99 research outputs found

    Using simulation as cervical and anal cytology teaching-learning strategy

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    The current descriptive study is an experience report about the use of gynecological simulators in teaching and research activities developed in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in Health at Cruz Alta University in Southern Brazil. The aim of the present study is to describe the use of gynecological simulator as cervical and anal cytological sample collection teaching-learning strategy, as well as to describe the protocol adopted in such procedure. The gynecological simulator is a useful instrument applied to the sample collection practice for cervical and anal cytological examination purposes, since it is a static dummy anatomically similar to the female body. Simulating the procedure allows students to train and improve skills required to the technique; however, the theoretical contextualization must precede the practice in the simulator in order to stimulate students to reflect on all aspects involved in the exam. The use of gynecological simulator is recommended as complementary tool in cytologic examination teaching-learning scenarios

    Case report: A novel patient presenting TRIM32-related limb-girdle muscular dystrophy

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    Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy autosomal recessive 8 (LGMDR8) is a rare clinical manifestation caused by the presence of biallelic variants in the TRIM32 gene. We present the clinical, molecular, histopathological, and muscle magnetic resonance findings of a novel 63-years-old LGMDR8 patient of Italian origins, who went undiagnosed for 24 years. Clinical exome sequencing identified two TRIM32 missense variants, c.1181G > A p.(Arg394His) and c.1781G > A p.(Ser594Asp), located in the NHL1 and NHL4 structural domains, respectively, of the TRIM32 protein. We conducted a literature review of the clinical and instrumental data associated to the so far known 26 TRIM32 variants, carried biallelically by 53 LGMDR8 patients reported to date in 20 papers. Our proband's variants were previously identified only in three independent LGMDR8 patients in homozygosis, therefore our case is the first in literature to be described as compound heterozygous for such variants. Our report also provides additional data in support of their pathogenicity, since p.(Arg394His) is currently classified as a variant of uncertain significance, while p.(Ser594Asp) as likely pathogenic. Taken together, these findings might be useful to improve both the genetic counseling and the diagnostic accuracy of this rare neuromuscular condition

    Case Report: Rare Homozygous RNASEH1 Mutations Associated With Adult-Onset Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy and Multiple Mitochondrial DNA Deletions

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    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance disorders embrace a broad range of clinical syndromes distinguished by the evidence of mtDNA depletion and/or deletions in affected tissues. Among the nuclear genes associated with mtDNA maintenance disorders, RNASEH1 mutations produce a homogeneous phenotype, with progressive external ophthalmoplegia (PEO), ptosis, limb weakness, cerebellar ataxia, and dysphagia. The encoded enzyme, ribonuclease H1, is involved in mtDNA replication, whose impairment leads to an increase in replication intermediates resulting from mtDNA replication slowdown. Here, we describe two unrelated Italian probands (Patient 1 and Patient 2) affected by chronic PEO, ptosis, and muscle weakness. Cerebellar features and severe dysphagia requiring enteral feeding were observed in one patient. In both cases, muscle biopsy revealed diffuse mitochondrial abnormalities and multiple mtDNA deletions. A targeted next-generation sequencing analysis revealed the homozygous RNASEH1 mutations c.129-3C>G and c.424G>A in patients 1 and 2, respectively. The c.129-3C>G substitution has never been described as disease-related and resulted in the loss of exon 2 in Patient 1 muscle RNASEH1 transcript. Overall, we recommend implementing the use of high-throughput sequencing approaches in the clinical setting to reach genetic diagnosis in case of suspected presentations with impaired mtDNA homeostasis

    High-Resolution Raman Imaging of >300 Patient-Derived Cells from Nine Different Leukemia Subtypes:A Global Clustering Approach

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    Leukemia comprises a diverse group of bone marrow tumors marked by cell proliferation. Current diagnosis involves identifying leukemia subtypes through visual assessment of blood and bone marrow smears, a subjective and time-consuming method. Our study introduces the characterization of different leukemia subtypes using a global clustering approach of Raman hyperspectral maps of cells. We analyzed bone marrow samples from 19 patients, each presenting one of nine distinct leukemia subtypes, by conducting high spatial resolution Raman imaging on 319 cells, generating over 1.3 million spectra in total. An automated preprocessing pipeline followed by a single-step global clustering approach performed over the entire data set identified relevant cellular components (cytoplasm, nucleus, carotenoids, myeloperoxidase (MPO), and hemoglobin (HB)) enabling the unsupervised creation of high-quality pseudostained images at the single-cell level. Furthermore, this approach provided a semiquantitative analysis of cellular component distribution, and multivariate analysis of clustering results revealed the potential of Raman imaging in leukemia research, highlighting both advantages and challenges associated with global clustering.</p

    Case report: A novel ACTA1 variant in a patient with nemaline rods and increased glycogen deposition

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    BackgroundCongenital myopathies are a group of heterogeneous inherited disorders, mainly characterized by early-onset hypotonia and muscle weakness. The spectrum of clinical phenotype can be highly variable, going from very mild to severe presentations. The course also varies broadly resulting in a fatal outcome in the most severe cases but can either be benign or lead to an amelioration even in severe presentations. Muscle biopsy analysis is crucial for the identification of pathognomonic morphological features, such as core areas, nemaline bodies or rods, nuclear centralizations and congenital type 1 fibers disproportion. However, multiple abnormalities in the same muscle can be observed, making more complex the myopathological scenario.Case presentationHere, we describe an Italian newborn presenting with severe hypotonia, respiratory insufficiency, inability to suck and swallow, requiring mechanical ventilation and gastrostomy feeding. Muscle biopsy analyzed by light microscopy showed the presence of vacuoles filled with glycogen, suggesting a metabolic myopathy, but also fuchsinophilic inclusions. Ultrastructural studies confirmed the presence of normally structured glycogen, and the presence of minirods, directing the diagnostic hypothesis toward a nemaline myopathy. An expanded Next Generation Sequencing analysis targeting congenital myopathies genes revealed the presence of a novel heterozygous c.965 T &gt; A p. (Leu322Gln) variant in the ACTA1 gene, which encodes the skeletal muscle alpha-actin.ConclusionOur case expands the repertoire of molecular and pathological features observed in actinopathies. We highlight the value of ultrastructural examination to investigate the abnormalities detected at the histological level. We also emphasized the use of expanded gene panels in the molecular analysis of neuromuscular patients, especially for those ones presenting multiple bioptic alterations

    Case report: Clinical and molecular characterization of two siblings affected by Brody myopathy

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    Exercise-induced muscle stiffness is the hallmark of Brody disease, an autosomal recessive myopathy due to biallelic pathogenic variants in ATP2A1, encoding the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase SERCA1. About 40 patients have been reported so far. Our knowledge about the natural history of this disorder, genotype–phenotype correlations and the effect of symptomatic treatment is partial. This results in incomplete recognition and underdiagnosis of the disease. Here, we report the clinical, instrumental, and molecular features of two siblings presenting childhood-onset exercise-induced muscle stiffness without pain. Both the probands display difficulty in climbing stairs and running, frequent falls, delayed muscle relaxation after exertion. Cold temperatures worsen these symptoms. No myotonic discharges were observed at electromyography. Whole Exome Sequencing analysis in the probands revealed the presence of two ATP2A1 variants: the previously reported frameshift microdeletion c.2464delC and the likely pathogenic novel splice-site variant c.324 + 1G &gt; A, whose detrimental effect was demonstrated in ATP2A1 transcript analysis. The bi-allelic inheritance was verified by Sanger sequencing in the unaffected parents. This study expands the molecular defects associated with Brody myopathy

    TWNK in Parkinson's Disease: A Movement Disorder and Mitochondrial Disease Center Perspective Study

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    Background: Parkinsonian features have been described in patients harboring variants in nuclear genes encoding for proteins involved in mitochondrial DNA maintenance, such as TWNK. Objectives: The aim was to screen for TWNK variants in an Italian cohort of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and to assess the occurrence of parkinsonism in patients presenting with TWNK-related autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (TWNK-adPEO). Methods: Genomic DNA of 263 consecutively collected PD patients who underwent diagnostic genetic testing was analyzed with a targeted custom gene panel including TWNK, as well as genes causative of monogenic PD. Genetic and clinical data of 18 TWNK-adPEO patients with parkinsonism were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Six of 263 PD patients (2%), presenting either with isolated PD (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;4) or in combination with bilateral ptosis (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;2), carried TWNK likely pathogenic variants. Among 18 TWNK-adPEO patients, 5 (28%) had parkinsonism. Conclusions: We show candidate TWNK variants occurring in PD without PEO. This finding will require further confirmatory studies. © 2022 Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson Movement Disorder Society

    Deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency: natural history and liver transplant outcome

