47 research outputs found

    Augmentation de la distance de transport de l'énergie offshore par câble sous-marin en basse fréquence

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    International audienceL'objet de cet article est l'étude d'un réseau de puissance sous-marin fonctionnant en basse fréquence. L'utilisation de la basse fréquence au niveau offshore s'avère un compromis intéressant entre le continu et l'alternatif à 50 ou 60 Hz. En effet, si le courant continu permet le transport de puissance à grandes distances en offshore ; il se heurte à une maturité technologique naissante, notamment en ce qui concerne les protections électriques. Dans un premier temps, une méthode d'analyse de puissance a été développée pour les calculs des distances maximales de connexion. Les résultats de la méthode ont été testés et comparés avec deux modèles de simulation. Plusieurs modèles de câbles ont été pris en compte pour les analyses. Par ailleurs, il est envisagé d'utiliser une fréquence variable pour optimiser les flux de puissance dans un réseau

    The assignments and functions of the Financial Service Authority in disputes related to the Legal Protection for the Consumers in Indonesia

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    This article aims to describe and examine the problems of how the Financial Services Authority’s assignments and functions in disputes related to legal protection for consumers. This research is a normative legal research that is prescriptive. Secondary data types include primary and secondary legal materials.The primary datas is collected from many regulations about financial, financial service authority, consummen and banking. Data collection techniques used are library studies and cyber media, and the analytical techniques are deductive by syllogism methods. The research result shows that the Financial Services Authority in carrying out its duties and functions of consumers protection was carried out with three forms of action, namely, loss prevention measures, consumers complaints services, and legal defense actions. The three tasks and functions must be carried out maximally by applying the basic principles of the implementation of the OJK’s duties so that it can accommodate the protection of consumers and society

    How the Constitutional Court Secures the Future of Democracy in Indonesia: Case Study Regional Head Election Dispute Settlement

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    The Implementation of direct local elections was a correction of the local elections with a system of direct appointment by the central government in Jakarta during the era of the 32-years New Order government led by President Suharto. In the Suharto era, regional head candidates submitted without a vice head of the region and should be one name. Such conditions as described above was due to the undemoractic political system. Local elections immediately after the Suharto government is part of the development of a democratic political system. Democratic political participation will bear a truly participatory political system and political stability. However, it is undeniable that the electoral system sometimes was colored with money politics, non-neutrality of election organizers and local officials and all forms of intidimation against other participants. In the past, the Constitutional Court has several times to disqualify the winner of the election for fraudulent practices systematic, structured and massive and ordered a re-election without the participation of the participants who cheat. That is the Constitutional Court's role in fostering democracy in the region

    Modelling and Control of AC-AC Modular Multilevel Converter for High Voltage and Low Frequency Offshore Application

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    L’objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à développer des stratégies de modélisation et de contrôle pour la conversion de fréquence en utilisant un convertisseur multi-modulaire sans utilisation de lien en continu. Ce convertisseur est nécessaire pour l’intégration des énergies renouvelables offshore dans un réseau de transport à basse fréquence. La basse fréquence électrique profite à la fois des avantages des réseaux alternatif et continu. L’utilisation de convertisseurs modulaires dans ces réseaux permet, entre autres, de supprimer le transformateur du côté de la basse fréquence électrique. Dans cette optique, l’énergie est convertie depuis la fréquence nominale à 50 Hz ou 60 Hz (considérée comme la haute fréquence) vers un tiers de 50 Hz. Le convertisseur est aussi capable de transformer d’autres valeurs de fréquence. Dans un premier temps, la méthode de modélisation du convertisseur est reliée à la théorie du transformateur de voltage triphasé avec un couplage en YDY. En deuxième lieu, l’application du théorème de superposition nous permet d’évaluer séparément la contribution de chaque fréquence. Dans un dernier temps, le contrôle principal du convertisseur utilise des correcteurs résonants, capables donc de travailler directement avec les courants internes du convertisseur qui sont à deux fréquences nominales. Grâce au découplage entre l’entrée du convertisseur et sa sortie, les défauts et les situations de déséquilibre ne se propagent pas vers la sortie du convertisseur, fonctionnement requis pour l’application en offshore.The purpose of this thesis is to develop strategies to model and control a modular multilevel converter in order to transform frequency without passing through a direct current link. This converter is needed for application in offshore systems where the energy, produced by the offshore renewables, is transmitted using low frequency links. Low frequency presents benefits from alternative and direct current technologies. Moreover, a voltage transformer is not required at the low frequency side when the proposed converter is used as a frequency transformer. In this scenario, frequencies are converted from the highest nominal frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) to one third of 50 Hz. Conversion to other frequency values has been tested as well using the same converter. A methodology based on the electrical transformer theory when connected in YΔY coupling and, the superposition theorem to separate the contribution from both frequencies, are proposed to link these currents with the two three-phase systems at different nominal frequencies. Resonant controllers are introduced to efficiently correct internal current signals of the converter that nominally are constituted of two frequencies: input and output frequencies. The converter is able to decouple the input side from the output. Therefore, faults and unbalanced conditions on the input side are not propagated to the output-side of the converter, which is required for offshore applications

    Contrôle et modélisation du convertisseur multi-modulaire AC-AC pour les liaisons offshore à haute tension et basse fréquence

