11 research outputs found

    Interleukin-6 and Interferon-α Signaling via JAK1–STAT Differentially Regulate Oncolytic versus Cytoprotective Antiviral States

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    Malignancy-induced alterations to cytokine signaling in tumor cells differentially regulate their interactions with the immune system and oncolytic viruses. The abundance of inflammatory cytokines in the tumor microenvironment suggests that such signaling plays key roles in tumor development and therapy efficacy. The JAK–STAT axis transduces signals of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interferons (IFNs), mediates antiviral responses, and is frequently altered in prostate cancer (PCa) cells. However, how activation of JAK–STAT signaling with different cytokines regulates interactions between oncolytic viruses and PCa cells is not known. Here, we employ LNCaP PCa cells, expressing (or not) JAK1, activated (or not) with IFNs (α or γ) or IL-6, and infected with RNA viruses of different oncolytic potential (EHDV-TAU, hMPV-GFP, or HIV-GFP) to address this matter. We show that in JAK1-expressing cells, IL-6 sensitized PCa cells to viral cell death in the presence or absence of productive infection, with dependence on virus employed. Contrastingly, IFNα induced a cytoprotective antiviral state. Biochemical and genetic (knockout) analyses revealed dependency of antiviral state or cytoprotection on STAT1 or STAT2 activation, respectively. In IL-6-treated cells, STAT3 expression was required for anti-proliferative signaling. Quantitative proteomics (SILAC) revealed a core repertoire of antiviral IFN-stimulated genes, induced by IL-6 or IFNs. Oncolysis in the absence of productive infection, induced by IL-6, correlated with reduction in regulators of cell cycle and metabolism. These results call for matching the viral features of the oncolytic agent, the malignancy-induced genetic-epigenetic alterations to JAK/STAT signaling and the cytokine composition of the tumor microenvironment for efficient oncolytic virotherapy

    Implementation of photonic true time delay using high-order-mode dispersion compensating fibers

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    We demonstrate the advantageous use of highly dispersive (>450 ps/nm·km), high-order-mode (HOM) fiber modules for true time delay applications. Along with their low insertion loss, very low phase ripple (root mean squar

    BImplementation of photonic true time delay using high-order-mode dispersion compensating fibers

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    Abstract-We demonstrate the advantageous use of highly dispersive ( 450 ps nm km), high-order-mode (HOM) fiber modules for true time delay applications. Along with their low insertion loss, very low phase ripple (root mean square 0 3 over 0-20 GHz), and high immunity to nonlinear effects, the high dispersion values facilitate the construction of devices with relatively short fibers, resulting in improved tolerance of the radio frequency delay to thermal changes. The implications of multiple path interference effects in HOM modules are also studied and shown to be very small

    Glu257 in GroEL is a sensor involved in coupling polypeptide substrate binding to stimulation of ATP hydrolysis

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    The ATPase activity of many types of molecular chaperones is stimulated by polypeptide substrate binding via molecular mechanisms that are, for the most part, unknown. Here, we report that such stimulation of the ATPase activity of GroEL is abolished when its conserved apical domain residue Glu257 is replaced by alanine. This mutation is also found to convert the ATPase profile of GroEL, a group I chaperonin, into one that is characteristic of group II chaperonins. Steady-state and transient kinetic analysis indicate that both effects are due, at least in part, to a reduction of the affinity of GroEL for ADP. This finding indicates that nonfolded proteins stimulate ATP hydrolysis by accelerating the off-rate of the ADP formed, thereby allowing more rapid cycles of ATP binding and hydrolysis