975 research outputs found

    Participatory approach for integrated basin planning with focus on disaster risk reduction : the case of the Limpopo river

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    This paper defends the idea that a participatory approach is a suitable method for basin planning integrating both water and land aspects. Assertions made are based on scientific literature review and corroborated by field experience and research carried out in the Limpopo River basin, a transboundary river located in southern Africa which is affected by periodical floods. The paper explains how a basin strategic plan can be drafted and disaster risk reduction strategies derived by combining different types of activities using a bottom-up approach, despite an institutional context which operates through traditional top-down mechanisms. In particular, the "Living with Floods" experience in the lower Limpopo River, in Mozambique, is described as a concrete example of a disaster adaptation measure resulting from a participatory planning exercise. In conclusion, the adopted method and obtained results are discussed and recommendations are formulated for potential replication in similar contexts of the developing world

    Personnel Outsourcing and Corporate Performance

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    This paper was carried out to study personnel outsourcing and corporate performance. In carrying out this study, the researcher used AGIP Oil Company in Port Harcourt as a case study. A total number of fifty one (51) questionnaires were administered to employees in the personnel department of the company. The Yaro Yemen’s formula was adopted during the determination of the sample size. Hypotheses were also formulated and tested using the chi-square statistical/mathematical technique. The researcher uncovered that there is a significant effect of personnel outsourcing on corporate performance. The researcher further recommended that as a result of the findings, that organisations should see outsourcing of personnel function and other areas very important as it contribute to the transfer of knowledge from external vendors to internal employees, and make the organisation to reduce their cost of operation and make them stand out in a competitive ground. Also, that before organisations implement the process of outsourcing, they should first of all establish a training course to make sure that employees have the knowledge and an idea of the process. That employers should also try as much as possible to ensure that they establish a good relationship between internal employees and external employees by hosting both formal and informal meetings to bring them together and others. Keywords: Personnel, Outsourcing, Performanc

    Editorial: Physical geography beyond the 20th century

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    In his book “The Nature of Physical Geography”, published in 1985, Ken Gregory wrote in the preface: “Physical geography is now poised for great development in view of the focus of recent works and research and the advent of new technology including the microcomputer, electronic instrumentation and enhanced remote sensing” (Gregory, 1985). Indeed, during the last twenty years we saw a growing number of books and articles in which physical geographers direct their attention definitively to new..

    Graduate Recital: Veronica Dapper

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    Kemp Recital HallApril 2, 2016Saturday Afternoon3:00 p.m

    Geoarchaeological observations on the Roman town of Ammaia

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    This article presents, for the first time, multidisciplinary geoarchaeological work by a joint Belgo-Italian team from the universities of Ghent and Cassino in and around the Roman urban site of Ammaia in the northern Alentejo region of Portugal. This project is a geoarchaeological case study to investigate the conditioning effects of landscape and landscape evolution on a Roman urban site (and vice versa) in the Iberian peninsula. The site and landscape presentation is followed by a brief discussion of the aims and approaches of the chosen geoarchaeological strategy. With this study we approach the cultural landscape around Ammaia by means of techniques which combine methods both of the geosciences and of archaeological survey. The specific problems of assessing and reconstructing a Roman landscape, much altered by physical movements of the soil and by a two-millennia long period of human interference, will therefore be tackled in a multidisciplinary way. This means first of all making use of all relevant cartographic material, available aerial photographs and relevant satellite images. All important pre-existing archaeological information is inventoried and mapped and new fieldwork organised. This fieldwork, combining traditional archaeological survey techniques and geomorphologic observations, is being used to build a database of landscape features and sites with archaeological relevance for the period concerned. As many field data and cartographic elements as possible are being assembled in a Geographic Information System, specifically developed for this project. This GIS has already enhanced much new cartographic material of crucial importance in reconstructing the landmarks of the site and territory of Ammaia in the first centuries of our era and has helped to evaluate and interpret the evolution of the landscape shortly before, during, and since Roman times. A large part of this contribution is dedicated to reporting on some major observations and results obtained during three field campaigns, in the summers of 2001, 2002 and 2004. These results relate primarily to three fields of archaeological concern with specific relevance to the landscape background: the tracing of the circuit wall of the Roman city, the intra-urban cartography and the supply of water to the urban area during Roman imperial times. The authors believe these investigations to be examples of good practice in the field of geoarchaeology of the classical Mediterranean landscape

    Leadership Styles and Entrepreneurial Orientation

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    The style and form of leadership is critical to the organization’s inclination and engagement in entrepreneurial activities and behaviour. This is as leadership styles offer either support and encouragement for entrepreneurial orientation or a stifling of innovativeness and pro-activeness through strict policies which emphasize conformity and unequivocal adherence to standards and norms. This paper is a critical review of leadership styles and their relationship with entrepreneurial orientation. The paper assessed five leadership styles – autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional and transformational leadership styles; and their impact on entrepreneurial orientation. The discourse revealed that the democratic and transformational leadership styles both share qualities and content which encourage and support entrepreneurial orientation characteristics such as aggressive competitiveness, innovativeness, pro-activeness, risk-taking and autonomy. The paper concluded that both leadership styles – democratic and transformational leadership style; evidently support and enhance organization’s capacity and tendency for entrepreneurial orientation. Keywords: Entrepreneurial orientation, leadership style, autocratic, lasses-faire, democratic, transactional, transformational. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-8-11 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Formation coordination and network management of UAV networks using particle swarm optimization and software-defined networking

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    In recent years, with the growth in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), UAV-based systems have become popular in both military and civil applications. The lack of reliable communication infrastructure in these scenarios has motivated the use of UAVs to establish a network as flying nodes, also known as UAV networks. However, the high mobility degree of flying and terrestrial users may be responsible for constant changes in nodes’ positioning, which makes it more challenging to guarantee their communication during the operational time. In this context, this work presents a framework solution for formation coordination and network management of UAVs, which aims to establish and maintain a set of relays units in order to provide a constant, reliable and efficient communication link among user nodes - which are performing individual or collaborative missions on its turn. Such a framework relies on a set of formation coordination algorithms - including the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) evolutionary algorithm -, and also considers the use of Software-defined Networking-based (SDN) communication protocol for network management. For coordination proposes, a novel particle selection criteria is proposed, which aims to guarantee network manageability of UAV formations, therefore being able to guarantee service persistence in case of nodes’ failure occurrence, as well as to provide required network performance, as a consequence. Simulations performed in OMNeT++ show the efficiency of the proposed solution and prove a promising direction of the solution for accomplishing its purposes.Em regiões de confrontos militares, em cenários pós-catástrofes naturais e, inclusive, em grandes áreas de cultivo agrícola, é comum a ausência de uma infra-estrutura préestabelecida de comunicação entre usuários durante a execução de uma ou mais operações eventuais. Nestes casos, Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANTs) podem ser vistos como uma alternativa para o estabelecimento de uma rede temporária durante essas missões. Para algumas aplicações, a alta mobilidade destes usuários podem trazem grandes desafios para o gerenciamento autônomo de uma estrutura de comunicação aérea, como a organização espacial dos nós roteadores e as políticas de encaminhamento de pacotes adotadas durante a operação. Tendo isso em vista, esse trabalho apresenta o estudo de uma solução que visa o estabelecimento e manutenção das conexões entre os usuários - nos quais executam tarefas individuais ou colaborativas -, através do uso de algoritmos de coordenação de formação - no qual inclui o algoritmo evolucionário Otimização por Enxame de Partículas -, e, também, de conceitos relacionados a Rede Definidas por Software para o gerenciamento da rede. Ainda, é proposto um novo critério de seleção das partículas do algoritmo evolucionário, visando garantir gerenciabilidade das topologias formadas e, consequentemente, a persistência do serviço em caso de falha dos nós roteadores, assim como o cumprimento de especificações desejadas para o desempenho da rede. Simulações em OMNeT++ mostraram a eficácia da proposta e sustentam o modelo proposto a fim de atingir seus objetivos