61 research outputs found

    Proliferation activity and apoptosis in granulation tissue and cholesteatoma in middle ear reoperations

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    The aim of the study was to find out the potential prognostic value of proliferation activity and apoptosis in cholesteatoma and granulation tissue removed during middle ear reoperation in recurrent middle ear inflammation. Granulation tissues and recurrent cholesteatoma were analysed after being surgically removed from the middle ear in a group of 25 patients qualified for middle ear reoperation procedure. Paraffin sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin according to Mallory’s method. Immunohistochemical reaction Anti-PCNA was performed. Apoptosis was evaluated using the TUNEL method. The percentage of PCNA-positive cells was 42–95% in the matrix of the cholesteatoma and 29–81% in the perimatrix. In the granulation tissue it was 35–75%. The percentage of apoptotic cells was 12–73% in the matrix of the cholesteatoma, 5–72% in the perimatrix and 1–65 % in the granulation tissue. The prognostic value of the parameters studied in the recurrent middle ear inflammatory process is questionable, probably due to the small number of cases under examination

    The cellular composition of the adrenal medulla of sexually mature guinea pigs

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    The adrenal glands from 15 guinea pigs aged 90 days were used in the study. Paraffin slices were stained with Mayer haematoxylin and eosin with Masson method and silvered. The histochemical reactions were carried out for catecholamines and the biochemical determinations of catecholamines. Ultrastructural observations were also performed. In the adrenal medulla of sexually mature guinea pigs numerous epinephrocites and no noreoinefrocites were observed when histochemical methods were used. The small and large ganglion cells accompanying the supporting and neurolemmal cells formed typical gangliar weaving (medullary ganglia). Apart from epinephrocytes, small and large ganglion cells and supporting and neurolemmal cells, small intensively fluorescent (SIF) cells were also detected. Biochemical investigation revealed that the mean content of adrenaline calculated for a pair of adrenal glands was 98.87% of the pool of catecholamines, whereas the mean content of noradrenaline was 1.00%, and of dopamine 0.13%

    Upper respiratory tract infection in children – immunostimulating treatment

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    This paper is a review of publications on viral infections of the upper aerotract in children. Recurring infections can be a consequence of the lack of treatment, inappropriate therapy or accompanying diseases. It is possible that an impaired condition of immunity leads to recurring infections. In this review a great deal of attention has been given to the mechanisms and the various stages of viral infection, and the onset of an organism’s defense mechanisms against viruses. The function of the immunomodulatory and immunostimulatory medical product, namely inosine pranobex has been evaluated in in vitro and in vivo studies. A review of the antiviral activity of inosine pranobex and the onset of cellular and humoral immunity has been presented

    Treatment of degenerative cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy. Clinical practice guidelines endorsed by The Polish Society of Spinal Surgery

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    Introduction Degenerative cervical spondylosis (DCS) with radiculopathy is the most common indication for cervical spine surgery despite favorable natural history. Advances in spinal surgery in conjunction with difficulties in measuring the outcomes caused the paucity of uniform guidelines for the surgical management of DCS. Aims The aim of this paper is to develop guidelines for surgical treatment of DCS. For this purpose the available up-to-date literature relevant on the topic was critically reviewed. Methods and results Six questions regarding most important clinical questions encountered in the daily practice were formulated. They were answered based upon the systematic literature review, thus creating a set of guidelines. The guidelines were categorized into four tiers based on the level of evidence (I–III and X). They were designed to assist in the selection of optimal and effective treatment leading to the most successful outcome. Conclusions The evidence based medicine (EBM) is increasingly popular among spinal surgeons. It allows making unbiased, optimal clinical decisions, eliminating the detrimental effect of numerous conflicts of interest. The key role of opinion leaders as well as professional societies is to provide guidelines for practice based on available clinical evidence. The present work contains a set of guidelines for surgical treatment of DCS officially endorsed by the Polish Spine Surgery Society

    Treatment of lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy. Clinical practice guidelines endorsed by The Polish Society of Spinal Surgery

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    Introduction Herniated lumbar disc (HLD) is arguably the most common spinal disorder requiring surgical intervention. Although the term is fairly straightforward, the exact pathology and thus the clinical picture and natural history may vary. Therefore, it is immensely difficult to formulate universal guidelines for surgical treatment. Aim The aim of this paper is to organize the terminology and clear the inconsistencies in phraseology, review treatment options and gather available published evidence to address the clinical questions to create a set of clinical guidelines in relevant to the topic. Methods and results Twelve queries, addressing optimal surgical treatment of the HLD have been formulated. The results, based on the literature review are described in the present work. The final product of the analysis was a set of guidelines for the surgical treatment of symptomatic HLD. Categorized into four tiers based on the level of evidence (I–III and X), they have been designed to assist in the selection of optimal, effective treatment leading to the successful outcome. Conclusions The evidence based medicine (EBM) is becoming ever more popular among spinal surgeons. Unfortunately this is not always feasible. Lack of uniform guidelines and numerous conflicts of interest introduce flaws in the decision making process. The key role of experts and professional societies is to provide high value recommendation based on the most current literature. Present work contains a set of guidelines for the surgical treatment of HLD officially endorsed by the Polish Spine Surgery Society

    Influence of flexible bronchoscopy on the concentration of exhaled nitric oxide

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    Wstęp: Stężenie tlenku azotu w wydychanym powietrzu (eNO) jest nieinwazyjnym parametrem przydatnym w ocenie stanu zapalnego dróg oddechowych, w szczególności użytecznym do monitorowania astmy. Celem pracy była ocena, czy występuje stan zapalny drzewa oskrzelowego mierzony wydalanym eNO wywołany wykonaniem bronchofiberoskopii (BF). Materiał i metody: U 41 chorych (wiek 29-74 lat) stężenie eNO zmierzono aparatem Sievers 280 Nitric Oxide Analyzer przed BF i 24 godziny po niej. W grupie kontrolnej (12 zdrowych osób w wieku 22-65 lat) stężenie eNO również oznaczono 2-krotnie z 24-godzinną przerwą między pomiarami. Wyniki: W grupie badanej średnie stężenie eNO przed BF (15,0 &#177; 8,0 ppb) było znamiennie większe (p < 0,05) niż w grupie kontrolnej (6,9 &#177; 5,6 ppb). W grupie badanej nie zaobserwowano znamiennej statystycznie zmiany stężenia eNO po BF (15,0 &#177; 8,0 vs. 17,0 &#177; 7,9 ppb). Procedury przeprowadzone w trakcie BF, takie jak: płukanie oskrzelowe, szczoteczkowanie oskrzelowe lub biopsja oskrzela, nie wpłynęły na eNO u badanych chorych. W grupie kontrolnej średnie wartości eNO przed badaniem i po 24 godzinach od badania były podobne (6,9 &#177; 5,6 ppb vs. 7,1 &#177; 5,9). Odpowiednio zmiany eNO po 24 godzinach obserwacji (spadki i wzrosty), wyrażone jako procent części na miliard (% ppb), także były podobne w obu pomiarach u badanych chorych i w grupie kontrolnej. Wnioski: Bronchofiberoskopia i związane z nią procedury nie wpływają w istotny sposób na stężenia NO w wydychanym powietrzu.Introduction: Exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) is noninvasive parameter useful on estimation of airways inflammation, especially useful in monitoring of asthma inflammation. The aim of the study was estimation of bronchial tree inflammation after flexible bronchoscopy (FB) using eNO concentration. Material and methods: In 41 patients (aged 29 to 74 yrs) eNO measurements using Sievers 280 Nitric Oxide Analyzer were performed before and 24 hours after FB. In control group (12 healthy persons aged 22 to 65 yrs) eNO measurements were also performed twice at 24 hours interval. Results: In examined patients the mean eNO concentration before FB (15.0 &#177; 8.0 ppb) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in controls (6.9 &#177; 5.6 ppb). In examined patients we did not observe the significant changes in eNO after FB (15.0 &#177; 8.0 vs. 17.0 &#177; 7.9 ppb). The procedure of bronchial washing, bronchial brush or bronchial biopsy did not influence the results in examined patients. In control group the mean eNO results before and after 24 hours were similar (6.9 &#177; 5.6 ppb vs. 7.1 &#177; 5.9). The relative eNO changes after 24 hours of observation (decreases and increases), expressed as a per cent of parts per billion (% of ppb), were similar both in examined patients and controls. Conclusions: BF and associated procedures does not influence on eNO concentration

    Antioxidative assessment of new trans-palladium (II) complexes in head and neck cancer

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    Background: Head and neck neoplasms stand for 6% of all malignant neoplasms worldwide. Chemotherapy has limited use due to the biological properties of the tumor (in the majority of cases moderately and poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma). The fundamental molecule used in treatment is cisplatin and its derivates, that can be associated with fluorouracil. The new chemotherapeutic agents are not in common use during the treatment of head and neck malignancies. However, the use of low molecular weight complexes Pd (II) carries the potential of being more effective in therapy. Material and Methods: Fifty-one patients, 30 men and 21 women (aged 52.9 ± 12.1 years) with head and neck cancer were included in the study. Fifty-one healthy subjects, 31 men and 20 women, (aged 54.1 ± 14.7 years) years formed the control group. Antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, and catalase activities in erythrocytes were examined. Results: An increased level of antioxidant enzymes was seen in the blood samples from patients with head and neck cancer after incubation with Pd (II) complex. In the group we obtained a statistically significant result p = <0.001. Discussion: That project may contribute to the development of new, more efficient head and neck cancer treatment strategies. In our opinion, the results can be used in the future to develop a valuable prognostic marker of the disease. This is important because the initial phase of cancer is asymptomatic. The search for factors involved in pathogenesis translates into economic benefits and makes therapy more effectiveness through the reduction of treatment expenses