33 research outputs found

    Prototipe Alat Pengekstrak Pati Sagu Tipe Mixer Rotary Blade Bertenaga Motor Bakar

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    Papua and West Papua Province have a large potential of sago. Approximately 994,000 hectares, mostly natural sago forest was existed in this area. Sago starch has long been an important source of nutrition troughout Papua. Product of sago palm is not only starch as source of carbohydrate for food stuff, but also for basic material of industries such as paper, plywood, hardboard, and food indutries. Traditional methods are used for starch extraction in almost all part of Papu, which is not efficient and production capacity is very low. The effort to increase sago starch production could be carry out by introducing mechanical equipment (traditional to mechanized processing). The objective of this research was to design mixer rotary blade of sago starch extraction powered by internal combustion engine. The result was prototype of mechanical sago starch extractor. The prototype has high performance with extraction capacity 160 kg of disintegrated pith per hour or equal to 33 kg of wet starch per hour, extractable starch more than 99 % while starch losses in hampas less lhan 1 %. Hopefully, application of this machine to the sago farmer will transform agricultural system from subsistence to commercial. It means that increasing of economic income. In conclusion, technically and economically this prototype was feasible

    Habitat Alami Tumbuhan Paku Kidang (Dicksonia Blumei (Kunze) Moore) Di Kawasan Hutan Bukit Tapak Pulau Bali

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    Dicksonia blumei (Paku Kidang) termasuk dalam spesies prioritas konservasi Indonesia kategori B. Studi ekologi habitat alaminya di kawasan hutan Bukit Tapak, Bedugul Bali dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Plot dapat dibuat sebanyak 3 (tiga) buah dengan ukuran 20 x 20 m untuk jenis tumbuhan pohon dan 2 x 2 m untuk jenis tumbuhan bawah. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan Dicksonia blumei (Paku Kidang) pada habitat alaminya di kawasan hutan Bukit Tapak. Jenis paku ini tumbuh pada kondisi lingkungan fisik dengan kisaran ketinggian tempat antara 1.754–1.794 m dpl., kemiringan tanah berkisar antara 7–10%, pH tanah 6,4–7, kelembaban tanah 50–75%, temperatur 20,5–22,3°C, kelembaban udara 83,2–87,5% dan intensitas cahaya 618–10.030 Lux. Karakteristik komponen lingkungan biotiknya ditentukan berdasar Indek Nilai Penting (INP). Lima jenis tumbuhan pohon dengan INP tertinggi adalah Cyathea latebrosa (INP 98,7) kemudian diikuti oleh Saurauia bracteosa (INP 51,9), Astronia spectabilis (INP 42,7), Dicksonia blumei (INP 39,6) dan Homalantus giganteus (INP 35,3). Karakteristik jenis tumbuhan bawah untuk lima jenis tertinggi diduduki oleh Pillea sp. (INP 61,91), kemudian diikuti oleh Selaginella sp. (INP 40,6), Athyrium asperum (INP 27,5), Pteris tripartita (INP 18,3) dan Rubus sp. (INP 15,0). Kebersamaan tumbuhnya D. blumei dengan Cyathea latebrosa, tampaknya terkait dengan peran batangnya sebagai substrat spora D. blumei pada tahap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan selanjutnya. Pada fase gametofit dan sporofit muda D. blumei tumbuh secara epifit pada batang Cyathea latebrosa setinggi 0,5–1,5 m dari permukaan tanah. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan akarnya yang berlahan-lahan mencari tanah, kemudian sporofit dewasa D. blumei akan tumbuh secara teresterial (hemi–epifit)

    Selecting Tree Species with High Carbon Stock Potency From Tropical Upland Forest of Bedugul-Bali, Indonesia

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    Vegetation studies to reveal tree diversity and its contribution to carbon stock were conducted in three different sites of upland forest in Bali, Indonesia. The sites were located approximately 60 km north of the Bali Province capital city of Denpasar in an area named Bedugul. Those three sites were Mt. Mangu (forest area east of Beratan lake), forest area west of Buyan lake and forest area south of Tamblingan lake. There were 44, 29, and 21 tree species of 14, 19, 14 families with Shannon Diversity Index (H) of 2.87, 2.64 and 1.69 respectively. Carbon stock average of above ground tree biomass from these sites were 214.2, 693.0 and 749.1 ton.ha-1 respectively. Tree species with top Summed Dominance Ratio (SDR) in each of those sites were Platea latifolia in Mt. Mangu, Planchonella sp. in Buyan, and Tabernaemontana macrocarpa in Tamblingan. Average carbon content of these three species were 493.25, 12,876.26 and 40.35 kg.ha-1 respectively

