16 research outputs found

    Zróżnicowanie poziomu płac w Polsce w układzie przestrzennym

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Molecular foundations of chilling-tolerance of modern maize

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    Gene Ontology categories of GO class “Molecular Function” significantly over-represented among transcripts down-regulated by cold treatment in S50676 inbred line. (PDF 233 kb

    Plant cell wall - a green future structure

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    Ściana komórkowa, oparta na celulozowym szkielecie, jest charakterystyczną strukturą roślin lądowych i glonów. Przez trzysta lat uważana była za bierną i ograniczającą wzrost i rozwój komórek. Dziś wiadomo, że ściana, otaczając i zamykając każdą komórkę, umożliwia jej także kontakt z sąsiednimi komórkami i ze środowiskiem, przenikanie substancji i cząsteczek sygnałowych, kontroluje kierunek wzrostu, nadając kształt komórce i całej roślinie, a także chroni przed atakami patogenów i niekorzystnymi czynnikami środowiska. Aby właściwie wypełniać te zadania, ściana musi być nie tylko dynamiczną i ściśle regulowaną strukturą, odbierającą i odpowiadającą na wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne sygnały, ale jak uważają niektórzy, całym systemem, "inteligentną granicą", zdolną do koordynacji procesów wzrostu i rozwoju indywidualnych komórek, prowadzących do odpowiedzi całej rośliny na zmieniające się warunki środowiska. To skomplikowane zadanie jest realizowane przez ściany, których skład różni się w zależności od typu komórki, jej stadium rozwoju czy nawet pory roku. Obecna praca jest próbą przybliżenia czytelnikowi choć niewielkiej części nowo poznanych zagadnień, związanych ze ścianą, jej rolą, mechanizmami funkcjonowania oraz praktycznym wykorzystaniem w rolnictwie, przemyśle spożywczym, papierniczym czy energetycznym.A distinguishing feature of plant and algae cells is the presence of a cellulose-rich wall. For three hundred years plant cell walls were described as static and rigid. Today cell walls are considered as very dynamic structures which enclose each cell still allowing transfer of solutes and signaling molecules between the cells themselves and the cells and environment, control of cells and the whole plant form, growth and development; they play also a significant role in plant defense and their responses to environmental stresses. To fulfill these functions plant cell walls must be a tightly regulated dynamic system in charge of sensing, processing and responding to internal and external cellular signals, functioning as an "intelligent frontier" capable to co-ordinate growth of the whole-plant by optimizing growth and differentiation of individual cells. This paper attempts to review a small part of current works aimed to elucidate the role and functions of plant cell walls and their practical implications for obtainment of plant-based products: food, fodder, textiles, paper, biopolymers and biofuels

    Activity of L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in winter rape leaves treated with cold

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    Altered Cell Wall Plasticity Can Restrict Plant Growth under Ammonium Nutrition

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    Plants mainly utilize inorganic forms of nitrogen (N), such as nitrate (NO3–) and ammonium (NH4+). However, the composition of the N source is important, because excess of NH4+ promotes morphological disorders. Plants cultured on NH4+ as the sole N source exhibit serious growth inhibition, commonly referred to as “ammonium toxicity syndrome.” NH4+-mediated suppression of growth may be attributable to both repression of cell elongation and reduction of cell division. The precondition for cell enlargement is the expansion of the cell wall, which requires the loosening of the cell wall polymers. Therefore, to understand how NH4+ nutrition may trigger growth retardation in plants, properties of their cell walls were analyzed. We found that Arabidopsis thaliana using NH4+ as the sole N source has smaller cells with relatively thicker cell walls. Moreover, cellulose, which is the main load-bearing polysaccharide revealed a denser assembly of microfibrils. Consequently, the leaf blade tissue showed elevated tensile strength and indicated higher cell wall stiffness. These changes might be related to changes in polysaccharide and ion content of cell walls. Further, NH4+ toxicity was associated with altered activities of cell wall modifying proteins. The lower activity and/or expression of pectin hydrolyzing enzymes and expansins might limit cell wall expansion. Additionally, the higher activity of cell wall peroxidases can lead to higher cross-linking of cell wall polymers. Overall, the NH4+-mediated inhibition of growth is related to a more rigid cell wall structure, which limits expansion of cells. The changes in cell wall composition were also indicated by decreased expression of Feronia, a receptor-like kinase involved in the control of cell wall extension

    Diversity of Biodeteriorative Bacterial and Fungal Consortia in Winter and Summer on Historical Sandstone of the Northern Pergola, Museum of King John III’s Palace at Wilanow, Poland

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    The aim of the presented investigation was to describe seasonal changes of microbial community composition in situ in different biocenoses on historical sandstone of the Northern Pergola in the Museum of King John III’s Palace at Wilanow (Poland). The microbial biodiversity was analyzed by the application of Illumina-based next-generation sequencing methods. The metabarcoding analysis allowed for detecting lichenized fungi taxa with the clear domination of two genera: Lecania and Rhinocladiella. It was also observed that, during winter, the richness of fungal communities increased in the biocenoses dominated by lichens and mosses. The metabarcoding analysis showed 34 bacterial genera, with a clear domination of Sphingomonas spp. across almost all biocenoses. Acidophilic bacteria from Acidobacteriaceae and Acetobacteraceae families were also identified, and the results showed that a significant number of bacterial strains isolated during the summer displayed the ability to acidification in contrast to strains isolated in winter, when a large number of isolates displayed alkalizing activity. Other bacteria capable of nitrogen fixation and hydrocarbon utilization (including aromatic hydrocarbons) as well as halophilic microorganisms were also found. The diversity of organisms in the biofilm ensures its stability throughout the year despite the differences recorded between winter and summer

    Diversity of Biodeteriorative Bacterial and Fungal Consortia in Winter and Summer on Historical Sandstone of the Northern Pergola, Museum of King John III’s Palace at Wilanow, Poland

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    The aim of the presented investigation was to describe seasonal changes of microbial community composition in situ in different biocenoses on historical sandstone of the Northern Pergola in the Museum of King John III’s Palace at Wilanow (Poland). The microbial biodiversity was analyzed by the application of Illumina-based next-generation sequencing methods. The metabarcoding analysis allowed for detecting lichenized fungi taxa with the clear domination of two genera: Lecania and Rhinocladiella. It was also observed that, during winter, the richness of fungal communities increased in the biocenoses dominated by lichens and mosses. The metabarcoding analysis showed 34 bacterial genera, with a clear domination of Sphingomonas spp. across almost all biocenoses. Acidophilic bacteria from Acidobacteriaceae and Acetobacteraceae families were also identified, and the results showed that a significant number of bacterial strains isolated during the summer displayed the ability to acidification in contrast to strains isolated in winter, when a large number of isolates displayed alkalizing activity. Other bacteria capable of nitrogen fixation and hydrocarbon utilization (including aromatic hydrocarbons) as well as halophilic microorganisms were also found. The diversity of organisms in the biofilm ensures its stability throughout the year despite the differences recorded between winter and summer