13 research outputs found


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    Leaves of sangitan (Sambucus javanica Reinw) are often found but noticed. The leaf part of the sangitan plant is used to treat swelling, insecticides, antidiarrheal, antiinfectives, wounds, smoothing the skin as it contains flavonoid chemical compounds, glycosides, anthracton glycosides, saponins, steroids / triterpenoids and tannins. Screening results of ethanol extract of sour leaves (SambucusjavanicaReinw) contain alkaloid compounds, flavonoids, glikosida, antrakinon glycosides, saponins, steroids / triterpenoids and tannins. The extraction of sangitan leaves was done by maceration using 96% ethanol. Examination of antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of sangitan leaves was done in vitro by diffusion method of wells with concentrations of 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 mg / ml. This study used cotrimosazole as a comparator and 96% ethanol as a negative control. The extract of ethanol leaves sangitan showed anti bacterial activity against bacteria Eschericia coli and Salmonella thypi at concentration 500 mg / ml respectively 16,11 mm and 17,04 mm which is classified strong but when compared with antibiotic cotrimosazole 10 mg / ml visible diameter of inhibit ethanol extract Leaves sangitan still much lower that is 30,35 mm in bacterium Eschericia coli and 33,15 mm in Salmonella thypi bacteria whereas ethanol extract do not show inhibitory power


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    The bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes tuberculosis. That bacteria is a very strong bacterium, so it should used some antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Tuberculosis (TB) treatment has two stages of intensive and advanced stages. To improve the compliance of TB, patients generally use anti-tuberculosis drugs (OAT) a fixed-dose combination. In the intensive stage, there are at least four antibiotics in the OAT combines fixed-dose. The use of polypharmacy drugs leads to the onset of unwanted side effects and is one of the causes of tuberculosis patients to stop treatment. The purpose of this research is analyzing the side effects that occur during the treatment of anti-tuberculosis. Sampling techniques performed in a prospective observation of tuberculosis patients who consume OAT for two months with analysis using statistics. The results of the study are the most frequent adverse effects on OAT are itching, headache and nausea with a percentage of each 72%, joint pain 45%, abdominal pain 36.4%, less appetite and rash respectively 27,3% and reddish colour in the urine 18.2 %


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    This reseach was conducted to determine the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Eschericia coli from pandanus fragrant ethanol extract formulated in the form of hand gel antiseptic preparations. The ethanol extract was prepared by percolation using 96% ethanol solvent. Phytochemical screening is done on fragrant pandan leaves. Evaluation of hand antiseptic gel preparations included organoleptic testing, homogeneity testing, pH determination, spreading test, stability, irritation testing and antibacterial testing of Staphylococcus aureus and Eschericia coli. The results of phytochemical screening showed that the pandanus fragrant leaves contain alkaloids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids and polyphenols. The pandanus fragrant leaves ethanol extract can be formulated into hand gel antiseptic preparations because the pH is about 6.0-7.1, the spreading power is about 5.06-5.15 cm, stable for 12 weeks and organoleptically a formula with a very 2.5% concentration Favored and does not irritate the skin. The results of antibacterial activity test showed that the preparation with concentration of 10% had the strongest activity with the diameter of 13,23 mm to Staphylococcus aureus and 13,13% to Eschericia coli almost same with dettol stock on the market with diameter 16,43mm to Staphylococcus aureus and 16 , 03% against Eschericia coli

    Comparative Effectiveness Study of Chloramphenicol and Ceftriaxone in the Treatment of Typhoid Fever in Children Admitted to Putri Hijau Kesdam I/Bb Hospital Medan

