96 research outputs found

    Changing Clinical Presentation, Current Knowledge-Attitude-Practice, and Current Vision Related Quality of Life in Self-Reported Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Retinopathy in Eastern India: The LVPEI Eye and Diabetes Study

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    Purpose. To document the changing clinical presentation of diabetic retinopathy (DR) over a decade, the current knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) of known type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients, and the current vision related quality of life (VR-QOL) of patients with DR in a tertiary eye care center in Eastern India. Methods. Two hundred and forty patients with known type-2 DM were evaluated. The evaluation included status of DR (n=240), KAP (n=232), and VR-QOL (n=75). International classification of DR was used in the study. The DR status was compared with another cohort (n=472) examined a decade earlier, in year 2001. The KAP-25 questions were designed after literature review. The National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ; including optional items) was validated by Rasch analysis. Both KAP and VR-QOL were analyzed according to degree of DR, duration of known DM, and educational qualification. Results. Average age of the current cohort (n=240) was 57.16 ± 9.03 years; there were 205 (85.4%) male patients and 143 (59.6%) patients had received less than graduate qualification. The mean duration of DM since diagnosis was 10 ± 7.8 months (range 8 months to 30 years); 118 (49.16%) patients had DR. In a decade time, 2001 to 2011, there was a change of retinopathy status at presentation (more often nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, NPDR). One-third of NPDR patients had poor vision and half of them were hypertensive. KAP was better in patients with higher education and those having DR. VFQ score was higher in better seeing patients. Conclusion. Patients currently presenting at earlier stage of retinopathy are probably related to poor vision. Early detection and treatment of DR is likely to preserve and/or improve vision

    High-resolution genotyping of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains linked to acute post cataract surgery endophthalmitis outbreaks in India

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    BACKGROUND: Investigation of two independent outbreaks of post cataract surgery endophthalmitis identified the reservoir of epidemic strains of P. aeruginosa. METHODS: Patient isolates cultured from vitreous fluid of all the nine cases and from the peripheral devices of phacoemulsification machine were subjected to high-resolution Fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (FAFLP) analysis. RESULTS: FAFLP based genotyping of the isolates confirmed nosocomial transmission. Although biochemical characterization and antibiotic susceptibility profiles grouped all the isolates together, FAFLP based genotyping revealed that, all the outbreak isolates were derived from 2 different strains, with independent origins. One group of isolates was traced to phacoprobe and the second one to the internal tubing system of the phacoemulsification machine used in cataract surgery. In silico analysis indicated possible evolution in both the clusters of P. aeruginosa isolates due to genetic polymorphisms. The polymorphisms were mapped to gene products (cell envelope, outer membrane proteins) possibly having significant role in pathogenesis. CONCLUSION: The present study is probably the first one to apply FAFLP typing successfully to investigate outbreaks of postoperative endophthalmitis (POE) in an ophthalmic setting, which was able to identify the source, and helped to make rational decisions on sterilization procedures that halted more cases of infection in these hospitals

    Regional variation in diabetic retinopathy and associated factors in Spectrum of Eye Disease in Diabetes (SPEED) study in India-Report 5.

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    PURPOSE: To study the zonal variations in diabetic retinopathy (DR) and associated factors in people with known type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) attending large eye care facilities in different regions of India. METHODS: In this cross-sectional eye-care facility-based study, India was divided into five zones; large eye care facilities with a good referral base and offering an entire range of care for patients with DR were invited. First-time T2DM attendees aged ≥18 years were recruited. All subjects received a comprehensive systemic and ophthalmic examination. DR and systemic diseases were classified as per the international/national standards. Findings were compared between the zones and with the national average. RESULTS: Fourteen eye-care facilities (15% public) from five zones participated. In the cohort of 11,173 people, there were more males (59%); the average age was above 45 years, and in 57%, DM had been diagnosed more than 5 years earlier. Compared with the overall study population, the proportion of people with any DR, sight-threatening DR, and blind were higher in the east zone (42.5%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 40.2-44.8; 24.3%, 95% CI 22.3-26.3, and 11.5%, respectively); diabetic macular edema was more frequent in the south zone (12.2%, 95% CI 11.2-13.2); people with moderate-to-severe visual impairment were more in the west zone (32.1%) and higher proportion of people in the south-central zone had systemic hypertension (56.8%, 95% CI 54.8-58.9). CONCLUSION: The zonal variation in DR and related vision loss could be related to variable health-seeking behavior, availability, and confidence in the available services

    Fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) genotyping demonstrates the role of biofilm-producing methicillin-resistant periocular Staphylococcus epidermidis strains in postoperative endophthalmitis

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    BACKGROUND: An observational case series was used to study the virulence characteristics and genotypes of paired Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates cultured from intraocular samples and from periocular environment of patients with postcataract surgery endophthalmitis. METHODS: Eight S. epidermidis isolates were obtained from three patients (2 from patients #1 and 2 and 4 from patient #3) whose vitreous and/or anterior chamber (AC) specimens and preoperative lid/conjunctiva samples were culture positive. Cultures were identified by API-Staph phenotypic identification system and genotypically characterized by Fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (FAFLP) and checked for their antimicrobial susceptibility. The isolates were tested for biofilm-production and methicillin-resistance (MR) by PCR amplification of icaAB and mecA gene respectively. RESULTS: Four out of eight S. epidermidis strains showed multiple drug resistance (MDR). All the eight strains were PCR positive for mecA gene whereas seven out of eight strains were positive for icaAB genes. In all three patients FAFLP typing established vitreous isolates of S. epidermidis strains to be indistinguishable from the strains isolated from the patient's conjunctival swabs. However, from patient number three there was one isolate (1030b from lid swab), which appeared to be nonpathogenic and ancestral having minor but significant differences from other three strains from the same patient. This strain also lacked icaAB gene. In silico analysis indicated possible evolution of other strains from this strain in the patient. CONCLUSION: Methicillin-resistant biofilm positive S. epidermidis strains colonizing the conjunctiva and eyelid were responsible for postoperative endophthalmitis (POE)

    Is the 2015 eye care service delivery profile in Southeast Asia closer to universal eye health need!

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    Purpose: The year 2015 status of eye care service profile in Southeast Asia countries was compared with year 2010 data to determine the state of preparedness to achieve the World Health Organization global action plan 2019. Methods: Information was collected from the International Agency for Prevention of Blindness country chairs and from the recent PubMed referenced articles. The data included the following: blindness and low vision prevalence, national eye health policy, eye health expenses, presence of international non-governmental organizations, density of eye health personnel, and the cataract surgical rate and coverage. The last two key parameters were compared with year 2010 data. Results: Ten of 11 country chairs shared the information, and 28 PubMed referenced publications were assessed. The prevalence of blindness was lowest in Bhutan and highest in Timor-Leste. Cataract surgical rate was high in India and Sri Lanka. Cataract surgical coverage was high in Thailand and Sri Lanka. Despite increase in number of ophthalmologists in all countries (except Timor-Leste), the ratio of the population was adequate (1:100,000) only in 4 of 10 countries (Bhutan, India, Maldives and Thailand), but this did not benefit much due to unequal urban-rural divide. Conclusion: The midterm assessment suggests that all countries must design the current programs to effectively address both current and emerging causes of blindness. Capacity building and proportionate distribution of human resources for adequate rural reach along with poverty alleviation could be the keys to achieve the universal eye health by 2019. Keywords: Eye care delivery; Southeast Asia; Universal eye health

    Guidelines for the management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Current techniques of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair allow most detachments to be repaired successfully. The success of repair depends on a careful pre-operative examination and choice of an appropriate procedure. The surgery is usually tailored to individual needs. Improvements in surgical techniques coupled with a better understanding of the pathophysiology of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment continue to improve the anatomic and functional success of retinal detachment repair
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