42 research outputs found

    Analysis of the origin of birth defects in pregnant women from the Kujawy-Pomerania Region

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the origin of birth defects in pregnant women from the Kujawy-Pomerania Region, and to identify factors affecting the formation of developmental disorders in the Province. Material and methods: The correlation between maternal age and fetal defects was investigated. We also attempted to determine whether environmental or family factors play a role in the formation of fetal abnormalities. Results: The analysis confirmed a correlation between the incidence of chromosomal aberrations and maternal age. Conclusions: Higher rates of neural tube defects were observed in fetuses born to mothers who did not take folic acid. The influence of other factors on developmental anomalies was not confirmed

    Flow cytometry follow-up analysis of peripheral blood leukocyte subpopulations in calves experimentally infected with field isolates of Mycoplasma bovis

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    Changes in peripheral blood leukocyte subpopulations were investigated in calves challenged intratracheally with three different Mycoplasma bovis isolates in Groups E1, E2, and E3. The controls received a placebo. Blood samples were collected before challenge and then at days 1 to 7, 14, 21 and 28. White blood cells (WBC), polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs), lymphocytes (LYMs), monocytes, eosinophils and basophils (mid-size cells, MID), as well as CD2+, CD4+, CD8+, WC4+ lymphocyte subsets with CD4:CD8 ratio were also analysed. A transient increase of WBC and PMNLs in all challenged calves was observed on day 1. Increased LYM counts were observed in E1 throughout the study, whereas in E2 the LYM counts were higher only between days 14 and 28, and consistently lower in E3. The MID count had broadly comparable values for all groups. Stimulation of the CD2+ response was observed in E2 and E3 in contrast with E1 which had a lower CD2+ throughout. The CD4+ response was dominant in E1 and E2, whereas in E3 a parallel CD4+ and CD8+ stimulation was observed. The B-cell response (WC4+) and an increased CD4:CD8 ratio was most apparent in E1. The main host responses to M. bovis infections are a stimulation of CD4+ cells and an enhancement of the WC4+ response

    Fatal clinical outcome in a patient with sarcoidosis-lymphoma syndrome

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    U 62-letniej kobiety, z klinicznym podejrzeniem choroby rozrostowej układu krwiotwórczego, wykonano splenektomię. W badaniu histopatologicznym stwierdzono obecność licznych nieserowaciejących ziarniniaków. Badania obrazowe klatki piersiowej pozwoliły na rozpoznanie sarkoidozy płuc w stadium II, którą potwierdzono badaniem histopatologicznym materiału uzyskanego drogą przezoskrzelowej biopsji płuca. Chora początkowo nie wymagała leczenia systemowego, ponieważ w trakcie obserwacji stwierdzono samoistną częściową regresję zmian rozsianych w płucach. W toku obserwacji, z uwagi na progresję zmian rozsianych w płucach, których morfologia mogła odpowiadać zmianom o charakterze przerzutów oraz z uwagi na powiększenie węzłów obwodowych zweryfikowano rozpoznanie sarkoidozy pobierając wycinki z płuc podczas otwartej biopsji płuca oraz biopsję węzła chłonnego pachowego prawego. Nie znaleziono komórek nowotworowych. Ze względu na pogorszenie parametrów wentylacyjnych płuc oraz progresję sarkoidozy płucnej i układowej w toku dalszej obserwacji pacjentkę zakwalifikowano do leczenia steroidami systemowymi. Obserwowano poprawę kliniczną, radiologiczną i czynnościową. Po 8 miesiącach leczenia stwierdzono nagłe pogorszenie stanu ogólnego, niedokrwistość, leukocytozę, hipoksemię, znaczną hepatomegalię oraz nawrót uogólnionej limfadenopatii i zmian rozsianych w płucach. Chora zmarła przed ustaleniem ostatecznego rozpoznania. Na podstawie badania autopsyjnego rozpoznano uogólnionego chłoniaka strefy brzeżnej z komórek B, monocytoidalnego. Komórki chłoniaka stwierdzono w węzłach chłonnych szyjnych, śródpiersia, rozwidlenia tchawicy, krzywizny większej żołądka, krezki jelita i zaotrzewnowych oraz stwierdzono naciekanie narządów wewnętrznych: płuc, opłucnej płucnej, wątroby, tarczycy i trzustki. W badaniu autopsyjnym nie stwierdzono obecności ziarniniaków sarkoidalnych w badanych narządach.A 62-year-old female suspected of malignant disease underwent a splenectomy that revealed noncaseating granulomas in the histological specimen. Chest X-ray (CXR) and lung CT scans suggested sarcoidosis stage II. TBLB showed noncaseating granulomas. A diagnosis of sarcoidosis was made. Initially no treatment was needed as partial remission on CXR and normal lung function were observed. During the follow up she underwent open lung biopsy and axillary lymph node biopsy because of radiological progression with presence of CXR opacities imitating metastases and recurrent lymphadenopathy. No malignant cells were found. Spontaneous partial resolution of disseminated changes on the CXR was observed. Because of progressive deterioration in lung function and the clinical course of the disease strongly suggesting the progression of systemic sarcoidosis, the patient was given steroid treatment, which initially resulted in partial remission of pulmonary disseminated changes, peripheral lymphadenopathy and improvement in lung function test. Eight months later severe deterioration in general condition, anaemia, leukocytosis, hypoxemia, massive hepatomegaly and recurrence of general lymphadenopathy along with progression of disseminated changes were found. She died before the final diagnosis was established. Post-mortem examination showed a nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma with monocytoid B-cells, according to WHO classification. The malignant cells were found in the jugular, mediastinal, paratracheal, paragastric, paraintestinal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes and they infiltrated the lungs, pleura, liver, thyroid gland and pancreas. No sarcoid granulomas were found in the autopsy

