72 research outputs found

    Penapisan Senyawa Fitokimia Dan Pengujian Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Pohon Merapat

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    Hutan kerangas merupakan kumpulan vegetasi pohon di hutan hujan tropis, dicirikan antara lain oleh kandungan hara dan keanekaragaman hayati yang rendah, sehingga penggunaan pohonnya menjadi terbatas. Hutan kerangas tersebar luas di Kalimantan (misalnya Kalimantan Selatan). Salah satu jenis pohon yang dapat tumbuh dan berkembang pada kondisi ekstrim adalah merapat (Combretocarpus rotundatus). Daunnya mengandung senyawa kimia tertentu yang mengindikasikan berkemampuan fisiologis menghasilkan bioaktivitas seperti antioksidan. Sebagai konsekuesinya, hal ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah dari pemanfaatan pohon kerangas. Terkait hal tersebut, pencermatan terhadap kandungan senyawa fitokimia dan pengujian kemampuan antioksidan dilakukan terhadap sampel kering daun merapat yang berasal dari hutan kerangas di Kalimantan Selatan. Awalnya, daun kering diekstrak dengan larutan metanol menghasilkan ekstrak methanol (sampel 1), fraksinasi lanjutan dilakukan dengan kromatografi kolom menggunakan eluent kloroform. Fraksi kloroform yang didapatkan (sampel 2) selanjutnya difraksinasi kembali menggunakan campuran larutan etil asetat-kloroform (dengan proporsi sama), yang menghasilkan sampel 3. Pencermatan fitokimia mengungkapkan bahwa ekstrak metanol mengandung senyawa fitokimia tertentu seperti flavonoid, turunan phenol, hidrokuinon, tanin dan triterpenoid, yang berperan sebagai antioksidan. Ekstrak metanol (sampel 1) menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi dengan memberikan reaksi reduksi terhadap pelepasan radikal bebas oleh Difenil Pikril Hidrazil Hidrat (DPPH) (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), walaupun penggunaan dari fraksi kloroform (sampel 2) dan fraksi lanjutan etil asetat-kloroform (sampel 3) sangat rendah. Penghambatan radikal bebas dari DPPH pada tingkat 50% (IC 50) oleh ekstrak metanol terjadi pada konsentrasi 21,823 ppm. Sementara itu, vitamin C dan BHT sebagai kontrol aktivitas antioksidan terbentuk lebih efisien pada konsentrasi di bawah 21,823 ppm (berturut-turut pada konsentrasi 6,738 ppm dan 6,279 ppm). Bagaimanapun, nilai IC 50 tersebut memberikan penjelasan kuat bahwa potensi bioaktivitas ekstrak metanol daun merapat dapat digunakan sebagai antioksidan

    Screening Marker Components Of Tyrosinase Inhibitor From Xylocarpus Granatum Stem

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    The aim of our research was to screen the marker components of tyrosinase inhibitor from Xylocarpus granatum stem collected from Pulau Sebuku, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.  The screening method started from selection of part of X. granatum, stem or stem bark.  Stem and stem bark of X. granatum were dried and grounded before submitted to methanol.  The stem extracts is more potent as tyrosinase inhibitor (IC50 for monophenolase is 45.12 μg/ml and diphenolase is 31.59μg/ml) compared to the bark extracts. The IC50 values of kojic acid as positive control are 17.43μg/ml for monophenolase and 20.69 μg/ml for diphenolase. The stem extract then separated with silica gel column chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatography.  The results showed that component with Rf 0,25 and 0.63 (TLC analysis with stationary phase silica gel GF254 and mobile phase ethyl acetic: methanol (8:2)) are the marker components as tyrosinase inhibitor for X. granatum

    Characterization of Physico-Chemical Properties of Nano-Sized Moringa oleifera Seed Powder and Its Application as Natural Coagulant in Water Purification Process

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    Several studies stated that the seed powder of Moringa oleifera is proven effective as natural coagulant in water purification process. Through milling process using HEM, the present study developed two size of Moringa oleifera filtered seed powder, i.e. 100 mesh (MoM) and nano particle (MoN), where the measurement of which was carried out using PSA. The two size seed powder was then characterized based on physical and chemical properties to application as biocoagulant in water purification process. Characterization indicated that the size of MoM and MoN was around 2300 nm and 300 nm, respectively. The major MoM compound content was 44.65% total protein, 27.05% fat, 10.86% water content, and 3.79% ash content; while for MoN was 44.41% total protein, 26.98% fat, 9.38% water content, and 3.53% ash content. Molecul weight measurement was carried out using SDS-page and the seed powder weight ranged was around 13-28 kda and 52-63 Kda. Dissolved protein content for MoM and MoN was 0.062% and 0.290%, respectively. The optimum dosage for MoN to decrease the turbidity of ground water sample and waste water was 30 ppm and 40 ppm, respectively; while for MoM was 80 ppm and 100 ppm, respectively. MoN is more effective than MoM. Keywords: nano particle, natural coagulant, Moringa oleifera, water purification


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    Chitosan microencapsulation contained extract formula pegagan-kumis kucingsambiloto was resulted from ionic gelation process. Chitosan microencapsulation wasresulted by cleaning bath type of ultrasonication and homogenization methods. Optimum condition obtained at 2% of chitosan concentration (w/v) and 50 mL (v/v) of extract formula. The yields of chitosan microparticles was 64.24%. Characterization by SEM at 5000× magnification showed that the particle size of chitosan microparticles was not uniform. Chitosan microparticles without and contained extract formula had diameters between 0.40 μm-8.5 μm and 1 μm-6 μm, respectively. Each chitosan microparticles contained extract formula and extract formula had the ACE inhibitory activity of 78.41 %, and 75.73 %, respectively, while the captopryl as an positive control had ACE inhibitory activity of 75.24 %. Wave number peaks of chitosan spectrum was different with microparticles spectrum by using of FTIR analysis. Chitosan microparticles-sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) contained extract formula had absorbance bands of 1652.32 cm-1 (C=O) and 1565.63 cm-1 (C=C, aromatic group of benzene). New absorbance bands also appeared at wave numbers of 1153.82 cm-1 and 1154.66 cm-1 which showed absorbance band of P=O group from STP compound


