583 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of Acute Injuries in Surfing: Type, Location, Mechanism, Severity, and Incidence: A Systematic Review

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    Prospective and retrospective studies have examined traumatic injuries within competitive and recreational surfers worldwide using online surveys and health care facility (HCF; e.g., hospital, emergency department, medical record) data. However, few studies have provided a synthesis of all available literature. The purpose of this study was to obtain, critique and synthesise all literature specific to acute surfing injuries, and evaluate differences in injury type, mechanism and location between HCF and survey data. A systematic literature review design was used to identify relevant articles from three major databases. Peer-reviewed epidemiological studies of musculoskeletal surfing injuries were included. A modified AXIS tool was used for critical appraisal, and objective data was extracted and synthesized by lead researchers. Overall frequencies for injury location, type and mechanism were calculated from raw injury data. A total of 19 cross-sectional articles of fair to good quality (Modified AXIS 54.2–83.3%) were included in this study; 17 were National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) level III-2 (retrospective) and two were level II (prospective). Articles examined competitive, recreational and combined populations. Injury data from Australia, Brazil, UK, USA, Portugal, Japan, Norway, and worldwide were represented. Skin (46.0%; HCF 50.1%, survey 43.8%) and being struck by own surfboard (38.6%; HCF 73.4%, survey 36.7%) were the most common injury type and mechanism. Head, face and neck injuries were most common in HCF (43.1%) versus lower limb injuries (36.4%) in survey data. Incidence proportion was highest in aerialists (0.48). Incidence rate (number of injuries per 1000 h) ranged from 0.74 in Australian surfers (Melbourne) to 6.6 in international contest surfers from medical record data. This review highlights the prevalence of skin, board-related, head, face and neck, and lower limb surfing injuries across available literature. Proposed use of protective equipment and foam-based surfboards in dangerous or crowded surf locations may reduce injury risk

    A Survey of Family Life and Sex Education Programs in Washington Secondary Schools

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    The purpose of this project was to measure the incidence of family life and sex education in Washington secondary schools; to discover what departments or academic areas include such education in the curriculum; who the teachers are, and the nature of their preparation; to gain a definitive description of what kind of education is attempted under this heading; and to evaluate needs and opportunities for expanded and improved family life and sex education in the State of Washington

    A Comparative Study Of Twelfth-Grade Social Studies Using A Student-Activity Method, A Traditional Method, And A Combination Traditional-Activity Method Of Instruction.

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    The problem statement. The twelfth grade social studies in the Merced Union High School District had been traditional in its organization and structure until the mid 1960\u27s. 10 At that time the district-began to encourage teachers of government to draft new goals and innovate new methods of instruction in the government curriculum. Three separate methods of teaching twelfth grade social studies emerged as a result of that encouragement. In the Atwater High School, an activity-centered approach uses team teaching in which the emphasis is on having students involved in doing rather than listening and reading about government. This method includes such activities as learning activity packages, simulated games, a moot court using actual trial transcripts that the students themselves have obtained from county records, a mock assembly run by students to see the workings of a state government, and a mock convention to learn about the processes of national politics. In contrast, a second high school, Livingston High School, teaches twelfth grade government in a traditional method: lecture, class discussion, readings from a basic text, and examinations at the end of given units of subject matter. A third high school, Merced High School, North Campus, teaches government using an activity-traditional approach. In this approach, Time magazine is used as the basic text. Articles are read and discussed by the entire class. A lecture is then given by the instructor to link the current event aspect of the selected articles to their historical backgrounds. The basic text used in the district is used as a source for reference materials. The program is traditional in the sense that instruction is teacher centered more than student centered. The student activities consist of learning-activity packages, student debates, and independent study. (See Appendix F.) The question under investigation then is: Will instruction in twelfth grade social studies utilizing a student-activity method be a more effective method of preparing students in the cognitive and affective areas of citizenship than instruction using a traditional method or a combination traditional activity method of instruction? An experimental design will be used to compare the innovative classes emphasizing student activities with traditional classes and classes taught in a combination traditional-activity method

    Relational Psychoanalysis at the Heart of Teaching and Learning : Cher Dr. Amour

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    Dr. Lissa D’Amour brings together relational psychoanalysis and developmental theory to offer practitioners of education an opportunity to unify theories of learning into a cohesive “dialectic model of learning and of learning’s refusal” (D’Amour, 2020, p. 142), a unification sorely needed in mathematics education as educators in Alberta feud over ‘back-to-basics’. Dr. D’Amour’s (2020) book, entitled Relational Psychoanalysis at the Heart of Teaching and Learning: How and Why It Matters, attempts to kick-start conversations about the relationships present in classrooms and offers respite from, and an alternative perspective of, the educational behemoth I have become a part of, one that increasingly ignores us humans, the relationships we have and our affective attunement with all that is around us.Dr. Lissa D’Amour rĂ©unit la psychanalyse relationnelle et la thĂ©orie dĂ©veloppementale afin d’offrir aux praticiens de l’éducation une opportunitĂ© d’unifier les thĂ©ories d’apprentissage en un « modĂšle d’apprentissage dialectique et de refus d’apprentissage » cohĂ©rent (D’Amour, 2020, p. 142), une unification extrĂȘmement nĂ©cessaire dans l’enseignement des mathĂ©matiques comme en Alberta oĂč les Ă©ducateurs se battent pour un « retour aux sources ». Le livre de Dr. D’Amour (2020), intitulĂ© Relational Psychoanalysis at the Heart of Teaching and Learning: How and Why It Matters (Psychanalyse relationnelle au cƓur de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage : comment et pourquoi c’est important), tente de susciter des discussions au sujet des relations observĂ©es en salles de classe et offre un rĂ©pit et une autre perspective du gĂ©ant systĂšme Ă©ducatif dont je fais dĂ©sormais partie, qui ignore de plus en plus les ĂȘtres humains que nous sommes, les relations que nous entretenons et notre harmonisation affective avec tout ce qui nous entoure


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    Reviews of Discovering the Future; The Business of Paradigms, by Joel Baker; Translate to Communicate: A Guide for Translators, by Mary M.F. Massoud; A Farmer\u27s Primer on Growing Soybeans on Riceland, by R. K. Pandey

    Group-wise 3D registration based templates to study the evolution of ant worker neuroanatomy

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    The evolutionary success of ants and other social insects is considered to be intrinsically linked to division of labor and emergent collective intelligence. The role of the brains of individual ants in generating these processes, however, is poorly understood. One genus of ant of special interest is Pheidole, which includes more than a thousand species, most of which are dimorphic, i.e. their colonies contain two subcastes of workers: minors and majors. Using confocal imaging and manual annotations, it has been demonstrated that minor and major workers of different ages of three species of Pheidole have distinct patterns of brain size and subregion scaling. However, these studies require laborious effort to quantify brain region volumes and are subject to potential bias. To address these issues, we propose a group-wise 3D registration approach to build for the first time bias-free brain atlases of intra- and inter-subcaste individuals and automatize the segmentation of new individuals.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, preprint for conference (not reviewed

    Input-Output and Hybrid Techniques for Real-Time Prediction of Delay and Maximum Queue Length at Signalized Intersections

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    Vehicle delay and queue length are quantitative measures of intersection performance. The technological advancement in the field of vehicle sensors and traffic controllers has reached a point where it has enabled efficient measurement of these performance measures. Two techniques are presented for real-time measurement of vehicle delay and queue length at a signalized Intersection, and these automated delay and queue estimates are compared with manually ground-truthed measurement. These techniques were evaluated at an instrumented intersection in Noblesville, Indiana. The root-mean-square error by both techniques was below 0.7 veh-s for-estimation of average delay and less than 0.15 vehicle for estimation of average maximum queue length, both on a cycle-by-cycle basis
