203 research outputs found

    Trends in computerized provider order entry: 20-year bibliometric overview

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    BackgroundDrug-related problems (DRPs) can lead to serious health issues and have significant economic impacts on healthcare systems. One solution to address this issue is the use of computerized physician order entry systems (CPOE), which can help prevent DRPs by reducing the risk of medication errors.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study is to provide an analysis on scientific production of the past 20 years in order to describe trends in academic publishing on CPOE and to identify the major topics as well as the predominant actors (journals, countries) involved in this field.MethodsA PubMed search was carried out to extract articles related to computerized provider order entry during the period January 1st 2003– December 31st 2022 using a specific query. Data were downloaded from PubMed in Extensible Markup Language (XML) and were processed through a dedicated parser.ResultsA total of 2,946 articles were retrieved among 623 journals. One third of these articles were published in eight journals. Publications grew strongly from 2002 to 2006, with a dip in 2008 followed by an increase again in 2009. After 2009, there follows a decreasing until 2022.The most producing countries are the USA with 51.39% of the publication over the period by France (3.80%), and Canada (3.77%). About disciplines, the top 3 is: “medical informatics” (21.62% of articles), “pharmacy” (19.04%), and “pediatrics” (6.56%).DiscussionThis study provides an overview of publication trends related to CPOE, which exhibited a significant increase in the first decade of the 21st century followed by a decline after 2009. Possible reasons for this decline include the emergence of digital health tools beyond CPOE, as well as healthcare professionals experiencing alert fatigue of the current system.ConclusionFuture research should focus on analyzing publication trends in the field of medical informatics and decision-making tools to identify other areas of interest that may have surpassed the development of CPOE

    Performance evaluation of unified medical language systemÂź's synonyms expansion to query PubMed

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PubMed is the main access to medical literature on the Internet. In order to enhance the performance of its information retrieval tools, primarily non-indexed citations, the authors propose a method: expanding users' queries using Unified Medical Language System' (UMLS) synonyms i.e. all the terms gathered under one unique Concept Unique Identifier.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This method was evaluated using queries constructed to emphasize the differences between this new method and the current PubMed automatic term mapping. Four experts assessed citation relevance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using UMLS, we were able to retrieve new citations in 45.5% of queries, which implies a small increase in recall. The new strategy led to a heterogeneous 23.7% mean increase in non-indexed citation retrieved. Of these, 82% have been published less than 4 months earlier. The overall mean precision was 48.4% but differed according to the evaluators, ranging from 36.7% to 88.1% (Inter rater agreement was poor: kappa = 0.34).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study highlights the need for specific search tools for each type of user and use-cases. The proposed strategy may be useful to retrieve recent scientific advancement.</p

    Recherche documentaire

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    IA au sein d’un entrepĂŽt de donnĂ©es de santĂ© Ă  Rouen

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    Depuis 5 ans, le dĂ©partement de l’informatique et de l’information mĂ©dicales (D2IM) du CHU de Rouen dĂ©veloppe un entrepĂŽt de santĂ©, mis Ă  disposition de la communautĂ© des professionnels de santĂ©. Plus de 170 cas d’usage ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s, dĂ©passant largement la recherche clinique, pour aller vers le calcul semi-automatique d’indicateurs de qualitĂ©, la dĂ©tection de cas de pharmacovigilance ou de prescription hors autorisation de mise sur le marchĂ© par exemple, sans oublier plus rĂ©cemment la dĂ©tection des patients Ă©ligibles Ă  la vaccination anti-COVID. Le D2IM se focalise sur des travaux de recherche sur les terminologies et ontologies de santĂ©, l’indexation et l’extraction automatique et la recherche d’information

    Web sémantique au sein de CISMeF

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    Terminologie et accÚs à l'information en santé

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    Dossier médical personnel (état de l'ART)

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    A l'image de nombreux pays, la France veut se doter d'un dossier mĂ©dical Ă©lectronique partagĂ© accessible sur l'internet. Il est dĂ©nommĂ© Dossier MĂ©dical PartagĂ© puis Personnel, signant lĂ  son glissement vers l'appartenance au patient. Il a la particularitĂ© d'ĂȘtre inscrit dans la loi avant mĂȘme d'ĂȘtre abouti sur le plan des systĂšmes d'informations hospitaliers, trĂšs en retards, et de l'informatisation des mĂ©decins de villes, incomplĂšte. Il ne tiendra pas les promesses d'ĂȘtre fonctionnel en moins de trois ans. Nous reviendrons sur l'origine du dossier mĂ©dical français, puis nous analyserons les raisons de son Ă©chec (gel du projet en 2006) que l'on sait forcĂ©ment temporaire. Ce travail a permis de soulever les problĂ©matiques principales ; Les craintes liĂ©es Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© sur Internet. Cette derniĂšre nĂ©cessite des moyens techniques indispensables, Ă©numĂ©rĂ©s. Les investissements qui doivent ĂȘtre revus Ă  la hausse. Un encadrement juridique complet. Une modification des habitudes de travail : il faudra du temps pour alimenter le DMP, faire des synthĂšses rĂ©guliĂšres, et une rĂ©tribution adaptĂ©e. Quand aux objectifs du DMP (dĂ©penser moins et mieux soigner), quelques Ă©tudes AmĂ©ricaines semblent dĂ©montrer que l'informatisation bien faite du dossier mĂ©dical permet de majorer la qualitĂ© des soins, et ce sans majorer le risque de contentieux. L'exemple de la NorvĂšge permet de prĂ©dire une rĂ©duction de coĂ»ts liĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©duction des emplois. Le DMP ne remplacera pas le dossier professionnel du mĂ©decin. Celui-ci aura donc deux dossiers Ă  gĂ©rer, nous insisterons sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'un outil simple au service du professionnel de santĂ©.ROUEN-BU MĂ©decine-Pharmacie (765402102) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
