3,119 research outputs found

    The Tropos Software Development Methodology: Processes, Models and Diagrams

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    Tropos is a novel agent-oriented software development methodology founded on two key features: (i) the notions of agent, goal, plan and various other knowledge level concepts are fundamental primitives used uniformly throughout the software development process; and (ii) a crucial role is assigned to requirements analysis and specification when the system-to-be is analyzed with respect to its intended environment. This paper provides a (first) detailed account of the Tropos methodology. In particular, we describe the basic concepts on which Tropos is founded and the types of models one builds out of them. We also specify the analysis process through which design flows from external to system actors through a goal analysis and delegation. In addition, we provide an abstract syntax for Tropos diagrams and other linguistic constructs

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAnthropologists provide a valuable service to the medico-legal community. They are tasked with creating a biological profile and helping with the ultimate identification of unknown remains. This can often be a difficult task when the anthropologists require something to which they can compare the biological profile and create a small group of potential matches. This endeavor can be greatly enhanced by access to medical patient databases and identification techniques which are able to utilize specific disease databases in conjunction with the biological profile. The research presented here explores the genetic connection between the eye disease Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), and the bone disease Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL) as a new avenue of identification. The research conducted looked at the specific genetic marker that connects the two diseases, the interaction of this genetic risk factor with other risk genes in AMD, and the prevalence and presentation of OPLL in non-Asian populations. The results of the project provided a great deal of insight into a possible therapeutic target for AMD and suggests that the previously reported statistics on OPLL both in, and out, of Asia are grossly underestimated, thus the disease should be reexamined in all populations throughout the world. In addition, the results and parameters of this research advocate future research into an identification method based on the genetic connection between these two diseases

    Intergroup reconciliation between Flemings and Walloons : the predictive value of cognitive style, authoritarian ideology, and intergroup emotions

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    Testifying to the gap in fundamental research on positive intergroup outcomes, we investigated reconciliation attitudes in a non-violent intergroup context (i.e., the linguistic conflict in Belgium). By incorporating both important predictors of negative outgroup attitudes (i.e., individual differences in rigid cognitive styles and authoritarian ideologies), and important predictors of reconciliation (i.e., intergroup emotions), we aimed to contribute to a more comprehensive theoretical framework for the analysis of intergroup relations. We recruited one Flemish ('N' = 310) and one Walloon ('N' = 365) undergraduate students sample to test the proposed model. Structural equation analyses with maximum likelihood estimation were conducted using the Lavaan package. In both samples, similar patterns were found. More in particular, the need for cognitive closure appeared to be the basic predictor of right-wing attitudes (i.e., right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation) and essentialist thinking, which were then associated with less outgroup empathy and trust, and more outgroup anger. Furthermore, outgroup trust and empathy were positively related to reconciliation. Interestingly, some differences between the Flemish and Walloon sample were found, such as the direct effects of need for closure and social dominance orientation in the first sample, and the non-significant effects of essentialism in the latter sample. Considering the ongoing public and political debate about the linguistic conflict in Belgium, these findings shed a new light on how individual differences relate to specific outgroup emotions, and how these are associated with important intergroup outcomes in the face of intergroup conflict

    Démarche d’initiation à la pratique réflexive en formation initiale des professeurs des écoles dans le cadre de leur développement professionnel tout au long de la carrière

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    Comprend des références bibliographiquesDepuis la rentrée 2016, la formation des Master 2 MEEF proposée au sein de notre établissement s’organise autour du référentiel de compétences national des métiers du professorat et de l’éducation. L’enjeu de la formation n’est pas seulement de développer les compétences nécessaires à l’exercice du métier mais aussi de donner aux professeurs des écoles (PE) en devenir les moyens de se développer professionnellement, tout au long de leur carrière. Afin d’accompagner les étudiants-stagiaires dans leur développement professionnel, deux dispositifs ont été intégrés à la formation : la proposition d’un sujet de recherche lié au développement professionnel du PE, dans le cadre des Travaux Encadrés Personnalisés (TEP) et la mise en place d’une démarche portfolio. Comment donner les moyens aux professionnels en devenir d’agir en praticiens réflexifs ? Comment les amener à saisir l’intérêt d’une telle démarche alors qu’ils commencent tout juste à enseigner ? Comment faire en sorte que cette démarche leur soit utile dans leur formation mais surtout au-delà de leur formation, tout au long de leur carrière ? À travers nos retours d’expérience et les échanges avec les étudiants que nous formons, nous nous intéresserons à la dimension collaborative et à l’individualisation au sein de ces dispositifs qui doivent permettre à chaque étudiant-stagiaire de construire son propre parcours et de le faire évoluer en fonction de ses besoins

    Independent Auditors\u27 Report and Financial Statements, 2006

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    This resource is one among many in the UMSLCAB open dataset at IRL.UMSL.edu/CABhttps://irl.umsl.edu/cab/1349/thumbnail.jp

    Independent Auditors\u27 Report and Financial Statements, 2005

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    This resource is one among many in the UMSLCAB open dataset at IRL.UMSL.edu/CABhttps://irl.umsl.edu/cab/1347/thumbnail.jp
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