182 research outputs found

    Machinery use and investment on Missouri farms, 1951

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    This bulletin is a report on Department of Agricultural Economics Research Project Number 88, entitled 'Cost and Practice Problems of Farm Power and Machinery Modernization'--P. [2].Digitized 2007 AES.Includes bibliographical references

    Low Connexin Channel-Dependent Intercellular Communication in Human Adult Hematopoietic Progenitor/Stem Cells: Probing Mechanisms of Autologous Stem Cell Therapy

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    Human bone marrow is a clinical source of autologous progenitor stem cells showing promise for cardiac repair following ischemic insult. Functional improvements following delivery of adult bone marrow CD34+ cells into heart tissue may require metabolic/electrical communication between participating cells. Since connexin43 (Cx43) channels are implicated in cardiogenesis and provide intercellular connectivity in the heart, the authors analyzed the expression of 20 connexins (Cx) in CD34+ cells and in monocytes and granulocytes in bone marrow and spinal cord. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detected only low expression of Cx43 and Cx37. Very low level dye coupling was detected by flow cytometry between CD34+ cells and other Cx43 expressing cells, including HL-1 cardiac cells, and was not inhibited by specific gap junction inhibitors. The results indicate that CD34+ cells are unlikely to communicate via gap junctions and the authors conclude that use of CD34+ cells to repair damaged hearts is unlikely to involve gap junctions. The results concur with the hypothesis that bone marrow cells elicit improved cardiac function through release of undefined paracrine mediators

    Reactive Oxygen Species and Metabolic Re-Wiring in Acute Leukemias

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is the collective term for several oxygen containing free radicals, such as hydrogen peroxide. ROS is important in innate immunity, protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum and as a cell signalling molecule involved in cellular proliferation, survival, differentiation, and gene expression. ROS has been implicated in both hematopoietic stem cell quiescence and hematopoietic differentiation. Consequently, ROS is of considerable interest as a therapeutic target, with both pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant cellular modulation being explored. Recently, it has been established that increased ROS production in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) leads to increased glycolysis and metabolic reprogramming. It is often stated as a key tenet of the Warburg effect, that transformed cells, including AML, show increased aerobic glycolysis accompanied by increased cellular glucose uptake and lactate secretion. This review will summarize ROS state of the art in acute leukemia and how these reactive molecules re-wire metabolism in cancer cells. The review will focus on what are ROS? What are the sources of ROS in hematopoietic cells and their function and how this relates to the Warburg effect and regulation of metabolic pathways in acute leukemias

    The PDK1 master kinase is over-expressed in acute myeloid leukemia and promotes PKC-mediated survival of leukemic blasts

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    PDK1 is a master kinase that activates at least six protein kinase groups including AKT, PKC and S6K and is a potential target in the treatment of a range of malignancies. Here we show overexpression of PDK1 in over 40% of myelomonocytic acute leukemia patients. Overexpression of PDK1 occurred uniformly throughout the leukemic population, including putative leukemia-initiating cells. Clinical outcome analysis revealed PDK1 overexpression was associated with poorer treatment outcome. Primary acute myeloid leukemia blasts over-expressing PDK1 showed improved in vitro survival and ectopic expression of PDK1 promoted the survival of myeloid cell lines. Analysis of PDK1 target kinases revealed that PDK1 overexpression was most closely associated with increased phosphorylation of PKC isoenzymes and inhibition of PKC strongly inhibited the survival advantage of PDK1 over-expressing cells. Membrane localization studies implicated PKCα as a major target for PDK1 in this disease. PDK1 over-expressing blasts showed differential sensitivity to PDK1 inhibition (in the low micromolar range) suggesting oncogene addiction, whilst normal bone marrow progenitors were refractory to PDK1 inhibition at effective inhibitor concentrations. PDK1 inhibition also targeted subpopulations of leukemic blasts with a putative leukemia-initiating cell phenotype. Together these data show that overexpression of PDK1 is common in acute myelomonocytic leukemia and is associated with poorer treatment outcome, probably arising from the cytoprotective function of PDK1. We also show that therapeutic targeting of PDK1 has the potential to be both an effective and selective treatment for these patients, and is also compatible with current treatment regimes

    Ral is both necessary and sufficient for the inhibition of myeloid differentiation mediated by Ras

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    Hyperactivation of Ras is one of the most common abnormalities in acute myeloid leukemia. In experimental models, Ras inhibits myeloid differentiation, which is characteristic of leukemia; however, the mechanism through which it disrupts hematopoiesis is poorly understood. In multipotent FDCP-mix cells, Ras inhibits terminal neutrophil differentiation, thereby indefinitely extending their proliferative potential. Ras also strongly promotes the sensitivity of these cells to granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Using this model, we have dissected the signaling elements downstream of Ras to determine their relative contribution to the dysregulation of hematopoiesis. Cells expressing Ras mutants selectively activating Raf (Ras*T35S) or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (Ras*Y40C) did not significantly affect differentiation or proliferative capacity, whereas Ras*E37G (which selectively activates RalGEFs) perpetuated proliferation and blocked neutrophil development in a manner similar to that of Ras. Correspondingly, expression of constitutively active versions of these effectors confirmed the overriding importance of Ral guanine nucleotide exchange factors. Cells expressing Ras demonstrated hyperactivation of Ral, which itself was able to exactly mimic the phenotype of Ras, including hypersensitivity to GM-CSF. Conversely, dominant negative Ral promoted spontaneous neutrophil development. Ral, in turn, appears to influence differentiation through multiple effectors. These data show, for the first time, the importance of Ral in regulating differentiation and self-renewal in hematopoietic cells

