seu ambiente de trabalho. O presente artigo consiste em uma revisão de literatura do tipo sistemática, na qual tem como objetivo aprofundar o conhecimento acerca da linguagem natural e do Processamento de Linguagem Natural, com suas ferramentas e ontologias, sanando todas as dúvidas existentes acerca dos softwares, além de entender seu objetivo, suas estruturas e suas limitações. A estrutura desta pesquisa, deu-se, como foco principal de busca, no sítio do Google Acadêmico, nas áreas de ciências da informação e demais associações. Foram selecionados 55 documentos e classificados em artigos de periódicos, monografias, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, dissertações de mestrado, teses de doutorado, entre outras publicações, nacionais e internacionais. Sobre o estado da arte, foi colocado como análise principal o trabalho de Almeida e Dias (2019), que fez uma abordagem brilhante da análise de domínio, no campo da ciência de informação brasileira. Ele apresenta a questão acerca do que é domínio, que segundo suas pesquisas, são as construções de sistemas de organização da informação e que compartilham conhecimentos, aproveita-se, então, para enfatizar a necessidade de entender como um determinado domínio, chamado de PLN, auxiliou diversas áreas do conhecimento a alcançarem um resultado, sobre estas pesquisas, em especial, aquelas que utilizaram alguma ferramenta da Inteligência Artificial. Em suma, é possível concluir que o PLN é uma vertente da IA, no qual auxilia computadores a entender, interpretar e manipular a linguagem humana, resultando, assim, de diversas disciplinas, incluindo a ciência da computação e a linguística computacional, que buscam preencher a lacuna entre a comunicação humana e o entendimento dos computadores

    Dengue-induced autophagy, virus replication and protection from cell death require ER stress (PERK) pathway activation

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    Avirus that reproduces in a host without killing cells can easily establish a successful infection. Previously, we showed that dengue-2, a virus that threatens 40% of the world, induces autophagy, enabling dengue to reproduce in cells without triggering cell death. Autophagy further protects the virus-laden cells from further insults. In this study, we evaluate how it does so; we show that dengue upregulates host pathways that increase autophagy, namely endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and ataxia telangiectasiamutated (ATM) signaling followed by production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Inhibition of ER stress or ATM signaling abrogates the dengueconferred protection against other cell stressors. Direct inhibition of ER stress response in infected cells decreases autophagosome turnover, reduces ROS production and limits reproduction of dengue virus. Blocking ATM activation, which is an early response to infection, decreases transcription of ER stress response proteins, but ATM has limited impact on production of ROS and virus titers. Production of ROS determines only late-onset autophagy in infected cells and is not necessary for dengue-induced protection from stressors. Collectively, these results demonstrate that among the multiple autophagy-inducing pathways during infection, ER stress signaling is more important to viral replication and protection of cells than either ATM or ROS-mediated signaling. To limit virus production and survival of dengue-infected cells, one must address the earliest phase of autophagy, induced by ER stress

    Ancient jades map 3,000 years of prehistoric exchange in Southeast Asia

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    We have used electron probe microanalysis to examine Southeast Asian nephrite (jade) artifacts, many archeologically excavated, dating from 3000 B.C. through the first millennium A.D. The research has revealed the existence of one of the most extensive sea-based trade networks of a single geological material in the prehistoric world. Green nephrite from a source in eastern Taiwan was used to make two very specific forms of ear pendant that were distributed, between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D., through the Philippines, East Malaysia, southern Vietnam, and peninsular Thailand, forming a 3,000-km-diameter halo around the southern and eastern coastlines of the South China Sea. Other Taiwan nephrite artifacts, especially beads and bracelets, were distributed earlier during Neolithic times throughout Taiwan and from Taiwan into the Philippines

    Social roles and aging from a life-span perspective

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    Este trabalho investigou os papéis sociais e as tarefas evolutivas desempenhados por adultos. O local escolhido para investigação foi um assentamento de famílias de baixa renda do Distrito Federal criado em 1989. Utilizou-se um questionário contendo 17 questões abertas e 15 questões fechadas, preenchido pela primeira autora durante uma visita domiciliar. Participaram 98 respondentes (73 F e 25 M), sendo 51 entre 50 e 59 anos e 47 a partir de 60 anos. Os resultados apontaram que este grupo é heterogêneo e que seus papéis sociais são influenciados pelas variáveis demográficas (idade, sexo, escolaridade, ocupação, naturalidade e estado civil) e também pelas variáveis relativas à moradia atual. Concluiu-se também que as expectativas sociais, o suporte social e a escolarização são fatores de suma importância para oferecer recursos para a otimização e compensação necessárias a um envelhecimento bem sucedido. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study investigated the social roles and developmental tasks of adults. The study took place in a settlement of low-income families, created in The Federal District in 1989. Data were collected through a questionnaire composed of 17 open and 15 closed questions, administered by the first author during a home visit. There were 98 respondents, 73 female and 25 male, being 51 between 50 to 59 years old and 47 elders above the age of 60. The result indicated that this group is heterogeneous and that its social roles are influenced by the demographic variables - age, sex, educational level, work, place of the birth and marital status, as well for the relative variables to current residence. The data allow the conclusion that social expectations, social support and the educational level are important resources for the optimization and necessary compensation to successful aging

    Feeling older and wanting to be younger

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    Two samples of middle-aged women were compared using a questionnaire adapted from Rossi (1980). One sample ( N = 20) consisted of women who felt older than and desired to be younger than their own age. The second sample ( N = 19) was comprised of women who felt and desired to be their own age. Statistically significant differences between the groups were that women who felt older reported more physical changes of aging, less satisfaction with their life context, and more worries than the women who felt their chronological age. Results of this study suggest that current life stress contributes to middle-aged women's perceptions of feeling older and desiring to be younger than their own age.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42987/1/10823_2004_Article_BF00116678.pd