467 research outputs found

    Using geographic information systems (GIS) to measure community integration and accessibility for people with disabilities who were once homeless

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    Thesis (Sc.D.)--Boston UniversityThis purpose ofthis dissertation is to expand the understanding of the community integration of individuals with disabilities who used to be homeless but now have permanent housing. Current measures of community integration rely on self-report assessments that often quantify physical or social participation, but fail to capture the individual's spatial presence in the community, accessibility to resources, and neighborhood characteristics that may promote or impede integration efforts. To sustain the momentum of research in community integration and recovery, new techniques using activity maps created by participants combined with quantitative assessments of integration are an important next step. The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques in combination with a participatory mapping interview provides a more comprehensive approach to evaluating community integration. In addition, GIS calculations of an individual's activity space area based on the drawn maps may provide meaningful information about one's activity and movement patterns within the community in relation to other measures of community integration. Finally, by having individuals create their own maps, they define what community means and what locations are important to them in the integration process. The first study measures the size ofan individual's activity space, or spatial extent of one's day-to-day interactions in the community, and compares this measure to the results of more traditional, survey-based community integration measures. Methods in the first study also explore the types of locations, activities, and resources that are identified as important to individuals in their interaction with the community, as well as test the significance of family involvement and feeling part of the community. The second study examines the relationship of proximity to community features within the individual's immediate environment to both community integration outcomes and the types of locations used. Methodological strengths of these studies include identification of current community integration activities from the individual's perspective and using a spatial approach to measure the impact of accessibility and neighborhood characteristics on community integration

    Clinicopathological study of benign ovarian tumuors

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    Background: The incidence of ovarian tumor amongst gynecological admissions have been reported to vary from 1-3 %. About 75% of these tumors have been found to be benign. Ovarian malignancies represent the greatest clinical challenge of all the gynecological malignancies. During the reproductive years most of the ovarian tumors encountered are benign. About 2/3 of the ovarian tumors are encountered in this group only. The chance that an ovarian tumor is malignant in a patient younger than 45 years is 1 in 15. The differentiation of the benign from malignant tumors can go wrong even with imaging modalities.CA125 along with ultrasound are useful in differentiating benign from malignant tumors. Histopathological examination is gold standard for diagnosis of ovarian neoplasm.Methods: The present study includes consecutive cases of histopathologically proven ovarian tumors of 3 years from June 2010 to May 2013 reported by the Department of Pathology of our tertiary care center. It includes total 150 cases. After careful study of gross findings, appropriate bits were taken from received ovarian specimen, followed by routine paraffin processing to make H and E stained slides. Special stains were used wherever needed.Results: Majority of the cases 91 (60.67%) were benign, 53 (35.33%) were malignant and 6 (4.0%) were borderline. Surface epithelial tumours were the most common type (68.13%) of ovarian neoplasm in this study. Most of tumours in our study occurred in the age group of 21-40 years. Mucinous cystadenomas were most common benign surface epithelial tumour and most common benign tumors overall. There were 22 cases of benign germ cell tumor, all were mature teratoma. All the sex-cord stromal tumours were diagnosed in women older than 40 years. Most common benign lesion in our study is surface epithelial tumour and in age group of 21-40 years. 84% patients studied had symptoms at presentation, out of which 26% of patient presented with dull/dragging pain. Pan hysterectomy was the most common procedure for surgical management.Conclusions: Most of ovarian neoplasm are benign with mucinous cystadenoma being commonest entity. Commonest age group is 21-40 years. Commonest benign germ cell tumor is Mature cystic teratoma. Commonest clinical symptom is dull/dragging pain. Pan hysterectomy was the most common procedure for surgical management.

    Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Kesenjangan Upah Gender

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    Kesenjangan berdasarkan gender masih terjadipada seluruh aspek kehidupan di dunia. United Nation Development Programme menyatakan dalam Human Development Report bahwa hal penting dalam pembangunan manusia adalah pertumbuhan ekonomi yang merata antar generasi, jenis kelamin dan wilayah. Salah satu bentuk kesenjangan gender yaitu kesenjangan upah. Kesenjangan upah laki-laki dan perempuan menarik banyak perhatian dalam literature ekonomi karena kaitannya dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji faktor Gross Domestic Product (GDP) terhadap tingkat kesenjangan upah gender pada negara-negara ASIA. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa GDP per kapita dan index ratio of estimated female to male earned income dari 32 negara di Asia tahun 2005-2007 dalam laporan United Nations Human Development Report.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin maju suatu negara maka tingkatkesenjangan upah semakin rendah

    Relationship between Bulk Metal Concentration and Bioavailability in Tropic Estuarine Sediments

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    Major (Si, Al, Fe, Ti, Mg, Ca, Na, K, S, P), minor (Mn) and trace (Li, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sr, Zr, Mo, Cd, Ag, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Pb, Bi and U) elements, their chemical forms and the mineral composition, organic matter (TOC) and carbonates (TIC) in surface sediments from the Cai River estuary and Nha Trang Bay were first determined along the salinity gradient. The abundance and ratio of major and trace elements in surface sediments are discussed in relation to the mineralogy, grain size, depositional conditions, reference background and SQG values. Most trace-element contents are at natural levels and are derived from the composition of rocks and soils in the watershed. A severe enrichment of Ag is most likely derived from metal-rich detrital heavy minerals such as Ag-sulphosalts. Along the salinity gradient, several zones of metal enrichment occur in surface sediments because of the geochemical fractionation of the riverine material. The parts of actually and potentially bioavailable forms (isolated by four single chemical reagent extractions) are most elevated for Mn and Pb (up to 36% and 32% of the total content, respectively). The possible anthropogenic input of Pb in the region requires further study. Overall, the most bioavailable parts of trace elements are associated with easily soluble amorphous Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides. The sediments are primarily enriched with bioavailable metal forms in the riverine part of the estuary. Natural (such as turbidities) and human-generated (such as urban and industrial activities) pressures are shown to influence the abundance and speciation of potential contaminants and therefore change their bioavailability in this estuarine system