8 research outputs found

    Progression events defined by home-based assessment of motor function in multiple sclerosis: protocol of a prospective study

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    Background: This study relates to emerging concepts of appropriate trial designs to evaluate effects of intervention on the accumulation of irreversible disability in multiple sclerosis (MS). Major starting points of our study are the known limitations of current definitions of disability progression by rater-based clinical assessment and the high relevance of gait and balance dysfunctions in MS. The study aims to explore a novel definition of disease progression using repeated instrumental assessment of relevant motor functions performed by patients in their home setting. Methods: The study is a prospective single-center observational cohort study with the primary outcome acquired by participants themselves, a home-based assessment of motor functions based on an RGB-Depth (RGB-D) camera, a camera that provides both depth (D) and color (RGB) data. Participants are instructed to perform and record a set of simple motor tasks twice a day over a one-week period every 6 months. Assessments are complemented by a set of questionnaires. Annual research grade assessments are acquired at dedicated study visits and include clinical ratings as well as structural imaging (MRI and optical coherence tomography). In addition, clinical data from routine visits is provided semiannually by treating neurologists. The observation period is 24 months for the primary endpoint with an additional clinical assessment at 27 month to confirm progression defined by the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Secondary analyses aim to explore the time course of changes in motor parameters and performance of the novel definition against different alternative definitions of progression in MS. The study was registered at Deutsches Register für Klinische Studien (DRKS00027042). Discussion: The study design presented here investigates disease progression defined by marker-less home-based assessment of motor functions against 3-month confirmed disease progression (3 m-CDP) defined by the EDSS. The technical approach was chosen due to previous experience in lab-based settings. The observation time per participant of 24, respectively, 27 months is commonly conceived as the lower limit needed to study disability progression. Defining a valid digital motor outcome for disease progression in MS may help to reduce observation times in clinical trials and add confidence to the detection of progression events in MS

    Stress hormones or general well-being are not altered in immune-deficient mice lacking either T- and B- lymphocytes or Interferon gamma signaling if kept under specific pathogen free housing conditions

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    It is controversially discussed whether immune-deficient mice experience severity in the absence of infection. Because a comprehensive analysis of the well-being of immune-deficient mice under specific pathogen free conditions is missing, we used a multi-parametric test analyzing, corticosterone, weight, nest building and facial expression over a period of 9 month to determine the well-being of two immune-deficient mouse lines (recombination activating gene 2- and interferon gamma receptor-deficient mice). We do not find evidence for severity when comparing immune-deficient mice to their heterozygous immune-competent littermates. Our data challenge the assumption that immune-deficiency per se regardless of housing conditions causes severity. Based on our study we propose to use objective non-invasive parameters determined by laboratory animal science for decisions concerning severity of immune-deficient mice

    Perineural Invasion in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC): A Saboteur of Curative Intended Therapies?

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    (1) Background: Perineural invasion (PNI) is a common characteristic of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and is present in most resection margins. We hypothesized that curative pancreatic tumor resection with long-term survival could only be achieved in PNI-negative patients. (2) Material and Methods: A retrospective investigation of PDAC patients who underwent curative-intended surgery during the period 2008 to 2019 was performed at our institution. (3) Results: We identified 571 of 660 (86.5%) resected patients with well-annotated reports and complete datasets. Of those, 531 patients (93%) exhibited tumors with perineural invasion (Pn1), while 40 (7%) were negative for PNI (Pn0). The majority of patients in the Pn1 group presented advanced tumor stage and positive lymph node infiltration. Patients in the Pn0 group showed an improved disease-free and long-term survival compared to the Pn1 group (p < 0.001). Subgroup analysis of all R0-resected patients indicated improved long-term survival and disease-free survival of R0 Pn0 patients when compared to R0 Pn1 patients (p < 0.001). (4) Conclusion: Our study confirmed that Pn0 improves the long-term survival of PDAC-resected cancer patients. Furthermore, PNI significantly challenges the long-term survival of formally curative (R0) resected patients. We provide new insights into the dynamics of PNI in pancreatic cancer patients which are needed to define subgroups of patients for risk stratification and multimodal treatment strategies

    A Promising Approach for Primary Cytoreductive Surgery for Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Survival Outcomes and Step-by-Step Description of Total Retroperitoneal en-Bloc Resection of Multivisceral-Peritoneal Packet (TROMP)

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    (1) Background: A complete tumor resection during primary cytoreductive surgery has been reported to be the most important and perhaps the only independent prognostic factor in advanced ovarian cancers. The goal of complete cytoreduction needs to be weighed against the potential morbidities and long-term survival outcomes. (2) Methods: in this retrospective analysis of a prospectively obtained database, 208 consecutive patients with advanced ovarian cancer who underwent a conventional primary cytoreductive surgery (150 patients) or TROMP technique (58 patients) were included. Progression-free and overall survival rates were calculated using Kaplan&ndash;Meier analysis as well as the 95% confidence interval of the hazard ratio between treatment groups. (3) Results: After a median follow-up phase of more than 3 years (range 1&ndash;72 months), there are no statistically significant differences between both groups in progression-free and overall survival rates. Albeit, the TROMP group included statistically significant more advanced-stage cases compared to the conventional surgery group. (4) Conclusions: the TROMP technique is a promising tool for successful primary cytoreductive surgery in a selected group of patients with high tumor burdens in order to achieve optimal surgical results and survival outcomes without introducing any additional risks or complications

    IFNγ binding to extracellular matrix prevents fatal systemic toxicity

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    International audienceAbstract Interferon-γ (IFNγ) is an important mediator of cellular immune responses, but high systemic levels of this cytokine are associated with immunopathology. IFNγ binds to its receptor (IFNγR) and to extracellular matrix (ECM) via four positively charged C-terminal amino acids (KRKR), the ECM-binding domain (EBD). Across evolution, IFNγ is not well conserved, but the EBD is highly conserved, suggesting a critical function. Here, we show that IFNγ lacking the EBD (IFNγ ΔKRKR ) does not bind to ECM but still binds to the IFNγR and retains bioactivity. Overexpression of IFNγ ΔKRKR in tumors reduced local ECM binding, increased systemic levels and induced sickness behavior, weight loss and toxicity. To analyze the function of the EBD during infection, we generated IFNγ ΔKRKR mice lacking the EBD by using CRISPR–Cas9. Infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus resulted in higher systemic IFNγ ΔKRKR levels, enhanced sickness behavior, weight loss and fatal toxicity. We conclude that local retention of IFNγ is a pivotal mechanism to protect the organism from systemic toxicity during prolonged immune stimulation

    IFNγ binding to extracellular matrix prevents fatal systemic toxicity

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    International audienceAbstract Interferon-γ (IFNγ) is an important mediator of cellular immune responses, but high systemic levels of this cytokine are associated with immunopathology. IFNγ binds to its receptor (IFNγR) and to extracellular matrix (ECM) via four positively charged C-terminal amino acids (KRKR), the ECM-binding domain (EBD). Across evolution, IFNγ is not well conserved, but the EBD is highly conserved, suggesting a critical function. Here, we show that IFNγ lacking the EBD (IFNγ ΔKRKR ) does not bind to ECM but still binds to the IFNγR and retains bioactivity. Overexpression of IFNγ ΔKRKR in tumors reduced local ECM binding, increased systemic levels and induced sickness behavior, weight loss and toxicity. To analyze the function of the EBD during infection, we generated IFNγ ΔKRKR mice lacking the EBD by using CRISPR–Cas9. Infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus resulted in higher systemic IFNγ ΔKRKR levels, enhanced sickness behavior, weight loss and fatal toxicity. We conclude that local retention of IFNγ is a pivotal mechanism to protect the organism from systemic toxicity during prolonged immune stimulation

    Side Effects from Cancer Therapies and Perspective of 1044 Long-Term Ovarian Cancer Survivors—Results of Expression VI–Carolin Meets HANNA–Holistic Analysis of Long-Term Survival with Ovarian Cancer: The International NOGGO, ENGOT, and GCIG Survey

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    The aim of this survey was to increase the knowledge on the characteristics and health concerns of long-term survivors (LTS; survival > 5 years) after ovarian cancer in order to tailor follow-up care. This international survey was initiated by the NOGGO and was made available to members of ENGOT and GCIG. The survey is anonymous and consists of 68 questions regarding sociodemographic, medical (cancer) history, health concerns including distress, long-term side effects, and lifestyle. For this analysis, 1044 LTS from 14 countries were recruited. In total, 58% were diagnosed with FIGO stage III/IV ovarian cancer and 43.4% developed recurrent disease, while 26.0% were receiving cancer treatment at the time of filling in the survey. LTS who survived 5–10 years self-estimated their health status as being significantly worse than LTS who survived more than 10 years (p = 0.034), whereas distress also remained high 10 years after cancer diagnosis. Almost half of the cohort (46.1%) reported still having symptoms, which were mainly lymphedema (37.7%), fatigue (23.9%), pain (21.6%), polyneuropathy (16.9%), gastrointestinal problems (16.6%), and memory problems (15.5%). Almost all patients (94.2%) regularly received follow-up care. Specialized survivorship care with a focus on long-term side effects, lifestyle, and prevention should be offered beyond the typical five years of follow-up care

    Current state-of-the-art and gaps in platform trials: 10 things you should know, insights from EU-PEARL

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    Summary: Platform trials bring the promise of making clinical research more efficient and more patient centric. While their use has become more widespread, including their prominent role during the COVID-19 pandemic response, broader adoption of platform trials has been limited by the lack of experience and tools to navigate the critical upfront planning required to launch such collaborative studies. The European Union-Patient-cEntric clinicAl tRial pLatform (EU-PEARL) initiative has produced new methodologies to expand the use of platform trials with an overarching infrastructure and services embedded into Integrated Research Platforms (IRPs), in collaboration with patient representatives and through consultation with U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency stakeholders. In this narrative review, we discuss the outlook for platform trials in Europe, including challenges related to infrastructure, design, adaptations, data sharing and regulation. Documents derived from the EU-PEARL project, alongside a literature search including PubMed and relevant grey literature (e.g., guidance from regulatory agencies and health technology agencies) were used as sources for a multi-stage collaborative process through which the 10 more important points based on lessons drawn from the EU-PEARL project were developed and summarised as guidance for the setup of platform trials. We conclude that early involvement of critical stakeholder such as regulatory agencies or patients are critical steps in the implementation and later acceptance of platform trials. Addressing these gaps will be critical for attaining the full potential of platform trials for patients. Funding: Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking with support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA