7 research outputs found


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    Introduction and objective: Milk and dairy products are an important source of many nutrients that are known to have many beneficial effects on human health. On the other hand, milk and dairy products can cause allergies and intolerances. Allergy is caused by milk proteins that lead to immune reactions, while intolerance is caused by the milk sugar, lactose, due to reduced activity of enzyme lactase which digests it. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms, lactose intolerant persons can consume fermented milk products that are known to have reduced lactose content. The aim of this study was to determine the content of lactose in commercially available fermented dairy beverages by HPLC method and to assess their adequacy in diet of lactose intolerant persons. Methods: Altogether 21commercially available type of fermented milk products was analysed of which 13 were plain yogurts, while remaining 8 belonged to the group of functional products. Lactose content was determined by HPLC method. Lactose detection was achieved by refraction index detector and its quantification by external standard method. Results: Lactose content of analysed products ranged from 2.65 g/100 g up to 4.05 g/100 g in plain yogurts, and from 2.61 g/100 g up to 4.63 g/100 g in functional products. Conclusions: Based on determined lactose content and a presumption that most of lactose intolerant persons can digest up to 6 g of lactose on a daily basis without obvious symptoms it is assessed that daily acceptable amount of the analysed products ranges from 130 to 230 g

    Assessment of fermented milk products adequacy in diet of lactose intolerant persons

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    Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi su važan izvor mnogobrojnih hranjivih tvari za koje je poznato da imaju različite pozitivne utjecaje na zdravlje ljudi. S druge strane, mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi mogu izvazvati alergije i intolerancije. Alergija se veže uz proteine mlijeka koji izazivaju imunološku reakciju, dok intoleranciju izaziva mliječni šećer, laktoza, zbog smanjene aktivnosti enzima laktaze koji ga razgrađuje na glukozu i galaktozu. Kako bi izbjegli neugodne simptome intolerancije na laktozu, osobe s intolerancijom na laktozu mogu konzumirati fermentirane mliječne proizvode za koje je poznato da imaju smanjeni sadržaj laktoze. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti udio laktoze u komercijalnim fermentiranim mliječnim napitcima HPLC metodom te procijeniti u kojoj mjeri su ovi proizvodi prikladni za prehranu osoba s intolerancijom na laktozu. Analiziran je ukupno 21 uzorak fermentiranih mliječnih napitaka u kojima se udio laktoze kretao od 2,61 - 4,63 g/100 g. Temeljem utvrđene količine laktoze u analiziranim uzorcima i pretpostavke da većina osoba s intolerancijom na laktozu može dnevno unijeti do 6 g laktoze bez poteškoća procjenjeno je da prihvatljiva konzumacija analiziranih fermentiranih proizvoda bez nepoželjnih posljedica iznosi 130 - 230 g.Milk and dairy products are an important source of many nutrients that are known to have many beneficial effects on human health. On the other hand, milk and dairy products can cause allergies and intolerances. Allergy is associated with milk proteins that cause immune reactions, while intolerance is caused by a milk sugar, lactose, due to reduced activity of enzyme lactase which breaks it into glucose and galactose. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms of lactose intolerance, lactose intolerant persons can consume fermented milk products that are known to have reduced lactose content. The aim of this study was to determine the content of lactose in commercial fermented dairy beverages by HPLC method and assess their adequacy in diet of lactose intolerant persons. Altogether 13 samples of fermented milk products were analyzed and lactose content ranged from 2,61 – 4,63 g/100 g. Based on determined lactose content and a presumption that most of lactose intolerant persons can digest up to 6 g of lactose on a daily basis without obvious symptoms it is assessed that acceptable amount of analysed products ranges from 130 to 230 g

    Lactoferrin - functional component with wide spectrum of activity

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    Laktoferin je protein izgrađen od 700 aminokiselina koji pripada u skupinu transferina. Budući da ima sposobnost reverzibilnog vezanja Fe3+, postoje dva oblika: apolaktoferin i hololaktoferin. Laktoferin kao multifunkcionalan protein posjeduje antimikrobna, antibakterijska, antiviralna, antifungalna, antiparazitna, te antikancerogena svojstva. Osim toga posjeduje i enzimsku aktivnost, te sudjeluje u oblikovanju imuniteta. Dva su načina dobivanja laktoferina: izolacija, kojom se dobiva nativni laktoferin; te rekombinantna DNA tehnologija, kojom se dobiva rekombinantni laktoferin. Danas laktoferin ima široku primjenu i to u dojenačkim formulama, jogurtu, obranom mlijeku, hrani za životinje, proizvodima za njegu kože, proizvodima za oralnu njegu. Osim toga, laktoferin se primjenuje i kod trudnica i to: kod trudnica koje pate od anemije i hipoferemije (umjesto željezovog sulfata koji izaziva nuspojave); te u prevenciji korioamnionitisa koji rezultira preuranjenim porodom.Lactoferrin is a protein of 700 amino acids that belongs to a group of transferrin. Since it has the ability of reversible binding of Fe3+, there are two forms: apolactoferrin and hololactoferrin. Lactoferrin as a multifunctional protein possesses antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic and anticarcinogenic properties. In addition, it possesses enzymatic acivity and participates in modulation of immune system. There are two ways in which lactoferrin can be produced: isolation, which gives native lactoferrin; and recombinant DNA technology, which gives recombinant lactoferrin. Today lactoferrin has a wide application in infant formulas, yogurt, skim milk, animal feed, skin care products, oral care products. Besides, it is also applied in pregnant women suffering of anaemia and hypoferremia (instead of ferrous sulphate, which causes side effects); and in prevention of chorioamnionitis resulting in premature birth

    Assessment of fermented milk products adequacy in diet of lactose intolerant persons

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    Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi su važan izvor mnogobrojnih hranjivih tvari za koje je poznato da imaju različite pozitivne utjecaje na zdravlje ljudi. S druge strane, mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi mogu izvazvati alergije i intolerancije. Alergija se veže uz proteine mlijeka koji izazivaju imunološku reakciju, dok intoleranciju izaziva mliječni šećer, laktoza, zbog smanjene aktivnosti enzima laktaze koji ga razgrađuje na glukozu i galaktozu. Kako bi izbjegli neugodne simptome intolerancije na laktozu, osobe s intolerancijom na laktozu mogu konzumirati fermentirane mliječne proizvode za koje je poznato da imaju smanjeni sadržaj laktoze. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti udio laktoze u komercijalnim fermentiranim mliječnim napitcima HPLC metodom te procijeniti u kojoj mjeri su ovi proizvodi prikladni za prehranu osoba s intolerancijom na laktozu. Analiziran je ukupno 21 uzorak fermentiranih mliječnih napitaka u kojima se udio laktoze kretao od 2,61 - 4,63 g/100 g. Temeljem utvrđene količine laktoze u analiziranim uzorcima i pretpostavke da većina osoba s intolerancijom na laktozu može dnevno unijeti do 6 g laktoze bez poteškoća procjenjeno je da prihvatljiva konzumacija analiziranih fermentiranih proizvoda bez nepoželjnih posljedica iznosi 130 - 230 g.Milk and dairy products are an important source of many nutrients that are known to have many beneficial effects on human health. On the other hand, milk and dairy products can cause allergies and intolerances. Allergy is associated with milk proteins that cause immune reactions, while intolerance is caused by a milk sugar, lactose, due to reduced activity of enzyme lactase which breaks it into glucose and galactose. To avoid the unpleasant symptoms of lactose intolerance, lactose intolerant persons can consume fermented milk products that are known to have reduced lactose content. The aim of this study was to determine the content of lactose in commercial fermented dairy beverages by HPLC method and assess their adequacy in diet of lactose intolerant persons. Altogether 13 samples of fermented milk products were analyzed and lactose content ranged from 2,61 – 4,63 g/100 g. Based on determined lactose content and a presumption that most of lactose intolerant persons can digest up to 6 g of lactose on a daily basis without obvious symptoms it is assessed that acceptable amount of analysed products ranges from 130 to 230 g

    Lactoferrin - functional component with wide spectrum of activity

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    Laktoferin je protein izgrađen od 700 aminokiselina koji pripada u skupinu transferina. Budući da ima sposobnost reverzibilnog vezanja Fe3+, postoje dva oblika: apolaktoferin i hololaktoferin. Laktoferin kao multifunkcionalan protein posjeduje antimikrobna, antibakterijska, antiviralna, antifungalna, antiparazitna, te antikancerogena svojstva. Osim toga posjeduje i enzimsku aktivnost, te sudjeluje u oblikovanju imuniteta. Dva su načina dobivanja laktoferina: izolacija, kojom se dobiva nativni laktoferin; te rekombinantna DNA tehnologija, kojom se dobiva rekombinantni laktoferin. Danas laktoferin ima široku primjenu i to u dojenačkim formulama, jogurtu, obranom mlijeku, hrani za životinje, proizvodima za njegu kože, proizvodima za oralnu njegu. Osim toga, laktoferin se primjenuje i kod trudnica i to: kod trudnica koje pate od anemije i hipoferemije (umjesto željezovog sulfata koji izaziva nuspojave); te u prevenciji korioamnionitisa koji rezultira preuranjenim porodom.Lactoferrin is a protein of 700 amino acids that belongs to a group of transferrin. Since it has the ability of reversible binding of Fe3+, there are two forms: apolactoferrin and hololactoferrin. Lactoferrin as a multifunctional protein possesses antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic and anticarcinogenic properties. In addition, it possesses enzymatic acivity and participates in modulation of immune system. There are two ways in which lactoferrin can be produced: isolation, which gives native lactoferrin; and recombinant DNA technology, which gives recombinant lactoferrin. Today lactoferrin has a wide application in infant formulas, yogurt, skim milk, animal feed, skin care products, oral care products. Besides, it is also applied in pregnant women suffering of anaemia and hypoferremia (instead of ferrous sulphate, which causes side effects); and in prevention of chorioamnionitis resulting in premature birth

    Gesundheit und Gesundheitsversorgung von trans Personen während der COVID‑19-Pandemie : eine Online-Querschnittstudie in deutschsprachigen Ländern

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    Background and objective Since spring of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our day-to-day lives and led to negative consequences in various areas of life, including mental and physical wellbeing. In this article, we take a closer look at the situation of trans people, who - due to experiences with discrimination and marginalization as well as their specific health-related interests - could be characterized by a particular vulnerability. Methods Using an online cross-sectional survey, which we designed collaboratively with experts from the trans community, we investigated the mental and physical health of trans people from German-speaking countries and their access to trans-related healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic in the period from 1 May 2020 to 31 January 2021. Results Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, trans people have experienced barriers in access to gender-affirming treatments, mental health services, and COVID-19-related medical care. At the same time, trans people reported being affected by chronic diseases disproportionately more often than the general population, including those leading to a higher risk for poorer outcomes of a COVID-19 infection. Moreover, the participants reported being exposed to many risk factors associated with higher mental distress (e.g., having a chronic illness, belonging to a minority based on a non-heterosexual orientation, or having a low income). Discussion The results of this survey indicate that prior vulnerabilities with regards to health problems and the restricted access to an informed and qualified transgender healthcare were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic