18 research outputs found

    Ketahanan Genetik Berbagai Klon Karet Introduksi Terhadap Penyakit Gugur Daun

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    Penyakit gugur daun Corynespora cassiicola, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides dan Oidium heveae pada karet merupakan penyakit utama yang secara signifikan menurunkan produktivitas kebun. Serangan yang luas penyakit gugur daun tersebut banyak terjadi di berbagai negara penghasil karet alam seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Langka, India dan beberapa negara lain di Afrika. Penelitian lapangan dan laboratorium dengan metode uji cakram dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat resistensi beberapa klon introduksi terhadap penyakit gugur daun karet, menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, tiga ulangan dan dua puluh perlakuan (klon). Klon introduksi yang diuji terdiri dari klon asal Malaysia (PB 260, PB 217, PB 254, PB 312, PB 314, PB 330, PB 340, PB 350, PB 359, PB 366, RRIM 901, RRIM 908, RRIM 911, RRIM 921, RRIM 937), asal Sri Langka (RRIC 100, RRIC 102, RRIC 110), dan asal India (RRII 105, RRII 176). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan resistensi klon yang diuji terhadap patogen dari C. cassiicola, C. gloeosporioides dan O.heveae. Klon yang tergolong resisten terhadap C. gloeosporioides adalah RRIC 100, moderat resisten (PB 254, PB 260, PB 312, PB 314, PB 340, PB 366, RRIM 911, RRIM 921, RRIC 102), moderat (PB 330, PB 350, PB 359, RRIM 901, RRIM 908, RRIC 110, RRII 105, RRII 176), dan moderat rentan (PB 217, RRIM 937). Tidak ada klon yang diuji tergolong resisten terhadap O. heveae, sedangkan yang tergolong moderat resisten adalah PB 260, PB 217, PB 254, PB 312, PB 314, PB 350, PB 359, RRIM 908, RRIM 911, RRIM 921, RRIM 937, RRIC 100, RRIC 110, RRII 105, RRII 176, moderat (PB 330, PB 366, RRIM 901, RRIC 102) dan moderat rentan (PB 340). Klon yang tergolong resisten terhadap C. cassiicola adalah PB 260 dan RRIC 100, moderat resisten (PB 217, PB 254, PB 312, PB 314, PB 330, PB 340, PB 350, PB 366, RRIM 901, RRIM 908, RRIM 921, RRIM 937, RRIC 102, RRIC 110, RRII 105, RRII 176) dan moderat (PB 359, RRIM 911). Klon-klon yang resisten dapat dikembangkan dalam program pemuliaan karet untuk merakit klon unggul penghasil lateks tinggi dan tahan penyakit gugur daun. Diterima : 25 April 2013; Disetujui : 15 Mei 2013 How to Cite : Daslin, A. (2013). Ketahanan genetik berbagai klon karet introduksi terhadap penyakit gugur daun. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 31(2), 79-87. Retrieved from http://ejournal.puslitkaret.co.id/index.php/jpk/article/view/13

