97 research outputs found

    Pelayanan Pengurusan Akta Perkawinan Dikantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Pekanbaru

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    This study dilator background by a phenomenon found in time do prasurvay field, which appear to have good maintenance service of a marriage certificate At the Office of Population and Civil Registration Pekanbaru. With the aim to identify and explain the maintenance of a marriage certificate services when At the Office of Population and Civil Registration Pekanbaru and what are the constraints. In line with the purpose of the study, the population in this study is the staff of Department of Population and Civil Registration section of Pekanbaru on marriage and society. Where sampling techniques to employees using census techniques and communities with incidental sampling technique. Types of data collected included primary data and secondary data. In this study the authors describe some of the indicators used are Procedure, Hours of Service, Cost Services, Product Services, Infrastructures and Services Provider Competency Officer. We then measured the Indicators variable, while the size of the variable in this study fall into three categories: Good, Pretty Good and Less Good. As a final conclusion in this research authors concluded that the Marriage Act Handling Services at the Office of Population and Civil Registration Pekanbaru city Categorized "Good Enough"

    Peranan Metode Activity Based Costing Dalam Menentukan Cost of Goods Manufactured

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    The purpose of this research is to know production process of a textile company in Bandung and to analyze the comparison between cost of goods manufactured calculation methods, that applied in the company (traditional costing method) and Activity Based Costing (ABC) method. The obatained data was performed monthly during the year 2009. Based on analysis result, Cost Of Goods Manufactured calculation for unpattern material using ABC method resulted the Cost Of Goods Manufactured that is lower than traditional costing method, and Cost Of Goods Manufactured calculation for pattern material using ABC method resulted the Cost Of Goods Manufactured that is higher than traditional costing method. ABC method can describes the real consumption resource needed in production process

    Bpjs Barrier to Strategic Purchasing of Primary Care Service at Public and Private Health Facilities in Subulussalam, Aceh

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    Background: Strategic purchasing plays an important role in the cost structure and competitiveness of small and large businesses. Managing Board of Social Insurance (BPJS) has implemented strategic purchasing of health services in the National Health Insurance (JKN) scheme. Strategic purchasing is important to provide quality products and services at low costs. Strategic purchasing of health service has five critical criteria: (1) what is to purchase; (2) to whom it is for; (3) whom it is from; (4) what is the price; (5) how to purchase it. This study aimed to assess BPJS barrier to strategic purchasing of primary care service at public and private health facilities in Subulussalam, Aceh. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in Subulussalam, Aceh, from February to July 2015. A total of 12 key informants for this study, including BPJS administrators, hospital managers. The theme was strategic purchasing of health service. The data were collected by in-depth interview, direct observation, and document review. The data was analyzed by thematic analysis. Results: BPJS administered the same standards of strategic purchasing health service from the public and private health providers. However, there were some unresolved problems: (1) BPJS faced difficulty to select primary care providers independently; (2) Illegal use of other member’s JKN card to get health service; (3) Redundant claims from the primary care providers; (4) Claim of inpatient days exceeding the maximum allowable limit; (5) Delay in non-capitations reimbursement payment to primary care provider; (6) Inequitable distribution of health manpower across health facilities. Conclusion: BPJS has implemented strategic purchasing of primary care services with the same standards applied to public and private primary care providers. However, there remain some problems of purchasing health services that call for immediate corrective actions, including routine monitoring, explanation of delay, advocacy, equitable distribution of health manpower. Keywords: strategic purchasing, primary care service, health facility, BPJS

    Implications of Micro-Level Fractal Poverty Traps on Poverty Reduction Strategies at Meso and Macro Levels

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    Poverty, particularly in developing countries, is endemic and has attained a crisis stage. It is compounded by conflicts, corrupt/inefficient governments and other manmade issues that seem to keep people in perpetual deprivation and want. Although serious, this poverty trap is fixable. This paper reports on an ongoing research about poverty reduction strategies. It is based on the proposition that the first step in poverty reduction is understanding what makes an agent trapped. Therefore, this paper conceptualises poverty traps as fractal, self-perpetuating conditions when individuals are caught in a vicious cycle of poverty and continue to suffer from undesirable hardships for a long period of time. Using the neo-classical economic development theory and data obtained from the United Nations Development Programme, this paper argues that current poverty reduction strategies, which have been in use over the last five decades, have been ineffective. From the experiences of one of the authors in poverty reduction over the last two decades, a new poverty reduction strategy that focuses on individuals is thus proposed. This strategy uses the synergetic concept that indicates the simultaneous causation of poverty through the interaction between the individual and the context. This paper demonstrates that individuals in poverty are caught between externalisation and internalisation of conditions that are nonetheless transient and removable. Based on this new understanding, a four-stage interactive model called Learn, Relate and Adapt (LERA) is proposed for use in poverty research and the poverty reduction implementation strategy. Keywords/Phrases: poverty, fractal poverty, neo-classical economic development model, synergetics, LERA Mode


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    This article discusses the policy and management of Education: BOS Fund in Primary Schools. Based on Permendikbud No 161 of 2014 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Management of Regular School Operational Assistance Funds. BOS fund management has at least three indicators: Planning, implementation and reporting. These three indicators are the benchmark for managing BOS funds well. The research method uses a literature study with a meta-analysis of ten national journal review results based on BOS fund management indicators: Planning, implementation, and reporting. Results of this study: 1. Planning involves all school residents, including the principal, treasurer, teachers, employees, committees, and parents. This Planning is poured in the form of the preparation of RKAS. RKAS is made with various considerations and by the conditions of each elementary school. 2. The implementation of BOS fund management, starting with the withdrawal of funds; some are carried out in Dahab, and some are all at once; the collection adjusts to each condition and then allocates by the RKAS that has been made. The collection of BOS funds must be recorded in detail and clearly. As well as leaving a minimum balance as a precaution. 3. Reporting is carried out gradually and every day so that it is monitored in real and particular. This reporting is in the form of a unique BOS fund governance book.  Article visualizations

