452 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bidang Pengembangan Melalui Metode Bermain Peran Dengan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peningkatkan hasil belajar bidang pengembangan melalui metode bermain peran dengan model pembelajaran cooperative learning di TK Negeri Pembina 1 Parepare. Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran cooperative learning melalui penerapan metode bermain peran dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar anak didik, Prosentase ketuntasan belajar anak didik mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan setelah dilakukan perbaikan pembelajaran pada evaluasi sebelum perbaikan pembelajaran ada 12 anak didik atau 52% dari 23 anak didik. Pada perbaikan pembelajaran siklus I meningkat, anak didik yang nilainya 75 keatas menjadi 16 atau 69% dari jumlah 23 anak didik dan pada perbaikan siklus II menjadi 22 anak didik atau 96%

    Genetic Variability in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum MILL) Genotypes in the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia

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    Investigation of variability existing in crop cultivars is important to crop improvement. The study was conducted at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) to assess the genetic variability among 36 tomato genotypes using 6*6 simple lattice designs. There were significant differences among genotypes all traits. High phenotypic and genotypic variances were recorded for number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit shape index and juice volume indicating the existence of substantial variability. High heritability along with high genetic advance as percent of the mean was exhibited by characters viz. plant height, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit shape index and juice volume, reflecting the presence of additive gene action for the expression of these traits and selection based on them would be ideal. Generally, the present study implied the presence of genetic variability among the test genotypes with respect to the traits considered indicating an opportunity to bring about fruit yield improvements in snap bean either through direct selection or hybridization

    English teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and students learning approaches

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    This study aimed at investigating the direct and indirect effects that teachers' self-efficacy beliefs exert on students' learning approaches via affecting their perceptions of classroom structure. The sample included 40 English teachers and 240 first-grade female students from high schools in Iran. To collect data, three questionnaires were applied: (a) Self-Efficacy Beliefs Questionnaire was answered by the teachers, and (b) Study Process Questionnaire and Survey of Classroom Structure Goals were given to the students. Path analysis revealed that, via Motivating Tasks, Mastery Evaluation, and Autonomy Support, teachers' self-efficacy beliefs had an indirect and positive effect on students' deep learning approaches but an indirect and negative effect on their surface learning approaches. Also, teachers' self-efficacy beliefs affected students' deep learning approaches directly and positively but their surface learning approaches directly and negatively. Moreover, it was found that Motivating Tasks, Mastery Evaluation, and Autonomy Support had direct and positive effects on students' deep learning approaches but direct and negative effects on their surface learning approaches. All the relationships between model variables were statistically significant. The results tend to verify that students' perception of classroom structure plays a mediating role between teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and students' learning approaches

    Gambaran Akses Cyber Pornography pada Remaja

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    Media informasi terbesar saat ini adalah internet, dalam internet terdapat sebuah konten berbahaya dan merugikan bagi penggunanya yaitu pornografi. Pornografi dunia maya atau cyber pornography adalah konten yang paling mempengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja, mudahnya aksesibilitas dalam mengakses pornografi di internet sering kali menjadi faktor terbesar perilaku seks pra-nikah pada sehingga menimbulkan sebuah dampak yang lebih buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran aksesibilitas cyber pornography pada remaja di SMA Negeri Jatinangor, menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan total populasi 851 siswa. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik proportionate random sampling. Total responden penelitian ini adalah 203 orang, menggunakan instrumen berupa kuesioner Aksesibilitas Pornografi dengan nilai uji validitas 0,714 dan uji reliabilitas instrumen r alpha 0,764. Data dikategorikan menjadi aksesibilitas cyber pornography kurang, sedang dan tinggi, selanjutnya dihitung dengan distribusi frekuensi, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan nilai mean. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan data lebih dari setengah responden yakni 148 orang (72,90%) aksesibilitas cyber pornography sedang, 47 orang (23,15%) aksesibilitas cyber pornography tinggi, dan 8 orang (3,94%) dengan aksesibilitas cyber pornography kurang. Dimensi aktivitas menjadi dimensi paling berpengaruh terhadap variabel aksesibilitas cyber pornography dengan nilai mean tertinggi (14,48), berikutnya di susul oleh dimensi rangsangan, kesenangan dan dimensi refleksi.