    Evaluasi Pengujian Lanjutan Klon Karet Irr Seri 120-140

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    Program pemuliaan dan seleksi tanaman karet dilakukan secara bertahap dari mulai seleksi progeni, uji plot promosi dan pendahuluan serta uji lanjutan dan adaptasi. Dari hasil uji pendahuluan telah dihasilkan beberapa genotipe yang potensial sebagai penghasil lateks serta memiliki sifat-sifat sekunder penting yang baik. Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih luas, sebanyak 17 genotipe terpilih dari uji pendahuluan diregistrasi menjadi klon IRR seri 120-140 dan diuji pada tahap lanjutan di lokasi kebun percobaan Sungei Putih. Percobaan dibangun pada tahun 1997, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok. Pengamatan produksi karet kering dilakukan dua kali sebulan, lilit batang mulai umur dua tahun, tebal kulit murni dan jaringan pembuluh lateks pada umur lima tahun, fisiologi aliran lateks, intensitas serangan penyakit gugur daun Colletotrichum, Oidium, dan Corynespora serta karakter sekunder lainnya. Dari hasil evaluasi, IRR 132 dan IRR 133 merupakan klon yang memiliki penampilan terbaik sebagai klon penghasil lateks dan memiliki sifat sekunder yang baik. Rata-rata produksi karet kering kg/ha/th selama delapan tahun penyadapan, klon IRR 132 (2.088 kg) dan IRR 133 (2.006 kg), 15-20% lebih tinggi dari PB 260 (1.739 kg). Ukuran lilit batang pada umur empat tahun berkisar 42,8-43,6 cm dengan rata-rata pertambahan sebelum penyadapan 7,1-10,9 cm/th dan setelah penyadapan 3,0-3,8 cm/th, rata-rata tebal kulit murni 6,5-6,7 mm serta tergolong moderat resisten sampai dengan resisten terhadap penyakit gugur daun Colletotrichum, Oidium, dan Corynespora. Klon IRR 131 dan IRR 140 sesuai dikembangkan sebagai penghasil lateks dan kayu (volume kayu total 0,99-1,03 m3/ph), dengan produksi karet kering kg/ha/th berkisar 1.610-1.638 kg. Diterima : 21 Maret 2012; Disetujui : 12 Juli 2012 How to Cite : Daslin, A. (2012). Evaluasi pengujian lanjutan klon karet IRR seri 120-140. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 30(2), 65-74. Retrieved from http://ejournal.puslitkaret.co.id/index.php/jpk/article/view/12

    Construction of Hevea brasiliensis Genetic Linkage Map and Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Using RAPD Markers

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    Rubber breeding program so far have constraints especially in selection process which need very wide area and very long time. The use molecular markers in breeding program could simplify the selection procedure. The objectives of research were to get the linkage map especially for PB 260 as female parent, and to get RAPD markers and morphology markers which associated with QTL controlling production component. Construction of genetic linkage map on rubber tree (2n=36) was conducted by using RAPD markers data through pseudo-testcross. First generation progenies of crossing between PB 260 and PN were used as mapping populations: 22 progenies of A population (PB 260 x PN 7111), 20 progenies of C population (PB 260 x PN7). Construction of linkage map was conducted using MAPMAKER/EXP 3.0. Linkage map of PB 260 was constructed on LOD 3.0 yielded 1 linkage group, on LOD 2.5 yielded 2 linkage group. Based on single marker analysis through t-test was known that marker C13-2000 linked with yield character and number of latex vessel character. Character of leaf shape linked with girth, bark thickness, and number of latex vessel. Character of leaf edge linked with plugging index


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    Planting of superior clones in plantations have a significant impact in improving productivity. Some clones could show optimal yield when planted in a certain environments but have low productivity in other environments. Indonesia has a wide diversity of environments in order requiring suitable clones for a certain environment. The study was conducted to determine the productivity of some clones in three different environmental conditions on the plantation, which consists of five conventional rubber clones  (GT 1, AVROS 2037, RRIM 600, PB 235, PB 260) were planted 1990, six clones of IRR 100 series (IRR 100, IRR 108, IRR 110, IRR 111, IRR 112, IRR 118), and six clones of IRR 200 series IRR (IRR 207, IRR 208, IRR 209, IRR 211, IRR 216, IRR 220) were planted 2004 respectively. The trials were arranged in a  randomized block three replication,  planting distance of 3.0 x 6.5 m and each plot of 600 trees (12 rows x 50 trees). Observation of latex yield measured in dry rubber productivity (tonnes/hectare).  The result  showed, there are the differences of clonal response at three locations with different environments in the plantation. The clones of PB 235 and PB 260 have the highest productivity and suitable for the  environment I (the low rain fall areas) with yield per hectare cumulative of fifteen tapping years are 30.1 and 29.2  tonnes respectively.  Clone IRR 112 had the best cumulative productivity over five tapping years of 8.4 to 9.2 tonnes/hectare and  IRR 118 of 7.2-7.6 tonnes/hectare suitable for the environment I and II  and IRR 110 had the highest productivity are 8.0 tonnes/hectares is suitable for environment II (optimal condition). Clones IRR  208 and IRR 211 provide the best yield (7.0 to 7.8 tonnes) and suitable for environment I and II, while clones of IRR 209, IRR 216 and IRR 220 is suitable for environment III (high rain fall areas) with productivity 8.0 to 8.5 tonnes. Development of these clones in appropriate planting environment, will increase the productivity of rubber plantations and agribusiness profits.Keywords : Hevea brasiliensis, rubber, productivity, environment, superior clone


