12 research outputs found

    Membentuk Jati Diri & Karakter Anak Bangsa Sejak Usia Dini

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    Ciri penting dari sumber daya manusia berkualitas adalah pintar (inteligent), cerdas (smart) dan akhirnya bijak (wise) dan bijaksana (wisom) dalam bersikap, berkata dan bertindak baik untuk dirinya sendiri apalagi untuk orang lain dan alam semesta. Prasayarat untuk mencapai kondisi tersebut maka setiap orang harus sehat baik fisik meupun mental psikologis, memperoleh pendidikan yang tinggi dan bermutu, berjiwa kreatif dan produktif serta jadi pekerja keras sehingga bebas dari kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan dalam hidup berkeluarga dan bermasyarakat. Proses pembentuk dan pembinaan sikap dan perilaku tersebut dimulai dari keluarga, dilanjutkan di sekolah, ditempat bekerja dan akhir dalam hidup bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Proses itu terjadi dalam pembentukan kepribadian (personality), jati diri (personal identity) dan akhirnya jadi watak (character) pribadi atau masyarakat. Karena itu penanaman akhlak dan budi pekerti (ethics and morale) kata Mark Weber perlu dilakukan sejak kecil, kemudian di sekolah yang harus lebih banyak dalam bentuk sikap dan perilaku dari orang tua, guru, atasan atau pemimpin formal dan informal dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam era globalisasi peran media massa juga sangat kuat pengaruhnya. Semua faktor itu harus dirancang dan dipersiapkan dengan baik dan seksama agar tidak jadi perusak kepribadian, jati diri.Tujuan ini bermaksud untuk mengajak pembaca dalam upaya mendalami proses pembentukan jati diri dan karakter masyarakat dan bangsa Indonesia yang kuat, kreatif, jujur dan adil. Proses terbentuk sejak kecil sampai dewasa. Dalam proses tersebut contoh teladan dari orang dewasa baik pemimpin formal, penyelenggara negara maupun pemuka masyarakat akan sangat berpengaruh. Dalam tulisan ini tentu masih banyak kelemahan dan kekurangan, tetapi untuk mencapai hasil lebih baik harus berani memulai asal bersedia dikritik agar mendapat masukan yang berguna. Karena itu setiap saran akan diterima dengan senang hati.xxv+203 hlm; 15x23 c

    Membina keharmonisan dan ketahanan keluarga

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    xxv, 274 hl

    Right ventricular systolic echocardiographic parameters in chronic systolic heart failure and prognosis

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    Background: Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction is associated with poor prognosis in patients with heart failure (HF). Several RV echocardiographic parameters have been proposed as sensitive markers to detect patients at risk. Objective: The aim is to compare the predictive value of several RV systolic echocardiographic parameters for adverse outcome in patients with chronic systolic HF. Methods: We assessed 117 patients with chronic systolic HF and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <40% for the following: (i) RV fractional area change (RVFAC), (ii) tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), (iii) integral of the systolic wave (ISWtdi), and (iv) peak systolic velocity (Satdi). ISWtdi and Satdi were measured using tissue Doppler imaging at the tricuspid annulus. The primary endpoint was death, urgent transplantation, or acute HF episode requiring hospital admission. The follow-up extended for one year. Results: Fifty-two patients reached the primary endpoint. The cut-off thresholds for RVFAC, TAPSE, Satdi, and ISWtdi defined using receiver-operating characteristic curves were 30%, 15.5 mm, 10.0 cm/s, and 2.4 cm, respectively. The area under the curve and the 95% confidence interval for RVFAC, TAPSE, Satdi, and ISWtdi were 0.71(0.65–0.85), 0.66(0.55–0.76), 0.85(0.70–0.96), and 0.75(0.64–0.86), respectively. NYHA > 2, and Satdi were found to be independent predictors of adverse outcome. Conclusion: Satdi is an independent predictor of adverse outcome in HF at a threshold value of 10.0 cm/s and appears to be superior to other RV systolic echocardiographic parameters

    Analisis data rawak terikan-lesu menggunakan kaedah statistik purata-tergerak

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    This paper presents the analysis of fatigue road loading which was measured on a component of an automobile suspension system. Thus, this significant technique was introduced for preserving data associated to the underlying probabilistic properties that are related to the fatigue damage. The analysis was based on the fatigue damage potential, which was related to the random variables in a time series data. Using this data type, the analysis was performed by means of the statistical method, such as the Moving Average technique. This model can then be applied to estimate the data trend by using the related Moving Average models in order to reduce a random variation of fatigue data. In this study, the data were experimentally measured on an automobile suspension system which was travelling over a public road surface. During the measurement, the data collection was performed at the sampling rate of 200Hz in the 300 second of the record length. For the analysis, the Moving Average method was applied to the fatigue data in order to determine the parameters related to Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Squared Deviation (MSD). In addition, the significant analysis of data correlation based on Autocorrelation Function (ACF) and Partial Autocorrelation Function (PACF) was also discussed. Finally, it is suggested that this method provided a good platform to process the changeable random fatigue strain loading in order to produce a stationary data, with the removal of the nonstationary parts

    Does high-dose intracoronary adenosine improve regional systolic left ventricular function in patients with acute myocardial infarction?

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    Background: Reperfusion injury limits the beneficial effects of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the setting of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Adenosine limits reperfusion injury in animal models. Objective: Is to study the effects of high-dose intracoronary adenosine administration in the setting of primary PCI on coronary blood flow and regional left ventricular function. Methods: Sixty patients with a definite diagnosis of ST elevation AMI within 6 h from the onset of chest pain were randomly allocated to receive adenosine (6 mg) or saline placebo (on a 1:2 ratio) as an adjunct to primary PCI with assessment of TIMI flow, TIMI myocardial blush grade (MBG), and occurrence of no-reflow. Systolic (S) wave velocity was recorded at the mitral annulus in the territory of the infarct related artery using pulsed-wave tissue Doppler within 24 h from admission and one week after PCI. Results: Both groups showed no significant difference in terms of age, sex, risk factors, infarct location, and distribution of coronary artery disease. The adenosine group showed a higher incidence of TIMI III flow (95% vs. 65%, p < 0.03), a higher incidence of MBG 2-3 (95% vs. 67.5%, p < 0.007), and a lower incidence of no-reflow (10% vs. 45%, p < 0.006). Only in the adenosine group, there was a significant improvement in the annular pulsed tissue Doppler S wave velocity at the infarct-related territory at day-7 (p < 0.01). Conclusion: High-dose adenosine administration in the setting of primary PCI improves myocardial perfusion and regional left ventricular systolic function