8 research outputs found

    First results of site testing program at Mt. Shatdzhatmaz in 2007 - 2009

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    We present the first results of the site testing performed at Mt.~Shatdzhatmaz at Northern Caucasus, where the new Sternberg astronomical institute 2.5-m telescope will be installed. An automatic site monitor instrumentation and functionality are described together with the methods of measurement of the basic astroclimate and weather parameters. The clear night sky time derived on the basis of 2006 -- 2009 data amounts to 1340 hours per year. Principle attention is given to the measurement of the optical turbulence altitude distribution which is the most important characteristic affecting optical telescopes performance. For the period from November 2007 to October 2009 more than 85\,000 turbulence profiles were collected using the combined MASS/DIMM instrument. The statistical properties of turbulent atmosphere above the summit are derived and the median values for seeing β0=0.93\beta_0 = 0.93~arcsec and free-atmosphere seeing βfree=0.51\beta_{free} = 0.51~arcsec are determined. Together with the estimations of isoplanatic angle θ0=2.07\theta_0 = 2.07~arcsec and time constant \tau_0 = 2.58 \mbox{ ms}, these are the first representative results obtained for Russian sites which are necessary for development of modern astronomical observation techniques like adaptive optics.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 17 pages, 15 figure


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    Environmental compatibility of construction materials and their impact onto the human organism and the environment are the essential factors to be taken account of in the course of construction. Therefore, natural renewable biological polymers arouse interest. Polysaccharide chitin takes a special position among them. It represents one of the most widely spread biological polymers; it is extracted from 100% renewable materials. It is part of the external skeleton of crustaceans and insects, and it also part of cell walls of mushrooms and algae. Any research of potential materials to be generated from chitin and its derivative chitosan may involve a practical implementation. The research of the antistatic properties followed the introduction of 1% of chitosan into the cement composition. Electrostatic field intensity was measured by Electrostatic Field Intensity Meter ST-01. The electrostatic property of the sample modified by chitosan turned out to be lower than the one of the benchmark sample by 5.6 times. The presence of chitosan in the cement composition makes no impact on strength-related properties of the construction material. The cement composition modified by chitosan may be used in the manufacturing of antistatic self-leveling floors


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    Alimentary allergy in infants occurs because of intolerance to the cow’s milk protein. Infant formulas with hydrolyzed protein are widely used for the prophylaxis and treatment of alimentary allergy in children. The article describes main peculiarities and principles of administration of hypoallergenic infant formulas and formulas based on hydrolyzates of serum proteins or casein. Special attention is given to the nutrients’ role (nucleotides, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids), included into hypoallergenic formulas. The peculiarities and terms of supplementary feeding introduction in patients with alimentary allergy are discussed. Key words: children, alimentary allergy, hypoallergenic formulas, nucleotides, oligosaccharides.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2010;9(1):150-156

    Erosion protection Phytoreinforcement of SCARP steep slopes of the holy virgin’s DITCH

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    Erosion protection landscaping embedment of steep subsoil slopes is a time-sensitive issue of road construction and planning of recreational area that are often fit on a challenging picturesque terrain unsuitable for site development. The article provides the results of a 4-year experiment on landscaping and plant fixing of up to 4.5 m soil slopes with 1:1 and 2:1 grades; the experiment was carried out by the MGSU on the territory of a convent in the south of the Nizhniy Novgorod region. The site has slopes oriented towards all cardinals. At some places the slopes are bedimmed by trees. All these factors create a wide range of geo-ecological conditions for lawns. All the slopes are fixed with geo-fibrefill grids; slopes with 2:1 grade are strengthened by auxiliary grids made of reinforced metal bars, anchors and braces on the bottom of the Holy Moat. The paper recommends composition of grass plants as well as techniques to build up lawns suitable for various micro-climate conditions. It also advises the structure of multi-tier plant entity. The suggested methods are tested during a 3-year maintenance of slopes built for constant use

    Prevention of biogenic destruction by adding chitosan into the composition of cement

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    The objective of this research is to study the fungicidal properties of the cement composition modified by chitosan (deacetylation rate - 95%, molecular weight - 200 kDm (MM 2,7x105)). The optimal concentration of chitosan is identified so that its infusion into the cement paste did not deteriorate the physical and mechanical characteristics, structure and composition of the latter. The authors have identified that the infusion of 1% chitosan (in relation to the cement mass) into the cement composition is optimal. It has resulted in (1) the slight improvement of the strength properties of modified samples, (2) the reduction of dimensions of the porous space alongside with the increase in the number of gel pores (20%), (3) the reduction of the number of capillary pores (5%). The other subject of this research represents interaction of 1% (and lower concentrations of) chitosan with calcium hydroxide. No interaction between 2% chitosan and calcium hydroxide is identified. The conclusion is that the infusion of 1% chitosan into the cement composition provides it with fungicidal and fungistatic properties, while the strength characteristic of the cement paste is slightly improved


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    Subject: the article describes the structure, technologies of construction, gardening and exploitation of the Holy Trinity Seraphimo-Diveevsky Monastery - the ancient linear fortification consisting of a ditch and an earth embankment that is located directly above the ditch. Research objectives: ensure the stability of slopes, create a technique for gardening of steep slopes in difficult microclimatic conditions, ensure drainage of water. Materials and methods: the computational techniques were used to ensure stability of slopes, and experimental techniques were applied for their phyto-fixation; geosynthetics, rebar grids, varietal herbs, gooseberries and thuja were used. Results: for recreation of the unique structure, a special set of design, survey and construction works was developed, as well as works to maintain the structure during its exploitation. In particular, we have developed the method of detection of the recreated ditch based on the stratification of bulk soils by their age; the methods for fastening the slopes; lawn grass mixture formula for slopes with angles of 45° and 65°; drainage system. Conclusions: owing to the research work, for the first time this construction was completed with the required parameters, while the earlier recreation attempts failed due to erosion and landslide processes. The developed methods can be applied for recreation of other ancient defensive fortifications on the fields of great battles and for landscaping the territories with complex relief

    Immunomicrobiocenosis of periodontal pockets

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    В роботі вивчені особливості імуномікробіоценозу пародонтальних кишень 36 хворих на генералізований пародонтит І та ІІ ступеня тяжкості. Виявлене збільшення загальної мікробної заселеності пародонтальних кишень у 12 разів (р˂0,05), підвищення частоти колонізації агресивної умовно-патогенної мікрофлори та зменшення частоти виявлення симбіонтної стабілізуючої мікрофлори. Встановлено, що у хворих на генералізований пародонтит І та ІІ ступеня тяж- кості спостерігається фагоцитарна недостатність клітин крові; В работе изучены особенности иммуномикробиоценоза пародонтальних карманов 36 больных генерализованным пародонтитом І и ІІ степени тяжести. Обнаружено увеличение общей микробной заселенности пародонтальних карманов в 12 раз (р˂0,05), повышение частоты колонизации агрессивной условно-патогенной микрофлоры и уменьшение частоты выявления симбионтной стабилизирующей микрофлоры. Установлено, что у больных генерализованным па- родонтитом І и ІІ степени тяжести наблюдается фагоцитарная недостаточность клеток крови; On the basis of modern microbiological and immunological methods the features of immunomicribiocenosis of periodontal pockets are studied 36 patients on generalized periodontitis І and ІІ degree. Found out the increase of general microbal population density of periodontal pockets in 12 times (р˂0,05), increases of frequency of colonization of aggressive casual payhogenic microflora and diminishing of frequency of exposure of symbiothic stabillity of microflora. It is set that for patients on generalized periodontitis І and ІІ degree of weight there is phagocytic insufficiency of blood cells