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    Autosomal recessive pathogenetic variants in the DGUOK gene cause deficiency of deoxyguanosine kinase activity and mitochondrial deoxynucleotides pool imbalance, consequently, leading to quantitative and/or qualitative impairment of mitochondrial DNA synthesis. Typically, patients present early-onset liver failure with or without neurological involvement and a clinical course rapidly progressing to death. This is an international multicentre study aiming to provide a retrospective natural history of deoxyguanosine kinase deficient patients. A systematic literature review from January 2001 to June 2023 was conducted. Physicians of research centres or clinicians all around the world caring for previously reported patients were contacted to provide followup information or additional clinical, biochemical, histological/histochemical, and molecular genetics data for unreported cases with a confirmed molecular diagnosis of deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency. A cohort of 202 genetically confirmed patients, 36 unreported, and 166 from a systematic literature review, were analyzed. Patients had a neonatal onset (≤ 1 month) in 55.7% of cases, infantile (>1 month and ≤ 1 year) in 32.3%, pediatric (>1 year and ≤18 years) in 2.5% and adult (>18 years) in 9.5%. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed statistically different survival rates (P < 0.0001) among the four age groups with the highest mortality for neonatal onset. Based on the clinical phenotype, we defined four different clinical subtypes: hepatocerebral (58.8%), isolated hepatopathy (21.9%), hepatomyoencephalopathy (9.6%), and isolated myopathy (9.6%). Muscle involvement was predominant in adult-onset cases whereas liver dysfunction causes morbidity and mortality in early-onset patients with a median survival of less than 1 year. No genotype–phenotype correlation was identified. Liver transplant significantly modified the survival rate in 26 treated patients when compared with untreated. Only six patients had additional mild neurological signs after liver transplant. In conclusion, deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency is a disease spectrum with a prevalent liver and brain tissue specificity in neonatal and infantile-onset patients and muscle tissue specificity in adult-onset cases. Our study provides clinical, molecular genetics and biochemical data for early diagnosis, clinical trial planning and immediate intervention with liver transplant and/or nucleoside supplementation

    RNASEH1 Mutations Impair mtDNA Replication and Cause Adult-Onset Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy.

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    Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) is common in mitochondrial disorders and is frequently associated with multiple mtDNA deletions. The onset is typically in adulthood, and affected subjects can also present with general muscle weakness. The underlying genetic defects comprise autosomal-dominant or recessive mutations in several nuclear genes, most of which play a role in mtDNA replication. Next-generation sequencing led to the identification of compound-heterozygous RNASEH1 mutations in two singleton subjects and a homozygous mutation in four siblings. RNASEH1, encoding ribonuclease H1 (RNase H1), is an endonuclease that is present in both the nucleus and mitochondria and digests the RNA component of RNA-DNA hybrids. Unlike mitochondria, the nucleus harbors a second ribonuclease (RNase H2). All affected individuals first presented with CPEO and exercise intolerance in their twenties, and these were followed by muscle weakness, dysphagia, and spino-cerebellar signs with impaired gait coordination, dysmetria, and dysarthria. Ragged-red and cytochrome c oxidase (COX)-negative fibers, together with impaired activity of various mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes, were observed in muscle biopsies of affected subjects. Western blot analysis showed the virtual absence of RNase H1 in total lysate from mutant fibroblasts. By an in vitro assay, we demonstrated that altered RNase H1 has a reduced capability to remove the RNA from RNA-DNA hybrids, confirming their pathogenic role. Given that an increasing amount of evidence indicates the presence of RNA primers during mtDNA replication, this result might also explain the accumulation of mtDNA deletions and underscores the importance of RNase H1 for mtDNA maintenance.This work was supported by the Medical Research Council, the Pierfranco and Luisa Mariani Foundation, Telethon grant GGP11011, the Italian Ministry of Health (grant GR2010-2316392), and European Research Council advanced grant FP7-322424

    Clinical and molecular features of an infant patient affected by Leigh Disease associated to m.14459G > A mitochondrial DNA mutation: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Leigh Syndrome (LS) is a severe neurodegenerative disorder characterized by bilateral symmetrical necrotic lesions in the basal ganglia and brainstem. Onset is in early infancy and prognosis is poor. Causative mutations have been disclosed in mitochondrial DNA and nuclear genes affecting respiratory chain subunits and assembly factors.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Here we report the clinical and molecular features of a 15-month-old female LS patient. Direct sequencing of her muscle-derived mtDNA revealed the presence of two apparently homoplasmic variants: the novel m.14792C > G and the already known m.14459G > A resulting in p.His16Asp change in cytochrome b (MT-CYB) and p.Ala72Val substitution in ND6 subunit, respectively. The m.14459G > A was heteroplasmic in the mother's blood-derived DNA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The m.14459G > A might lead to LS, complicated LS or Leber Optic Hereditary Neuropathy. A comprehensive re-evaluation of previously described 14459G > A-mutated patients does not explain this large clinical heterogeneity.</p