    Analysis of the immune response of calves to various saponin-based adjuvants for an experimental Mycoplasma bovis vaccine

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    Mycoplasma bovis is a primary infectious agent of many disorders in cattle including bovine respiratory disease. No commercial vaccines against M. bovis are available in Europe. The immune response of calves to three saponin-based adjuvants combined with a field Polish M. bovis strain was evaluated. Four groups of six calves each were injected subcutaneously with the M. bovis strain combined with either saponin, saponin + Emulsigen®, saponin + Emulsigen® + alphatocopherol acetate, or with phosphate-buffered saline as control group. Blood and nasal swab samples were collected up to day 84 post injection. All formulations effectively stimulated the humoral and the cellular immune response of the calves, but the course of the response depended on the adjuvant formulation. These immunological data provide additional information supporting the findings of previous M. bovis saponin and Emulsigen® vaccine challenge studies to facilitate the development of successful M. bovis vaccines

    Preliminary study on Se-enriched Lentinula edodes mycelium as a proposal of new feed additive in selenium deficiency

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    The presence of selenium in European soil is low and this causes its deficiency in livestock and, in consequence, in humans. This study aimed to obtain Lentinula (L.) edodes mycelium with the maximum content of selenium. This species was used for experiment based on its documented medicinal properties. Calves were fed with selenium-enriched L. edodes mycelium, and serum selenium concentration, average daily weight gains and selected immune parameters were estimated. The selenium-enriched mushroom was found to be safe based on cytotoxicity tests (MTT and LDH tests) and for this reason it was used for further experiments. The mean quantity of selenium in the serum of calves fed with selenium-enriched L. edodes mycelium was significantly higher than that of control calves. Additionally, the calves fed with selenium-enriched L. edodes mycelium had higher body weight gains than those of control calves. White blood cell counts and subpopulations of lymphocytes in the experimental and control calves were within the reference range. The administration of L. edodes enriched with selenium had a beneficial effect on state of health of the calves

    Therapeutic effect of presurgical treatment with longacting octreotide (Sandostatin® LAR®) in patients with acromegaly

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the therapeutic effect and the safety of pre surgical treatment with long-acting octreotide in patients with acromegaly. Material and methods: This project was conducted in 25 centres across Poland as a non interventional, multicentre, observational study in patients with acromegaly, in which long-acting octreotide (Sandostatin® LAR®) was administered before surgery. They were 148 patients included into the study: 88 females and 60 males aged 18–86 years (51.3 ± 13.4). Results: Eighty patients completed the study (underwent tumour surgery). The CRF included: baseline visit, four follow-up visits every three months before surgery, and two follow-up visits every three months after surgery. Sandostatin® LAR® was administered every four weeks. The efficacy measures were as follows: change of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels, number of patients fulfilling criteria of cure, and change of adenoma (micro- and macroadenomas) size during the treatment. Normalisation of GH and IGF-1 concentrations were obtained in 42.4 and 49.1% of patients at the end of medical therapy, respectively. Normalisation of GH and IGF-1 concentrations were obtained in 77.9 and 83.8% of patients after surgery, respectively. Reduction of microadenoma size was documented in 58.8% of patients, and in 70% of patients with macroadenomas at the end of medical therapy. In 74.0% of patients no pituitary tumour was shown on MRI after surgery. Conclusion: In conclusion, we have shown good surgical outcome in patients with acromegaly after pre-treatment with somatostatin analogue, and good tolerance and safety of the therapy, supporting the national recommendation for pre-surgical treatment with longacting somatostatin analogues in acromegaly patients

    The current state of knowledge on the prevention of venous thromboembolism in orthopaedic and trauma surgery — selected topics

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    Profilaktyka żylnej choroby zakrzepowo-zatorowej w ortopedii i traumatologii narządu ruchu należy do zagadnień najlepiej zbadanych i opracowanych w formie szczegółowych zaleceń i protokołów postępowania oraz do najszybciej rozwijających się w całym zakresie problematyki zakrzepowej. Najnowsze doniesienia naukowe dotyczące tego zagadnienia zmuszają do nieustannej modyfikacji podglądów oraz aktualizacji zasad jej stosowania. Zmiany te mogą być publikowane jako opracowania indywidualne lub prace zespołów badawczych powoływanych w tym celu przez stowarzyszenia naukowe. Takim przedsięwzięciem było wyodrębnienie interdyscyplinarnej grupy specjalistów, której celem było określenie aktualnego stanu wiedzy i opracowanie propozycji zaleceń dotyczących wybranych zagadnień z zakresu profilaktyki żylnej choroby zakrzepowo-zatorowej. Grupa ta działała pod auspicjami Prezesa Polskiego Towarzystwa Ortopedycznego i Traumatologicznego oraz Prezesa Polskiej Fundacji do Walki z Zakrzepicą THROMBOSIS. Wyniki prac zespołu zawarto w poniższym opracowaniu. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 1: 1–36Prevention of venous thromboembolism in orthopaedic and trauma surgery is one of the best-studied topics, with respect to which the most detailed recommendations and management protocols have been drawn up. It is also the fastest-developing area of the study of thrombotic conditions. The most recent reports make us continually modify our views and update the principles of its use. These changes may be published by individual authors or by research teams appointed for this particular purpose by scientific societies. An example of such efforts was the appointment of a multidisciplinary group of specialists whose aim was to determine the current state of knowledge on the prevention of VTE and to propose recommendations on selected aspects of this topic. The group carried out its activities under the auspices of the Chair of the Polish Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeons and the Chair of the Polish Foundation Against Thrombosis. This paper presents the results of this team’s efforts. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 1: 1–3

    Recommendations on the use of innovative medical technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery and solutions leading to increased availability for Polish patients

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    There is a great need for innovative technologies that will improve the health and quality of life (QoL) of Polish patients with cardiac problems. It is important that the safety and effectiveness of the technology are confirmed by scientific evidence on which guidelines and clinical recommendations are based. Scientific evidence for medical devices is also increasingly important for decision-making in finance approval from public funds. New technologies in cardiology and cardiac surgery contribute to improved patient QoL, increased treatment effectiveness and facilitated diagnosis. Hence, it is necessary to increase accessibility to such technologies, primarily through the development of clinical recommendations, and education of medical personnel in conjunction with public funding. The aim of this publication is to present the recommendations of leading experts in the field of cardiology and cardiosurgery, supported by clinical research results, regarding the use of the cited innovative medical technologies and solutions leading to their increased availability for Polish patients.