61 research outputs found

    Spin-chirality decoupling in the one-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass with long-range power-law interactions

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    We study the issue of the spin-chirality decoupling/coupling in the ordering of the Heisenberg spin glass by performing large-scale Monte Carlo simulations on a one-dimensional Heisenberg spin-glass model with a long-range power-law interaction up to large system sizes. We find that the spin-chirality decoupling occurs for an intermediate range of the power-law exponent. Implications to the corresponding dd-dimensional short-range model is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Monte Carlo studies of the chiral and spin orderings of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass

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    The nature of the ordering of the three-dimensional isotropic Heisenberg spin glass with nearest-neighbor random Gaussian coupling is studied by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Several independent physical quantities are measured both for the spin and for the chirality, including the correlation-length ratio, the Binder ratio, the glass order parameter, the overlap distribution function and the non-self-averageness parameter. By controlling the effect of the correction-to-scaling, we have obtained a numerical evidence for the occurrence of successive chiral-glass and spin-glass transitions at nonzero temperatures, T_{CG} > T_{SG} > 0. Hence, the spin and the chirality are decoupled in the ordering of the model. The chiral-glass exponents are estimated to be \nu_{CG}=1.4+-0.2 and \eta_{CG}=0.6+-0.2, indicating that the chiral-glass transition lies in a universality class different from that of the Ising spin glass. The possibility that the spin and chiral sectors undergo a simultaneous Kosterlitz-Thouless-type transition is ruled out. The chiral-glass state turns out to be non-self-averaging, possibly accompanying a one-step-like peculiar replica-symmetry breaking. Implications to the chirality scenario of experimental spin-glass transitions are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures. The Chi^2-analysis of the transition point has been added with new Fig.12. Some references also adde

    Investigate the Structural Response of Ultra High Performance Concrete Column under the High Explosion

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    Most of the structures that are damaged by an explosion are not initially designed to resist this kind of load. In the overall structure of any building, columns play an important role to prevent the collapse of frame structure under blast impact. Hence, the main concept in the blast resistance design of the structure is to improve the blast load capacity of the column. In this study, dynamic analysis and numerical model of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) column under high explosive load, is presented. Based on the Johnson Holmquist 2 damage model and the subroutine in the ABAQUS platform, a total of twenty UHPC model of the column were calculated. The objective of the article is to investigate the structural response of the UHPC column and locate the most vulnerable scenarios to propose necessary recommendations for the UHPC column in the blast loading resistance design. The input parameters, including the effect of various shapes of cross-section, scaled distance, steel reinforcement ratio, and cross-section area, are analyzed to clarify the dynamic behavior of the UHPC column subjected to blast loading. Details of the numerical data, and the discussion on the important obtained results, are also provided in this paper

    Anharmonic EXAFS and its Parameters of HCP Crystals: Theory and Comparison to Experiment

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    A new theory for ab initio calculation of the anharmonic Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and its parameters of hcp crystals has been developed based on the single- shell model. Analytical expressions for the anharmonic contributions to the amplitude and to the phase of EXAFS and a new anharmonic factor have been derived. The EXAFS cumulant expressions are formulated based on the anharmonic correlated Einstein model. The EXAFS function and its parameters contain anharmonic effects at high temperature and appoach those of the harmonic model at low temperature. Numerical results for Zn agree well with the experimental values