    Political Mediatization of Blasphemy News

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    The independence of media after the reformation era in Indonesia was followed by the rise of the new media from various ownership backgrounds. Partisan media emerged as a means of delivering political messages to the public. Metro TV and TV One are two national television medias with different objectives, the direction of reporting and ownership. The case of religious blasphemy by Ahok in 2016 is inseparable from the political conditions in Jakarta which at the time held DKI Jakarta Governor Election 2017. The different framing of coverage of this case broadcasted by Metro TV and TV One indicated that there were many political messages veiled in order to achieve the goals of certain parties. The political mediatization shown by these two media by their power in directing the public and political institutions in following the logic of the media. The power of media ownership that has the of political parties background, ultimately eroded the independence and neutrality of the media itself. The political interests become important objectives thus overriding the interests of the public in getting information. The sustainability of media operations was supported by media capitalism becomes an endless economic target. Advertising from various sources are contested as a source of income for media. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study of news on a blasphemy case by Ahok on Metro TV and TV One

    Uji Ketinggian Dan Tipe Perangkap Untuk Mengendalikan Penggerek Buah Kopi (Hypothenemus Hampei Ferr.) (Coleoptera : Scolytidae) Di Desa Pearung Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan

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    This research aims to know the efective height and type of trap which is most attack H. hampei in the field. The research was held at Pearung village, Sub-district Paranginan, District Humbang Hasundutan, North Sumatera from September until October 2014. The method used Randomized Block Design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was height of trap (1.0 ; 1.2 ; 1.4 ; 1.6 and 1.8 m) and the second factor was the type of trap (single funnel trap, multiple funnel trap, and mineral bottle). The results showed that the best trap was 1.2 m + multiple funnel trap, and the highest symptom percentage was 1.0 m + single funnel trap

    Study Autekologi Pranajiwa (Euchresta Horsfieldii (Lesch.) Benn.) Di Bukit Pengelengan, Desa Pancasari, Kecamatan Sukasada, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali

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    Pranajiwa (Euchresta horsfieldii (Lesch.) Benn) is a medicinal plant, which is growing wild and it is regarded as a rare plant. Currently, its existence in the wild increasingly threatened. Pengelengan Hill is one of the natural habitats of E. horsfieldii in Bali. Study of autecology aims to describe the ecology of E. horsfieldii in their natural habitat. E. horsfieldii was found abundant in plots II with 16.02% relative density, 9.68% of relative frequency and 25.69 of Important Value, grow clumped together with other plants (Idk 2.72)

    Influence of External Funding on Return on Assets in Lippo Group Company

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    Return on Assets as one form of the ratio of profitabiltas to measure the ability of a company with the overall funds infused in assets used to operate the company in generating profits. The purpose of this research is to analyze influence external funding as measured by the Debt Equity Ratio on Return on Assets in the Lippo Group Company. Population in this research are Lippo Group Company that listed on the Indonesia stock exchange period 2013 – 2017. Samples are taken by using saturation sampling method. It used 7 companies as sample in Lippo Group period 2013 – 2017, So total observation in this research are 35 observations. Types and sources of data in this research is quantitative data and secondary data. The using of analyzed method is by simple linear regression using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Hypothesis testing are using t test. The results of this research show that External Funding as measured by Debt Equity Ratio influence Return on Assets significantly in Lippo Group Company that listed in the Indonesia stock exchange


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    Network design Micro Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Udayana aims to harness solar power contained in the Department of Electrical Engineering are still stand alone system, namely, its use is still limited area of internet corner, has not been used as one of the suppliers of electrical power for the building - a building in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Based on simulation results show PLTS only able to serve load in an on-grid of 0.66% of the total production of electrical energy generated while the condition of the off-grid solar power can only serve load building DJs and building DH (load lighting and socket) at 3:21% and generator sets were installed in the Department of Electrical Engineering serve at 96.79%. Solar power capacity to be installed to meet the entire load of the building in the Department of Electrical Engineering is equal to the number of 211.814 Watt PV Module is needed as much as 26.267 pieces. This amount is influenced by the size of the capacity and efficiency of PV Module installed at this time. </div