40 research outputs found

    Obywatel rycerz Blaski i cienie ethosu rycerskiego w polskim filmie. Na podstawie twórczości Andrzeja Wajdy, Andrzeja Munka i Jerzego Skolimowskiego

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    Celem pracy było ukazanie reprezentacji ethosu rycerskiego w polskim filmie na przykładzie wybranych filmów Wajdy, Munka i Skolimowskiego. Ethos został podwójnie potraktowany. Z jednej strony jako „teatr godności”. Z drugiej jako hołdowanie wartościom pozaracjonalnym. Usiłowałem pokazać funkcje takiej strategii w kontekście polskiej historii.The aim of the thesis was to show representation of the chivalry ethos on the selection of Wajda, Munk and Skolimowski. The category of ethos has a double meaning: (1) as a theater of dignity and (2) a respect to irrationals values. It shows the strategies of the ethos in polish history

    Photodynamic therapy in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia

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    Abstract Introduction: Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia may lead to vulvar cancer. Vulvar cancer is a rare (accounting for about 2,5-5% of all malignant neoplasms), female genital organs cancer. Photodynamic therapy is a new treatment for a wide variety of malignancies and premalignant dysplasias. We wanted to examine the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). Design: The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) on vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN). Material and methods: We have analyzed 20 women with VIN, who were treated in our center - Clinic of Vulvar Diseases. All these women had photodynamic diagnosis (PDD), photodynamic therapy followed (PDT), with 5% ALA applied to the entire vulva. Conclusions: We have noted the reduction of subjective complaints, but the histopathological improvement was observed in fewer degree

    Vulvovaginitis in young girls

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    Abstract Vulvovaginitis is the most common cause of gynecological complaints in young girls. Factors which cause vulvovaginitis include, among other things, low level of sexual hormones (hypoestrogenism), the anatomical proximity of the rectum and delicate vulvar skin and vaginal mucosa. Usually vulvovaginitis in young girls is caused by non-specific factors. The aim of the study was to present the most frequent causes of vulvovaginitis in young girls

    Całkowite wytrzewienie narządów miednicy mniejszej z powodu raka pochwy – opis przypadku

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    Vaginal cancer is a rare neoplasm and in about 65% to 90% of cases it is a metastatic one. It is diagnosed in women aged from 60 to 70 years, but it can also appear in younger patients. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most frequently found histopathological type. Risk factors for the development of vaginal cancer are thought to be similar to those of cervical cancer. We present a case of a 52-year old woman with vaginal cancer treated with brachytherapy. Due to neoplasm recurrence, additional examinations were performed in the course of one year. The patient was qualified for total pelvic exenteration. A leakage from the abdominal wound was observed post operatively. It was successfully noninvasively treated. In 3 months time she was hospitalized because of the superficial abdominal abscess which was located next to the left ureterostomy. The patient undergoes regular gynecological, surgical and urological control examinations. So far, the results do not show any recurrence of the neoplastic process. Total pelvic exenteration should be considered in selected groups of patients.Rak pochwy jest rzadkim nowotworem i w 65%-90% przypadków jest to przerzut innego nowotworu. Rak pochwy diagnozowany jest przede wszystkim wśród pacjentek 60-70 letnich, chociaż opisywany jest także w grupie kobiet młodszych. Najczęstszym stwierdzanym typem histopatologicznym jest rak płaskonabłonkowy. Uważa się, że czynniki rozwoju raka pochwy są zbliżone do czynników ryzyka rozwoju raka szyjki macicy. Przedstawiamy opis przypadku 52-letniej pacjentki z rakiem pochwy pierwotnie leczonej brachyterpią. Z powodu wznowy procesu nowotworowego i wyczerpania możliwości dalszego leczenia radioterapią wykonano szereg badań dodatkowych, co pozwoliło na zakwalifikowanie pacjentki do leczenia operacyjnego. Wykonano zabieg całkowitego wytrzewienia narządów miednicy mniejszej. W przebiegu pooperacyjnym obserwowano jedynie powierzchowny wyciek z rany w powłokach brzusznych. W okresie 3 miesięcy od zakończenia hospitalizacji pacjentka wymagała ponownego leczenia z powodu ropnia okolicy lewej urostomii. Pacjentka pozostaje pod stałą kontrola ginekologiczną, chirurgiczną oraz urologiczną. Wyniki dotychczasowych badań kontrolnych nie budzą podejrzenia wznowy procesu nowotworowego. Całkowite wytrzewienie narządów miednicy mniejszej powinno być wykonywane w ściśle wyselekcjonowanej grupie pacjentek

    Arnica montana : évaluation des ressources génétiques françaises en vue du développement de la culture en plaine et en montagne

