14 research outputs found

    Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and thyroid hormone levels before and after haemodialysis

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    A study was carried out on 57 patients with chronic renal failure in a hospital in Kerman city, Islamic Republic of Iran. Blood samples were taken before and after haemodialysis to measure blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels. Findings revealed that before dialysis T4 in 11 cases and T3 in 29 cases were lower than the normal range, but after haemodialysis only 3 cases for T4 and 15 cases for T3 were lower than normal levels. The remaining cases reverted to normal state. We suggest that a feedback relationship exists between the major end catabolic products (creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) and thyroid hormone serum levels. Les taux de créatinine, d'azote uréique sanguin et d’hormones thyroïdiennes avant et après une hémodialyse RÉSUMÉ Une étude a été réalisée sur 57 patients atteints d’insuffisance rénale chronique dans un hôpital de la ville de Kerman (République islamique d’Iran). On a prélevé des échantillons sanguins avant et après une hémodialyse pour mesurer les taux d’azote uréique sanguin, de créatinine sérique, de triiodothyronine (T3) et de thyroxine (T4). Les résultats ont indiqué que la T4 et la T3 étaient inférieures aux valeurs normales pour 11 cas et 29 cas respectivement avant la dialyse, et que 3 cas pour la T4 et 15 cas pour la T3 seulement avaient des valeurs inférieures à la normale après l’hémodialyse. Les autres cas sont revenus à un état normal. Ceci nous donne à penser qu’une relation de rétroaction existe entre les principaux produits cataboliques finals (créatinine et azote uréique sanguin) et le taux sérique d’hormones thyroïdiennes

    The association between some demographic features and control of diabetes mellitus

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    Abstract: To determine the association between some demographic features (Age, sex, level of education) and the rate of diabetes mellitus control, we performed a cross sectional study in 1065 patients who were under the care of Kerman Diabetes Center in 1992. We evaluated the data of 525 patients who had more than four visits annually. Sixty none percent of them were female and 31% male. The mean age for women was 51 and for men 52.5 years. Majority of them (45.9%) were illiterate or low educated, 32.6% had primary or junior highschool education, 15.6% highschool and 5.9% college education. Seventy four percent of patients had regular follow up visits within 3 months, of whom 72% were females. Patients were divided into three categories according to the level of diabetes control as: well, moderate based on FBS, 2hr pp and 4 PMBS. Although the level of education was higher in men, the rate of diabetes control and regular follow up visits were better among women. There was a direct relationship between age and well controlled diabetes in both sexes, but the level of education had no association with the rate of diabetes control. Keywords: Demographic features, Diabetes mellitus control, Patients complianc

    A Case Report of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due to Gastric Lipoma

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    Abstract: Benign Gastric tumors are rare and generally account for less than 10% of all stomach tumors. Gastric lipoma is a rare tumor that constitutes approximately 3% of all benign tumors of the stomach and mainly is seen as a submucosal mass. Most gastric lipoma are asymptomatic and are found accidentally. Occasionally they can cause symptoms such as gastrointestinal bleeding, obstruction, abdominal pain and intussuception. CT scan and endoscopy are helpful in diagnosis. The main modality of treatment is surgery. Diagnosis is confirmed by histology. In this article, a patient with weakness, fatigue, and melena complaints is presented. On gastric endoscopy a yellowish submucosal mass was seen in antrum. Abdominal CT scan disclosed a mass with fat density resembling lipoma. The patient underwent surgery and diagnosis of lipoma was confirmed by histology. Although gastric lipoma is rare, it should be considered in the assessment and differential diagnosis of hemorrhagic submucosal masses in the stomach. Keywords: Lipoma, Gastrointestinal bleedin

    A case report of primary Amyloidosis with prominent hepatic involvement

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    Abstract: Primary amyloidosis is a rare disorder which is diagnosed by extracellular deposition of proteinaceous material in different organs. In this report, a case of this disease with prominent hepatic involvement is presented. The case is a 63 years old male who referred with abdominal enlargement, weight loss, generalized pruritus, anorexia and vague abdominal pain started from six months ago. On physical examination excoriation mark and hepatomegaly with liver span about 20cm were noted. Jaundice, splenomegaly, ascitis, edema and skin lesions were absent. Based on laboratory report there were an increase in alkaline phosphatase 3 times above the normal range and mild elevation in aminotransferases. Proteinuria was 2.7 grams in 24hr urine collection. Liver biopsy revealed homogenous and amorphous deposition of extracellular material with green birefringence in congo red staining. Therefore the diagnosis of primary amyloidosis after exclusion of other causes was confirmed. Keywords: Primary amyloidosi

    Creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and thyroid hormone levels before and after haemodialysis

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    A study was carried out on 57 patients with chronic renal failure in a hospital in Kerman city, Islamic Republic of Iran. Blood samples were taken before and after haemodialysis to measure blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) levels. Findings revealed that before dialysis T4 in 11 cases and T3 in 29 cases were lower than the normal range, but after haemodialysis only 3 cases for T4 and 15 cases for T3 were lower than normal levels. The remaining cases reverted to normal state. We suggest that a feedback relationship exists between the major end catabolic products (creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) and thyroid hormone serum levels

    Serum selenium level in patients with gastric non-cardia cancer and functional dyspepsia

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    BACKGROUND: Gastric cancer (GC) is the most common gastrointestinal cancer in Iran. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) accounts as one of the main risk factors for gastric non-cardia cancer (GNCC). It is suggested that high serum selenium level may have a protective role in GNCC. In this cross-sectional study, we determined the serum Se level and the status of H. pylori infection in two populations with GC and functional dyspepsia (FD). METHODS: The enrolled patients were 85 (27 women, 58 men) with recent pathologically proven GNCC (adenocarcinoma) and 85 (34 women, 51 men) FD patients. Serum Se was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. H. pylori IgG antibody was detected by quantitative enzyme immunoassay. RESULTS: The mean age in the GNCC and FD patients were 62.85±14.6 and 58.9±14.7 years, respectively (P=0.08). The serum selenium levels were 111.6±27.7 and 129.9±32.1 μg/L (mean±SD) in GNCC and FD patients, respectively (P<0.001). The frequency of H. pylori infection was 49.4% (n=42) and 68.2% (n=58) in GNCC and FD patients (P=0.013). The crude and adjusted odds ratio (OR) between GNCC and the linear effect of serum selenium level were 0.98 and 0.982, respectively (P=0.002). This means that each unit increase in serum selenium level decreases the odds of cancer by 2%. CONCLUSION: Serum selenium level was significantly lower in GNCC cases. It suggests that lower serum selenium might have some association with the risk of GNCC. H. pylori infection does not play a significant impact on this association

    A Clinical and Molecular Genetic Study of 50 Families with Autosomal Recessive Parkinsonism Revealed Known and Novel Gene Mutations

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    In this study, the role of known Parkinson�s disease (PD) genes was examined in families with autosomal recessive (AR) parkinsonism to assist with the differential diagnosis of PD. Some families without mutations in known genes were also subject to whole genome sequencing with the objective to identify novel parkinsonism-related genes. Families were selected from 4000 clinical files of patients with PD or parkinsonism. AR inheritance pattern, consanguinity, and a minimum of two affected individuals per family were used as inclusion criteria. For disease gene/mutation identification, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, quantitative PCR, linkage, and Sanger and whole genome sequencing assays were carried out. A total of 116 patients (50 families) were examined. Fifty-four patients (46.55; 22 families) were found to carry pathogenic mutations in known genes while a novel gene, not previously associated with parkinsonism, was found mutated in a single family (2 patients). Pathogenic mutations, including missense, nonsense, frameshift, and exon rearrangements, were found in Parkin, PINK1, DJ-1, SYNJ1, and VAC14 genes. In conclusion, variable phenotypic expressivity was seen across all families. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media New York