61 research outputs found

    The role of women’s empowerment and male engagement in pregnancy healthcare seeking behaviors in western Kenya

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    We sought to understand whether women’s empowerment and male partner engagement were associated with use of antenatal care (ANC). Women presenting for ANC in Nyanza province of Kenya between June 2015 and May 2016, were approached for participation. A total of 137 pregnant women and 96 male partners completed baseline assessments. Women’s empowerment was measured using the modified Sexual Relationship Power Scale. ANC use measures included timing of the first ANC visit and number of visits. Male engagement was based on whether a husband reported accompanying his wife to one or more antenatal visits during the pregnancy. Multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors independently related to use and timing of ANC. Women with higher mean empowerment scores were likely to have more than one ANC visit in the index pregnancy [Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) = 2.8, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.1–7.3], but empowerment was not associated with early ANC use. Women who were more empowered were less likely to have a husband who reported attending an ANC visit with his wife (AOR = 0.1, 95% CI: 0.03–0.8). Women’s empowerment is important and may be related to ANC use and engagement of male partners in complex ways

    Power and the association with relationship quality in South African couples: Implications for HIV/AIDS interventions.

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    Introduction: power imbalances within sexual relationships have significant implications for HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. Little is known about how power influences the quality of a relationship, which could be an important pathway leading to healthy behavior around HIV/AIDS.Methods: this paper uses data from 448 heterosexual couples (896 individuals) in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa who completed baseline surveys from 2012 to 2014 as part of a couples-based HIV intervention trial. Using an actor-partner interdependence perspective, we assessed: (1) how both partners' perceptions of power influences their own (i.e., actor effect) and their partner's reports of relationship quality (i.e., partner effect); and (2) whether these associations differed by gender. We examined three constructs related to power (female power, male equitable gender norms, and shared power) and four domains of relationship quality (intimacy, trust, mutually constructive communication, and conflict).Results: for actor effects, shared power was strongly and consistently associated with higher relationship quality across all four domains. The effect of shared power on trust, mutually constructive communication, and conflict were stronger for men than women. The findings for female power and male equitable gender norms were more mixed. Female power was positively associated with women's reports of trust and mutually constructive communication, but negatively associated with intimacy. Male equitable gender norms were positively associated with men's reports of mutually constructive communication. For partner effects, male equitable gender norms were positively associated with women's reports of intimacy and negatively associated with women's reports of conflict.Conclusions: research and health interventions aiming to improving HIV-related behaviors should consider sources of shared power within couples and potential leverage points for empowerment at the couple level. Efforts solely focused on empowering women should also take the dyadic environment and men's perspectives into account to ensure positive relationship outcome

    Ambiguity, Ambivalence, and Apprehensions of Taking HIV-1 Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Male Couples in San Francisco: A Mixed Methods Study

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    Objective: We conducted a mixed-methods study to examine serodiscordant and seroconcordant (HIV-positive/HIVpositive) male couples’ PrEP awareness, concerns regarding health care providers offering PrEP to the community, and correlates of PrEP uptake by the HIV-negative member of the couple. Design: Qualitative sub-study included one-on-one interviews to gain a deeper understanding of participants’ awareness of and experiences with PrEP and concerns regarding health care providers offering PrEP to men who have sex with men (MSM). Quantitative analyses consisted of a cross-sectional study in which participants were asked about the likelihood of PrEP uptake by the HIV-negative member of the couple and level of agreement with health care providers offering PrEP to anyone requesting it. Methods: We used multivariable regression to examine associations between PrEP questions and covariates of interest and employed an inductive approach to identify key qualitative themes. Results: Among 328 men (164 couples), 62% had heard about PrEP, but approximately one-quarter were mistaking it with post-exposure prophylaxis. The majority of participants had low endorsement of PrEP uptake and 40% were uncertain if health care providers should offer PrEP to anyone requesting it. Qualitative interviews with 32 men suggest that this uncertainty likely stems from concerns regarding increased risk compensation. Likelihood of future PrEP uptake by the HIVnegative member of the couple was positively associated with unprotected insertive anal intercourse but negatively correlated with unprotected receptive anal intercourse. Conclusions: Findings suggest that those at greatest risk may not be receptive of PrEP. Those who engage in moderate risk express more interest in PrEP; however, many voice concerns of increased risk behavior in tandem with PrEP use. Results indicate a need for further education of MSM communities and the need to determine appropriate populations in which PrEP can have the highest impact

    Supportive couple relationships buffer against the harms of HIV stigma on HIV treatment adherence

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    Abstract Introduction HIV stigma can impact couple relationships through stress or bring partners closer through shared experiences. Conversely, couple relationships may protect against the harms of stigma, including anticipated stigma on negative health outcomes. Yet few studies have assessed the potential link between HIV stigma, relationship dynamics, and antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence. Using dyadic data from a cross-sectional study of Malawian couples living with HIV, we tested associations between anticipated stigma and: 1) relationship dynamics (e.g., trust, sexual satisfaction, communication) and partner support; and 2) self-reported ART adherence. Methods Heterosexual couples (211 couples, 422 individuals) with at least one partner on ART were recruited from clinics in Zomba, Malawi. Partners completed separate surveys on anticipated stigma, relationship dynamics, and ART adherence. Linear mixed models evaluated associations between anticipated stigma and relationship dynamics, and whether associations varied by gender. Generalized estimating equation models tested for associations between anticipated stigma and high ART adherence (90–100% vs. < 90%) at the individual level, and whether they were moderated by relationship dynamics at the couple level. Results Couples' relationship length averaged 12.5 years, 66.8% were HIV sero-concordant, and 95.6% reported high ART adherence. In multivariable models, sexual satisfaction (β = -0.22, 95%CI = -0.41;-0.03, p = 0.020) and partner social support (β = -0.02, 95%CI = -0.04;-0.01, p < 0.01) were negatively associated with anticipated stigma. Significant interaction effects showed that adherence is moderated in couples with higher partner support and sexual satisfaction such that adherence is lowest when anticipated stigma is high and social support is low, and that adherence is lowest when anticipated stigma is high and sexual satisfaction is low. Conclusions Increased anticipated stigma is most associated with lower ART non-adherence at lower levels of social support and sexual satisfaction. Conversely, supportive and fulfilling relationships may buffer the negative association between stigma and ART adherence. Couples’ interventions that focus on improving communication and support systems within couples could reduce the negative impacts of anticipated stigma on couples living with HIV