4 research outputs found

    Technologie de production simultanée de purée et du jus de tomate

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    La tomate est un produit maraîcher très important dans l’alimentation humaine en Afrique et dans le monde. L’objectif de l’étude est d’évaluer une nouvelle méthode de transformation simultanée de la tomate en purée et en jus comestible. La durée de la production, la quantité d’énergie et les rendements de la purée et du jus ont été évalués. L’ancienne méthode permet d’avoir uniquement la purée par évaporation et concentration. Avec la nouvelle méthode, la purée, le jus: salé à 1% et non salé ont été produits puis caractérisés sur le plan organoleptique et nutritionnel surtout pour le jus le plus apprécié par les participants. Les résultats obtenus montrent que pour transformer 15 kg de tomate, la durée de cuisson et la consommation en énergie pour la méthode 1 et 2 sont respectivement de 1 heure et 4 heures de 3 kg et 8,5 kg de charbon. La nouvelle méthode a donné un rendement en purée de 22,66% contre 24,33% pour l’ancienne méthode. Le test sensoriel a révélé que 70% des participants ont apprécié le jus salé et 30% pour le jus non salé. Les teneurs en vitamines C et β carotènes sont presque les mêmes pour les deux jus.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Tomate, transformation, purée, jusEnglish Title: Technology of simultaneous production of tomato purée and juiceEnglish AbstractTomato is a very important gardening product in the human food in Africa and in the world. The aim of the study is to evaluate a new method of tomato process simultaneously tomato into purée and edible juice. The parameters evaluated were: production time, energy used and yields of purée and juice obtained. The former method allows only for the purée production through evaporation and concentration. With the new method, in addition to purée of tomato, two types of juice: 1% salted and unsalted were produced and characterized for sensory aspects and nutritional only for the juice mostly appreciated by panelists. The results indicated that to process 15 kg of tomatoes, the cooking time is one hour with low power consumption 3 kg of charcoal for the new method while for the former method, the duration is 4 hours and 8.5 kg of charcoal used. The new method gave 22.66% of purée yield against 24.33% for the old method. The sensory test revealed that 70% of participants liked the salted juice and 30% unsalted juice. The contents in vitamin C and β-carotenes are nearly the same for the two juices.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Tomato, processing, purée, juice

    Effet De La Technologie, Du Cultivar Et De La Durée De Conservation Sur La Stabilité Et La Qualité Du Lait De Soja (Glycine maxima)

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    Three technologies named D (wet dehulled soybeans seeds), B (boiled soybean seeds before dehulling) and T (roasted soybean seeds before dehulling) for stabilized soymilk production were tested with TGX (large grain size) and Jupiter (small grain size) cultivars. Production yields, sensory, physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of produced milks were determined over a period of 3 months. . The bottled milk was sterilized at a temperature of 115°C under a pressure of 0.7 bar for one hour. The milks were stored at temperature storage place 27°C (for 3 months). The milk yield for technology D is 90.87 % for the jupiter and 92.01 % for the TGX. These yields are higher than the other technologies. Whatever the technology, the TGX cultivar gives a better yield 92.01 %. Sensory analysis revealed that the milk produced with technology D and jupiter cultivar is more appreciated by the 77 % panelist. This milk has a pH of 7.14 at the day of production and decreases to 6.83 after 3 months of storage. Protein, fat and Dry Soluble Matter (DSM) content decreased after storage by 4.30 to 4.13 %, 1.7 to 1.2 % and from 11.68 to 10.28 °Brix respectively. The viscosity was 1.24 cp at the beginning and 1.38 cp after storage. After 3 months of storage, the milk is stable and its microbiological quality complies with accepted standards in relation to spores, coliforms, yeasts and molds

    What variety of rice is the most appropriate for the parboiling in Gogounou and Banikoara districts in the Northern-Benin?

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    Objective: Assessment of the parboiling ability of the three (03) most used varieties of rice (IR 841, Oroukokey and Burkina) in the districts of Banikoara and Gogounou (north Benin). Methodology and Results: Two approaches were used: (i) Parboiling test of the three varieties of paddy rice, (ii) Assessment of the physical quality of the parboiled rice just after husking and also after cooking. For each variety, 40 kg of paddy rice was parboiled by the processors and parboiling parameters were assessed. After husking, a sample of 1 kg of parboiled rice was taken and half (500 g) is cooked. The cooked and uncooked samples were submitted to the 20 consumer’s appreciation. The results obtained showed that no significant difference (p>0.05) was observed between the three varieties of rice tested considering parameters: hot soaking duration, steaming duration, amount of water consumed during the hot soaking and during the steaming. The physical assessment of the uncooked rice samples obtained after the drying process showed that the IR 841 variety is more attractive (54.89 %) compared to the Burkina (31.57 %) and Oroukokey (13.54 %) varieties. IR 841 was found to have attractive aroma (50%) than the Oroukokey (20%) and Burkina (30%) varieties. Considering the cooked form of the three parboiled rice, the panellists preferred Burkina variety in the first position followed by the IR 841 variety and then third Oroukokey variety. Conclusions and application of findings: The three varieties tested (IR 841, Oroukokey and Burkina) can be used for parboiling. But the IR 841 variety is the best suitable for parboiling compared to the two other varieties because of its husking yield, attractive colour, natural flavour and its good taste highly appreciated by the women rice parboilers

    Cooking Characteristics of Three Parboiled Rice Varieties Locally Produced in Gogounou and Banikoara in North-Benin

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    Abstract. The cooking ability of three (03) parboiled varieties (IR 841, Oroukokey and Burkina) was evaluated. The method used consisted of four (04) steps: (i) Experimental determination of rice cooking parameters, (ii) evaluation of the three cooking rice methods, (iii) physical quality assessment of the three cooked rice samples and (iv) validation of the best rice cooking method by the women processors. At the laboratory level, results obtained show that for 5 g of every rice variety tested, the variety IR 841 cooked more quickly than the two othervarieties with a cooking time of 24±2 min for IR 841 and 31.25±1.25min and 29±1min respectively for the Oroukokey and Burkina varieties. As for the swelling capacity, the Oroukokey varieties and Burkina swelled more (3.31±0.15% and 3.77±0.34% respectively) than IR 841 variety (2.99±0.22%). Results of the three cooking methods tested with the restaurants, showed that the double cooking and the steam cooking was the most suitable method for cooking of IR 841 whereas the direct cooking method was most preferred for the Oroukokey and Burkina varieties. In conclusion, the double cooking methods was recommended for IR 841while direct cooking method was recommended for the Oroukokey and Burkina varieties.Keywords: IR 841, Oroukokey, Burkina, local, appropriate preparation