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    Thermite (Coptotermes curvignathus) is the destructive pest at rubber plantation especially rubber planta-tion which is ex of old plantation or forest with inaccurate land clearing. Chitosan known can control thermites by disturbing protozoa’s rules in digestion systems of thermites that causing thermites can not get the food yielded by protozoa. Effectiveness of Chitosan was known by directly testing chitosan to thermites with the pre eliminary test to get the range of effective concentration and way of effective application with 8 treatments in 4 concentration levels ( 0.1, 1, 10, and 100%) which is each concentration combined with two way of application (spraying and baiting) with 4 replications. Based to the result of pre eliminary test, 1% chitosan concentration determined as concentration standard of main test which consists of concentration test (0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2%) with the spraying application with 4 replications with control and termicide as comparitors. The same concentrations and compari-tors were also tested with the baiting application with 4 replications. Then, the test also done by combinating spraying and baiting application with same concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2%) and compared with control and termiticides that replicated 3 times. The percentage of thermites mortality was observed every two days until the 4th day after application. The result showed that the combination treatment between concentration and way of application of chitosan showed that the most effective concentration to kill the thermites is 2% baiting application with the mortality percentage of thermites reaches 54.78% at the 4th day after applicatio

    Uji Adaptasi Klon Karet Irr Seri 100 Pada Agroklimat Kering Di Kebun Sungei Baleh Kabupaten Asahan Sumatera Utara

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    Kegiatan pemuliaan karet pada generasi seleksi ke empat (1985-2010) telah menghasilkan berbagai jenis klon unggul diantaranya klon IRR seri 100. Informasi kinerja yang lebih luas dari berbagai klon unggul baru diperlukan untuk pengembangan perkebunan karet pada lokasi tertentu. Percobaan adaptasi klon dibangun tahun 2002 di Kebun Sungei Baleh, PT. Bakrie Sumatra Plantation, bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pertumbuhan dan produksi khususnya di daerah Kabupaten Asahan, Sumatera Utara. Bahan pengujian adalah 14 klon IRR seri 100, yaitu IRR 100, IRR 104, IRR 105, IRR 107, IRR 109, IRR 110, IRR 111, IRR 112, IRR 117, IRR 118, IRR 120, dengan klon pembanding PB 260, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan, tiap plot terdiri dari 550 pohon (11 baris x 50 tanaman), jarak tanam 2,8 x 5,2 m. Observasi dilakukan terhadap produktivitas karet kering dengan sistem sadap 1/2S d/3. ET 2,5% (disadap setengah spiral, frekuensi sekali tiga hari, menggunakan stimulant Etefon 2,5%). Sifat pertumbuhan yang diamati adalah lilit batang, rata-rata pertambahan lilit batang per tahun, dan tebal kulit, masing-masing diamati pada ketinggian setinggi 150 cm dari permukaan tanah, sedangkan sifat fisiologi yang diamati adalah kecepatan aliran lateks dan indeks penyumbatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klon IRR 107 dan IRR 112 memiliki produktivitas karet kering tertinggi masing-masing 1.527 kg/ha/th dan 1.426 kg/ha/th, pertumbuhan yang cepat dengan rata-rata pertambahan lilit batang sebelum sadap antara 13,0 cm – 13,4 cm per tahun dan setelah penyadapan 3,9 cm - 4,3 cm per tahun. Klon IRR 107 dan IRR 112 memiliki potensi keunggulan yang baik dan secara spesifik sesuai dikembangkan di kebun Sungei Baleh, Asahan, Sumatera Utara. Diterima : 19 November 2014; Direvisi : 9 Februari 2015; Disetujui : 21 April 2015 How to Cite : Daslin, A., & Pasaribu, S. A. (2015). Uji adaptasi klon karet IRR seri 100 pada agroklimat kering di Kebun Sungei Baleh Kabupaten Asahan Sumatera Utara. Jurnal Penelitian Karet, 33(1), 25-34. Retrieved from http://ejournal.puslitkaret.co.id/index.php/jpk/article/view/16


