26 research outputs found

    Nearly zero balance winery - riqualificazione ed ampliamento di una cantina vinicola a Terricciola (Pisa)

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    Pieve de’ Pitti è una realtà che, attraversando i secoli e sconfiggendo il trascorre del tempo, ci restituisce ancora oggi un frammento di storia carico di ricordi, significati e sapori. All’interno della tenuta, attorno al quale in tempi antichi nacque e si sviluppò un piccolo borgo, rimangono il Castello di Pava, la Villa costruita da Cosimo di Jacopo Pitti, e la cantina al cui interno attualmente trova albergo l’interno processo di produzione vinicola delle aree circostanti. Il processo perseguito punta a realizzare un’opera di riqualificazione del fabbricato attualmente ospitante la cantina stessa, mediante una riorganizzazione delle aree interne esistenti e la realizzazione di un ampliamento utile a chiudere il ciclo produttivo vinicolo, permettendo le fasi di imbottigliamento ed affinamento in loco (lavorazioni attualmente effettuate in separata sede). Tutto questo percorso si sviluppa aspirando al minor impatto ambientale possibile, architettonico ed energetico. Al fine di realizzare un fabbricato capace di ospitare un percorso produttivo altamente funzionale ed efficiente, contestualmente alla ricerca architettonica è stato effettuato uno studio dettagliato di tutti i processi della produzione enologica, per poi focalizzarsi particolarmente sulle fasi in cui è necessario un intervento impiantistico per il controllo delle temperature dei prodotti, definendo attrezzature e macchine frigorifere necessarie al dimensionamento e funzionamento del fabbricato. Si è inoltre indagato il legame con l’elemento “terra”, analizzandone le potenzialità energetiche cui far ricorso nelle progettazioni delle aree destinate alla realizzazione di cantine, ed inseguendo il più possibile l’appellativo di “ipogeo”, che le ricollega tanto alla tradizione storica quanto alla ricerca dell’integrazione paesaggistica. Definito il profilo progettuale, viene infine effettuato lo studio dell’efficacia di un intervento di ristrutturazione e miglioramento delle qualità termiche della porzione di involucro esistente, affiancandolo alla realizzazione di un ampliamento caratterizzato da un’elevata capacità di isolamento. Questa indagine si completa con l’analisi tre differenti scenari caratterizzati da diverse soluzioni impiantistiche, cercando la miglior resa economica e minor impatto ambientale in termini di consumi energetici ed emissione di CO2

    Postpartum Ovarian Vein Thrombosis

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    Postpartum ovarian vein thrombosis carries a significant risk of morbidity and mortality if not recognized early and managed appropriately

    High-resolution TNG spectra of T Tauri stars. Near-IR GIANO observations of the young variables XZ Tauri and DR Tauri

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    Aims: We aim to characterise the star-disk interaction region in T Tauri stars that show photometric and spectroscopic variability. Methods: We used the GIANO instrument at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo to obtain near-infrared high-resolution spectra (R 50 000) of XZ Tau and DR Tau, which are two actively accreting T Tauri stars classified as EXors. Equivalent widths and profiles of the observed features are used to derive information on the properties of the inner disk, the accretion columns, and the winds. Results: Both sources display composite H I line profiles, where contributions from both accreting gas and high-velocity winds can be recognised. These lines are progressively more symmetric and narrower with increasing upper energy which may be interpreted in terms of two components with different decrements or imputed to self-absorption effects. XZ Tau is observed in a relatively high state of activity with respect to literature observations. The variation of the He I 1.08 ÎĽm line blue-shifted absorption, in particular, suggests that the inner wind has undergone a dramatic change in its velocity structure, connected with a recent accretion event. DR Tau has a more stable wind as its He I 1.08 ÎĽm absorption does not show variations with time in spite of strong variability of the emission component. The IR veiling in the two sources can be interpreted as due to blackbody emission at temperatures of 1600 K and 2300 K for XZ Tau and DR Tau, respectively, with emitting areas 30 times larger than the central star. While for XZ Tau these conditions are consistent with emission from the inner rim of the dusty disk, the fairly high temperature inferred for DR Tau might suggest that its veiling originates from a thick gaseous disk located within the dust sublimation radius. Strong and broad metallic lines, mainly from C I and Fe I, are detected in XZ Tau, similar to those observed in other EXor sources during burst phases. At variance, DR Tau shows weaker and narrower metallic lines, despite its larger accretion luminosity. This suggests that accretion is not the only driver of metallic line excitation. Conclusions: The presented observations demonstrate the potential of wide-band, high-resolution near-IR spectroscopy to simultaneously probe the different phenomena that occur in the interaction region between the stellar magnetosphere and the accretion disk, thus providing hints on how these two structures are linked to each other

