4,455 research outputs found

    Molecular modelling and Function Prediction of hABH7, human homologue of _E. coli_ ALKB7

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    Human homologues of ALKB protein have shown the prime role in DNA damaging drugs, used for cancer therapy. Little is known about structure and function of hABH7, one of the members of this superfamily. Therefore, in the present study we intend to predict its structure and function using various bioinformatics tools. Modeling was done with modeller 9v7 to predict the 3D structure of the hABH7 protein. The tertiary structure model of hABH7, ALKBH7.B99990002.pdb was predicted and evaluated. Validation results showed 97.8% residues in favored and additional allowed regions of Ramachandran plots. Ligand binding residues prediction showed four ligand clusters, having 25 ligands in cluster 1. Importantly, presence of a Phe120-Gly121-Gly122 conserved pattern in the functional domain was detected. In the predicted structural model of hABH7, amino acid residues, Arginine at 57, 58, 59 and 60 along with tyrosine at 61 were predicted in RNA binding sites of the model. The predicted and validated model of human homologue hABH7 resulting from this study may unveil the mechanism of DNA damage repair in humans and accelerate the research on designing appropriate inhibitors aiding in chemotherapy and cancer related diseases

    Structure and function prediction of human homologue hABH5 of _E. coli_ ALKB5 using in silico approach

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    Newly discovered human homologues of ALKB protein have shown the activity of DNA damaging drugs, used for cancer therapy. Little is known about the structure and function of hABH5, one of the members of this superfamily. Therefore, in the present study we intend to predict its structure and function using various bioinformatics tools. Modeling was done with modeler 9v7 to predict the 3D structure of the hABH5 protein. 3-D model of hABH5, ALKBH5.B99990005.pdb was predicted and evaluated. Validation results showed 96.8% residues in favor and an additional allowed region of the Ramachandran plot. Ligand binding residues prediction showed four ligand clusters, having 25 ligands in cluster 1. Importantly, conserved pattern of Pro158-X-Asp160-Xn-His266 in the functional domain was detected. DNA and RNA binding sites were also predicted in the model. The predicted and validated model of human homologue hABH5 resulting from this study may unveil the mechanism of DNA damage repair in humans and accelerate research on designing appropriate inhibitors, aiding in chemotherapy and cancer related diseases

    Protest Movements against WTOas Ministerial Conferences: A Case Study of Nairobi Ministerial Conference

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    Developed countries have played a dominant role in the process of globalization The terms of exchange and trade practices have remained skewed with the developed states successfully rigging the rules despite the regime of open trade practices resulting from the establishment of the WTO regime Developed countries are core members of international institutions WTO IMF and WB and they have largely determined policies of these institutions till date The provisions of the WTO are likely to produce a mixture of positive and negative consequences in the context of developing countries economy There are some issues under the Agreement of Agriculture which are concern for developing countries The repercussions of the WTO Agreement and the removal of Quantitative Restrictions on imports are quite alarming The fall in the prices of agricultural goods and dumping of cheap agriculture commodities from other countries is causing harm to the welfare of developing countries farmers Developed countries have imposed heavy tariffs to minimize imports whereas in like India tariffs are low The continuation of high domestic support to agriculture in developed countries is a cause of concern At the same time the rich industrialized countries continue to subsidize farmers by giving them direct payments which are exempt from any reductions requirement in mid 1990s various Associtations have formed larger alliances to protest against state Government on the issue of various WTO policy In this process of opposition to WTO these movements in Developing countries have begun to raise a new discourse on democracy and invent political practices associations On the above backdrop this paper has tried to find out the reasons for the protest movement against the outcomes of various ministrial conference and particlualry the Nairobi conferenc

    Protest Movements against WTOas Ministerial Conferences: A Case Study of Nairobi Ministerial Conference

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    Developed countries have played a dominant role in the process of globalization The terms of exchange and trade practices have remained skewed with the developed states successfully rigging the rules despite the regime of open trade practices resulting from the establishment of the WTO regime Developed countries are core members of international institutions WTO IMF and WB and they have largely determined policies of these institutions till date The provisions of the WTO are likely to produce a mixture of positive and negative consequences in the context of developing countries economy There are some issues under the Agreement of Agriculture which are concern for developing countries The repercussions of the WTO Agreement and the removal of Quantitative Restrictions on imports are quite alarming The fall in the prices of agricultural goods and dumping of cheap agriculture commodities from other countries is causing harm to the welfare of developing countries farmers Developed countries have imposed heavy tariffs to minimize imports whereas in like India tariffs are low The continuation of high domestic support to agriculture in developed countries is a cause of concern At the same time the rich industrialized countries continue to subsidize farmers by giving them direct payments which are exempt from any reductions requirement in mid 1990s various Associtations have formed larger alliances to protest against state Government on the issue of various WTO policy In this process of opposition to WTO these movements in Developing countries have begun to raise a new discourse on democracy and invent political practices associations On the above backdrop this paper has tried to find out the reasons for the protest movement against the outcomes of various ministrial conference and particlualry the Nairobi conferenc

    A bibliometric analysis of contributions in the journal ‘Library Trends’

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    This paper presents the findings of a bibliometric study one of the renowned journal “Library Trends” into consideration with an aim to analyse the contributions of the author and the citations cited by various articles appeared in it. The present study comprises of 206 articles published in the said journal from 2007-2012. Highest number (51) of articles is published in 2007-08. Majority of authors preferred to publish their research results in individual authorship mode 122 (59.22%). The majority of articles 63 (30.58%) have the length of 16-20 pages. The highest number of contributions with citations between 11-20 is 48 (23.30%)

    Exploring the Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Economic Development-A Theoretical Framework

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    The central aim of enhancing economic productivity of India is to improve the overall development of majority of Indian industries or corporate sectors who are not at par with govt. rules and regulation, So there is a need  of proper implementation of different corporate law which will bring some sort of economic growth vis a vis economic development. As we are observing since 7 decades after independence, the existence of corporate sector is not so fruitful to bring the economic development and growth in the country. There are many factors which are considered to be a major hindrance to overall development. There is a plea for the integrated view of the development which should embrace development in all sectors. In specific there should be growth and development in all sectors. In specific, there should be growth and development in all aspects basically in industrial sectors which are called the back bone of Indian economy. Which encompasses status, equality, security, complete physical, mental, and social well being of the target group especially the Indian population. Under the Corporate Social Responsibility the companies are supposed to set aside at least 2% of their average profit in the last three years for CSR activities. The law has listed out a wide range of activities under CSR, which cover activities such as promotion of education, gender equity and women’s empowerment, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, eradication of extreme poverty, contribution to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund and other central funds, social business projects, reduction in child mortality, improving maternal health, environmental sustainability and employment enhancing vocational skills among others

    Trends in Research on Gene Cloning during 2001-15 : A Scientometric Study

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    Scientometric studies are used to identify the trends in the pattern of publication, authorship, collaboration in research, author productivity, the scattering of literature and core journals over a period of time and thereby offering insight into the dynamics of the area under study. The main objective of the growth of literature on Gene Cloning is to examine the pattern of publication output in Gene Cloning literature during the study period, to identify and analyze the production of Gene Cloning literature output and to assess the extent of research carried out in India on Gene Cloning Research. This study is confined to the literature covered in the MEDLINE bibliographic database covering the period from 2001-2015. There is a gradually decreasing trend of literature in the subject of study on a year wise basis. The Gene Cloning literature output has been grouped in 23 major sub-fields based on the selected database. There is a decreasing trend in the year wise RGR in the field of Gene Cloning research output. The Relative Growth rate (RGR) in the year 2001 is 0.66 which has been gradually decreased to 0.05 in 2015. However, the Doubling time (Dt) has shown an increasing trend. 96.58% represent two and more authors, which implies that collaborative research is evident in the Gene cloning research and it is the same in most of the scientific fields

    Women and Environmental: The Analysis of Correlation and Causation

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    According to World Bank (1991), “Women play an essential role in the management of natural resources including soil, forests and energy…and often have a profound traditional and contemporary knowledge of the natural world around them. Since the day of sketching of civilization on Earth, the man-environment relationship has been started its journey. Though the yarn of relationship was started with the nourishing of maternal society yet the invention of Agriculture eroded the empowerment of women in environment. But in recent people are conscious about their environmental degradation and to cope this phase they feel about the contribution of women. In this respect on 1975 (International Women Day) a conference was conducted on the topic ‘Women & Environment’ in Mexico. Eco-feminists are realizing the importance of women to manage the environment in sustainable way. Since the Neolithic time women have engaged themselves in agriculture with the natural manure system, which was pure application for environment. Women’s have multiple relations to their environments- natural, built and social - from feminist and anti-racist perspectives. UNEP hopes that Women and the Environment will inspire the environmental and sustainable development community to better understand the importance of gender, and to integrate a gender perspective across all of its work. Women comprises over half the world’s population. They make a major contribution to the well-being and sustainable development of their communities and nations, and to the maintenance of the earth’s ecosystem, biodiversity, natural resources and folk-resources. Long before the first Earth-Day in 1970, women were playing a major role in the effort to protect the environment. Women traditionally have been responsible for the care and welfare of families, which makes them especially sensitive to the importance of clean air and safe water.As mothers they know that their bodies provide the first environment for a child, and that they will be primarily responsible for the nourishment, safety and well-being of their children. Women symbolized the life-giving and conserving aspect of human nature. That means they are the causation of environmental nourishment. Parallel the correlation is present here between women and to save the environment. What was sometimes portrayed as blind opposition to progress was actually a zeal to protect human health and the quality of life

    Load Balancing and Congestion Control using Congestion Aware Multipath Routing Protocol (CAMRP) in Wireless Networks

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    This paper deals with a network-transparent wireless Here,we propose a congestion aware multipath routing protocol called CAMRP (Congetstion Aware Multipath Routing Protocol). The protocol computes multiple paths using proposed congestion aware metric and performs load balancing by a pooling scheme with proper queue utilization of variable interfaces of a node. However, the effective load balancing technique constantly maintains optimal data transmission using optimal path by managing traffic in all the way through congested area. Present Wireless Communications have got the popularity due to its randomness in the deployment and immense support and compatibility for different applications. Due to these applications, the problem of network congestion arises and in turn it results lower throughput and longer delay. In many recent research works, routing protocols dealing with these problems are designed but they are not sufficent to adapt congestion and optimal link quality. Our proposed woirk deals with this problem and the simulation results using ns2 proves that our proposed work on load balancing shows better performance than the existing in terms of throughput, end-to-end delay with heavy traffic load

    An Assessment of Educational Resources through ERIC, CORE, PDFdrive and Project Gutenberg

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    There are so many databases in the world for retrieval of information from e-resources. This research paper analyses ERIC, CORE, PDF Drive and Project Gutenberg for retrieval of e-resources. Here everything was analyzed on the basis of some observation and collected data were tabulated for analysis. This paper includes brief description about ERIC, CORE, PDF Drive and Project Gutenberg and screenshots of normal search, advanced search and use of fuzzy logic. This research reflects that none of the databases under study achieved full score found that ERIC ranked the first position