28 research outputs found

    Isolation and Molecular Characterization of a Novel Cytopathogenic Paramyxovirus from Tree Shrews

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    AbstractA cytopathic infectious agent was isolated from the kidneys of an apparently healthy tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) that had been captured in the area around Bangkok. The infectivity was propagated in Tupaia fibroblast and kidney cell cultures. Paramyxovirus-like pleomorphic enveloped particles and helical nucleocapsids were observed by electron microscopy and accordingly the infectious agent was termed Tupaia paramyxovirus (TPMV). However, no serological cross-reactions were detected between TPMV and known paramyxoviruses. For the molecular characterization of TPMV an experimental strategy that allows the random-primed synthesis of relatively large cDNA molecules from viral genomic RNA was applied. Nucleotide sequence analysis of a TPMV-specific cDNA fragment (1544 bp) revealed two nonoverlapping partial open reading frames corresponding to paramyxoviral N and P transcription units. Using modified rapid amplification of cDNA ends techniques, a substantial contiguous portion of the viral genome (4065 nt) was elucidated including the complete N and P/V/C genes. The coding strategy of TPMV as well as significant amino acid sequence homologies clearly indicates an evolutionary relationship between TPMV and members of the genus Morbillivirus. Highest homologies were detected between TPMV and Hendra virus (equine morbillivirus), which recently emerged in Australia, causing outbreaks of fatal respiratory and neurological disease in horses and humans

    Nucleotide sequence analysis of the env gene and its flanking regions of the human spumaretrovirus reveals two novel genes

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    Recombinant clonesthat represent the 3' part ofthe genome of the human spumaretrovirus (foamy virus) were established from viral DNA and from DNA complementary to viral RNA. The recombinant clones were characterized by blot hybridizations and nucleotide sequence analysis. The deduced protein sequence of the clones at their 5' ends was found to be homologous to the 3' domain of retroviral reverse transcriptases. Downstream of a small intergerne pol-env region a long open reading frame of 985 amino acid residues was identified that according to its genomic location, size, glycosylation signals, and hydrophobicity protile closely resembles the lentiviral env genes. The spumaretroviral env gene is followed by two open reading frames, termed bel-l and bel-2 which are located between env and the long terminal repeat region. The long terminal repeat of 1259 nucleotides is preceded by a polypurine tract and contains the canonical signal sequences characteristic for transcriptional regulation of retroviruses. The provisional classitication of the spumaretrovirus subfamily is discussed

    Characterization of the Tupaia Rhabdovirus Genome Reveals a Long Open Reading Frame Overlapping with P and a Novel Gene Encoding a Small Hydrophobic Protein

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    Rhabdoviruses are negative-stranded RNA viruses of the order Mononegavirales and have been isolated from vertebrates, insects, and plants. Members of the genus Lyssavirus cause the invariably fatal disease rabies, and a member of the genus Vesiculovirus, Chandipura virus, has recently been associated with acute encephalitis in children. We present here the complete genome sequence and transcription map of a rhabdovirus isolated from cultivated cells of hepatocellular carcinoma tissue from a moribund tree shrew. The negative-strand genome of tupaia rhabdovirus is composed of 11,440 nucleotides and encodes six genes that are separated by one or two intergenic nucleotides. In addition to the typical rhabdovirus genes in the order N-P-M-G-L, a gene encoding a small hydrophobic putative type I transmembrane protein of approximately 11 kDa was identified between the M and G genes, and the corresponding transcript was detected in infected cells. Similar to some Vesiculoviruses and many Paramyxovirinae, the P gene has a second overlapping reading frame that can be accessed by ribosomal choice and encodes a protein of 26 kDa, predicted to be the largest C protein of these virus families. Phylogenetic analyses of the tupaia rhabdovirus N and L genes show that the virus is distantly related to the Vesiculoviruses, Ephemeroviruses, and the recently characterized Flanders virus and Oita virus and further extends the sequence territory occupied by animal rhabdoviruses

    Characterization of early gene transcripts of molluscum contagiosum virus

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    Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV), a member of the family Poxviridae, replicates wellin vivobut cannot be propagated in cell culture. The coding capacity of the MCV genome was previously determined by DNA nucleotide sequence analysis. The objective of the present study was to establish experimental systems for the identification and characterization of early MCV gene transcripts. MCV mRNA was obtained in three ways: (1) MCV early mRNA was synthesizedin vitrousing permeabilized virions, (2) MCV mRNA was extracted from MCV-infected skin tissue, and (3) MCV mRNA was extracted from MCV-infected human embryonic fibroblasts. RNA/DNA hybridization experiments showed significant early transcriptional activity in two parts of the MCV genome. Transcripts of 11 early MCV genes located in these parts of the genome, including two subunits of the MCV DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (mc077R and mc079R), the MCV poly(A)+polymerase gene (mc076R), and the MCV MHC class I homolog (mc080R), were detected in reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction experiments. Total RNA obtained from MCV-infected skin tissue was used to confirm these results. Three MCV early transcripts, mc002L, mc004.1L, and mc005L, produced distinct bands on rapid amplification of their 3′ ends (3′ RACE). The 5′ mapping of transcription start sites of MCV open reading frames (ORFs) mc002L, mc004.1L, mc005L, and mc148R revealed that the MCV RNA polymerase transcription start sites are consistently located between 11 and 13 nucleotides downstream of the early MCV consensus promoter signal. When cDNA from both 5′ and 3′ mapping experiments was analyzed, MCV ORFs mc004.1L and mc005L were found to be transcribed as a single bicistronic mRNA. The transcript from MCV ORF mc066L, encoding a glutathione peroxidase, was detected inin vitrosynthesized MCV mRNA as well as in total RNA from MCV-infected human embryonic fibroblasts and MCV-infected skin. This indicates that despite the lack of an early MCV consensus promoter signal immediately proximal to the start codon, this particular gene is transcribed early during MCV infection

    Genomic characterization of molluscum contagiosum virus type 1: Identification of the repetitive DNA sequences in the viral genome

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    The genomes (188 kbp) of the prototypeMolluscum contagiosum virus type 1 (MCV-1) and a variant strain (MCV-1v) were characterized by construction of the physical maps of the viral DNA for the restriction enzymesBamHI,ClaI,EcoRI, andHindIII using a defined gene library harboring the DNA sequences of the MCV-1 genome and by DNA-DNA hybridizations. It was found that the genomes of both MCV strains are identical, with the exception of very few changes in the DNA fragmentation patterns of restriction endonucleaseBamHI as a consequence of naturally occurring nucleotide exchanges in the genome of the variant strain. Detailed hybridization experiments revealed the existence of repetitive DNA sequences, which are located within the terminal regions of the viral genome at the map coordinates 0 to 0.027 and 0.973 to 1

    Characterization of the Complete Genome of the Tupaia (Tree Shrew) Adenovirus

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    The members of the family Adenoviridae are widely spread among vertebrate host species and normally cause acute but innocuous infections. Special attention is focused on adenoviruses because of their ability to transform host cells, their possible application in vector technology, and their phylogeny. The primary structure of the genome of Tupaia adenovirus (TAV), which infects Tupaia spp. (tree shrew) was determined. Tree shrews are taxonomically assumed to be at the base of the phylogenetic tree of mammals and are frequently used as laboratory animals in neurological and behavior research. The TAV genome is 33,501 bp in length with a G+C content of 49.96% and has 166-bp inverted terminal repeats. Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence resulted in the identification of 109 open reading frames (ORFs) with a coding capacity of at least 40 amino acid residues. Thirty-eight of them are predicted to encode viral proteins based on the presence of transcription and translation signals and sequence and positional conservation. Thirty viral ORFs were found to show significant similarities to known adenoviral genes, arranged into discrete early and late genome regions as they are known from mastadenoviruses. Analysis of the nucleotide content of the TAV genome revealed a significant CG dinucleotide depletion at the genome ends that suggests methylation of these genomic regions during the viral life cycle. Phylogenetic analysis of the viral gene products, including penton and hexon proteins, viral protease, terminal protein, protein VIII, DNA polymerase, protein IVa2, and 100,000-molecular-weight protein, revealed that the evolutionary lineage of TAV forms a separate branch within the phylogenetic tree of the Mastadenovirus genus

    Characterization of Expression of Puumala Virus Nucleocapsid Protein in Transgenic Plants

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    Transgenic plants expressing a foreign gene are a suitable system for the production of relevant immunogens in high amounts that can be used for the development of a new generation of vaccines against a variety of infectious diseases. In the present study, the expression of the nucleocapsid (N) protein of hantavirus serotype Puumala in tobacco and potato plants was investigated. Transgenic tobacco and potato plants were generated and established. These transgenic plants expressed the N protein of Puumala virus strain CG-1820. No major differences were observed when the phenotype and growth rates of transgenic plants were compared to those of normal plants. However, it was found that the leaves of transgenic tobacco plants were more slender and the tubers of transgenic potato plants were smaller than those in normal plants. In order to investigate the distribution of the expression of the foreign gene in transgenic plants, the proteins of leaves and roots of the individual transgenic tobacco and potato plants were examined by Western blot analyses. It was found that all transgenic tobacco and potato plants expressed the N protein in the leaves, whereas transgenic potato plants are able to significantly express the viral proteins also in the tubers and roots. The antigens were expressed at a level of 1 ng of protein/5 μg of dried leaves. The hantaviral recombinant N proteins obtained from transgenic tobacco and potato plants were able to elicit specific humoral and mucosal immune responses when administered intraperitoneally or orally to rabbits and mice. The expression of viral proteins in plants has two major advantages compared to other expression systems: firstly, there is no risk of contamination with mammalian viruses or other pathogens, and secondly, the production of high amounts of antigens is cheap and therefore of great economic interest.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich