64 research outputs found

    University-to-work transitions: the case of Perugia

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    The paper investigated on job transitions of graduates at the University of Perugia into the territory of the province of Perugia. In short, the paper has the following structure: after a review of the literature on university-to-work transition, original empirical results - adopting different statistical and econometric instruments - are presented and, finally, some policy implications are highlighted. University administrative information and data from the job centres of the province of Perugia are matched to reconstruct the timing of the university to job transitions of graduates at the University of Perugia since January 2004 to July 2009. Non-parametric Kaplan-Meier (KM) method and Cox proportional hazard model with competing risk are used, respectively, to estimate the survival functions and to determine the role of individual and studying characteristics in affecting the employment probabilities of graduates from a supply side point of view. Notwithstanding the paper is in a preliminary version, some key results are useful for deriving crucial considerations and policy implications.University-to-Work Transition, Perugia University and Province, Cox proportional hazard model.

    Social cognition in people with schizophrenia: A cluster-analytic approach

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    Background The study aimed to subtype patients with schizophrenia on the basis of social cognition (SC), and to identify cut-offs that best discriminate among subtypes in 809 out-patients recruited in the context of the Italian Network for Research on Psychoses. Method A two-step cluster analysis of The Awareness of Social Inference Test (TASIT), the Facial Emotion Identification Test and Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test scores was performed. Classification and regression tree analysis was used to identify the cut-offs of variables that best discriminated among clusters. Results We identified three clusters, characterized by unimpaired (42%), impaired (50.4%) and very impaired (7.5%) SC. Three theory-of-mind domains were more important for the cluster definition as compared with emotion perception and emotional intelligence. Patients more able to understand simple sarcasm (14 for TASIT-SS) were very likely to belong to the unimpaired SC cluster. Compared with patients in the impaired SC cluster, those in the very impaired SC cluster performed significantly worse in lie scenes (TASIT-LI <10), but not in simple sarcasm. Moreover, functioning, neurocognition, disorganization and SC had a linear relationship across the three clusters, while positive symptoms were significantly lower in patients with unimpaired SC as compared with patients with impaired and very impaired SC. On the other hand, negative symptoms were highest in patients with impaired levels of SC. Conclusions If replicated, the identification of such subtypes in clinical practice may help in tailoring rehabilitation efforts to the person's strengths to gain more benefit to the person

    Skill Mismatch of Graduates in a Local Labour Market

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    In this paper we first review the (potential and actual) role of the Universities for the local economies in which they operate, especially considering the implications deriving from the degree of skill mismatch (over-education) in a local labour market. Then, in the second part of the paper, we realise an empirical investigation based on administrative information of an Italian University matched with the data of the job centres of the local (provincial) labour market in order to reconstruct the characteristics of the university-to-work transitions of graduates. Our results have important policy implications, since for local development it is crucial, among other things, to make the best use of all human resources and especially those with the highest educational level

    Secondary school dropout and work outcomes in ten developing countries

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    This paper analyzes the impact of secondary school dropout on the work outcomes of young people in ten developing countries. Understanding such a phenomenon is important because it may affect work prospects,exacerbate income inequality and determine macroeconomic lasting effects given that the formation of askilled workforce is a key element of economic development and growth.When accounting for endogeneity, we find that secondary school dropout decreases the probability ofbeing employed in non-elementary occupations, suggesting that unskilled workers fail to meet the increasingdemand for a skilled workforce. Secondary school dropout, indeed, hinders the accumulation of adequatelevels of human capital and anticipates entry into the unskilled labor market.Thus, policy-makers should aim at the extension and efficacy of compulsory education to the secondarylevel to avoid future under-education problems to promote a skilled workforce and encourage economicdevelopment and growth in the long run

    Hepatitis C Epidemiology: Insights from a Comprehensive Cohort Study in ASST Melegnano and Martesana, Lombardia Region, Northern Italy

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a significant public health problem affecting 58 million people worldwide, including 3.9 million in Europe. Many of these infections go undiagnosed because chronic infection is often asymptomatic. This observational cohort study presents a detailed examination of hepatitis C virus epidemiology in Lombardia (Italy) and was conducted within the ASST "Melegnano e della Martesana". The study involved comprehensive HCV screening of 3290 patients accessing the collection points and/or hospitalized in the facilities of the ASST from 20 May 2022 to 13 April 2023. Screening was conducted using serological assays. The prevalence of anti-HCV-positive patients (HCV-Ab) and then HCV-positive patients (RNA) was calculated. Chi-square tests examined the associations between continuous and categorical variables. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the influence of demographic and geographic variables as predictors of HCV positivity. The study revealed an overall HCV-Ab prevalence of 0.912% (CI (0.59-1.24%)) in the examined cohort, of whom 15.15% (two females and three males) were positive for HCV RNA. The prevalence of HCV RNA positivity was 0.152% (CI (0.05-0.35%)). Sex disparity was evident, with male patients exhibiting a higher prevalence compared to females, confirmed by logistic regression (0.0147 vs. 0.0061-OR = 2.44; CI (0.0059-0.0124)). Age stratification indicated an ascending trend in prevalence with age, peaking at 1.35% in individuals aged over 50. These findings underscore the critical need for targeted HCV screening, contributing valuable insights to the global epidemiology of HCV in the era of DAAs

    Invasive paget disease of the vulva

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    Objective Extramammary Paget disease of the vulva (EPDV) is a rare occurrence with an indolent and relapsing course. Progression to invasion occurs in 4% to 19% of cases. The aim of this study is to report clinical-pathological features and outcomes of patients treated for invasive EPDV. Methods Data of consecutive patients treated between 2000 and 2017 for invasive EPDV were reviewed. Results Among 79 patients with EPDV, 10 (12.7%) presented a microinvasive or invasive form at first diagnosis or during follow-up. All of them underwent upfront radical surgery; 7 (70%) received subsequent radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or both. The mortality rate was 40%. The recurrence rate after treatment for invasive forms was 60%, with a mean time to first recurrence of 20 (range, 5-36) months. Conclusions Our study confirms that invasive EPDV remains a rare gynecological neoplasm with a poor prognosis. Multicentre trials or well-organized prospective data collection could improve the knowledge about the management of invasive EPDV

    Analysis of UbcH10 expression represents a useful tool for the diagnosis and therapy of astrocytic tumors.

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    Previous studies suggest the expression of UbcH10 gene, that codes for a protein belonging to the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme family, as a valid indicator of the proliferative and aggressive status of tumors of different origin. Therefore, to look for possible tools to be used as diagnostic markers in astrocytic neoplasias, we investigated UbcH10 expression in normal brain, gliosis and low-grade and high-grade astrocytic tumors by immunohistochemistry. UbcH10 expression was observed in low-grade astrocytoma and in glioblastoma. Our data indicate a clear correlation between UbcH10 expression and the histological grade of the astrocytic tumors. Moreover, the analysis of UbcH10 expression allows the differentiation between gliotic and malignant tissues. Finally, since proteasome inhibitors have recently been considered as possible drugs in the chemotherapy of various tumors, our results would suggest new perspectives for the treatment of brain malignancies based on the suppression of the UbcH10 function