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    BACKGROUND: Typhoid fever is a disease caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria, especially attacking the digestive tract. Chloramphenicol is the main drug of choice for the treatment of typhoid fever. But along with the advancement of the medical field, other medicines were developed. Ceftriaxone is an effective drug for the treatment of typhoid fever in the short term. But the price of ceftriaxone is more expensive. AIM: The aim of this study was comparative effectiveness study of Chloramphenicol and Ceftriaxone in the treatment of typhoid fever in children admitted to Putri Hijau Kesdam I/BB Hospital Medan METHODS: This study was conducted cross-sectionally about the treatment of typhoid fever in children who were hospitalized at TK II PutriHijau Hospital Kesdam I/BB Medan. the patient used cloramfenikol antibiotics in 13 patients and used ceftriaxone in 17 patients. Patient age ranges from 0-19 years. Antibiotic analysis is the best effectiveness using the ACER method. RESULTS: He results of the patient characteristics show that the children of patients who suffer from typhoid fever, the highest age is 12-16 years (50%), by gender male 60% and female 40%. Patients hospitalized using chloramfenicol averaged 6.53 days (7 days) while ceftriaxon averaged 4.17 days. The average number of direct medical costs in pediatric patients suffering from typhoid fever using cloramfenikol was 3,212,776/patient while ceftriaxon 1,967,045/patient. Cost effectiveness analysis using ACER method obtained results for cloramenicenicol at 492.002/day and ceftriaxon 471,713/day CONCLUSION: Ceftriaxone has a better treatment effectiveness compared to chloramphenicol in typhoid fever patients in children

    Potential side effects of medicine on patients with tuberculosis fixed-dose combination in dr. Pirngadi Hospital, Medan

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    Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which by only using a few new antibiotics, can kill the bacteria. Tuberculosis treatment has several stages, namely intensive and advanced stages. Compliance with the use of OAT is an imported factor in the success of TB treatment. The use of many drugs can cause side effects that result in patients stopping treatment when it creates the TB treatment process to fail. Improved adherence can do by using a fixed-dose combination OAT. In the intensive phase, the patient will get a fixed-dose combination containing a mixture of four antibiotics. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential side effects that occur during fixed-dose combination OAT treatment at an intensive stage and see the level of compliance of patients taking TB drugs. Observational sampling in TB patients was taking OAT at an acute stage by looking at side effects that arise during treatment and then analyzed using statistics and algorithm Naranjo. The results showed the most common potential side effects for fixed-dose combination OAT in the intensive stage were itching, headache and nausea with a percentage of 72% each, joint pain 45%, stomach pain 36.4%, lack of appetite and rashes 27.3% each and reddish color in the urine 18.2%. The results of the analysis using Naranjo logarithm obtained results eight, which means the side effects might cause due to the use of the drug. The results of patient compliance achieved a 100% compliance rat


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    Pelayanan informasi obat merupakan bagian dari pada standar pelayanan kefarmasia di apotek dalam bidang pelayanan klinis. Pelayanan informasi obat dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien dalam mengkomsumsi obat. Data di lapangan menunjukkan tingkat pelayanan informasi obat masih sangat terbatas dilakukan di apotek dan belum sesuai dengan standar. Kebaruan dalam penelitian ini karena menganalisis bentuk pelayanan informasi obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelayanan informasi obat pada beberapa apotek di Kota Medan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Data diambil dengan cara mendatangi langsung apotek yang bersedia untuk dijadikan tempat penelitian kemudian membagikan kuesioner kepada pasien sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang sudah ditentukan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 10 apotek di Kota Medan, pada bulan Desember 2021 sampai dengan Maret 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang diberikan informasi terkait nama obat, bentuk sediaan, kegunaan obat, car apemakaian obat, waktu penggunaan obat (pagi/siang/malam), waktu penggunaan obat (sebelum/sedang/sesudah makan), dosis obat dengan persentase lebih dari 70% sedangkan  pemberian informasi mengenai efek samping obat dan lama penggunaan obat sebesar 65% dan 58%. Informasi terkait interaksi obat, cara penyimpanan, cara pembuangan obat persentasenya sangat kecil. Kesimpulan penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa dari beberapa apotek yang dijadikan sampel hanya 70% apotek yang melakukan pelayanan informasi obat sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek menurut Permenkes nomor 73 tahun 2016.AbstractDrug information services are part of the pharmaceutical service standards at pharmacies in clinical services. Drug information services can improve patient compliance in consuming drugs. Data in the field shows that the level of drug information services still needs to be improved in the pharmacy and is not in accordance with the standards. The novelty of this study is that it analyzes the form of drug information service at several pharmacies in Medan City. This study aims to find out drug information services at several pharmacies in Medan City. This research is a descriptive study. The data is taken by going directly to the pharmacy that is willing to be used as a research site and then distributing questionnaires to patients according to predetermined inclusion criteria. This research was conducted at 10 pharmacies in Medan City from December 2021 to March 2022. The results showed that patients were given information related to drug names, dosage forms, drug uses, drug use car, drug use time (morning/afternoon/night), drug use time (before / medium / after, drug dose with a percentage of more than 70% while providing information about drug side effects and duration of drug use was 65% and 58%. Information related to drug interactions, how to store and how dispose of drugs is a very small percentage. Of the several pharmacies sampled, only 70% of pharmacies carry out drug information services in accordance with pharmaceutical service standards in pharmacies according to Permenkes number 73 of 2016


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    Luka bakar yang disebabkan oleh benda panas seperti logam panas yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan, maka diperlukan sediaan atau obat – obatan untuk memperbaikinya. Tanaman obat tradisional yang dapat digunakan salah satunya daun harimonting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk) karena mengandung metabolit sekunder yang penting dalam penyembuhan luka. Kebaruan dalam penelitian karena menganalisis pengaruh krim ekstrak etanol daun Harimonting pada marmut dengan luka bakar. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh krim ekstrak etanol daun Harimonting pada marmut dengan luka bakar dan konsentrasi yang paling efektif untuk penyembuhan luka bakar tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Data diperoleh dengan mengukur perbaikan diameter luka bakar pada hari ke 0,5, 10, 15, dan 20 dengan konsentrasi 5%, 10%, dan 15%. Analisis menggunakan ANOVA dan Post-Hoc Tukey HSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan krim ekstrak etanol daun harimonting konsentrasi 5% mulai mengalami perubahan pada hari ke-5 dengan diameter 1,6 cm, dan pada hari ke-20 terjadi perbaikan secara keseluruhan. Begitu juga dengan konsentrasi 10% pada hari ke-5 dengan diameter 1,5 cm dan hari ke-15 sudah terjadi perbaikan sempurna, sedangkan konsentrasi 15% pada hari ke-5 dengan diameter 1,4 cm dan hari ke-15 perbaikan sudah terjadi secara sempurna, dan konsentrasi optimum yang dapat menyembuhkan luka bakar pada marmut adalah 15%. Hasil analisis statistik diameter luka bakar menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna p=0,00 (p0,05) pada masing-masing kelompok. Kesimpulan bahwa konsentrasi ekstrak etanol krim daun harimonting yang dapat digunakan sebagai penyembuh luka bakar paling baik pada marmut yaitu konsentrasi 15%

    Immunoreactivity of 36 kDa Outer Membrane Proteins (OMP) Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi as Candidate Immunodiagnostic for Typhoid Fever

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    A simple, rapid and early diagnostic test for typhoid fever urgently needed for clinicians. It’s have been discovered 36 kDa OMP’s from Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This study was aimed to determine potency of 36 KDa OMP’s to react with antibody of typhoid fever patients as candidate immunodiagnostic of typhoid fever. An OMP ‘s of S. Typhi with an apparent molecular mass of 36 kDa that is highly immunogenic, evokes humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, and confers 100% protection to immunized rats against challenge with very high doses of S. Typhi has been identified. Further, very efficient clearance of bacteria from the liver of immunized animals was seen. This protein is recognized by the antibodies present in serum of typhoid patients. The agglutination slide indicated that the immunoreactive protein evoked a strong immune response in rats. Serology test by dri-dot resulted OMP can react with serum of typhoid patients (n=25) with sensitivity 100


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    Shopee is an e-commerce widely used by Indonesians to buy and sell products and can shop safely. Shopee shows that in 2020, moisturizers was the top selling product in the beauty category. The moisturizers sold have different ingredients, come from many brands, and have different price points. The objective of the study is to compare the 3 best-selling moisturizers in the shopee category that are more effective in improving skin problems. This study was a quantitative study using a true experimental design with a posttest only control group design consisting of 4 groups, namely 3 groups using 3 best-selling moisturizer brands based on the shopee category and 1 control group. The sample of this study was selected based on the inclusion criteria consisting of 20 volunteers and the test was conducted for 4 weeks of application on the volunteers' skin by looking at the measured parameters of moisture, pores, blemishes and wrinkles. The results showed that the activity test of moisturizer A had a faster recovery in increasing moisture content (54.8%), shrinking pore size (23.8%), reducing blemishes (19.9%) and wrinkles 28.9%