24 research outputs found

    Pediatric CMR evaluation of double outlet right ventricle using a hybrid suite

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    Allometric association between physical fitness test results, body size/shape, biological maturity, and time spent playing sports in adolescents

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    © 2021 The Authors. Published by Public Library of Science . This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0249626Regular participation in strength and conditioning activities positively correlates with health-related benefits in sports (team and individual). Maturity offset (MO) is a recognized parameter in fitness outcome assessment. The aims of the present study are to analyze cross-sectional allometric development of motor performances in a sample of adolescents and relate scaled motor performance to the estimated amount and type of physical activity and biological maturity status in 771 subjects aged 14-19 years. Three physical fitness components were evaluated using field tests (standing broad jump, sit-ups, shuttle run). Extra hours of sport after school (EHS) and MO were the covariates. The model to predict the physical performance variables was: Y = a · Mk1 · Hk2 · WCk3 · exp(b · EHS + c · MO) · ε. Results suggest that having controlled for body size and body shape, performing EHS and being an early developer (identified by a positive MO slope parameter) benefits children in physical fitness and motor performance tasks.Published versio

    Impact of marathon performance on muscles stiffness in runners over 50 years old

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    IntroductionThe research examines the relationship between marathon performance and muscle stiffness changes from pre to marathon in recreational runners aged 50+ years.MethodsThirty-one male long-distance runners aged 50–73 years participated in the experiment. The muscle stiffness of quadriceps and calves was measured in two independent sessions: the day before the marathon and 30 min after the completed marathon run using a Myoton device.Results and DiscussionThe 42.195-km run was completed in 4.30,05 h ± 35.12 min, which indicates an intensity of 79.3% ± 7.1% of HRmax. The long-term, low-intensity running exercise (marathon) in older recreational runners and the low level of HRmax and VO2max showed no statistically significant changes in muscle stiffness (quadriceps and calves). There was reduced muscle stiffness (p = 0.016), but only in the triceps of the calf in the dominant (left) leg. Moreover, to optimally evaluate the marathon and adequately prepare for the performance training program, we need to consider the direct and indirect analyses of the running economy, running technique, and HRmax and VO2max variables. These variables significantly affect marathon exercise

    Rola terapii przezcewnikowych w leczeniu ostrej zatorowości płucnej — opinia Polskiej Inicjatywy PERT, Sekcji Krążenia Płucnego, Asocjacji Interwencji Sercowo-Naczyniowych i Asocjacji Intensywnej Terapii Kardiologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego

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    Dzięki postępom w zakresie technologii kardiologii interwencyjnej leczenie przezcewnikowe stało się w ostatnich latach realną opcją terapeutyczną w leczeniu pacjentów z ostrą zatorowością płucną z wysokim ryzykiem wczesnej śmiertelności. Obecnie stosowane techniki przezcewnikowe umożliwiają miejscową fibrynolizę lub embolektomię przy minimalnym ryzyku powikłań. Stąd mogą być rozważane u pacjentów z grupy wysokiego ryzyka jako alternatywa dla chirurgicznej embolektomii płucnej, gdy systemowa tromboliza jest przeciwwskazana lub nieskuteczna. Rozważane są również u pacjentów z grupy średniego–wysokiego ryzyka, u których pomimo leczenia przeciwzakrzepowego nie uzyskano poprawy lub nastąpiło pogorszenie stanu klinicznego. Celem artykułu było przedstawienie roli technik przezcewnikowych w leczeniu chorych z ostrą zatorowością płucną zgodnie z aktualną wiedzą i opinią ekspertów. Leczenie interwencyjne opisano w szerszym kontekście organizacji opieki nad pacjentem. Przedstawiono organizację i zadania zespołu szybkiego reagowania w zatorowości płucnej, rolę obrazowania przedzabiegowego, zasady antykoagulacji okołozabiegowej, kryteria kwalifikacji pacjentów, wyboru odpowiedniego czasu interwencji oraz rolę intensywnej terapii. Szczegółowo omówiono dostępne terapie przezcewnikowe, w tym wystandaryzowane protokoły, definicje sukcesu i niepowodzenia procedury. Niniejszy dokument został opracowany we współpracy z ekspertami z różnych polskich towarzystw naukowych, co podkreśla rolę pracy zespołowej w opiece nad chorym z ostrą zatorowością płucną

    Role of catheter-directed therapies in the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism. Expert opinion of the Polish PERT Initiative, Working Group on Pulmonary Circulation, Association of Cardiovascular Interventions, and Association of Intensive Cardiac Care

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    Thanks to advances in interventional cardiology technologies the catheter-directed treatment has become recently a viable therapeutic option in the treatment of patients with acute pulmonary embolism at high risk of early mortality. Current transcatheter techniques allow local fibrinolysis or embolectomy with minimal risk of complications. Therefore they can be considered in high risk patients as an alternative to surgical pulmonary embolectomy when systemic thrombolysis is contraindicated or ineffective. They are also considered in patients with intermediate — high risk with a lack of improvement or clinical deterioration despite anticoagulation. The purpose of this article is to present the role of transcatheter techniques in the treatment of patients with acute pulmonary embolism. We describe current knowledge and experts’ opinion in this field. Interventional treatment is described in the broader context of patient care organization and therapeutic modalities. We present the organization and responsibilities of pulmonary embolism response teams, the role of pre-procedural imaging, peri-procedural anticoagulation, patients selection, timing of intervention and intensive care support. Currently available catheter directed therapies are discussed in detail including standardized protocols, definitions of procedure success and failure. This expert opinion has been developed in collaboration with experts from various Polish scientific societies signifying the role of teamwork in the care for patients with acute pulmonary embolism

    Changes in psychomotor reactions and the activity of certain physiological indices of volleyball players STUDIES IN PHYSICAL CULTURE AND TOURISM Vol. 14, Supplement 2007 CHANGES IN PSYCHOMOTOR REACTIONS AND THE ACTIVITY OF CERTAIN PHYSIOLOGICAL INDICES OF

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    ABSTRACT The psychomotor reaction speed determines a player's ability to make decisions and act. This is related to two component: reaction time -the time between receiving the stimulus and starting the movement; and movement timethe duration of a move. The goal of the study was to describe speed abilities of volleyball players during a game in real conditions and to specify the nature of physical effort during increasing fatigue. This was possible due to precise measurements (accuracy of 0.001 s) of both elements of psychomotor reaction using the OPTOJUMP measuring apparatus, and heart rate monitoring using the POLAR TEAM SYSTEM apparatus and software. The study results showed that the average reaction time of volleyball players was 0.571 s, ranged between 0.264 and 1.055 s. The average duration of the first step was 0.296 s, with the range between 0.178 and 0.698 s. The studied players' average heart rate during the game ranged from 90 to 149 beats per minute, with min. 65 beats per minute during rest and max 199 beats per minute during maximum effort

    Action distance as a predictor of winning and losing matches at FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Championship

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    Introduction: Technology determines the emergence of functional tools to monitor and control motor activity during the game. One of the solutions for monitoring the player in indoor sports are computer video analyses, which determine basic kinematic parameters. The study aims to compare team and player activity with the outcome of a given set and the effect of the game status on player activity during a championship-level match. Materials and Methods: The study analysed 140 volleyball players aged 19 to 40 years (27.05 ± 4.33 years, height: 197.15 ± 9.63 cm, body mass: 88.51 ± 9.23 kg) participating in the FIVB Volleyball Men's World Championship. The observed matches were categorised by score (3:0, 3:1, 3:2 and 0:3, 1:3 and 2:3). Depending on winning or losing, each set was described as W – a winning set, P – a losing set and O – as the first set. Results: The average distance covered in all observed matches was 10.7 ± 0.09 m, while for matches completed in 3 sets, it was 10.48 ± 0.13 m. Attackers covered the longest distance in action (11.43 ± 1.68 m), while the libero covered the shortest distance from among all observed players (8.79 ± 1.91 m). The losing teams covered a significantly greater distance in action (10.87 ± 2.24 m) in action than the winning teams (10.54 ± 1.91 m). Conclusion: The results of this study allow the conclusion that teams winning sets cover a smaller average distance in action than their opponents. The highest covered distance was observed in the first set and in sets 4 and 5 when teams were losing a set after losing the previous one. The smallest distance was covered by teams that lost set 5 after winning the previous set