94 research outputs found

    Fuchs und Dachs. Zur (Trans-)Formation einer interspezifischen Tiergemeinschaft im ›Roman de Renart‹ und im ›Reinhart Fuchs‹

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    In komparatistischer Perspektive wird die Formation und Transformation der speziesübergreifenden Figurenverbindung von Fuchs und Dachs untersucht, die für die altfranzösische wie die mittelhochdeutsche Tierepik gleichermaßen bedeutsam ist. Denn die Beziehung von Fuchs und Dachs nimmt im Erzähluniversum des ›Roman de Renart‹ wie des ›Reinhart Fuchs‹ eine Sonderstellung ein, da ihre Interaktion frei von Verrat ist. Beleuchtet werden sowohl die (nur vermeintlich zeitlosen) ›natürlichen‹ Hintergründe dieser Paarkonstellation im mittelalterlichen Tierwissen als auch die sozialen und kulturellen Prinzipien, Normen und Werte, auf welchen diese vertrauensvolle Verbindung fußt. Durch den Vergleich ausgewählter branches des ›Roman de Renart‹ mit der mittelhochdeutschen Adaptation des Fuchsepos wird dabei sowohl die Konstanz als auch die Variabilität dieser sozialen Gemeinschaft deutlich. Beantwortet werden sollen so die übergeordneten Fragen nach dem Beitrag dieses Figurenpaars zur tierepischen Reflexion politischer und kultureller Ordnungsentwürfe und nach der Veränderlichkeit jenes Nachdenkens im historischen Verlauf

    Von emsigen Ameisen und schlafenden Löwen. Zu ›narratio‹ und ›moralisatio‹ im ›Reinhart Fuchs‹

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    Anhand der Ameisenhandlung untersucht der Beitrag das Verhältnis von narratio und moralisatio im Reinhart Fuchs. Von der positiven moralischen Aufladung, den führerlosen Gesellschaften sowie der enormen Stärke der Ameisen ausgehend, wird verfolgt, wie das Tierepos die Ameisen und ihren Herrn im Kontrast zum Löwenkönig zunächst als Exempel für unbedingte soziale Loyalität und, unter Rückgriff auf Heldenepik und Heroik, für aufopfernden Heldenmut aufbaut. Am Ende jedoch bricht der Text mit diesem Ideal, da der Ameisenherr sich letztlich doch als eigennützig und als anfällig für Reinharts List erweist. Die aufgezeigten narrativen Verfahren bewirken so die völlige Auflösung moralischer Idealität.This contribution looks at the ant epic to examine the relationship between narratio and moralisatio in ‘Reinhart Fuchs’ (The History of Reynard the Fox). Proceeding from the positive moral charge, leaderless societies and tremendous strength of the ants, we follow how the beast epic first establishes the ants and their lord in contrast to the lion king as an example of unconditional social loyalty and, drawing on heroic epic and heroics, sacrificial heroism. In the end, however, the text breaks with this ideal, as the ant lord ultimately proves self-serving and susceptible to Reinhart’s trickery. The narrative processes thus bring about the complete dissolution of moral ideality

    HSPG-Deficient Zebrafish Uncovers Dental Aspect of Multiple Osteochondromas

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    Multiple Osteochondromas (MO; previously known as multiple hereditary exostosis) is an autosomal dominant genetic condition that is characterized by the formation of cartilaginous bone tumours (osteochondromas) at multiple sites in the skeleton, secondary bursa formation and impingement of nerves, tendons and vessels, bone curving, and short stature. MO is also known to be associated with arthritis, general pain, scarring and occasional malignant transformation of osteochondroma into secondary peripheral chondrosarcoma. MO patients present additional complains but the relevance of those in relation to the syndromal background needs validation. Mutations in two enzymes that are required during heparan sulphate synthesis (EXT1 or EXT2) are known to cause MO. Previously, we have used zebrafish which harbour mutations in ext2 as a model for MO and shown that ext2−/− fish have skeletal defects that resemble those seen in osteochondromas. Here we analyse dental defects present in ext2−/− fish. Histological analysis reveals that ext2−/− fish have very severe defects associated with the formation and the morphology of teeth. At 5 days post fertilization 100% of ext2−/− fish have a single tooth at the end of the 5th pharyngeal arch, whereas wild-type fish develop three teeth, located in the middle of the pharyngeal arch. ext2−/− teeth have abnormal morphology (they were shorter and thicker than in the WT) and patchy ossification at the tooth base. Deformities such as split crowns and enamel lesions were found in 20% of ext2+/− adults. The tooth morphology in ext2−/− was partially rescued by FGF8 administered locally (bead implants). Our findings from zebrafish model were validated in a dental survey that was conducted with assistance of the MHE Research Foundation. The presence of the malformed and/or displaced teeth with abnormal enamel was declared by half of the respondents indicating that MO might indeed be also associated with dental problems

    Chromosome microarray analysis as first-line test in pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities

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    n this study, we aimed to explore the utility of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in groups of pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosome abnormalities, usually not considered an indication for testing, in order to assess whether CMA improves the detection rate of prenatal chromosomal aberrations. A total of 3000 prenatal samples were processed in parallel using both whole-genome CMA and conventional karyotyping. The indications for prenatal testing included: advanced maternal age, maternal serum screening test abnormality, abnormal ultrasound findings, known abnormal fetal karyotype, parental anxiety, family history of a genetic condition and cell culture failure. The use of CMA resulted in an increased detection rate regardless of the indication for analysis. This was evident in high risk groups (abnormal ultrasound findings and abnormal fetal karyotype), in which the percentage of detection was 5.8% (7/120), and also in low risk groups, such as advanced maternal age (6/1118, 0.5%), and parental anxiety (11/1674, 0.7%). A total of 24 (0.8%) fetal conditions would have remained undiagnosed if only a standard karyotype had been performed. Importantly, 17 (0.6%) of such findings would have otherwise been overlooked if CMA was offered only to high risk pregnancies.The results of this study suggest that more widespread CMA testing of fetuses would result in a higher detection of clinically relevant chromosome abnormalities, even in low risk pregnancies. Our findings provide substantial evidence for the introduction of CMA as a first-line diagnostic test for all pregnant women undergoing invasive prenatal testing, regardless of risk factors

    Rice's Name Useful To Houston Forgers

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    From the Rice Thresher Archive, a collection of newspaper articles published in the student newspaper for Rice University. Genre: New

    Frosh Relieved Of Physical Exam

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    From the Rice Thresher Archive, a collection of newspaper articles published in the student newspaper for Rice University. Genre: New

    Hanszen Emphasizes Counseling, Redefines Associates' Function

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    From the Rice Thresher Archive, a collection of newspaper articles published in the student newspaper for Rice University. Genre: New
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