    Pengaruh Perendaman dengan Larutan Ca(OH)2 Terhadap Karakterisitik Keripik Kentos Kelapa (Cocos nucifera, L) Menggunakan Vacuum Frying

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman dengan larutan kapur Ca(OH)2 terhadap karakteristik keripik kentos kelapa (Cocos nucifera, L). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dan uji lanjut dengan DNMRT pada taraf 5%. Perlakuan penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi larutan CA(OH)2 A (0%), B (1,5%), C (2%), D (2,5%), dan E (3%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perendaman kentos dalam larutan kapur Ca(OH)2 dengan konsentrasi yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata pada taraf 5% dan 1% terhadap karakteristik keripik kentos seperti, rendemen, kekerasan, warna, kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, karbohidrat, daya serap minyak, aktifitas antioksidan, uji organoleptik dan tidak berpengaruh nyata pada total flavonoid dan aroma. Perlakuan terbaik dari penelitian ini yaitu pada E (Perendaman Larutan Kapur 3%) yaitu nilai rendemen 7,46%, kekerasan 1,11 N/Cm2, warna nilai L* (Lightness) 74,99 0Hue 87,73 yang berwarna yellow red, kadar air 8,67%, kadar abu 3,17%, kadar lemak 23,01%, kadar protein 3,49%, karbohidrat 61,67%, daya serap minyak 21,19%, total flavonoid 163,19 mg/L, aktifitas antioksidan 49,19%, dan pada uji organoleptik nilai rata-rata kesukaan warna 4,12, rasa 3,92, aroma 3,20, dan tekstur 3,96. Kata kunci: Antioksidan, Ca(OH)2, Flavonoid, Kentos Kelap

    A Comparative Study of Allegory in Attar's Conference of the Birds and Alfred de Musset's The Story of a White Blackbird

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    The symbols constituting the allegorical stories of different nations have many similarities in many facet, which continuously depict the real world. The similarities among metaphorical, allegorical and mythical stories in the world literature paves tge way for researchers who are interested in studying and discovering these similarities taking a comparative approach and makes such a research seem necessary. In this article, Conference of the Birds, the outstanding work of Attar, the seventh-century poet and Sufi from Iran and the Story of a White Blackbird by Alfred de Musset, a famous romantic French writer and poet of the nineteenth century. Different kinds of birds constitute the characters and the main structure of these two works. This study tries to give definitions of allegory in literature and the symbol of bird, to make a comparative study of the allegories and the reasons for its use in the French Romantic School and in Persian mystical literature


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    Tugas keluarga dalam bidang kesehatan penting bagi keluarga penderita hipertensi, hal ini untuk mengetahui sejauhmana tugas keluarga dalam bidang kesehatan dengan penyakit hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui evaluas i tugas keluarga dalam bidang kesehatan pada anggota keluarga penderita hipertensi. “Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan jumlah populasi 133 responden. Jumlah sampel 75 responden dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu Simple Random Sampling yang disajikan dalam bentuk prosentase. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner”.. “Hasil penelitian terhadap 75 responden menunjukkan bahwa tugas keluarga dalam bidang kesehatan di desa Demangan Kecamatan Siman Kabupaten Ponorogo dalam katagori buruk yakni (57%) mengenal masalah kesehatan keluarga, (63%) memutuskan tindakan yang tepat bagi keluarga yang sakit, (48%) memberikan perawatan terhadap keluarga yang sakit, memodifikasi lingkungan keluarga untuk menunjang kesehatan keluarga sebagian besar sudah baik (81%), hasil buruk (69%) untuk menggunakan pelayanan kesehatan bagi keluarga yang sakit”. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi bagi peneliti selanjutnya, diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya dapat meneliti tentang tugas keluarga dalam bidang kesehatan pada anggota keluarga penderita penyakit lainnya. Kata kunci : Evaluasi, Keluarga, Hipertens

    Analysis of the Inequality of Spatial Distribution of Administrative-Disciplinary Services via the Spatial Justice Approach (Case Study: Isfahan Neighborhoods)