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    Ce volume regroupe les textes issus du programme Casdar "Innovation et Partenariat" et "Recherche finalisée et innovation" de 2013. Le colloque de restitution s’est déroulé le 6 février 2019 sous l’égide du GIS Relance AgronomiqueArnica montana is a major medicinal specie, which is now mainly produced from wild harvesting,especially in mainland France. As the wild resource is decreasing, and in order to maintain or even Gourlin L. et al. 68 Innovations Agronomiques 71 (2019), 67-80 develop the French production, cultivation is a good option, that is still very limited, because of its difficulty. Finding the right plant material could help to enhance cultivation programs. This project aimed at growing 24 wild populations, which were collected in mainland France, and to compare them with 2 commercial varieties, ‘Arbo’ and ‘Arnimed’. This was set on 4 experimentation spots, chosen for their potential match for Arnica cultivation. The experiment lasted 3 years, and morphological andagronomical subjects were studied on the populations. Sesquiterpene lactones and flavonoidsanalyzed, and a new methodology of evaluation was developed. The results showed extreme variabilityof phenotypic and chemical expression of the different populations. An important death rate has beennoticed on wild populations, but the causes are still unknown. On the set of variables chosen,commercial varieties ‘Arbo’ and ‘Arnimed’ were particularly competitive, and two wild populations standout with promising results. One seems appropriate for starting selection works on a variety that would besuitable for loaw altitude, and the other one could be a local (French) alternative to the cultivation ofselected varieties (‘Arbo’ and ‘Arnimed’ are from Swiss and German selection work).L’arnica des montagnes est une espèce médicinale importante dont la production est principalementissue de la cueillette à l’état sauvage, notamment sur le territoire métropolitain. La ressource étant enrégression, le maintien, voire le développement de la production française passe donc par la mise enculture, actuellement anecdotique car difficile. Certains freins pourraient être levés par la mise enévidence de matériel végétal adapté à la production. L’objectif de ce projet était de mettre en culture 24populations d’origines sauvages (prospectées en France métropolitaine) et de les comparer à deuxvariétés commerciales témoins ‘Arbo’ et ‘Arnimed’, sur 4 sites d’expérimentation aux contextespédoclimatiques variés mais a priori adaptés à la culture de l’espèce. Durant les 3 années d’essai, unsuivi morphologique et agronomique des populations a été réalisé. Des analyses des sesquiterpèneslactones et flavonoïdes ont été effectuées, et une nouvelle méthodologie de dosage de ces composés aété développée. Les résultats mettent en exergue la forte variabilité de l’expression phénotypique etchimique des différentes souches testées. Une forte mortalité globale a pu être constatée surl’ensemble des populations sauvages étudiées sans que les causes aient pu en être identifiées. Surl’ensemble des variables suivies, les variétés commerciales ‘Arbo’ et ‘Arnimed’ sont particulièrementperformantes, et deux populations sauvages se démarquent par leurs résultats intéressants : l’uneparait pertinente pour démarrer des travaux de sélection d’une variété adaptée à la basse altitude,tandis que l’autre, originaire du Massif central, pourrait se proposer comme une alternative d’originelocale (française) à la culture de variétés commerciales sélectionnées (suisse et allemande)

    MEANING INSTEAD OF TRANSCENDENCE – interview with professor Michel Wieviorka

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    Próba socjologicznej odpowiedzi na ataki terrorystyczne w Paryżu prof. Michela Wieviorki. Socjolog pokazuje drogę do radykalizacji reprezentantów drugiego i trzeciego pokolenia emigrantów z krajów Maghrebu. Ukazuje, jak marginalizacja, zarówno społeczna, zawodowa i finansowa, części tej społeczności doprowadziła do zaostrzenia stosunków społecznych we Francji. Na koniec potwierdza, że edukacja oraz nadanie sensu dla młodzieży może wpłynąć korzystnie na francuską kondycję społeczną.An attempt at sociological response to terrorist attacks in Paris by prof. Michel Wieviorka. The French sociologist expose the road to radicalization of representatives of the second and third generations of emigration from the Maghreb countries. It shows how marginalization, both social, professional and financial, contributed to the negative intensification of social relations in France. Finally, it confirms that education and giving meaning to young people can have a positive impact on the French social condition

    Peranan Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Dalam Penertiban Gelandangan dan Pengemis (Gepeng) Kota Pekanbaru (studi Kasus Simpang Pasar Pagi Arengka)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the role of the police unit and obstacles teachers ' praja in seeking a clean city program, orderly and beautiful. The research method used authors are deskriptive qualitative research methods, namely the study of the case led to his work in detail and depth about the portrait and the conditions actually occur in field. Key informants in this study is the head of the police unit of teachers ' Praja, community and Arengka morning market in particular the sprawl, the city of Pekanbaru. Types and sources of data used, namely, primary data using secondary data and interview techniques that use techniques of observation and documentation. Based on this analysis techniques researchers concluded that teachers ' role and police reform and undertakings in respect of the municipal hygiene Pekanbaru. The suggestion to consider especially concerned about fulfillment of infrastructure as well as socialization for the community as well as the intense coaching too tramp and beggars

    Balancing government-regulated participation with community support for South Africa's Taung Skull World Heritage Site

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    While much research has emphasised either the host community's support for or participation in tourism development, less attention has been given to an analysis of interrelationships between the much neglected government-regulated participation in tourism and sustainable community support. This article seeks to explore the nature and extent of community participation and support for the Taung Skull World Heritage Site (TSWHS) scheme. Utilising the social exchange theory, the paper's central argument suggests meaningful community involvement in government-sponsored participation as a prerequisite to public support. Indeed, qualitative methodology and interviews revealed the community's commitment to support the scheme; to share knowledge and learn more about the site's tourism- and conservation-related activities.Keywords: Government-regulated participation, community support, social exchange theory, world heritage site, South Africa, North West Provinc