    The BLAST Survey of the Vela Molecular Cloud: Physical Properties of the Dense Cores in Vela-D

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    The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) carried out a 250, 350 and 500 micron survey of the galactic plane encompassing the Vela Molecular Ridge, with the primary goal of identifying the coldest dense cores possibly associated with the earliest stages of star formation. Here we present the results from observations of the Vela-D region, covering about 4 square degrees, in which we find 141 BLAST cores. We exploit existing data taken with the Spitzer MIPS, IRAC and SEST-SIMBA instruments to constrain their (single-temperature) spectral energy distributions, assuming a dust emissivity index beta = 2.0. This combination of data allows us to determine the temperature, luminosity and mass of each BLAST core, and also enables us to separate starless from proto-stellar sources. We also analyze the effects that the uncertainties on the derived physical parameters of the individual sources have on the overall physical properties of starless and proto-stellar cores, and we find that there appear to be a smooth transition from the pre- to the proto-stellar phase. In particular, for proto-stellar cores we find a correlation between the MIPS24 flux, associated with the central protostar, and the temperature of the dust envelope. We also find that the core mass function of the Vela-D cores has a slope consistent with other similar (sub)millimeter surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Data and maps are available at http://blastexperiment.info

    Vibration assessing models: comparison between methods

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    "\"Aim of blasting operations is rock fragmentation. It provides appropriate rock material granulation or size that is suitable for loading and transportation. However, the blasting process and usage of explosives remain a potential source of numerous human and environmental hazards. Aim of this paper is, first of all, to provide models (and models comparison) concerning one of the major environmental issues related to blasting operation in mining and civil engineering projects: ground vibration propagation. The study displays an assessment of ground vibrations caused by blasting experiments at a whinstone quarry. The vibration source is the blasting of a fixed quantity of explosive burden (200 Kg of an Ammonium Nitrate Slurry Watergel - Tutagex 110, fragmented in 8 different parallel blast holes with a fixed 2 meters Spacing). The primary goal of this study was to estimate the peak particle velocity (PPV) of the vibration, in order to protect the dwelling area adjacent to the quarry. Based on the data obtained from field measurements, a new equation was proposed: to achieve this objective we use geostatistical modelling, the branch of statistics that studies the phenomena that are developed on space-based, starting from the information derived from the sampling. The decision to describe the phenomenon with geostatistical modelling, stems from having a limited number of samples and a vibration source difficult to repeat, which makes the geostatistics suitable for this purpose. In fact it is often used to study phenomena characterized by a limited availability of samples. The final goal is the comparative analysis between the results obtained by the geostatistical equation and common empirical predictors currently used in blasting practice. The analysis of the comparison between these two approaches, shows that the geostatistical tool seems to be suitable to the purposed scope\"

    Polymorphism and Multiple Melting Behavior of Bio-Based Poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)

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    Furandicarboxylate-based polyesters are considered an interesting class of bio-based polymers due to their improved properties with respect to the petrol-based terephthalate homologs. An in-depth analysis of the crystal structure of poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) (PPF), after maximum possible removal of the catalyst, was carried out. The study disclosed that purified PPF presents two different crystalline phases after crystallization from the melt. Crystallizations at temperatures lower than 120 \ub0C lead to growth of a single crystal form (\u3b2-form), whereas two different crystal forms (\u3b1 and \u3b2) were found to coexist at higher Tcs. This behavior is opposite to that previously observed for unpurified PPF. The possibility that the catalyst nucleates the \u3b1-phase, which therefore becomes the kinetically favored modification at low crystallization temperatures in the presence of a higher amount of catalyst residue, has been considered as a feasible explanation. Two concomitantly different spherulitic morphologies were observed and connected to the \u3b2- and \u3b1-phase, respectively. The association between polymorphism and melting behavior was studied. The origin of the peaks that compose the multiple melting endotherm recorded at conventional heating rates was determined by combined wide-angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, fast scanning chip calorimetry, and polarized light optical microscopy measurements. The higher thermal stability of the \u3b1-crystals in comparison with the \u3b2-form was thus demonstrated