135 research outputs found

    Light-induced hexatic state in a layered quantum material

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    The tunability of materials properties by light promises a wealth of future applications in energy conversion and information technology. Strongly correlated materials such as transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) offer optical control of electronic phases, charge ordering and interlayer correlations by photodoping. Here, we find the emergence of a transient hexatic state in a TMDC thin-film during the laser-induced transformation between two charge-density wave (CDW) phases. Introducing tilt-series ultrafast nanobeam electron diffraction, we reconstruct CDW rocking curves at high momentum resolution. An intermittent suppression of three-dimensional structural correlations promotes a loss of in-plane translational order characteristic of a hexatic intermediate. Our results demonstrate the merit of tomographic ultrafast structural probing in tracing coupled order parameters, heralding universal nanoscale access to laser-induced dimensionality control in functional heterostructures and devices

    Ultrafast sublattice pseudospin relaxation in graphene probed by polarization-resolved photoluminescence

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    Electronic pseudospin degrees of freedom in two-dimensional materials exhibit unique carrier-field interactions which allow for advanced control strategies. Here, we investigate ultrafast sublattice pseudospin relaxation in graphene by means of polarization-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. A comparison with microscopic Boltzmann simulations allows us to determine a lifetime of the optically aligned pseudospin distribution of 12±2fs. This experimental approach extends the toolbox of graphene pseudospintronics, providing additional means to investigate pseudospin dynamics in active devices or under external fields

    Biosensing platform combining label-free and labelled analysis using Bloch surface waves

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    Bloch surface waves (BSW) propagating at the boundary of truncated photonic crystals (1D-PC) have emerged as an attractive approach for label-free sensing in plasmon-like sensor configurations. Due to the very low losses in such dielectric thin film stacks, BSW feature very low angular resonance widths compared to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) case. Besides label-free operation, the large field enhancement and the absence of quenching allow utilizing BSW coupled fluorescence detection to additionally sense the presence of fluorescent labels. This approach can be adapted to the case of angularly resolved resonance detection, thus giving rise to a combined label-free / labelled biosensor platform. It features a parallel analysis of multiple spots arranged as a one-dimensional array inside a microfluidic channel of a disposable chip. Application of such a combined biosensing approach to the detection of the Angiopoietin-2 cancer biomarker in buffer solutions is reported

    Investigating Alkylated Prodigiosenes and Their Cu(II)-Dependent Biological Activity: Interactions with DNA, Antimicrobial and Photoinduced Anticancer Activity

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    Prodigiosenes are a family of red pigments with versatile biological activity. Their tripyrrolic core structure has been modified many times in order to manipulate the spectrum of activity. We have been looking systematically at prodigiosenes substituted at the C ring with alkyl chains of different lengths, in order to assess the relevance of this substituent in a context that has not been investigated before for these derivatives: Cu(II) complexation, DNA binding, self-activated DNA cleavage, photoinduced cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity. Our results indicate that the hydrophobic substituent has a clear influence on the different aspects of their biological activity. The cytotoxicity study of the Cu(II) complexes of these prodigiosenes shows that they exhibit a strong cytotoxic effect towards the tested tumor cell lines. The Cu(II) complex of a prodigiosene lacking any alkyl chain excelled in its photoinduced anticancer activity, thus demonstrating the potential of prodigiosenes and their metal complexes for an application in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Two derivatives along with their Cu(II) complexes showed also antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus strains

    Ultrafast transmission electron microscopy using a laser-driven field emitter: Femtosecond resolution with a high coherence electron beam

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    We present the development of the first ultrafast transmission electron microscope (UTEM) driven by localized photoemission from a field emitter cathode. We describe the implementation of the instrument, the photoemitter concept and the quantitative electron beam parameters achieved. Establishing a new source for ultrafast TEM, the Göttingen UTEM employs nano-localized linear photoemission from a Schottky emitter, which enables operation with freely tunable temporal structure, from continuous wave to femtosecond pulsed mode. Using this emission mechanism, we achieve record pulse properties in ultrafast electron microscopy of 9 Å focused beam diameter, 200 fs pulse duration and 0.6 eV energy width. We illustrate the possibility to conduct ultrafast imaging, diffraction, holography and spectroscopy with this instrument and also discuss opportunities to harness quantum coherent interactions between intense laser fields and free-electron beams

    Publisher's Note: “Attosecond state-resolved carrier motion in quantum materials probed by soft x-ray XANES” [Appl. Phys Rev. 8, 011408 (2021)]

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    Recent developments in attosecond technology led to table-top x-ray spectroscopy in the soft x-ray range, thus uniting the element- and state-specificity of core-level x-ray absorption spectroscopy with the time resolution to follow electronic dynamics in real-time. We describe recent work in attosecond technology and investigations into materials such as Si, SiO2, GaN, Al2O3, Ti, and TiO2, enabled by the convergence of these two capabilities. We showcase the state-of-the-art on isolated attosecond soft x-ray pulses for x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy to observe the 3d-state dynamics of the semi-metal TiS2 with attosecond resolution at the Ti L-edge (460 eV). We describe how the element- and state-specificity at the transition metal L-edge of the quantum material allows us to unambiguously identify how and where the optical field influences charge carriers. This precision elucidates that the Ti:3d conduction band states are efficiently photo-doped to a density of 1.9 × 1021 cm−3. The light-field induces coherent motion of intra-band carriers across 38% of the first Brillouin zone. Lastly, we describe the prospects with such unambiguous real-time observation of carrier dynamics in specific bonding or anti-bonding states and speculate that such capability will bring unprecedented opportunities toward an engineered approach for designer materials with pre-defined properties and efficiency. Examples are composites of semiconductors and insulators like Si, Ge, SiO2, GaN, BN, and quantum materials like graphene, transition metal dichalcogens, or high-Tc superconductors like NbN or LaBaCuO. Exiting are prospects to scrutinize canonical questions in multi-body physics, such as whether the electrons or lattice trigger phase transitions
