117 research outputs found

    Study of Optical Cloaking Lenses Design for Optimizing Large Vehicle Driver\u27s Visibility in Bandar Lampung

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    Nowadays, invisibility efforts by scientists and engineers have focused on building a large broadband, multidirectional cloaking device. The device is usually a cloak that works in macroscopic dimensions and for the entire visible spectrum. Addition with the full-field of light, no new materials, simple infrastructure, and scale easily may be considered an ‘ideal\u27 cloaking device. This paper report of implementing ray optics cloaking formalism presented previously by Choi and Howell [1] using lenses design for cloaking arbitrarily large, and moving objects such as large vehicle. We apply their formalism using simulation and experiment scheme to general optical systems up to four convex lenses. The results support the information to create optical cloaking prototype for optimizing large vehicle driver\u27s visibility as alternative solution for decreasing traffic accident in Bandar Lampung

    Study of Optical Cloaking Lenses Design for Optimizing Large Vehicle Driver’s Visibility in Bandar Lampung

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    Nowadays, invisibility efforts by scientists and engineers have focused on building a large broadband, multidirectional cloaking device. The device is usually a cloak that works in macroscopic dimensions and for the entire visible spectrum. Addition with the full-field of light, no new materials, simple infrastructure, and scale easily may be considered an ‘ideal’ cloaking device. This paper report of implementing ray optics cloaking formalism presented previously by Choi and Howell [1] using lenses design for cloaking arbitrarily large, and moving objects such as large vehicle. We apply their formalism using simulation and experiment scheme to general optical systems up to four convex lenses. The results support the information to create optical cloaking prototype for optimizing large vehicle driver’s visibility as alternative solution for decreasing traffic accident in Bandar Lampung

    Analisis Pеngukuran Kinеrja Dеngan Mеnggunakan Mеtodе Balancеd Scorеcard (Studi Kasus pada PT Cеntury Battеriеs Indonеsia)

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    This study aims to dеtеrminе and analyzе thе pеrformancе of PT Cеntury Battеriеs Indonеsia whеn mеasurеd by using four pеrspеctivеs of thе balancеd scorеcard consisting of a financial pеrspеctivе, customеr pеrspеctivе, intеrnal businеss procеssеs, lеarning and growth pеrspеctivе. It is еxpеctеd that from thе information obtainеd can bе usеd PT Cеntury Battеriеs Indonеsia in mеasuring ovеrall company pеrformancе. This typе of rеsеarch usеd in thе prеparation of this thеsis is a dеscriptivе study with qualitativе approach. Sourcе data usеd arе primary data and sеcondary data. Data collеction tеchniquеs with intеrviеws, corporatе data, and documеntation. Thе rеsеarch instrumеnt usеd is thе rеsеarchеrs thеmsеlvеs, intеrviеw, and othеr support such as tapе rеcordеrs and camеras. In analyzing thе study data, rеsеarchеrs rеfеr to thе mеthod proposеd by Milеs, Hubеrman, and Saldana. Thе rеsults of this study showеd that thе pеrformancе of PT Cеntury Battеriеs Indonеsia whеn viеwеd from four pеrspеctivеs nееds to bе improvеd to bе ablе to еxcееd its spеcifiеd targеts. Financial pеrspеctivе in mind alrеady abovе thе targеt company. Customеr pеrspеctivе, intеrnal businеss procеssеs, lеarning and growth pеrspеctivе thеrе arе sеvеral indicators undеr targеt and that which will bе usеd for еnhancеd attеntion. Kеywords: Balancеd Scorеcard, Pеrformancе Mеasurеmеnt, Pеrformancе АBSTRАK Pеnеlitian ini bеrtujuan untuk mеngеtahui dan mеnganalisis kinеrja PT Cеntury Battеriеs Indonеsia jika diukur dеngan mеnggunakan еmpat pеrspеktif balancеd scorеcard yang tеrdiri dari pеrspеktif kеuangan, pеrspеktif pеlanggan, pеrspеktif prosеs bisnis intеrnal, pеrspеktif pеrtumbuhan dan pеmbеlajaran. Diharapkan dari informasi yang dipеrolеh dapat dipеrgunakan PT Cеntury Battеriеs Indonеsia dalam mеngukur kinеrja pеrusahaan sеcara kеsеluruhan. Jеnis pеnеlitian yang digunakan dalam pеnyusunan skripsi ini adalah jеnis pеnеlitian dеskriptif dеngan pеndеkatan kualitatif. Sumbеr data yang digunakan adalah data primеr dan data sеkundеr. Tеknik pеngumpulan data dеngan wawancara, data pеrusahaan, dan dokumеntasi. Instrumеn pеnеlitian yang digunakan yaitu pеnеliti itu sеndiri, pеdoman wawancara, dan pеnunjang lainnya sеpеrti alat pеrеkam dan kamеra. Dalam mеnganalisis data pеnеlitian, pеnеliti mеngacu pada mеtodе yang dikеmukakan olеh Milеs, Hubеrman, dan Saldana. Hasil dari pеnеlitian ini, mеnunjukan bahwa kinеrja PT Cеntury Battеriеs Indonеsia bila dilihat dari еmpat pеrspеktif masih harus ditingkatkan untuk dapat mеlampaui targеt yang ditеntukan pеrusahaan. Pеrspеktif kеuangan dikеtahui sudah bеrada diatas targеt pеrusahaan. Pеrspеktif pеlanggan, pеrspеktif prosеs bisnis intеrnal, pеrspеktif pеrtumbuhan dan pеmbеlajaran masih tеrdapat bеbеrapa indikator yang dibawah targеt dan hal tеrsеbut yang nantinya akan dijadikan pеrhatian untuk ditingkatkan

