23 research outputs found

    Checklist of Hydrophiloidea of Turkey (Coleoptera: Polyphaga)

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    WOS: 000288198400004The superfamily Hydrophiloidea of Turkey is catalogued. A total of 23 genera and 161 valid species and subspecies are recorded of which six species (3.7%) are recorded as endemic. Forty-eight species and two subspecies are from the family Helophoridae, three species are from the family Georissidae, seven species are from the family Hydrochidae, two species are from the family Spercheidae and 95 species and four subspecies are from the family Hydrophilidae. Distributions of these species within Turkey are given according to the 81 administrative divisions of the country. The catalogue is based on examination of the primary literature and also includes some records from specimens examined in collections. Taxa are arranged hierarchically under the categories of family, subfamily, tribe, subtribe (where recognized), genus, subgenus (where recognized), species and subspecies (where recognized)

    Checklist of Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae and Dytiscidae of Turkey (Coleoptera: Adephaga)

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    WOS: 000268276500003An updated species list of four beetle families is given for Turkey. A total of 35 genera and 167 species and subspecies are known to occur in Turkey. Ten species and two subspecies are from the family Gyrinidae, 16 species are from the family Haliplidae, three species are from the family Noteridae and 129 species and seven subspecies are from the family Dytiscidae

    Türkiye’nin batısında, Kütahya ilinde sphaeridium fabricus, 1775 (coleoptera: hydrophilidae) cinsi üzerine bir çalışma

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    Coprophilous Hydrophilidae were sampled from June 2010 to May 2011 using baited pitfall traps in 14 localities at different altitudes (469m-1810m) in Kütahya, western Turkey. As a result of the study, a total of 668 samples belonging to 5 species were identified. The identified specimens are Sphaeridium bipustulatum Fabricius, 1781, S. lunatum Fabricius, 1792, S. marginatum Fabricius, 1787, S. scarabaeoides (Linnaeus, 1758) and S. substriatum Faldermann, 1838, among which S. lunatum is recorded from Turkey for the first time. S. bipustulatum and S. marginatum, which made up 80.69% of all collected beetles determined as eudominante. The highest number of specimens was obtained from December to April meaning that the Sphaeridium community in the study area reached its highest number in winter and spring.Türkiye batısında Kütahya’da, Haziran 2010’dan Mayıs 2011’e kadar, 14 lokalitede ve farklı yüksekliklerde (469m1810m) yemli çukur tuzaklar kullanılarak koprofil Hydrophilidae örnekleri toplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda toplam 5 türe ait 668 örnek tespit edilmiştir. Toplanan örneklerin Sphaeridium bipustulatum Fabricius, 1781, S. lunatum Fabricius, 1792, S. marginatum Fabricius, 1787, S. scarabaeoides (Linnaeus, 1758) ve S. substriatum Faldermann, 1838 türlerine ait oldukları belirlenmiştir. S. lunatum Türkiye’den ilk kez kayıt edilmiştir. Toplanan böceklerin %80,69'unu oluşturan S. bipustulatum ve S. marginatum en baskın türler olarak belirlenmiştir. Aralık ayından Nisan ayına kadar yoğun örnek elde edilmiş olması, çalışma alanı içerisindeki Sphaeridium popülasyonlarının kış ve ilkbahar döneminde en yüksek birey sayılarına ulaştığını göstermektedir

    Murgul bakır madeni sahasından etkilenen sucul entomofauna (Coleoptera) dağılımının araştırılması ve Artvin'deki yeni faunistik kayıtlar

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    66 insect samples from three localities where vicinity of the Murgul copper mine were collected between June to September 2020 to investigate water beetle (Coleoptera) entomofauna of Murgul (Artvin). Totally twelve species, all of which belong to Dytiscidae and Hydrophilidae determined and reported here. Nine of them as Hydrophilidae (6 Laccobius, 1 Enochrus, 1 Hydrobius, 1 Coelostoma), and of which three as Dytiscidae (1 Agabus, 1 Deronectes, 1 Hydroglyphus) were determined. In addition, Hydroglyphus pusillus, Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) sculptus and Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) sulcatulus were recorded from Artvin for the first time. Laccobius, with six species, identified in the study area, is conspicuous compared to the other two genera. The study highlights that the mine affected habitats should be evaluated and monitored in terms of heavy metal concentration of biotic and abiotic environments.Murgul’un (Artvin) sucul böcek (Coleoptera) faunasını belirlemek için Murgul Bakır Madeni civarındaki üç lokaliteden Haziran-Temmuz 2020 ayları arasında örnekleme yapıldı. Toplamda Dytiscidae ve Hydrophilidae ait 12 tür elde edildi. Bunlardan 9 tanesi Hydrophilidae (6 Laccobius, 1 Enochrus, 1 Hydrobius, 1 Coelostoma), ve 3 tanesi Dytiscidae (1 Agabus, 1 Deronectes, 1 Hydroglyphus) ait türlerdir. Hydroglyphus pusillus, Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) sculptus ve Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) sulcatulus türleri Artvin ilinden ilk kez kaydedilmiştir. Çalışma alanında tespit edilen altı tür ile Laccobius, diğer iki cinse göre sayı olarak fazladır. Bu çalışma, madenden etkilenen habitatların biyotik ve abiyotik örneklerde ağır metal konsantrasyonu açısından değerlendirilmesi ve izlenmesi gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır

    Further study on Chasmogenus and Paracymus from Turkey (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)

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    WOS: 000266083500014The first records of the genus Chasmogenus SHARP, 1882 and Chasmogenus livornicus (KUWERT, 1890), Paracymus relaxus REY, 1884 are given from Turkey. The characteristic features are shortly described and illustrated, data on distribution and ecological notes are also given

    Replacement names for some preoccupied chalcidoid genera (hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)

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    WOS: 000264951200004Eight junior homonyms that were described by hymenopterologist Z. Boucek were found among the hymenopteran genus group names. Thus, the following replacement names are proposed as follows: In Pteromalidae: Pteromalinae; Neobabina nom. nov. for Babina Boucek, 1993 (nec Thompson, 1912), Austrobriania nom. nov. for Briania Boucek, 1988 (nec Chasen & Kloss, 1930), Noyesiella nom. nov. for Duartea Boucek, 1993 (nec Mendes, 1959), and Neocairnsia nom. nov. for Cairnsia Boucek, 1988 (nec Blackburn, 1895); in Pteromalidae: Ormocerinae; Boucekocerna nom. nov. for Cerna Boucek, 1988 (nec Klimaszewski, 1974) and Neoedgaria nom. nov. for Edgaria Boucek, 1988 (nec Klimaszewski, 1974); in Pteromalidae: Miscogasterinae; Neosusteraia nom. nov. for Susteraia Boucek, 1972 (nec Bechyne, 1950), and; in Agaonidae: Sycoryctinae; Hymenotenka nom. nov. for Tenka Boucek, 1988 (nec Barrande, 1881). Accordingly, new combinations are herein proposed for the species currently included in these genus group names, respectively: Neobabina gracilis (Boucek, 1993) comb. nov. from Babina gracilis Boucek, 1993; Austrobriania kukensis (Boucek, 1988) comb. nov. from Briania kukensis Boucek, 1988; Noyesiella daphne (Girault, 1917) comb. nov. from Duartea daphne (Girault, 1917); Neocairnsia stylifera (Boucek, 1988) comb. nov. from Cairnsia stylifera Boucek, 1988; Boucekocerna kohouti (Boucek, 1988) comb. nov. from Cerna kohouti Boucek, 1988; Neoedgaria blackburni (Girault, 1928) comb. nov. from Edgaria blackburni (Girault, 1928); Neosusteraia acerina (Boucek, 1972) comb. nov. from Susteraia acerina (Boucek, 1972) and Hymenotenka percaudata (Boucek, 1988) comb. nov. from Tenka percaudata Boucek, 1988

    Pakistan faunası için yeni bir kayıt: Hydaticus leander (Rossi, 1790) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)

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    Hydaticus leander (Rossi, 1790) is recorded from Pakistan for the first time. Faunistic data are also given for some species.Hydaticus leander (Rossi, 1790) türü Pakistan’dan ilk kez bu çalışma ile kaydedilmişti

    The genus enochrus thomson (coleoptera: hydrophilidae) from turkey, checklist and new records

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    WOS: 000273203500025A review of the Enochrus species recorded from Turkey is provided. Twelve species of the genus recorded by previous authors are summarized, Enochrus halophilus (Bedel) and Enochrus politus (Kuster) are recorded for the first time to the Turkish fauna and additional some records are provided from the country. Diagnostic characters of some species as well as the photographs of their aedeagophores are provided. Several species known previously from only a few localities in Turkey have been shown to have much wider distributions in the country