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    Chitosan microencapsulation contained extract formula pegagan-kumis kucingsambiloto was resulted from ionic gelation process. Chitosan microencapsulation wasresulted by cleaning bath type of ultrasonication and homogenization methods. Optimum condition obtained at 2% of chitosan concentration (w/v) and 50 mL (v/v) of extract formula. The yields of chitosan microparticles was 64.24%. Characterization by SEM at 5000× magnification showed that the particle size of chitosan microparticles was not uniform. Chitosan microparticles without and contained extract formula had diameters between 0.40 μm-8.5 μm and 1 μm-6 μm, respectively. Each chitosan microparticles contained extract formula and extract formula had the ACE inhibitory activity of 78.41 %, and 75.73 %, respectively, while the captopryl as an positive control had ACE inhibitory activity of 75.24 %. Wave number peaks of chitosan spectrum was different with microparticles spectrum by using of FTIR analysis. Chitosan microparticles-sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) contained extract formula had absorbance bands of 1652.32 cm-1 (C=O) and 1565.63 cm-1 (C=C, aromatic group of benzene). New absorbance bands also appeared at wave numbers of 1153.82 cm-1 and 1154.66 cm-1 which showed absorbance band of P=O group from STP compound


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    Objective: The objective of this research was to separate flavonoids of kepel (Stelechocarpus burahol) leaves from methanol extract as antibacterial agent against Staphylococcus epidermidis that have a role in body odor.Methods: The methanol extracts of kepel was fractionated in methanol: water (7:3), n-hexane and chloroform consecutively. Methanol: water (7:3) extract with the highest flavonoids content, fractioned by silica gel column chromatography (isocratic elution, with n-buthanol: methanol: acetic acid (1:8:1) as eluent) to produce 7 fractions. All fractions were tested for antibacterial activity with a microdilution method. The most active fractions was determined using UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan) and FTIR (Brucker, Germany).Results: Fraction V was the most active fraction with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 0.06 mg/ml and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 0.50 mg/ml. Fraction V was further separated by preparative thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gave three fractions. Fraction V3 was the most active fraction with MIC 1.00 mg/ml and MBC of 2.00 mg/ml. Identification of fraction V3 based on assessments on ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectrum showed the maximum wavelength at 327 nm. These results indicate a transition Ï€ → Ï€ * and n → Ï€ * generated from the chromophore conjugated C = C and C = O. Based on the allegations of the functional group obtained, then alleged that in Fraction V3 containing flavones compounds.Conclusion: These results suggest that flavonoid of S. burahol leaves extracts is potential as antibacterial agents against S. epidermidisand therefore justifies their usage in traditional medicine for the treatment of body odor.Â

    Biological Activities Afforded by the Extract From Raru Bark to Inhibit Action of Alpha- Glucosidase Enzymes

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    Raru (Shoreabalanocarpoides Sym) signifies one of the tree species that grows widespread in Sumatra Island. Its bark portion is commonly used by local villagers as additional ingredient mixed to nira (sugar palm juice). This addition is intended to make the juice more durable and also to enrich its taste after the juice is previously fermented to become traditional toddy beverage or the so-call “tuak”. Local villagers believe that raru bark can reduce the level of blood sugar. As the relevance, the research was conducted to confirm that the extract from raru bark could afford its biological activities to inhibit alpha-glucosidase enzyme through its characterization, quantification, and isolation of its boactive compound. The extraction was performed using two methods (i.e.reflux and maceration techniques). Result revealed that the bark extract obtained from both techniques contained polyphenol compounds: flavonoid, saponin and tannin. Further, raru-bark extract from the reflux and maceration techniques could inhibit the action of alpha glucosidase enzymes on carbohydrate substrate ( i.e. p -nitrophenil-α-D-glucopyranose), at respectively 90.67% and 97.33%. Meanwhile, the inhibition activities afforded by the patented drug as a control (i.e. glucobay) equaled to 97.05%. Assesment using UV-VIS spectroscopy, showed that the maximum spectrum of bioactive compound in the extract was at the wave length of 288.6 nm. Scrutiny using FTIR spectroscopy could identif y the presence of aromatic groups in the compound, containing -OH, C-H, C=C, C-O and C-H bond types. Analysis using GC-MS exhibited that the compound had molecular weight of 390 with molecular structure as C20H22O8. Ultimately, data analysis scrutiny with the aid of NMR judged the most plausible compound as bioactive was 4-Glucosyl-3, 4', 5-trihydroxystilbene

    Chemoprevention Activity of Temu Mangga Extracts

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    The chemoprevention activity of temu mangga extracts was investigated by determination of antioxidant activity with a peroxidation number method and gluthatione-S-transferase (GST) activity in Chang medium culture and cell lysate (total GST activity). The results indicated that ethanol extract has a strong antioxidant activity. It is caused by the phenolic group in the ethanol extract. Treatment Chang cell culture with 7th and 4th ethanol fractions increased the GST activity when compared to the control. The total GST activity (cytosolic and microsomal) increased when Chang cell culture was treated with H2O2/Fe+2. The decrease of the total GST activity was observed when 7th and 4th ethanol fractions were supplemented with H2O2/Fe+2 compared to the cell culture receiving H2O2/Fe+2 only