    RUNX1-ETO deregulates the proliferation and growth factor responsiveness of human hematopoietic progenitor cells downstream of the myeloid transcription factor, MYCT1 [Letter]

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    To elucidate mechanisms by which RUNX1–ETO, the common acute myeloid leukemia t(8;21) fusion protein, primes hematopoietic cells for oncogenic transformation, we previously carried out Affymetrix gene expression profiling of RUNX1–ETO-expressing human CD34+ progenitor cells. We identified the MYC target gene, MYCT1, as a gene significantly upregulated at an early developmental stage that could be integral to RUNX1–ETO-mediated leukemic phenotype. To determine whether increased MYCT1 expression recapitulates the RUNX1–ETO phenotype, we performed retroviral transduction of MYCT1 as a single molecular abnormality into hematopoietic cell lines and normal human cord blood-derived CD34+ progenitor cells. In the absence of commercially available MYCT1 antibody, retroviral expression vectors, containing full-length MYCT1 coding sequence with (MYCT1-HA) or without (MYCT1) the addition of a C-terminal HA antigen tag, were also generated (Supplementary Materials and methods and Supplementary Figure S1), and transgenic MYCT1 over-expression was confirmed at the mRNA and protein levels (Supplementary Figure S2). Functional validation (Supplementary Figure S3) was provided by replication of the reduced viability of MYCT1-expressing murine myeloid 32D cells in the absence of WEHI-3B-conditioned medium reported by Yin et al

    Reactive oxygen species rewires metabolic activity in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease with poor clinical outcomes. We have previously shown that constitutive activation of NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2), resulting in over-production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), occurs in over 60% of AML patients. We have also shown that increased ROS production promotes increased glucose uptake and proliferation in AML cells, mediated by changes in carbohydrate metabolism. Given that carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolisms are all intricately interconnected, we aimed to examine the effect of cellular ROS levels on these pathways and establish further evidence that ROS rewires metabolism in AML. We carried out metabolomic profiling of AML cell lines in which NOX2-derived ROS production was inhibited and conversely in cells treated with exogenous H2O2. We report significant ROS-specific metabolic alterations in sphingolipid metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, purine metabolism, amino acid homeostasis and glycolysis. These data provide further evidence of ROS directed metabolic changes in AML and the potential for metabolic targeting as novel therapeutic arm to combat this disease

    Cord blood-derived quiescent CD34+ cells are more transcriptionally matched to AML blasts than cytokine-induced normal human hematopoietic CD34+ cells

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by developmental arrest, which is thought to arise from transcriptional dysregulation of myeloid development programs. Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) isolated from human blood are frequently used as a normal comparator in AML studies. Previous studies have reported changes in the transcriptional program of genes involved in proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and homing when HSPCs were expanded ex vivo. The intrinsic functional differences between quiescent and dividing CD34+ HSPCs prompted us to determine whether fresh or cytokine-induced cord blood-derived CD34+ HSPCs are a more appropriate normal control compared to AML blasts. Based on principal component analysis and gene expression profiling we demonstrate that CD34+ HSPCs that do not undergo ex vivo expansion are transcriptionally similar to minimally differentiated AML blasts. This was confirmed by comparing the cell cycle status of the AML blasts and the HSPCs. We suggest that freshly isolated CD34+ HSPCs that do not undergo ex vivo expansion would serve as a better control to identify novel transcriptional targets in the AML blast population

    LEF-1 drives aberrant β-catenin nuclear localization in myeloid leukemia cells

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    Canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling is frequently dysregulated in myeloid leukemias and is implicated in leukemogenesis. Nuclear-localized β-catenin is indicative of active Wnt signaling and is frequently observed in acute myeloid leukemia patients; however, some patients exhibit little or no nuclear β-catenin even where cytosolic β-catenin is abundant. Control of the subcellular localization of β-catenin therefore represents an additional mechanism regulating Wnt signaling in hematopoietic cells. To investigate the factors mediating the nuclear-localization of β-catenin we carried out the first nuclear/cytoplasmic proteomic analysis of the β-catenin interactome in myeloid leukemia cells and identified putative novel β-catenin interactors. Comparison of interacting factors between Wnt-responsive cells (high nuclear β-catenin) versus Wnt-unresponsive cells (low nuclear β-catenin) suggested the transcriptional partner, LEF-1, could direct the nuclear-localization of β-catenin. The relative levels of nuclear LEF-1 and β-catenin were tightly correlated in both cell lines and in primary AML blasts. Furthermore, LEF-1 knockdown perturbed β-catenin nuclear-localization and transcriptional activation in Wnt-responsive cells. Conversely, LEF-1 overexpression was able to promote both nuclear-localization and β-catenin-dependent transcriptional responses in previously Wnt-unresponsive cells. This is the first β-catenin interactome study in hematopoietic cells and reveals LEF-1 as a mediator of nuclear β-catenin level human myeloid leukemia
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