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    The purpose of this thesis is to develop strategies to model and control a modular multilevel converter in order to transform frequency without passing through a direct current link. This converter is needed for application in offshore systems where the energy, produced by the offshore renewables, is transmitted using low frequency links. Low frequency presents benefits from alternative and direct current technologies. Moreover, a voltage transformer is not required at the low frequency side when the proposed converter is used as a frequency transformer. In this scenario, frequencies are converted from the highest nominal frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz) to one third of 50 Hz. Conversion to other frequency values has been tested as well using the same converter. A methodology based on the electrical transformer theory when connected in YΔY coupling and, the superposition theorem to separate the contribution from both frequencies, are proposed to link these currents with the two three-phase systems at different nominal frequencies. Resonant controllers are introduced to efficiently correct internal current signals of the converter that nominally are constituted of two frequencies: input and output frequencies. The converter is able to decouple the input side from the output. Therefore, faults and unbalanced conditions on the input side are not propagated to the output-side of the converter, which is required for offshore applications.L’objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à développer des stratégies de modélisation et de contrôle pour la conversion de fréquence en utilisant un convertisseur multi-modulaire sans utilisation de lien en continu. Ce convertisseur est nécessaire pour l’intégration des énergies renouvelables offshore dans un réseau de transport à basse fréquence. La basse fréquence électrique profite à la fois des avantages des réseaux alternatif et continu. L’utilisation de convertisseurs modulaires dans ces réseaux permet, entre autres, de supprimer le transformateur du côté de la basse fréquence électrique. Dans cette optique, l’énergie est convertie depuis la fréquence nominale à 50 Hz ou 60 Hz (considérée comme la haute fréquence) vers un tiers de 50 Hz. Le convertisseur est aussi capable de transformer d’autres valeurs de fréquence. Dans un premier temps, la méthode de modélisation du convertisseur est reliée à la théorie du transformateur de voltage triphasé avec un couplage en YDY. En deuxième lieu, l’application du théorème de superposition nous permet d’évaluer séparément la contribution de chaque fréquence. Dans un dernier temps, le contrôle principal du convertisseur utilise des correcteurs résonants, capables donc de travailler directement avec les courants internes du convertisseur qui sont à deux fréquences nominales. Grâce au découplage entre l’entrée du convertisseur et sa sortie, les défauts et les situations de déséquilibre ne se propagent pas vers la sortie du convertisseur, fonctionnement requis pour l’application en offshore

    Eksistensi hukuman mati antara realita dan desiderata

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    x.; 175 hal.; ill.; 19 c

    Criminal Law and Criminal Psychology: Integration of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia

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    The problem of law enforcement is one of the main problems in Indonesia and requires participation and seriousness from various parties so that the process can run in a balanced manner, this study was conducted to know how the role of legal psychology in preventing and fostering acts of corruption in Indonesia and learning the function of lawful psychology in enforcing criminal law within the scope of the wider community, as a branch of legal science, legal psychology studies the behavior or psychic attitude/spirit of individuals and groups. Legal psychology is present and has its function and part in various legal processes such as the investigation, courts, and correctional institutions. In the investigation process, assist investigators in conducting experiments on victims, witnesses and perpetrators. This research departs from a normative legal study with a statutory approach, while the results of this study explain that the law is managed in such a way from various aspects of the process, including from a psychological perspective. The function of the law must be in line with social norms and realities that occur in the community, Legal psychology is very much needed in law enforcement practice, especially in terms of criminal acts of corruption. The psychology of law enforcement officers will greatly influence starting from the investigation stage to the judicial stage, because the psychology of the apparatus is heavily influenced by public opinion, personality attitudes, and the flow of law adopted. Besides that, the psychology of law enforcement officers also plays an essential role because it can influence a judge's decision, through a legal psychology approach, it is hoped that it can encourage law enforcement officers to be able to see the social reality of the desired justice by society

    Operator University Termination Of Broadcasting: Legal Analysis Of Broadcasting Consumer Law

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    Indonesia is a country that has a very wide sovereign area consisting of islands, therefore in the current era to be able to communicate and transact there are also various media options, one of which is through the means of communication and information technology media because of its convenience, it is increasingly in demand by the public. public. The purpose of this study to determine the legal protection of consumers in the use of pay television based on the consumer protection law. To find out legal remedies against subscription television operators for unilateral termination of broadcasts against their consumers. The approach method used in this research is a normative juridical approach. To approach the problem in this research, the research specification is descriptive-analytical. Data collection techniques through library research (library research) to obtain secondary data. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative. The results of the study indicate that (1) Legal protection for consumers in unilaterally stopping broadcasts by pay television operators is not in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, there are still many consumer rights that are violated by business actors, as contained in consumer agreements with business actors. and Article 4 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. (2) Legal remedies that can be taken by consumers regarding the unilateral termination of broadcasting by pay television operators, namely consumers can file a lawsuit against Astro on the basis of acts against the law as regulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code and acts of Default as regulated in Article 1243 Civil Code, because Astro has violated consumer rights as stipulated in the Consumer Protection Act. It is recommended that consumers be able to resolve disputes with the National Consumer Protection Agency, and can be a bridge for consumer negotiations with business actors in order to get solutions to solving existing problems. It is hoped that the government's participation in issuing policies related to consumer protection will improve the function of consumer protection institutions to provide consumer education