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    In order to develop an ELISA KIT for detection of domoic acid (DA) in seafood in Vietnam, DA antibody was produced by immunizing in New Zealand white rabbit using DA-DSS (disuccinimidyl suberate)-BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) as an antigen. The DA antibody in rabbit’s serum was purified for its use as a material of ELISA KIT. In antibody/antigen purification process, immunoaffinity chromatography (IAC) is considered as the best method by both its specification and ability to enrich antibody. However, DA is a hapten, and it is impossible to apply a regular immunizing principal for making an IAC column with DA as a solid phase to catch DA antibody. This paper presents a trial using polymer sepharose EAH 4B resin (omega-aminohexyl) IAC bound with hapten DA as a solid phase for DA antibody purification from rabbit’s serum. Using DSS as a chemical linker; then, based on the reaction between a carboxyl group of DA and a carbodiimide group of the resin EAH 4B, we were successful to make the IAC column with DA-DSS as the solid phase. Recovery ratio of the made IAC column reached 91.5 ± 1.5% (n = 3) to capture the antibody against DA standard. DA antibody from white rabbit’s serum was eluted successfully using this column with 0.5 M NaCl; 0.1 M PBS and then, 0.1 M Ldy-HCl solutions (pH 2.7). The obtained antibody was qualified by Western Blot using a specific reaction with the 2nd specific antibody HRP-labeled anti-goat IgG and the confirmed result revealed that it can be used as ELISA KIT material.Nhằm phục vụ phát triển bộ KIT ELISA phát hiện nhanh độc tố vi tảo domoic acid trong sản phẩm thủy sản tại Việt Nam, kháng thể kháng độc tố này đã được sản xuất bằng liệu pháp miễn dịch trên thỏ trắng New Zealand. Với ưu điểm có khả năng tinh sạch nhanh và cô đặc kháng thể, phương pháp sắc ký ái lực được lựa chọn để tinh chế kháng thể từ huyết thanh thỏ sau miễn dịch nhằm đáp ứng yêu cầu sử dụng làm vật liệu cho KIT ELISA. Tuy nhiên, do domoic acid là một bán kháng nguyên (hapten) nên không thể áp dụng nguyên tắc miễn dịch thông thường trong chế tạo cột sắc ký ái lực miễn dịch sử dụng độc tố này làm giá bắt kháng thể. Bài báo này trình bày kết quả thử nghiệm chế tạo cột sắc ký ái lực miễn dịch sepharose omega-aminohexyl với giá bắt kháng thể là bán kháng nguyên domoic acid để tinh chế kháng thể kháng domoic acid trong huyết thanh thỏ. Sử dụng cầu nối hóa học dissuccinyl substrate để tạo khả năng bắt kháng thể của phân tử domoic acid; sau đó, trên nguyên tắc kết hợp gốc carboxyl của phân tử domoic acid với gốc carbodiimide của hạt sepharose omega-aminohexyl, chúng tôi đã chế tạo thành công cột sắc ký ái lực bắt kháng thể kháng domoic acid với hiệu suất thu hồi đạt 91,5 ± 1,5% (n = 3) khi thử nghiệm với kháng thể chuẩn. Sử dụng cột sắc ký ái lực này với dịch giải cột lần lượt là NaCl 0,5 M; PBS 0,1 M và Ldy-HCl (pH 2,7) 0,1 M; đã thu nhận được kháng thể kháng domoic acid từ huyết thanh thỏ. Western Blot với kháng thể đặc hiệu HRP-labeled anti-goat IgG cho thấy, sản phẩm kháng thể thu nhận được từ quy trình này đạt độ tinh sạch làm vật liệu cho KIT ELISA

    Numerical evidence of the spin-chirality decoupling in the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass

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    Ordering of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass with Gaussian coupling is studied by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. The model undergoes successive chiral-glass and spin-glass transitions at nonzero temperatures T_{CG} > T_{SG} > 0, exhibiting the spin-chirality decoupling

    Analysis of rDNA reveals a high genetic diversity of Halophila major in the Wallacea region

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    The genus Halophila shows the highest species diversity within the seagrass genera. Southeast Asian countries where several boundary lines exist were considered as the origin of seagrasses. We hypothesize that the boundary lines, such as Wallace’s and Lydekker’s Lines, may act as marine geographic barriers to the population structure of Halophila major. Seagrass samples were collected at three islands in Vietnamese waters and analyzed by the molecular maker ITS. These sequences were compared with published ITS sequences from seagrasses collected in the whole region of interest. In this study, we reveal the haplotype and nucleotide diversity, linking population genetics, phylogeography, phylogenetics and estimation of relative divergence times of H. major and other members of the Halophila genus. The morphological characters show variation. The results of the ITS marker analysis reveal smaller groups of H. major from Myanmar, Shoalwater Bay (Australia) and Okinawa (Japan) with high supporting values. The remaining groups including Sri Lanka, Viet Nam, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Two Peoples Bay (Australia) and Tokushima (Japan) showed low supporting values. The Wallacea region shows the highest haplotype and also nucleotide diversity. Non-significant differences were found among regions, but significant differences were presented among populations. The relative divergence times between some members of section Halophila were estimated 2.15–6.64 Mya

    Damage detection for a cable-stayed Bridge under the effect of moving loads using Transmissibility and Artificial Neural Network

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    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been widely used for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) in the last decades. To detect damage in the structure, ANN often uses input data consisting of natural frequencies or mode shapes. However, this data is not sensitive enough to accurately identify minor structural defects. Therefore, in this study, we propose to use transmissibility to generate input data for the input layer of ANN. Transmissibility uses output signals exclusively to preserve structural dynamic properties and is sensitive to damage characteristics. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed approach, a cable-stayed bridge with a wide variety of damage scenarios is employed. The results show that the combination of transmissibility and ANN not only accurately detect damages but also outperforms natural frequencies-based ANN in terms of accuracy and computational cost