4 research outputs found

    Las interacciones sociales, la religiosidad y el endeudamiento de los hogares europeos

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    O endebedamento desempeña un papel importante no benestar financeiro das economías domésticas. Por iso, o estudo dos factores que poden estar detrás do nivel de endebedamento dos fogares pódese xustificar tanto desde unha perspectiva macroeconómica como microeconómica. Boa parte da literatura analizou o endebedamento desde un prisma económico tradicional, enfocándose sobre variables convencionais de natureza económica e demográfica. En cambio, esta investigación ten como obxectivo principal a análise da relación entre a relixiosidade e as interaccións sociais dous factores conductuales- coas tres tipos de débedas - débedas ao consumo, débedas hipotecarias e débedas informais- sendo a unidade de análise os fogares europeos cuxa cabeza de familia é unha persoa con 50 ou máis anos en 2015

    The influence of sociability over non-mortgage debt

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    In recent years, especially after the recent economic downturn, household debt has increased in importance, due to its influence on the economy in general and on households’ wellbeing in particular. Therefore, the study of household debt turns out to be necessary in order to know what leads to its demand, and thus to avoid situations of over-indebtedness. In this regard, previous research has analysed debt decisions from different approaches, however, the effect of individuals’ sociability has been neglected in literature. To this end, the aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of sociability on the Europeans’ decision to incur non-mortgage debt. The study sample, taken from the sixth wave (year 2015) of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, consists of 68,231 people from 18 European countries and also Israel. After applying probit binomial models, empirical evidence confirms the non-negligible effect of sociability on households’ non-mortgage debts. However, this effect depends on the underlying mechanisms through which sociability operates. Thus, when the sociability variable reflects learning based on the transmission of information (or 'word of mouth'), its influence over non-mortgage debt is positive, whereas when sociability reflects learning based on observation, the effect is negativeS

    The effect of self-control upon participation in voluntary pension schemes

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    Population ageing, together with the recent economic downturn and its aftermath, are giving considerable cause for concern as regards the future sustainability of public pension systems. Voluntary pension schemes emerge here as an alternative to supplement the public pension pillar, and therefore, understanding how individuals make their financial decisions when participating in voluntary pension schemes becomes a question of key importance. There is a growing literature aimed at analysing this issue, but few studies to date have analysed the effect of behavioural traits on participation in voluntary pension schemes. Particularly, an analysis of the effect of self-control on this financial decision will be the aim of this paper. Based on data from the International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy, this paper analyses, through probit regression models, the effect of financial self-control, besides other control variables, e.g., gender, on the holding of financial assets for retirement savings. Empirical evidence reveals that higher levels of financial self-control are positively associated with saving for retirement. Moreover, when this variable is considered, the statistically significant effect of other driving forces traditionally highlighted by previous literature disappears. Therefore, our empirical evidence supports the need to consider behavioural issues in explaining individuals’ financial decisionsS

    Abstracts of 1st International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics (ICCAP’2021) Organized by the Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria, held on 26–28 September 2021. The Conference had a variety of Plenary Lectures, Oral sessions, and E-Poster Presentations. Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Computational & Applied PhysicsConference Acronym: ICCAP’2021Conference Date: 26–28 September 2021Conference Location: Online (Virtual Conference)Conference Organizer: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria