939 research outputs found

    The Impacts of GM Seed Technology on Cotton: Cost of Production in Mississippi, 1996 - 2005

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    Genetically modified (GM) cotton varieties have changed many aspects of cotton production in the United States. The rapid adoption of GM cotton varieties in Mississippi has allowed producers to alter certain production practices because of added benefits gained from GM varieties. This study analyses some of the effects of certain changes in some of the most relevant components of cotton production on yield that stem from the adoption of GM varieties in Mississippi by comparing production functions from 1996 and 2005.Mississippi cotton production, Genetically Modified cotton varieties, structural change, production function., Crop Production/Industries,

    UC-156 Total Health Telemedicine Application

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    The Total Health Web Portal is a telemedicine application that allows users to orchestrate the process of a hospital visit without requiring anyone to leave their homes. The app assigns each user to 1 of 3 roles: client, doctor, or administrator. Clients are able to request appointments, upload documents, message their doctor, and join video calls for their appointments. The doctor may also message their clients and join video calls for their scheduled appointments. In addition, they may search through a list of their patients and dynamically add notes for each patient. Finally, the administrators have the responsibility of accepting/declining incoming appointment requests and managing accounts from within the database. The goal of the Total Health Telemedicine Application is to provide all participants with a way to effectively communicate and work in a single, convenient, and secure web portal

    Determining Sex in Golden Eagle (AQUILA CHRYSAETOS) Nestling

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    Incorporating sex ratios of nestlings into population viability studies increases knowledge of overall health of endangered populations. Currently, a reliable non-invasive method to identify the sex of golden eagle nestlings is not available; however, claims are commonly made based on morphology. Ten biometric measurements from 43 Scottish golden eagles aged 2–7.5 weeks were assessed to see if sex could actually be determined using this non-invasive methodology. Sex was confirmed via molecular analysis of blood samples. Discrete and principal component analyses of the different biometrics could not correctly determine individual nestling sex. Therefore, despite being more invasive, molecular sexing remains the recommended tool of choice for accurate sex identification of Scottish golden eagle nestlings younger than 7.5 weeks of age. This has important implications for golden eagle field studies where empirical morphological measurements are frequently and typically taken, but we have shown are not reliable in determining the sex of such young nestlings

    Responsiveness to Change in PROMIS

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    AbstractObjectiveTo compare the responsiveness to change of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) asthma impact, pain interference, fatigue, depressive symptoms, mobility, and peer relationship scales to a legacy scale, the Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ).MethodsTwo hundred and twenty-nine child-parent dyads from public insurance programs were enrolled. PROMIS pediatric short forms (SFs) and the PAQLQ were used to measure health-related quality of life across four time points (T1–T4) over 2 years. The Asthma Control and Communication Instrument was used to measure the change in asthma control, and the Global Rating of Change (GRC) Index for breathing problems and overall health was used to measure the change in health status. Responsiveness was tested by comparing the changes in health-related quality of life with the changes in asthma control and health status over time using t tests, generalized estimating equations, and relative validity approaches. Magnitudes of the responsiveness between the Pediatric PROMIS and PAQLQ were assessed through statistical significance, Cohen's d effect size (ES), and standardized response mean (SRM).ResultsThe PROMIS asthma impact scale and all PAQLQ scales exhibited significant responsiveness (p'sConclusionsThe PROMIS asthma impact SF indicated similar responsiveness to the PAQLQ scales. Due to its brevity and responsiveness, the PROMIS asthma impact SF is useful for clinical practice or research

    Longitudinal associations among asthma control, sleep problems, and health-related quality of life in children with asthma: a report from the PROMIS® Pediatric Asthma Study

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    Few studies have investigated the complex relationship among asthma control, sleep problems, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among children with asthma. This study aimed to test the longitudinal effect of asthma control status on asthma-specific HRQOL through the mechanism of nighttime sleep quality and daytime sleepiness

    Accessibility of selenomethionine proteins by total chemical synthesis: structural studies of human herpesvirus-8 MIP-II

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    AbstractThe determination of high resolution three-dimensional structures by X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a time-consuming process. Here we describe an approach to circumvent the cloning and expression of a recombinant protein as well as screening for heavy atom derivatives. The selenomethionine-modified chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-II (MIP-II) from human herpesvirus-8 has been produced by total chemical synthesis, crystallized, and characterized by NMR. The protein has a secondary structure typical of other chemokines and forms a monomer in solution. These results indicate that total chemical synthesis can be used to accelerate the determination of three-dimensional structures of new proteins identified in genome programs

    Non-pharmacological interventions for ADHD in school settings: an overarching synthesis of systematic reviews

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    OBJECTIVE: This overarching synthesis brings together the findings of four systematic reviews including 138 studies focused on non-pharmacological interventions for ADHD used in school settings. These reviews considered the effectiveness of school-based interventions for ADHD, attitudes toward and experience of school-based interventions for ADHD, and the experience of ADHD in school settings. METHOD: We developed novel methods to compare the findings across these reviews inductively and deductively. RESULTS: Key contextual issues that may influence the effectiveness and implementation of interventions include the relationships that pupils with ADHD have with their teachers and peers, the attributions individuals make about the etiology of ADHD, and stigma related to ADHD or intervention attendance. CONCLUSION: Although we found some positive effects for some outcomes and intervention categories, heterogeneity in effect size estimates and research evidence suggests a range of diverse contextual factors potentially moderate the implementation and effectiveness of school-based interventions for ADHD.National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) programNIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied HealthResearch and Care South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC

    The Effects of Exercise Training on Glucose Homeostasis and Muscle Metabolism in Type 1 Diabetic Female Mice

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    Although exercise training is an important recommendation for the management of type 1 diabetes (T1D), most of the available research studies predominantly focus on male subjects. Given the importance of sex as a biological variable, additional studies are required to improve the knowledge gap regarding sex differences in T1D research. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the role of exercise training in mediating changes in glucose homeostasis and skeletal muscle metabolism in T1D female mice. Female mice were injected with streptozotocin (STZ) to induce T1D. Two weeks after STZ injection, control (CON) and STZ mice were exercise trained on a treadmill for 4 weeks. Aerobic exercise training failed to improve glucose tolerance, prevent the decrease in body weight and adipose tissue mass, or attenuate muscle atrophy in T1D female mice. However, insulin sensitivity was improved in T1D female mice after exercise training. Aerobic exercise training maintained skeletal muscle triglyceride content but did not prevent depletion of skeletal muscle or liver glycogen in T1D mice. Gene expression analysis suggested that T1D resulted in decreased glucose transport, decreased ketone body oxidation, and increased fatty acid metabolism in the skeletal muscle, which was not altered by exercise training. These data demonstrate that 4 weeks of aerobic exercise training of a moderate intensity is insufficient to counteract the negative effects of T1D in female mice, but does lead to an improvement in insulin sensitivity

    Challenges and strategies to facilitate formulation development of pediatric drug products: Safety qualification of excipients

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    A public workshop entitled “Challenges and strategies to facilitate formulation development of pediatric drug products” focused on current status and gaps as well as recommendations for risk-based strategies to support the development of pediatric age-appropriate drug products. Representatives from industry, academia, and regulatory agencies discussed the issues within plenary, panel, and case-study breakout sessions. By enabling practical and meaningful discussion between scientists representing the diversity of involved disciplines (formulators, nonclinical scientists, clinicians, and regulators) and geographies (eg, US, EU), the Excipients Safety workshop session was successful in providing specific and key recommendations for defining paths forward. Leveraging orthogonal sources of data (eg. food industry, agro science), collaborative data sharing, and increased awareness of the existing sources such as the Safety and Toxicity of Excipients for Paediatrics (STEP) database will be important to address the gap in excipients knowledge needed for risk assessment. The importance of defining risk-based approaches to safety assessments for excipients vital to pediatric formulations was emphasized, as was the need for meaningful stakeholder (eg, patient, caregiver) engagement