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    Rubber clones of Indonesian Rubber Research (IRR) 200 series have been produced from intensive breeding program started in 1985. Some clones showed superior characteristics such as high latex yielding, vigorous, and disease resistant. This study aimed to test their performances in a field trial conducted since 1999 at Sungei Putih Experimental Garden, North Sumatra. The experiment was designed in a randomized block, using twelve IRR clones as treatment and PB 260 clone as control, three replications. Planting distance was 5 m x 4 m and plot size was 10 rows x 50 trees. Observations were made on girth size of the 2, 3 and 4 year-old trees, dry rubber yield following the 1/2S d/2 and 1/2S d/3.ET2.5% tapping systems, bark thickness, rings number and diameter of latex vessels, as well as leaf fall diseases intensities of 3-5 year-old trees. The results showed four IRR 200 clones, i.e. IRR 207, IRR 208, IRR 211 and IRR 220 produced high latex. Using the 1/2S d/2 tapping system, three clones with highest dry rubber yield were obtained, namely IRR 208 (49.8 g tree-1 tapping-1 or g t-1 t-1), IRR 211 (48.8 g t-1 t-1) and IRR 220 (52.0 g t-1 t-1), whereas that using the 1/2S d/3. ET2.5% tapping system, their yields were 63.2 g, 64.3 g, and 66.2 g t-1 t-1, respectively. At four year-old, these clones had girth size of 41.4-51.0 cm, girth increment 9.7-11.6 cm year-1, bark thickness 6.3-7.2 mm, latex vessel rings number 6.8-7.0, and diameter of latex vessels 23.75-26.57 mm. All of the clones were moderately resistant to Colletotrichum, Oidium and Corynespora leaf fall diseases. This study suggests that IRR 207, IRR 208, IRR 211 and IRR 220 rubber clones are suitable for commercial stake holders and the recommended tapping system is 1/2S d/3.ET2.5%.Bahasa IndonesiaKaret klon IRR (Indonesian Rubber Research) seri 200 dihasilkan melalui program pemuliaan yang intensif mulai tahun 1985. Beberapa klon menunjukkan karakteristik unggul sebagai penghasil lateks tinggi, jagur, dan tahan terhadap penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kinerja klon pada percobaan lapangan yang dibangun tahun 1999 di Kebun Percobaan Sungei Putih, Sumatera Utara. Percobaan dirancang dalam acak kelompok dengan perlakuan dua belas klon IRR dan kontrol klon PB 260, tiga ulangan. Jarak tanam 5 m x 4 m dan luas plot 10 baris x 50 pohon. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap ukuran lilit batang pada umur 2, 3 dan, 4 tahun, hasil karet kering dengan sistem sadap 1/2S d/2 dan 1/2S d/3.ET2,5%, tebal kulit, jumlah cincin, dan diameter pembuluh lateks. Intensitas serangan penyakit gugur daun diamati pada tanaman berumur 3 dan 5 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan empat klon karet IRR seri 200 yaitu IRR 207, IRR 208, IRR 211, dan IRR 220 menghasilkan lateks yang tinggi. Dengan sistem sadap 1/2S d/2, tiga klon memiliki hasil karet kering paling tinggi, yaitu IRR 208 (49,8 g pohon-1 sadap-1 atau g p-1 s-1), IRR 211 (48,8 g p-1 s-1), dan IRR 220 (52,0 g p-1 s-1), sedangkan menggunakan sistem sadap 1/2S d/3. ET2,5%, hasil masing-masing klon adalah 63,2 g, 64,3 g, dan 66,2 g p-1 s-1. Pada umur empat tahun, klon-klon ini memiliki ukuran lilit batang 41,4-51,0 cm, pertambahan lilit batang 9,7-11,6 cm tahun-1, ketebalan kulit 6,3-7,2 mm, jumlah cincin pembuluh lateks 6,8-7,0, dan diameter pembuluh lateks 23,75-26,57 mm. Semua klon tahan terhadap penyakit gugur daun Colletotrichum, Oidium, dan Corynespora. Dengan demikian, klon karet IRR 207, IRR 208, IRR 211, dan IRR 220 cocok dikembangkan secara komersial dan sistem sadap yang dianjurkan adalah ½S d/3.ET2,5%