    Analisis pada Fitur Autocomplete Suggestion dan Semantik pada Pencarian di Mesin Pencari Google

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    Perkembangan teknologi internet mendorong munculnya fitur dan inovasiterbaru untuk meningkatkan pengalaman dan kemudahan pengguna dalammenjelajahi dunia maya. Salah satu fitur tersebut adalah autocompletesuggestion. Fitur autocomplete suggestion merupakan fitur yangdiimplementasikan pada web browser dan mesin pencari yang memungkinkanweb browser atau mesin pencari untuk memberikan saran pencarian ketikabaru beberapa kata diketikan dalam kolom pencarian atau address bar.Makalah ini membahas analisis tentang fitur autocomplete suggestion dansemantik dari sistem pencarian pada salah satu mesin pencari terpopuler didunia, yaitu Google

    Pengaruh Komposisi Arah Lapisan Terhadap Sifat Papan Bambu Komposit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi arah lapisan terhadap sifat papan bambu komposit (PBK). Jenis bambu yang digunakan adalah bambu andong (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea) berumur sekitar 4 tahun yang diperoleh dari tanaman rakyat di Jawa Barat. Bilah bambu andong yang digunakan untuk membuat PBK diberi perlakuan pendahuluan dengan jalan direndam dalam larutan boron 7% selama 2 jam. Produk PBK 5 lapis dibuat dengan 4 macam variasi komposisi arah lapisan. Bambu lamina dibuat dengan menggunakan perekat isosianat water based polymer-isocyanate (WBPI) dengan berat labur perekat 250 g/m2 permukaan, dikempa dingin dengan lama pengempaan 45 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kerapatan, kadar air, pengembangan tebal, dan pengembangan lebar PBK berturut-turut adalah 0,79g/cm3, 12,60%, 2,38%, dan 1,13%. Kualitas perekatan PBK yang dibuat dengan perekat isosianat (WBPI) cukup baik yang ditunjukkan oleh tidak terjadinya delaminasi pada semua contoh uji untuk pengujian delaminasi. Keteguhan rekat rata-rata (uji kering) PBK yang dibuat dari bambu andong dengan perekat isosianat adalah 70,4 kg/cm2. Sifat fisis dan mekanis PBK sangat dipengaruhi oleh komposisi arah lapisan penyusun PBK. Sifat mekanis PBK menurun dengan meningkatnya jumlah lapisan silang dalam komposisi lapisan penyusun PBK. Sebaliknya keberadaan lapisan silang dalam komposisi lapisan penyusun PBK meningkatkan kestabilan dimensi PBK yang dihasilkan

    Pengaruh Peningkatan Lipofilisitas Pada Senyawa Analog Uk-3a Dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker P-388

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    Antibiotic UK-3A contains a 9-membered dilactone ring. It had been isolated as a minor component from the mycelium of 5trepyomyces sp. 51701.The antibiotic was hypothesized to be potential to inhibit the growth of leukemia cancer cell line of P388 and KB with ICso 38 and 20 Dg/mL, respectively. To understand the effect of lipophilicity increase of the analogues on their anticancer activities based on QSAR parameter (Log P) and binding energy to BcL-xL protein. To produce analogues of UK-3A, 3hydroxypicolinyl serine methyl ester (A) was synthesized from 3-hydroxypicolinic acid and L-serine methyl ester. The product was then esterified by pentanoic (1), hexanoic (2), heptanoic (3), and octanoic (4). The final products were confirmed with IHand 13C FT-NMR and FTIR spectra, and also MS spectra. Then they were tested against P388 Murine Leukemia cells. The result of bioassay showed lipophilicity increase of3hydroxypicolinyl serine methyl octhyl ester (PSMOE) correlated positively with their anticancer activity increase, withICso 15.4mg/mL against P388 cell lines

    Possibility and Effects of Recycling Vinyl-Banner Waste into Fired-Clay Bricks for Home Industry in Lampung

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    Bricks are regarded as important material in building constructions. Basically, brick is processed by mixing clay and water then burnt under high temperature for a certain duration. Previous study in Indonesia shows that mixing local clay with additional materials could improve its characteristic, especially in terms of water absorption potentiality. Lampung has home industries which run brick making business traditionally. Moreover, this year Indonesian government has been organizing regional elections which attract campaigners to produce more vinyl banners as advertising media. As the event has already passed, vinyl banners eventually become environmental issue since they are not yet well managed. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility and effect of red bricks mixtures along with vinyl banner waste. Fired-clay bricks dimensions including length, width, and height are 19 cm, 9.5 cm, and 5 cm respectively. Measurement has done by employing water absorption tests. Waste-added bricks absorb more water than the conventional one, about 11% higher. However, rice-husk-ash-added bricks perform similar to the normal bricks, it has slow rate of water absorption. Absorption rate of waste-added bricks also fast and exceed the conventional and RHA-added bricks. Modified red bricks surfaces are uneven, they show cracks and rough edges