    Pemberlakuan Bebas Visa Kunjungan Dan Kaitannya Dengan Keberadaan Tenaga Kerja Asing Ilegal Asal Australia Yang Berpotensi Mengancam keijakan Undang-Undang Nomor 06 Tahun 2011 Tentang Keimigrasian

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia memberlakuan bebas visa kunjungan untuk warga negara Australia menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab keberadaan tenaga kerja asing illegal asal Australia di Indonesia. Selain itu, juga untuk mengetahui kemungkinan adanya penyalah gunaan visa kunjungan terbatas untuk bekerja. Penelitian hukum non doktrinal ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif, yang dilakukan di Kantor Keimigrasian Jakarta Timur. Hasil penelitian meyimpulkan bahwa (1) Pengawasan Tenaga Kerja Asing di Jakarta Timur dilakukan oleh Tim Pora (Pengawas Orang Asing). Namun tidak berjalan optimal disebabkan beberapa faktor yaitu (a) kurangnya peran Pemerintah dalam Pengawasan terhadap Tenaga Kerja Asing; (b) tidak adanya keterbukaan antara perusahaan asing dengan Dinas Ketenagakerjaan mengenai data Tenaga Kerja Asing yang ada di Jakarta Timur; (c) kurangnya pengawasan dari Tim Pengawasan Orang asing (Tim Pora) di Jakarta Timur dalam melakukan pengecekan terhadap yang ada di perusahaan Tateli NV. (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan tidak mengatur tentang sanksi terhadap TKA ilegal tetapi kepada perushaan pemberi kerja. Pengaturan lebih kepada deportasi dan denda yang dilakukan oleh bagian imigrasi

    The Formation of Binary Star Clusters in the Milky Way and Large Magellanic Cloud

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    Recent observations of young embedded clumpy clusters and statistical identifications of binary star clusters have provided new insights into the formation process and subsequent dynamical evolution of star clusters. The early dynamical evolution of clumpy stellar structures provides the conditions for the origin of binary star clusters. Here, we carry out NN-body simulations in order to investigate the formation of binary star clusters in the Milky Way and in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We find that binary star clusters can form from stellar aggregates with a variety of initial conditions. For a given initial virial ratio, a higher degree of initial substructure results in a higher fraction of binary star clusters. The number of binary star clusters decreases over time due to merging or dissolution of the binary system. Typically, ∼45%\sim 45\% of the aggregates evolve into binary/multiple clusters within t=20t=20~Myr in the Milky Way environment, while merely ∼30%\sim30\% survives beyond t=50t=50~Myr, with separations ≲50\lesssim 50~pc. On the other hand, in the LMC, ∼90%\sim 90\% of the binary/multiple clusters survive beyond t=20t=20~Myr and the fraction decreases to ∼80%\sim 80\% at t=50t=50~Myr, with separations ≲35 \lesssim 35~pc. Multiple clusters are also rapidly formed for highly-substructured and expanding clusters. The additional components tend to detach and the remaining binary star cluster merges. The merging process can produce fast rotating star clusters with mostly flat rotation curves that speed up in the outskirts.Comment: accepted 2021 July 5, to be published in MNRAS, 19 page

    Mortar dan Meshing (Jejaring) Kawat sebagai External Confinement (Kekang Luar) untuk Meningkatkan Sifat Mekanik Beton

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    Sifat getas beton akan membuat bangunan-bangunan yang terbuat dari beton bertulang seperti gedung dan jembatan apabila diberi beban berlebih mengalami keruntuhan mendadak, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka beton perlu diperkuat dengan suatu material tambahan yang dapat dipasang secara internal maupun eksternal. Penggunaan meshing kawat dan mortar beton sebagai external confinement diprediksi akan meningkatkan sifat mekanik beton, selain itu juga diharapkan mampu meningkatkan daktilitas dan kapasitas beton, namun tetap mempertahankan luasan penampang beton dan mampu menghasilkan struktur bangunan yang berumur panjang, efisien dalam penggunaan sumber daya alam dan mampu menahan berbagai beban yang bekerja padanya, termasuk beban berlebih. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen di laboratorium menggunakan bahan mortar beton dengan tebal lapisan 0,5mm dan kawat AWG diameter 0,45mm yang akan melapisi silinder beton berdimensi 150mm x 300mm yang berfungsi sebagai external confinement. Rasio volume penggunaan mortar dan kawat yang digunakan terhadap volume silinder terdiri dari empat variasi yaitu 0%, 0,1%, 0,2%, 0,3% dengan dibuat tiga benda uji pada setiap variasinya, uji yang dilakukan terhadap silinder beton adalah uji kuat tekan beton dan regangannya dimana hasil uji akan memperbandingkan keefektifan penggunaan mortar beton dan meshing kawat sebagai external confinement. Hasil uji kuat tekan menunjukan peningkatan sebesar 16,227% terhadap kuat tekan beton normal pada komposisi 0,2% meshing kawat dan peningkatan sebesar 6,967% terhadap kuat tekan beton normal pada komposisi 0,1% meshing kawat
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