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    Extended abstract:Introduction: Following the increasing expansion of cities and urban population, the demand for urban services is also increasing. One of the important services in cities is administrative service that meets the citizens’ daily needs. This type of service has been established by ministries and central organizations with the increase of the number of cities and urban population and consequently, the increase of citizens' service needs. On the other hand, fair and adequate distribution of disciplinary enforcement centers has an effective role in establishing security and tranquility in cities. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately identify the current situation in this field in order to create a more appropriate and equitable distribution of administrative-disciplinary spaces that are needed by today's societies. In this regard, the purpose of this article was to evaluate the spatial pattern of administrative-disciplinary services in Isfahan so as to achieve the effect of the administrative model of administrative-disciplinary services on the desirability of the functional radius of these services and assess the relationship between the spatial distribution of administrative-disciplinary services and population in the related areas. Methodology: This study was of an applied type based on the purpose and a descriptive-analytical research in nature and method. Data collection was based on the library method. After collecting the basic information and data, the spatial distribution of administrative-disciplinary enforcement services was firstly modeled by using the nearest neighborhood analysis method, local Moran index, global Moran index, and hot-spot analysis in Arc GIS software environment. Then, the effect of the spatial distribution pattern of these services on the desirability of their functional radius was evaluated in the same software by using fuzzy membership function. In the next step, by drawing the map of Isfahan neighborhoods in GeoDa software, the spatial autocorrelation of the variable population of Isfahan with the distribution of ​​administrative-disciplinary services in its neighborhoods was determined and analyzed by using Moran’s bivariate index.Discussion: The analysis of the nearest neighborhood showed that the administrative-disciplinary enforcement services in Isfahan were randomly distributed. According to the calculations of the global Moran coefficient, the administrative-disciplinary enforcement services were distributed in clusters in the neighborhoods with a probability of 99%. By calculating the local Moran for the neighborhoods of Isfahan, it was found that 3 neighborhoods in District 13 were significantly located at the High-High clustering level, which indicated establishment of the neighborhoods with more administrative-disciplinary enforcement services nearby and in clusters. One neighborhood in District 10 and one in District 14 were located at the High-Low level. These neighborhoods had a large number of administrative-disciplinary enforcement services, while being surrounded by less record-breaking neighbors. 3 neighborhoods in District 13, which were located at the Low-High clustering level, faced the lack of access to these services, while being adjacent to the neighborhoods with a better access. Other neighborhoods did not have a significant autocorrelation. According to the maps drawn through the hot-spot analysis, the neighborhoods and central areas, especially areas 1, 3, 5, and 6, had formed hot spots and moved to the outskirts of the city due to their high administrative-disciplinary services, especially area 9 and the northeast part of the city. Also, cold spots were forming, which indicated the lack of administrative-disciplinary enforcement services in these neighborhoods. Assessing the effectiveness of the spatial distribution model of these services on the desirability of the functional radius demonstrated the desirability of their functional radius in the central regions, as well as unfavorable areas and neighborhoods around the city. The desirability of the functional radius was in favor of the center but had caused a detriment to the surroundings. Moran’s bivariate index was applied to measure and evaluate the spatial autocorrelation, which showed very low probability of the spatial distribution of administrative-disciplinary enforcement services based on the variable population with low significance. Conclusion: In general, the results indicated that the spatial distribution of administrative-disciplinary enforcement services in the neighborhoods of Isfahan City was inappropriate in a way that the desirability of access to these services in the central areas was very high, while citizens in the suburbs were facing lack of access to these services. Therefore, it is necessary to consider programs and policies that eliminate this major spatial gap and establish spatial justice in the neighborhoods of Isfahan and ultimately social justice to cover the entire city. According to David Harvey, it is advisable to give extra services to the groups in need because they do not have a history of using these services and are not thus accustomed to them. This is especially true of municipal services for very poor groups, new immigrants, and the like. Hence, entitlement to the geographical framework would be allocation of additional resources to compensate for the social and natural problems of each region. Keywords: spatial justice, spatial distribution, administrative-disciplinary services, Isfahan neighborhood References- Ardeshiri, Ali, Ken Willis & Mahyar Ardeshiri (2018). Exploring preference homogeneity and heterogeneity for proximity to urban, public services, Cities, pp 1–13.- Boyne. A., Georg, Martin A. Powell (2002). Territoial Justice Spatial Justice and Local covernment Finance, University of Herhordshire & university of clamorgan.- Delbosec, A. and G., Currie (2011). 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